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Now is the time for Dems to fix the ACA

Watching the Dems fix anything is like watching the 3 stooges fix plumbing.
They are just good at breaking stuff then complaining about those who dare want to clean up and fix their messes.
At least they try. All repugs do is blow shit up.
0 votes on the Health Care for sake of obstruction and destroying is trying? Really?
The 0 vote wasn't for the sake of obstruction it was because it was a horrible bill that was grossly politicized. The GOP actually rushed the bill so it could get passed on the anniversary of Obamacare, you think thats a coincidence? Hell no, they deserved to have it blow up in their faces.
There is only one viable solution and that is single payer. The same system every industrialized country in the world has.
It's not rocket science folks.
Watching the Dems fix anything is like watching the 3 stooges fix plumbing.
They are just good at breaking stuff then complaining about those who dare want to clean up and fix their messes.
At least they try. All repugs do is blow shit up.
0 votes on the Health Care for sake of obstruction and destroying is trying? Really?
They passed the ACA with 0 votes from repugs. Why should they vote for a repug POS bill that doesn't fix anything?

I dare you to ask the Dems what was in the retooled last draft of the Bill. They can't answer because they had a no vote before the original draft was introduced. Since it was supposed to be Obama light, they voted against their own original bill that opened up competition for more consumer options and buying power.
Watching the Dems fix anything is like watching the 3 stooges fix plumbing.
They are just good at breaking stuff then complaining about those who dare want to clean up and fix their messes.
At least they try. All repugs do is blow shit up.
0 votes on the Health Care for sake of obstruction and destroying is trying? Really?
The 0 vote wasn't for the sake of obstruction it was because it was a horrible bill that was grossly politicized. The GOP actually rushed the bill so it could get passed on the anniversary of Obamacare, you think thats a coincidence? Hell no, they deserved to have it blow up in their faces.
You are going by what you are told, but do you know everything in the retooled bill not the original draft? ANY HEALTH CARE PLAN IS GONNA AFFECT ONE OR THE OTHER it was a bad idea to try and tackle knowing our gov't botches everything it touches and our people abuse any system they get a chance to. Should never have been forced on us.
They should have tried tort reform to lower Dr expenses. Ask them, they will tell you it's their biggest problem and expense, some even can't afford their own practice, due to insurance they themselves pay due to rediculous law suits and settlements.
Watching the Dems fix anything is like watching the 3 stooges fix plumbing.
They are just good at breaking stuff then complaining about those who dare want to clean up and fix their messes.
At least they try. All repugs do is blow shit up.
0 votes on the Health Care for sake of obstruction and destroying is trying? Really?
They passed the ACA with 0 votes from repugs. Why should they vote for a repug POS bill that doesn't fix anything?

I dare you to ask the Dems what was in the retooled last draft of the Bill. They can't answer because they had a no vote before the original draft was introduced. Since it was supposed to be Obama light, they voted against their own original bill that opened up competition for more consumer options and buying power.
Covering less people for more money isn't a fix I would vote for.
Watching the Dems fix anything is like watching the 3 stooges fix plumbing.
They are just good at breaking stuff then complaining about those who dare want to clean up and fix their messes.
At least they try. All repugs do is blow shit up.
0 votes on the Health Care for sake of obstruction and destroying is trying? Really?
They passed the ACA with 0 votes from repugs. Why should they vote for a repug POS bill that doesn't fix anything?

I dare you to ask the Dems what was in the retooled last draft of the Bill. They can't answer because they had a no vote before the original draft was introduced. Since it was supposed to be Obama light, they voted against their own original bill that opened up competition for more consumer options and buying power.
Covering less people for more money isn't a fix I would vote for.
Watching the Dems fix anything is like watching the 3 stooges fix plumbing.
They are just good at breaking stuff then complaining about those who dare want to clean up and fix their messes.
At least they try. All repugs do is blow shit up.
0 votes on the Health Care for sake of obstruction and destroying is trying? Really?
They passed the ACA with 0 votes from repugs. Why should they vote for a repug POS bill that doesn't fix anything?

I dare you to ask the Dems what was in the retooled last draft of the Bill. They can't answer because they had a no vote before the original draft was introduced. Since it was supposed to be Obama light, they voted against their own original bill that opened up competition for more consumer options and buying power.
Covering less people for more money isn't a fix I would vote for.
Says the man who can't tell us what was in the bill and what it would need, or offer any inkling of solutions to a bad care system to begin with.
That's assumed propaganda and subjective opinion which you think everyone should have or else you guys throw tantrums. But say they were right;
Fine, then they would have offered ideas of what would work that they'd vote for(if they knew that, then they would have never force passed their failed Obama Care Plan to begin with) Instead what did they do?
Obstruct for sake of political tactics but did so like 5 year olds. You really think everyone agrees with the way you think or should suffer your subjective opinions?
A tax cut for the rich- the usual GOP idea...
Said the Dem or the Liberal media, but never shown why they say that. Sources backing anything? Interview with a bill designer saying why? Is it to pay more burdrn on the care act? Info since you made a statement back it like I almost always do.
I appreciate you laying out some ideas so we can have a substantive discussion. So many on this board resort to the petty partisan attacks and never get below the surface.

It's because they are not intelligent enough to develop their own ideas, so they resort to cheap rhetorical tactics.

I've heard some talk about allowing drugs to be imported from other countries which would help lower costs, so i'd add that to the list. I'd also take a close look at the hospitals and see what their major expenses are, it is imperative that we find ways to get costs down so people can actually afford to go to the doctor and get treated.

Allowing drug importation is a given. It's just another example of how protectionism helps domestic monopolies and not people.

Two of the PPACA tax provisions stick out. The BPD is an annual tax on a number of pharmaceutical companies and drug importers. The Medical Device Excise Tax is a tax on all medical device sales and medical device imports. Eliminating both of these taxes would reduce drug prices and hospital costs.

Fixing healthcare isn't hard. Insurance companies have absolutely no value, and only serve to act as middlemen between citizens and healthcare companies. They can easily be replaced if citizens took all the money they would normally pay for insurance, and put it into a non-profit mutual savings bank for healthcare.
I agree with you about the insurance game. It is a middleman that is a black whole sucking up a ton of wealth. I wish we could eliminate health insurance all together and dramatically decrease healthcare costs so people could just afford to buy the medicine and treatments that they need.

You could easily do that, if the state did not exist. Almost all the reasons healthcare sucks you can blame state capitalism for.

But in the world we live in today and with medical procedures, hospital stays, and drug costs so high, nobody can afford any of it without insurance.

Not true! Insurance companies rely on the majority of those they cover to pay more than they will receive. It is how they make a profit.

A minority of clients, mostly senior citizens, are subsidized by the rest of the pack. By the time the younger generation reaches senior citizen status, they would of paid so much into insurance that they could of afforded to finance their lifetime healthcare if they had just saved that money.

That's why the individual mandate was created. It literally makes no sense for a young guy like me to purchase health insurance in America. If young folk don't pay though, then health insurance companies collapse and the sick today die.
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I can't think of a better time for the Dems to introduce a bill that addresses the cost issues involved with the ACA. The great achievement of the bill was that it got 20 million people insured, but it still has many problems. We need to increase competition, offer some regulatory relief to small businesses, reduce drug costs, healthcare costs, and premium costs, etc. Now is the time to do it. If the GOP rejects their solutions then it puts the blame on them and they can no longer continue with the narrative that the ACA is self destructing. The ACA went far, perhaps a little too far, it may be good to consider some conservative principles to reign it in and help with some of the cost issues.

My question is, are the Dems going to roll up their sleeves and get to work at a time that the country needs it, and will the President respond in a cooperative way or will both sides keep playing the partisan divide games?
It cannot be fixed, the people that are getting taxed/fined cannot afford the costs. On top of that more is been given out and being paid in… So it's not fixable.
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I can't think of a better time for the Dems to introduce a bill that addresses the cost issues involved with the ACA. The great achievement of the bill was that it got 20 million people insured, but it still has many problems. We need to increase competition, offer some regulatory relief to small businesses, reduce drug costs, healthcare costs, and premium costs, etc. Now is the time to do it. If the GOP rejects their solutions then it puts the blame on them and they can no longer continue with the narrative that the ACA is self destructing. The ACA went far, perhaps a little too far, it may be good to consider some conservative principles to reign it in and help with some of the cost issues.

My question is, are the Dems going to roll up their sleeves and get to work at a time that the country needs it, and will the President respond in a cooperative way or will both sides keep playing the partisan divide games?
You can't fix the cost. There are not enough young adults to offset the high costs for the elderly.

The law is broken. It was never designed to succeed
The elderly are on Medicare..
By elderly I ment sick old people. If it weren't for them insurance would be affordable. That is an undeniable fact. They are the ones consuming the benefits of this law. They are the reason a perfectly healthy 20 something is paying hundreds with thousands of out of pocket for services if he actually needs them. The mandate fucked the youth at the expense of the old & sick.
The mandate didn't fuck anybody. It actually saved the % of 20 year olds that get in accidents or get sick without insurance from going bankrupt or in lifelong debt. All the mandate did was get more young people insurance which they should all have. The major problem with our healthcare system is the extremely high prices for drugs and care. We need to be working on ways to reduce those costs.
The mandate is taxation without representation… So another words it's legalized extortion
I can't think of a better time for the Dems to introduce a bill that addresses the cost issues involved with the ACA. The great achievement of the bill was that it got 20 million people insured, but it still has many problems. We need to increase competition, offer some regulatory relief to small businesses, reduce drug costs, healthcare costs, and premium costs, etc. Now is the time to do it. If the GOP rejects their solutions then it puts the blame on them and they can no longer continue with the narrative that the ACA is self destructing. The ACA went far, perhaps a little too far, it may be good to consider some conservative principles to reign it in and help with some of the cost issues.

My question is, are the Dems going to roll up their sleeves and get to work at a time that the country needs it, and will the President respond in a cooperative way or will both sides keep playing the partisan divide games?
It cannot be fixed, the people that are getting taxed/fined cannot afford the costs. On top of that more is been given out and being paid in… So it's not fixable.
Not fixable? Yet every major nation in the world has universal health care coverage. You keep thinking small, Jiminy Cricket.
I can't think of a better time for the Dems to introduce a bill that addresses the cost issues involved with the ACA. The great achievement of the bill was that it got 20 million people insured, but it still has many problems. We need to increase competition, offer some regulatory relief to small businesses, reduce drug costs, healthcare costs, and premium costs, etc. Now is the time to do it. If the GOP rejects their solutions then it puts the blame on them and they can no longer continue with the narrative that the ACA is self destructing. The ACA went far, perhaps a little too far, it may be good to consider some conservative principles to reign it in and help with some of the cost issues.

My question is, are the Dems going to roll up their sleeves and get to work at a time that the country needs it, and will the President respond in a cooperative way or will both sides keep playing the partisan divide games?
It cannot be fixed, the people that are getting taxed/fined cannot afford the costs. On top of that more is been given out and being paid in… So it's not fixable.
Not fixable? Yet every major nation in the world has universal health care coverage. You keep thinking small, Jiminy Cricket.
Millions of people want nothing to do with universal healthcare… Why force them?
The time for the left to fix THEIR COLOSSAL FUCK UP passed when they lost control in DC. In fact it is one of the reasons they lost control although they've yet to figure that out.
IT is time for all of us to cooperate together and fix this for the sake of innocent nonpolitical Americans that depend on their medical care to stay alive and maintain their biological quality of life.
Medical care =/= insurance.

Forcing Americans to buy insurance did not suddenly cure their ills, nor will giving them the option to opt out, Kill them.

No it didn't, but it did give millions of Americans access to health care and has saved countless lives. And yes 45,000 per year died in the US before the ACA , due to lack of insurance coverage, so don't pretend this isn't a matter of life and death for some.
I can't think of a better time for the Dems to introduce a bill that addresses the cost issues involved with the ACA. The great achievement of the bill was that it got 20 million people insured, but it still has many problems. We need to increase competition, offer some regulatory relief to small businesses, reduce drug costs, healthcare costs, and premium costs, etc. Now is the time to do it. If the GOP rejects their solutions then it puts the blame on them and they can no longer continue with the narrative that the ACA is self destructing. The ACA went far, perhaps a little too far, it may be good to consider some conservative principles to reign it in and help with some of the cost issues.

My question is, are the Dems going to roll up their sleeves and get to work at a time that the country needs it, and will the President respond in a cooperative way or will both sides keep playing the partisan divide games?

No, because the end goal for them was always single payer, and a crappy Obamacare that is allowed to Rot until they get power back is the fastest path to single payer.
Let's hope the Dems do introduce a bill that truly mitigates the ACA's shortcomings. Let's hope too that Reps. see it does solve many, most or some of the problems and doesn't introduce new ones, and, in turn, support and act to pass it.
I can't think of a better time for the Dems to introduce a bill that addresses the cost issues involved with the ACA. The great achievement of the bill was that it got 20 million people insured, but it still has many problems. We need to increase competition, offer some regulatory relief to small businesses, reduce drug costs, healthcare costs, and premium costs, etc. Now is the time to do it. If the GOP rejects their solutions then it puts the blame on them and they can no longer continue with the narrative that the ACA is self destructing. The ACA went far, perhaps a little too far, it may be good to consider some conservative principles to reign it in and help with some of the cost issues.

My question is, are the Dems going to roll up their sleeves and get to work at a time that the country needs it, and will the President respond in a cooperative way or will both sides keep playing the partisan divide games?
You can't fix the cost. There are not enough young adults to offset the high costs for the elderly.

The law is broken. It was never designed to succeed

The elderly are on Medicare and not a part of any insurers risk pool, fool.
No, because the end goal for them was always single payer

If their goal was single payer, then they probably could of just went for single payer in the first place. Democrats controlled the entire government when the PPACA passed.

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