Now I Know How Christians Feel

Question to the Born Again Christians -

If there's one thing I can't stand is born agains. I credit them for waking me up though. I was a faithful Greek Orthodox and I ran into a born again who asked me, "are you sure you know where you are going to go when you die?" Of course setting me up for the fact that I wasn't baptized as an adult. This is their angle. They tell you how your religion has it wrong, even if it's a Christian faith. They have a hook to steal other Christians from other sects away. Brilliant really. If you didn't make the choice yourself as a child to get baptized, you have to do it again as an adult. Even if you believe as an adult after being baptized as a child, that aint good enough. You MUST be born again and that means you MUST go through the ritual of being baptized. Preferrably by one of their preachers because lets face it. If the Greek orthordox got this wrong, what else do they have wrong, right? LOL.
Quick question

If you're Orthodox doesn't that mean you follow Scripture rather literally?

Because even Jesus had to be baptized.

Are we somehow exempt while He wasn't? Wouldn't that put us above Him?
Why would anybody actually WANT to be a muslim? Do they like being oppressed or something?

Dear S.J. Anyone who enjoys being oppressed censored and namecalled,
should join the Democrats and try being a Constitutionalist.

I didn't "choose" this calling, it chose me.
I can only sympathize with people whose callings are either as Muslim,
Christian, Atheist, Buddhist, etc. that finds them at odds with politics in the world.

People have a spiritual calling and purpose, that drives and defines each of us.
We cannot help what is internally embedded in our conscience as our core beliefs.
We may express them in different ways, but the core principles we all have underneath are universal as part of being human and interconnected as a society.

How can we help each other develop and fulfill the good purposes we share in common, and avoid the conflicts and pitfalls?
My point is that knowing what Islam does to people, and the atrocities its followers are committing all over the world TODAY (not a thousand years ago), what would make someone even consider becoming one?
Question to the Born Again Christians -

If there's one thing I can't stand is born agains. I credit them for waking me up though. I was a faithful Greek Orthodox and I ran into a born again who asked me, "are you sure you know where you are going to go when you die?" Of course setting me up for the fact that I wasn't baptized as an adult. This is their angle. They tell you how your religion has it wrong, even if it's a Christian faith. They have a hook to steal other Christians from other sects away. Brilliant really. If you didn't make the choice yourself as a child to get baptized, you have to do it again as an adult. Even if you believe as an adult after being baptized as a child, that aint good enough. You MUST be born again and that means you MUST go through the ritual of being baptized. Preferrably by one of their preachers because lets face it. If the Greek orthordox got this wrong, what else do they have wrong, right? LOL.

Read the Bible, Sealy, and do what it says and you'll be fine. Anyone who is trying to steal you away to their church is acting in the flesh. The purpose of sharing the Gospel is not so that you will join "my church" or send money to "my favorite ministry". No. The purpose of the Gospel is to see you saved and your name written in the Lamb's book of Life so that when you die you will be in heaven. That is the purpose and the motive should be the Love of Jesus Christ in our hearts for you. Because God loves you very, very much. There is no one on earth like you, Sealy! No one. God made you and you are unique, special, wonderfully made! He loves you!
Got that one wrong. Care to try and sum up Muhammad's message in one sentence?

The Quran itself summarises Muhammad's message in one sentence, many times over.
It says " Obey Allah and the messenger". What that really means is obey the messenger, Muhammad.
Fight his wars for him and die for him otherwise he will set Allah on you.

Dear Dajjal The problem is taking the full message out of context.
The point is for followers to receive ALL sent by God including the Jewish Torah, the Christian Scripture,
the Muslim Quran, and indirectly respecting civil authority as part of the Christian Scriptures
(the truly consistent faithful followers of Islam respect both civil authority and Christians and Jewish
as part of their own teachings; and some even would argue the natural laws the Constitution
is based on were first taught by Mohammad and came from that influence)

There is not supposed to be any political conflict, which is clearly of man
under the spirit of antichrist and not of God in the spirit of Christ or universal conscience.

Whoever is putting their personal beliefs and politics above the whole collective is not fully following God or
the teachings in Islam that teach to receive and respect all that is sent by God. This goes for people on both sides.
It's just that some religious or cult followings are more dangerous than others if they hijack and abuse whole govts
to impose their bidding. The worst danger is mixing religion with gov and authority military actions that bypass due process.
As long as people respect democratic due process, any political or religious conflicts can be worked out mutuallly.
if you look at all cases of corporate, religious or political abuses, the way they bypass checks is to suppress
and obstruct due process and right of defense, equal protections and right to petition to redress grievances.

As long as people agree to follow civil and natural laws on respecting the will of others equally, and also collectively
as a whole, then these abuses wouldn't go so far as to cause violence, destruction and death.
We'd still have differences, but would find ways to work around them instead of declaring war by one group on another
trying to dominate, bully and control each other. Any religion or party can be abused to oppress others,
but the real danger is when this is mixed with GOVT that becomes MANDATORY in authority.

We need to resolve conflicts LONG before ti gets to the point of abusing Govt to push an agenda on everyone else.
We don't agree with an opposing group pushing their beliefs through Govt we don't agree with.
Instead of bullying back and forth to get our way, why not work out solutions all sides agree are optimal.

We'd have to start with ourselves and our own constituents
before we expect people in other countries to do the same instead of fighting more wars of conquest.

I'd like to see more leading by example. Starting locally and working globally.
Why would anybody actually WANT to be a muslim? Do they like being oppressed or something?

Dear S.J. Anyone who enjoys being oppressed censored and namecalled,
should join the Democrats and try being a Constitutionalist.

I didn't "choose" this calling, it chose me.
I can only sympathize with people whose callings are either as Muslim,
Christian, Atheist, Buddhist, etc. that finds them at odds with politics in the world.

People have a spiritual calling and purpose, that drives and defines each of us.
We cannot help what is internally embedded in our conscience as our core beliefs.
We may express them in different ways, but the core principles we all have underneath are universal as part of being human and interconnected as a society.

How can we help each other develop and fulfill the good purposes we share in common, and avoid the conflicts and pitfalls?
My point is that knowing what Islam does to people, and the atrocities its followers are committing all over the world TODAY (not a thousand years ago), what would make someone even consider becoming one?

Dear S.J.
1. some people in other countries may join out of coercion, that if you are not Muslim you could be targeted
2. some may join similar to how the JW recruit people who see there is more spiritual value connecting as a community than remaining outside by themselves.
People may have no hope or sense of belonging or purpose, but joining group where a positive connections is made on a LOCAL level may lend more support to them than worrying about the messes going on with global groups that are abusing the same religion for politics.

eg just because Wal-Mart corporation is blamed for enabling slave labor, and destructive business practices that have shut down family businesses or whole towns, that isn't enough of a problem for everyone to quit buying slave-made products and/or shopping at Wal-Mart. The positive value gained from convenience and saving money is seen as outweighing the "global evil" associated with Wal-Mart and other corporations taking full advantage of the collective influences and resources they have to go unchecked and get away with whatever they want.

3. some may join because they feel a calling to correct the wrongs, and need to do this as a MEMBER of that community and not an outsider.

People ask me about why I try to work with Democrats, and I feel that is my calling to work within the party to resolve things and unite other members and leaders around solutions that come from us, not outside.

4. there can be other reasons, but the main one I see is that people connect with "one group or another" to organize.
so that when the solutions to problems come together with leaders or members of each group, then ALL members of that group that agree to follow their leaders will also align around solutions.
It is a shortcut to organizing mass populations of people in community and social structures.

The same group mentality that can be abused for bad intentions
can be used for good intentions, where it is faster to implement solutions by getting the leaders on board
and letting the masses follow after.
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Question to the Born Again Christians -

If there's one thing I can't stand is born agains. I credit them for waking me up though. I was a faithful Greek Orthodox and I ran into a born again who asked me, "are you sure you know where you are going to go when you die?" Of course setting me up for the fact that I wasn't baptized as an adult. This is their angle. They tell you how your religion has it wrong, even if it's a Christian faith. They have a hook to steal other Christians from other sects away. Brilliant really. If you didn't make the choice yourself as a child to get baptized, you have to do it again as an adult. Even if you believe as an adult after being baptized as a child, that aint good enough. You MUST be born again and that means you MUST go through the ritual of being baptized. Preferrably by one of their preachers because lets face it. If the Greek orthordox got this wrong, what else do they have wrong, right? LOL.
Quick question

If you're Orthodox doesn't that mean you follow Scripture rather literally?

Because even Jesus had to be baptized.

Are we somehow exempt while He wasn't? Wouldn't that put us above Him?
I was baptized as a child. All Greek Orthodox children are at a very young age.
Question to the Born Again Christians -

If there's one thing I can't stand is born agains. I credit them for waking me up though. I was a faithful Greek Orthodox and I ran into a born again who asked me, "are you sure you know where you are going to go when you die?" Of course setting me up for the fact that I wasn't baptized as an adult. This is their angle. They tell you how your religion has it wrong, even if it's a Christian faith. They have a hook to steal other Christians from other sects away. Brilliant really. If you didn't make the choice yourself as a child to get baptized, you have to do it again as an adult. Even if you believe as an adult after being baptized as a child, that aint good enough. You MUST be born again and that means you MUST go through the ritual of being baptized. Preferrably by one of their preachers because lets face it. If the Greek orthordox got this wrong, what else do they have wrong, right? LOL.

Read the Bible, Sealy, and do what it says and you'll be fine. Anyone who is trying to steal you away to their church is acting in the flesh. The purpose of sharing the Gospel is not so that you will join "my church" or send money to "my favorite ministry". No. The purpose of the Gospel is to see you saved and your name written in the Lamb's book of Life so that when you die you will be in heaven. That is the purpose and the motive should be the Love of Jesus Christ in our hearts for you. Because God loves you very, very much. There is no one on earth like you, Sealy! No one. God made you and you are unique, special, wonderfully made! He loves you!
It says a lot. After I read the bible I read the red letter bible. Just the stuff Jesus said.
Question to the Born Again Christians -

If there's one thing I can't stand is born agains. I credit them for waking me up though. I was a faithful Greek Orthodox and I ran into a born again who asked me, "are you sure you know where you are going to go when you die?" Of course setting me up for the fact that I wasn't baptized as an adult. This is their angle. They tell you how your religion has it wrong, even if it's a Christian faith. They have a hook to steal other Christians from other sects away. Brilliant really. If you didn't make the choice yourself as a child to get baptized, you have to do it again as an adult. Even if you believe as an adult after being baptized as a child, that aint good enough. You MUST be born again and that means you MUST go through the ritual of being baptized. Preferrably by one of their preachers because lets face it. If the Greek orthordox got this wrong, what else do they have wrong, right? LOL.
Quick question

If you're Orthodox doesn't that mean you follow Scripture rather literally?

Because even Jesus had to be baptized.

Are we somehow exempt while He wasn't? Wouldn't that put us above Him?
I was baptized as a child. All Greek Orthodox children are at a very young age.

You are so precious. Sometimes I wonder if you know how much God loves you. You are just such a unique person, Sealy! When you read the story about John the Baptist calling the people to come and repent of their sins and be baptized do you think about how it would be impossible for a baby to repent or be baptized according to Scripture? What would be the purpose when as a baby had you died you would immediately have been with God, Sealy? God does not ask babies to repent but those of the age of reason - who know the difference between right and wrong. Does that make sense? With that said, it would be right for you to be baptized and know what you are doing when you receive forgiveness for your sins and accept Jesus as your Savior. I didn't get baptized right away - it was some months later I believe.
Question to the Born Again Christians -

If there's one thing I can't stand is born agains. I credit them for waking me up though. I was a faithful Greek Orthodox and I ran into a born again who asked me, "are you sure you know where you are going to go when you die?" Of course setting me up for the fact that I wasn't baptized as an adult. This is their angle. They tell you how your religion has it wrong, even if it's a Christian faith. They have a hook to steal other Christians from other sects away. Brilliant really. If you didn't make the choice yourself as a child to get baptized, you have to do it again as an adult. Even if you believe as an adult after being baptized as a child, that aint good enough. You MUST be born again and that means you MUST go through the ritual of being baptized. Preferrably by one of their preachers because lets face it. If the Greek orthordox got this wrong, what else do they have wrong, right? LOL.
Quick question

If you're Orthodox doesn't that mean you follow Scripture rather literally?

Because even Jesus had to be baptized.

Are we somehow exempt while He wasn't? Wouldn't that put us above Him?
I was baptized as a child. All Greek Orthodox children are at a very young age.

You are so precious. Sometimes I wonder if you know how much God loves you. You are just such a unique person, Sealy! When you read the story about John the Baptist calling the people to come and repent of their sins and be baptized do you think about how it would be impossible for a baby to repent or be baptized according to Scripture? What would be the purpose when as a baby had you died you would immediately have been with God, Sealy? God does not ask babies to repent but those of the age of reason - who know the difference between right and wrong. Does that make sense? With that said, it would be right for you to be baptized and know what you are doing when you receive forgiveness for your sins and accept Jesus as your Savior. I didn't get baptized right away - it was some months later I believe.
Us Greek Orthodox don't believe you have to go through the baptism ceremony again. To be Born Again as an adult just means the day you come to believe/accept/follow Jesus on your own. Is it really mandatory that I go through the ritual at a church or in front of another holy man? I think not.

Anyways doesn't matter because I wiped out my baptism by becoming an atheist. Last time I watched a baptism the priest said 5 times to the god father, "do you renounce satan?" and inside I was laughing because I thought, "what if that was me up there? What would I say to him? Would I say I do, or would I start an argument with him and say, "well actually I don't believe in Satan". lol
Question to the Born Again Christians -

If there's one thing I can't stand is born agains. I credit them for waking me up though. I was a faithful Greek Orthodox and I ran into a born again who asked me, "are you sure you know where you are going to go when you die?" Of course setting me up for the fact that I wasn't baptized as an adult. This is their angle. They tell you how your religion has it wrong, even if it's a Christian faith. They have a hook to steal other Christians from other sects away. Brilliant really. If you didn't make the choice yourself as a child to get baptized, you have to do it again as an adult. Even if you believe as an adult after being baptized as a child, that aint good enough. You MUST be born again and that means you MUST go through the ritual of being baptized. Preferrably by one of their preachers because lets face it. If the Greek orthordox got this wrong, what else do they have wrong, right? LOL.
Quick question

If you're Orthodox doesn't that mean you follow Scripture rather literally?

Because even Jesus had to be baptized.

Are we somehow exempt while He wasn't? Wouldn't that put us above Him?
I was baptized as a child. All Greek Orthodox children are at a very young age.

Well you may be more like me, then, sealybobo
I still identify as secular gentile (and the Greeks and political teachings and ethics are also
framed as the branch of secular gentiles under natural laws)
while I understand the spirit of the laws in Christianity fulfills and unites both folds as one.

One of the craziest conflicts I run across with traditional Christian teachings
is 'rejection' of secular humanists and gentiles,
when the Bible makes it clear the same authority of Jesus as representing Justice
governs BOTH folds of the one flocks, where in Christ there is no conflict between Jew and Gentile.

In history, Aquinas reconciled the Greek ethics of Aristotle with the Church teachings
to show these were consistent and both given by God, as part of natural laws behind the Greek teachings
previously considered "apostasy" for coming from a source outside the church at the time.

Now similar is being done, to reconcile Buddhism and even civil Constitutional policies
with Christian and Catholic teachings, where it is not necessary to "reject" these on its face as assumed to be in conflict.

Just because laws are prochoice to be Constitutional does not mean they have to be proabortion or antilife.

We can have different beliefs, and still agree on what is important, and don't need to reject
each other by label, by conditioning that tells us our groups are automatically in conflict.

We don't have to be at odds with each other.
I look forward to the say this weird conditioning can stop.
Where we don't automatically hold opposing groups suspect,
as if guilty until proven innocent; we can recognize the history of separation and
even keep the groups segregated where they govern themselves,
and just not let that get in the way of collaborating on solutions that do apply to all groups.
Question to the Born Again Christians -

If there's one thing I can't stand is born agains. I credit them for waking me up though. I was a faithful Greek Orthodox and I ran into a born again who asked me, "are you sure you know where you are going to go when you die?" Of course setting me up for the fact that I wasn't baptized as an adult. This is their angle. They tell you how your religion has it wrong, even if it's a Christian faith. They have a hook to steal other Christians from other sects away. Brilliant really. If you didn't make the choice yourself as a child to get baptized, you have to do it again as an adult. Even if you believe as an adult after being baptized as a child, that aint good enough. You MUST be born again and that means you MUST go through the ritual of being baptized. Preferrably by one of their preachers because lets face it. If the Greek orthordox got this wrong, what else do they have wrong, right? LOL.

Read the Bible, Sealy, and do what it says and you'll be fine. Anyone who is trying to steal you away to their church is acting in the flesh. The purpose of sharing the Gospel is not so that you will join "my church" or send money to "my favorite ministry". No. The purpose of the Gospel is to see you saved and your name written in the Lamb's book of Life so that when you die you will be in heaven. That is the purpose and the motive should be the Love of Jesus Christ in our hearts for you. Because God loves you very, very much. There is no one on earth like you, Sealy! No one. God made you and you are unique, special, wonderfully made! He loves you!
It says a lot. After I read the bible I read the red letter bible. Just the stuff Jesus said.

That is wonderful. I find it easier to see the words of Jesus in a red letter bible and mine does have the red letters. One day I was reading John Chapter 4 and suddenly I had an experience I have never had since - I felt the presence of the LORD right there in the room with me. It was such a beautiful experience. It was just as I was reading verse 26 where she has just said to him I know that the Messiah cometh, which is called Christ, when he is come, he will tell us all things.. THIS was when I suddenly felt his presence, Sealy... Verse 26 - Jesus saith unto her, I that speak unto thee am he.

Just as I read that I tangibly felt His presence in the room right there at the table where I was reading my bible - it took my breath away. It was wonderful! Wonderful.
Question to the Born Again Christians -

If there's one thing I can't stand is born agains. I credit them for waking me up though. I was a faithful Greek Orthodox and I ran into a born again who asked me, "are you sure you know where you are going to go when you die?" Of course setting me up for the fact that I wasn't baptized as an adult. This is their angle. They tell you how your religion has it wrong, even if it's a Christian faith. They have a hook to steal other Christians from other sects away. Brilliant really. If you didn't make the choice yourself as a child to get baptized, you have to do it again as an adult. Even if you believe as an adult after being baptized as a child, that aint good enough. You MUST be born again and that means you MUST go through the ritual of being baptized. Preferrably by one of their preachers because lets face it. If the Greek orthordox got this wrong, what else do they have wrong, right? LOL.
Quick question

If you're Orthodox doesn't that mean you follow Scripture rather literally?

Because even Jesus had to be baptized.

Are we somehow exempt while He wasn't? Wouldn't that put us above Him?
I was baptized as a child. All Greek Orthodox children are at a very young age.

You are so precious. Sometimes I wonder if you know how much God loves you. You are just such a unique person, Sealy! When you read the story about John the Baptist calling the people to come and repent of their sins and be baptized do you think about how it would be impossible for a baby to repent or be baptized according to Scripture? What would be the purpose when as a baby had you died you would immediately have been with God, Sealy? God does not ask babies to repent but those of the age of reason - who know the difference between right and wrong. Does that make sense? With that said, it would be right for you to be baptized and know what you are doing when you receive forgiveness for your sins and accept Jesus as your Savior. I didn't get baptized right away - it was some months later I believe.
Us Greek Orthodox don't believe you have to go through the baptism ceremony again. To be Born Again as an adult just means the day you come to believe/accept/follow Jesus on your own. Is it really mandatory that I go through the ritual at a church or in front of another holy man? I think not.

Anyways doesn't matter because I wiped out my baptism by becoming an atheist. Last time I watched a baptism the priest said 5 times to the god father, "do you renounce satan?" and inside I was laughing because I thought, "what if that was me up there? What would I say to him? Would I say I do, or would I start an argument with him and say, "well actually I don't believe in Satan". lol

You do not have to be baptized in a church! You could be baptized in the Jordan river! In a swimming pool, in your local lake! A Christian brother baptized me in a lake here locally as I was rededicating my life to God in a deeper walk and I wanted to be baptized again.

As for being an atheist - I see you as more agnostic than atheist and I believe that some conversions are gradual as the Spirit of God gently draws and woos the object of the Father's love. In this case? You.
If there's one thing I can't stand is born agains. I credit them for waking me up though. I was a faithful Greek Orthodox and I ran into a born again who asked me, "are you sure you know where you are going to go when you die?" Of course setting me up for the fact that I wasn't baptized as an adult. This is their angle. They tell you how your religion has it wrong, even if it's a Christian faith. They have a hook to steal other Christians from other sects away. Brilliant really. If you didn't make the choice yourself as a child to get baptized, you have to do it again as an adult. Even if you believe as an adult after being baptized as a child, that aint good enough. You MUST be born again and that means you MUST go through the ritual of being baptized. Preferrably by one of their preachers because lets face it. If the Greek orthordox got this wrong, what else do they have wrong, right? LOL.
Quick question

If you're Orthodox doesn't that mean you follow Scripture rather literally?

Because even Jesus had to be baptized.

Are we somehow exempt while He wasn't? Wouldn't that put us above Him?
I was baptized as a child. All Greek Orthodox children are at a very young age.

You are so precious. Sometimes I wonder if you know how much God loves you. You are just such a unique person, Sealy! When you read the story about John the Baptist calling the people to come and repent of their sins and be baptized do you think about how it would be impossible for a baby to repent or be baptized according to Scripture? What would be the purpose when as a baby had you died you would immediately have been with God, Sealy? God does not ask babies to repent but those of the age of reason - who know the difference between right and wrong. Does that make sense? With that said, it would be right for you to be baptized and know what you are doing when you receive forgiveness for your sins and accept Jesus as your Savior. I didn't get baptized right away - it was some months later I believe.
Us Greek Orthodox don't believe you have to go through the baptism ceremony again. To be Born Again as an adult just means the day you come to believe/accept/follow Jesus on your own. Is it really mandatory that I go through the ritual at a church or in front of another holy man? I think not.

Anyways doesn't matter because I wiped out my baptism by becoming an atheist. Last time I watched a baptism the priest said 5 times to the god father, "do you renounce satan?" and inside I was laughing because I thought, "what if that was me up there? What would I say to him? Would I say I do, or would I start an argument with him and say, "well actually I don't believe in Satan". lol

You do not have to be baptized in a church! You could be baptized in the Jordan river! In a swimming pool, in your local lake! A Christian brother baptized me in a lake here locally as I was rededicating my life to God in a deeper walk and I wanted to be baptized again.

OMG do you know my brother just bought 60 acres and it backs up to the East Jordan River up north Michigan? Funny you said the Jordan river. LOL. Should I have him dunk me in it?

By the way, his kids ask me why I don't go to church. I don't have the heart to tell them I don't believe. That's not my place. Plus my brother would probably get PISSED!

P.S. I don't think you need to be dunked at all. That's just a ritual men made up. Men need rituals. Ceremony. It's part of the show. But back when I believed, I believed anyone could accept the lord in their heart and that's it. No church, no priest needed.

Turns out no god is needed either. Go figure. LOL.
Question to the Born Again Christians -

If there's one thing I can't stand is born agains. I credit them for waking me up though. I was a faithful Greek Orthodox and I ran into a born again who asked me, "are you sure you know where you are going to go when you die?" Of course setting me up for the fact that I wasn't baptized as an adult. This is their angle. They tell you how your religion has it wrong, even if it's a Christian faith. They have a hook to steal other Christians from other sects away. Brilliant really. If you didn't make the choice yourself as a child to get baptized, you have to do it again as an adult. Even if you believe as an adult after being baptized as a child, that aint good enough. You MUST be born again and that means you MUST go through the ritual of being baptized. Preferrably by one of their preachers because lets face it. If the Greek orthordox got this wrong, what else do they have wrong, right? LOL.
Quick question

If you're Orthodox doesn't that mean you follow Scripture rather literally?

Because even Jesus had to be baptized.

Are we somehow exempt while He wasn't? Wouldn't that put us above Him?
I was baptized as a child. All Greek Orthodox children are at a very young age.

You are so precious. Sometimes I wonder if you know how much God loves you. You are just such a unique person, Sealy! When you read the story about John the Baptist calling the people to come and repent of their sins and be baptized do you think about how it would be impossible for a baby to repent or be baptized according to Scripture? What would be the purpose when as a baby had you died you would immediately have been with God, Sealy? God does not ask babies to repent but those of the age of reason - who know the difference between right and wrong. Does that make sense? With that said, it would be right for you to be baptized and know what you are doing when you receive forgiveness for your sins and accept Jesus as your Savior. I didn't get baptized right away - it was some months later I believe.

Jeremiah the first step is for the parents, family and community
to make the unified commitment to bring the baby up in a loving supportive environment
united in Christ with acceptance of God's grace and will.

The baptism of babies, similar to marriages of couples, is for the
community to join together and make a spiritual pledge of support.

You are right, that people have to make their own decisions,
find their path and commit to responsibilities as we mature in life.

If sealybobo is a righteous gentile, and is called to follow that path to universal truth and understanding,
that is still a spiritual calling that is deserving of Christian support to
make sure we agree in the spirit of truth and reconcile each of our individual will with God's universal will
and universal truth at all times, regardless of the terms that sealybobo uses as a nontheist secular minded person.

i was wondering why sealybobo seemed so open to connecting and correcting
in the spirit of truth. It makes sense that sealybobo was already baptized into the
church family and is merely arguing points and objections as a "fellow member"
of the church body who happens to be a secular gentile under that fold.

Being a secular gentile does not exclude someone from reconciling in Christ to establish God's truth.
The language may differ, but the spiritual concepts, principles and process are the same.
All humanity is going through this process of reconciling, so Jews and Gentiles are included equally
as we join in establishing truth by agreement in Christ Jesus, regardless if we understand this
as meaning "Salvation by Grace" or "Restorative Justice" by forgiveness, correction and restitution.

Both justice and salvation from suffering are fulfilled in Christ, achieved by conscience, whether we use Christian terms to
describe how this process works or we use secular terms to work through it.
Quick question

If you're Orthodox doesn't that mean you follow Scripture rather literally?

Because even Jesus had to be baptized.

Are we somehow exempt while He wasn't? Wouldn't that put us above Him?
I was baptized as a child. All Greek Orthodox children are at a very young age.

You are so precious. Sometimes I wonder if you know how much God loves you. You are just such a unique person, Sealy! When you read the story about John the Baptist calling the people to come and repent of their sins and be baptized do you think about how it would be impossible for a baby to repent or be baptized according to Scripture? What would be the purpose when as a baby had you died you would immediately have been with God, Sealy? God does not ask babies to repent but those of the age of reason - who know the difference between right and wrong. Does that make sense? With that said, it would be right for you to be baptized and know what you are doing when you receive forgiveness for your sins and accept Jesus as your Savior. I didn't get baptized right away - it was some months later I believe.
Us Greek Orthodox don't believe you have to go through the baptism ceremony again. To be Born Again as an adult just means the day you come to believe/accept/follow Jesus on your own. Is it really mandatory that I go through the ritual at a church or in front of another holy man? I think not.

Anyways doesn't matter because I wiped out my baptism by becoming an atheist. Last time I watched a baptism the priest said 5 times to the god father, "do you renounce satan?" and inside I was laughing because I thought, "what if that was me up there? What would I say to him? Would I say I do, or would I start an argument with him and say, "well actually I don't believe in Satan". lol

You do not have to be baptized in a church! You could be baptized in the Jordan river! In a swimming pool, in your local lake! A Christian brother baptized me in a lake here locally as I was rededicating my life to God in a deeper walk and I wanted to be baptized again.

OMG do you know my brother just bought 60 acres and it backs up to the East Jordan River up north Michigan? Funny you said the Jordan river. LOL. Should I have him dunk me in it?

By the way, his kids ask me why I don't go to church. I don't have the heart to tell them I don't believe. That's not my place. Plus my brother would probably get PISSED!

P.S. I don't think you need to be dunked at all. That's just a ritual men made up. Men need rituals. Ceremony. It's part of the show. But back when I believed, I believed anyone could accept the lord in their heart and that's it. No church, no priest needed.

Turns out no god is needed either. Go figure. LOL.

Should you have him dunk you in it? Is he a Christian? Are you ready to become one? When you are ready if the answer is yes and yes? Then YES! AS IN YES, YES, YES! Certainly as a Christian your own brother can baptize you! Absolutely.

I'll be rejoicing so loud I'll wake up the neighbors around here (if they are sleeping!).

Hey, is God amazing or what? He knew that you had a brother that lived by the Jordan River! (I had no idea) I love it!
If there's one thing I can't stand is born agains. I credit them for waking me up though. I was a faithful Greek Orthodox and I ran into a born again who asked me, "are you sure you know where you are going to go when you die?" Of course setting me up for the fact that I wasn't baptized as an adult. This is their angle. They tell you how your religion has it wrong, even if it's a Christian faith. They have a hook to steal other Christians from other sects away. Brilliant really. If you didn't make the choice yourself as a child to get baptized, you have to do it again as an adult. Even if you believe as an adult after being baptized as a child, that aint good enough. You MUST be born again and that means you MUST go through the ritual of being baptized. Preferrably by one of their preachers because lets face it. If the Greek orthordox got this wrong, what else do they have wrong, right? LOL.
Quick question

If you're Orthodox doesn't that mean you follow Scripture rather literally?

Because even Jesus had to be baptized.

Are we somehow exempt while He wasn't? Wouldn't that put us above Him?
I was baptized as a child. All Greek Orthodox children are at a very young age.

You are so precious. Sometimes I wonder if you know how much God loves you. You are just such a unique person, Sealy! When you read the story about John the Baptist calling the people to come and repent of their sins and be baptized do you think about how it would be impossible for a baby to repent or be baptized according to Scripture? What would be the purpose when as a baby had you died you would immediately have been with God, Sealy? God does not ask babies to repent but those of the age of reason - who know the difference between right and wrong. Does that make sense? With that said, it would be right for you to be baptized and know what you are doing when you receive forgiveness for your sins and accept Jesus as your Savior. I didn't get baptized right away - it was some months later I believe.
Us Greek Orthodox don't believe you have to go through the baptism ceremony again. To be Born Again as an adult just means the day you come to believe/accept/follow Jesus on your own. Is it really mandatory that I go through the ritual at a church or in front of another holy man? I think not.

Anyways doesn't matter because I wiped out my baptism by becoming an atheist. Last time I watched a baptism the priest said 5 times to the god father, "do you renounce satan?" and inside I was laughing because I thought, "what if that was me up there? What would I say to him? Would I say I do, or would I start an argument with him and say, "well actually I don't believe in Satan". lol

You do not have to be baptized in a church! You could be baptized in the Jordan river! In a swimming pool, in your local lake! A Christian brother baptized me in a lake here locally as I was rededicating my life to God in a deeper walk and I wanted to be baptized again.

As for being an atheist - I see you as more agnostic than atheist and I believe that some conversions are gradual as the Spirit of God gently draws and woos the object of the Father's love. In this case? You.

I agree that sealybobo being nontheistic does not have to mean negation or rejection of God.
Being secular lends itself to more specific terms and explanations, but doesn't mean rejecting true
concepts and principles expressed in the Bible using scriptural terms and spiritual figures.
I believe the secular explanations help support meaningful examination and understanding of these same things
taught in Christianity. So it serves a good purpose. The gentiles under natural laws and believers under
scriptural authority serve to check and balance each other, faith and reason, where universal truth satisfies both.
Got that one wrong. Care to try and sum up Muhammad's message in one sentence?

The Quran itself summarises Muhammad's message in one sentence, many times over.
It says " Obey Allah and the messenger". What that really means is obey the messenger, Muhammad.
Fight his wars for him and die for him otherwise he will set Allah on you.
Same with Christianity only you don't even have to obey god in Christianity. Just when you break the rules make sure you say sorry. And how many non christians have christians killed in the name of their lord?

Hell, they even kill themselves over it.

European wars of religion - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Just saying sorry isn't repentance. Confession is a step toward repentance but not the entire process

When we apologize to God from our heart? We are forgiven. If we need to apologize to someone or make restitution He will let us know in His own time.
Quick question

If you're Orthodox doesn't that mean you follow Scripture rather literally?

Because even Jesus had to be baptized.

Are we somehow exempt while He wasn't? Wouldn't that put us above Him?
I was baptized as a child. All Greek Orthodox children are at a very young age.

You are so precious. Sometimes I wonder if you know how much God loves you. You are just such a unique person, Sealy! When you read the story about John the Baptist calling the people to come and repent of their sins and be baptized do you think about how it would be impossible for a baby to repent or be baptized according to Scripture? What would be the purpose when as a baby had you died you would immediately have been with God, Sealy? God does not ask babies to repent but those of the age of reason - who know the difference between right and wrong. Does that make sense? With that said, it would be right for you to be baptized and know what you are doing when you receive forgiveness for your sins and accept Jesus as your Savior. I didn't get baptized right away - it was some months later I believe.
Us Greek Orthodox don't believe you have to go through the baptism ceremony again. To be Born Again as an adult just means the day you come to believe/accept/follow Jesus on your own. Is it really mandatory that I go through the ritual at a church or in front of another holy man? I think not.

Anyways doesn't matter because I wiped out my baptism by becoming an atheist. Last time I watched a baptism the priest said 5 times to the god father, "do you renounce satan?" and inside I was laughing because I thought, "what if that was me up there? What would I say to him? Would I say I do, or would I start an argument with him and say, "well actually I don't believe in Satan". lol

You do not have to be baptized in a church! You could be baptized in the Jordan river! In a swimming pool, in your local lake! A Christian brother baptized me in a lake here locally as I was rededicating my life to God in a deeper walk and I wanted to be baptized again.

As for being an atheist - I see you as more agnostic than atheist and I believe that some conversions are gradual as the Spirit of God gently draws and woos the object of the Father's love. In this case? You.

I agree that sealybobo being nontheistic does not have to mean negation or rejection of God.
Being secular lends itself to more specific terms and explanations, but doesn't mean rejecting true
concepts and principles expressed in the Bible using scriptural terms and spiritual figures.
I believe the secular explanations help support meaningful examination and understanding of these same things
taught in Christianity. So it serves a good purpose. The gentiles under natural laws and believers under
scriptural authority serve to check and balance each other, faith and reason, where universal truth satisfies both.

I am always interesting in hearing Sealy's thoughts about God (and also the thoughts of others) It's how we come to understand what people believe, where they are at and what is on their hearts, Emily.
Quick question

If you're Orthodox doesn't that mean you follow Scripture rather literally?

Because even Jesus had to be baptized.

Are we somehow exempt while He wasn't? Wouldn't that put us above Him?
I was baptized as a child. All Greek Orthodox children are at a very young age.

You are so precious. Sometimes I wonder if you know how much God loves you. You are just such a unique person, Sealy! When you read the story about John the Baptist calling the people to come and repent of their sins and be baptized do you think about how it would be impossible for a baby to repent or be baptized according to Scripture? What would be the purpose when as a baby had you died you would immediately have been with God, Sealy? God does not ask babies to repent but those of the age of reason - who know the difference between right and wrong. Does that make sense? With that said, it would be right for you to be baptized and know what you are doing when you receive forgiveness for your sins and accept Jesus as your Savior. I didn't get baptized right away - it was some months later I believe.
Us Greek Orthodox don't believe you have to go through the baptism ceremony again. To be Born Again as an adult just means the day you come to believe/accept/follow Jesus on your own. Is it really mandatory that I go through the ritual at a church or in front of another holy man? I think not.

Anyways doesn't matter because I wiped out my baptism by becoming an atheist. Last time I watched a baptism the priest said 5 times to the god father, "do you renounce satan?" and inside I was laughing because I thought, "what if that was me up there? What would I say to him? Would I say I do, or would I start an argument with him and say, "well actually I don't believe in Satan". lol

You do not have to be baptized in a church! You could be baptized in the Jordan river! In a swimming pool, in your local lake! A Christian brother baptized me in a lake here locally as I was rededicating my life to God in a deeper walk and I wanted to be baptized again.

OMG do you know my brother just bought 60 acres and it backs up to the East Jordan River up north Michigan? Funny you said the Jordan river. LOL. Should I have him dunk me in it?

By the way, his kids ask me why I don't go to church. I don't have the heart to tell them I don't believe. That's not my place. Plus my brother would probably get PISSED!

P.S. I don't think you need to be dunked at all. That's just a ritual men made up. Men need rituals. Ceremony. It's part of the show. But back when I believed, I believed anyone could accept the lord in their heart and that's it. No church, no priest needed.

Turns out no god is needed either. Go figure. LOL.

If it is part of your calling, path and process in life, then it will happen.
Whatever it takes to get all people on the same page, whatever is needed will happen.
If things are meant to be worked out a different way, then it will happen another way.

Either way the point is to reach agreement and resolution on the truth, point by point,
resolving any error or division, so that universal truth prevails and we all agree when we see it!

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