"Now is the time for the two parties to work together" said Trump

Oh yes now that we won the House and he has shit upon the Democrats with his vulgar words for the last 2 years, I do not think so. The last thing we need is a pansy Speaker of the House. Do not have a short memory and be taken in by this charlatan.

You know what they say about Karma.
Lol did that treasonous dotard really say that? The possibility of going to prison must be starting to weigh on him.

All they control is the House. They can "investigate" all they want, but that is all they can do.

If they can investigate him. Remember he can investigate too: the leaks
You dumb fucking retard it’s been 2 years of total GOP control and you’re just now threatening to investigate leaks? Too stupid. Yes, they WILL investigate your dotard all they want.

They have had GOP control for what 4 years, and Obama only had complete control for 4 months in his first presidency.

When Obama Had "Total Control of Congress"
The Dems are actually in trouble, because they had to put Trump Friendly candidates up for election in some areas to even beat newcomers due to the 41 retirements in the GOP and the best they could do was gain a 3 seat majority in a House that moved to The Right this election.
How is purging The House of 41 RINOs and Never Trumpers primarily due to retirements in The GOP, and replacing them with Trump friendly Dems, and GOP Congressmen, and having a Slim Majority even considered a victory for you guys?

Your Blue Wave resulted in the largest Senate majority in over 100 years and made Donald Trump the first President since JFK to gain seats in The Senate in a midterm.
51 is the largest Senate majority in over 100 years?
Oh yes now that we won the House and he has shit upon the Democrats with his vulgar words for the last 2 years, I do not think so. The last thing we need is a pansy Speaker of the House. Do not have a short memory and be taken in by this charlatan.

You know what they say about Karma.
I don't agree with that attitude. It's what's good for the people of this country that counts, not nursing grudges. Just. Stop.
EVERY president says that yet you two buffoons act like it is a surprise. Yall trying out for the role of Forest Gump in a sequel or something?
NO president has ever yapped like this President does; too bad he didn't say it two years ago--maybe some more things could have gotten done, like immigration reform and healthcare "replace." It is a pretty surprising 180, even for him, and you know it. I already said I think we need to accept any increase in civility and willingness to compromise as a good thing.

You asshats don't ever stop whining do you?
Bitch need to retire and admitted to a psycho ward.

Last night when she said Dems would return transparency to Congress, I almost choked on the dick in Penelope’s mouth.

Pelosi is the one who said we have to pass Obamacare so we can see what’s in it.

Meet the new boss! Same as the old boss!

How is purging The House of 41 RINOs and Never Trumpers primarily due to retirements in The GOP, and replacing them with Trump friendly Dems, and GOP Congressmen, and having a Slim Majority even considered a victory for you guys?

Your Blue Wave resulted in the largest Senate majority in over 100 years and made Donald Trump the first President since JFK to gain seats in The Senate in a midterm.
51 is the largest Senate majority in over 100 years?

It's already at 53 Numb Nuts, and it could be 55 by the time this is all over.
Oh yes now that we won the House and he has shit upon the Democrats with his vulgar words for the last 2 years, I do not think so. The last thing we need is a pansy Speaker of the House. Do not have a short memory and be taken in by this charlatan.

You know what they say about Karma.
Lol did that treasonous dotard really say that? The possibility of going to prison must be starting to weigh on him.

All they control is the House. They can "investigate" all they want, but that is all they can do.

If they can investigate him. Remember he can investigate too: the leaks
You dumb fucking retard it’s been 2 years of total GOP control and you’re just now threatening to investigate leaks? Too stupid. Yes, they WILL investigate your dotard all they want.

"You dumb fucking retard it’s been 2 years of total GOP control and you’re just now threatening to investigate leaks?"

Yes. If they are going to investigate him then Trump can and should investigate the actual crimes.

"Yes, they WILL investigate your dotard all they want."

And then the Democrats will lose in 2020.

Trump is very good at "playing the victim". You are going to intensify the "investigations" after 2 years? He is going to make them look so childish and petty.

Trump is far better at public relations than the people in DC.
They just asked him about his tax returns.

Since when do Dimms care about paying taxes?
How is purging The House of 41 RINOs and Never Trumpers primarily due to retirements in The GOP, and replacing them with Trump friendly Dems, and GOP Congressmen, and having a Slim Majority even considered a victory for you guys?

Your Blue Wave resulted in the largest Senate majority in over 100 years and made Donald Trump the first President since JFK to gain seats in The Senate in a midterm.

Please supply links for those tidbits. Trump was just bragging about the same thing, must of got it from Hannity.
How is purging The House of 41 RINOs and Never Trumpers primarily due to retirements in The GOP, and replacing them with Trump friendly Dems, and GOP Congressmen, and having a Slim Majority even considered a victory for you guys?

Your Blue Wave resulted in the largest Senate majority in over 100 years and made Donald Trump the first President since JFK to gain seats in The Senate in a midterm.
51 is the largest Senate majority in over 100 years?

He makes shit up.
Oh yes now that we won the House and he has shit upon the Democrats with his vulgar words for the last 2 years, I do not think so. The last thing we need is a pansy Speaker of the House. Do not have a short memory and be taken in by this charlatan.

You know what they say about Karma.
Lol did that treasonous dotard really say that? The possibility of going to prison must be starting to weigh on him.

All they control is the House. They can "investigate" all they want, but that is all they can do.

If they can investigate him. Remember he can investigate too: the leaks
You dumb fucking retard it’s been 2 years of total GOP control and you’re just now threatening to investigate leaks? Too stupid. Yes, they WILL investigate your dotard all they want.

They have had GOP control for what 4 years, and Obama only had complete control for 4 months in his first presidency.

When Obama Had "Total Control of Congress"

O had control of Senate for four years and two years in house. GOP didn't have complete control ever during this period.
Oh yes now that we won the House and he has shit upon the Democrats with his vulgar words for the last 2 years, I do not think so. The last thing we need is a pansy Speaker of the House. Do not have a short memory and be taken in by this charlatan.

You know what they say about Karma.
If he’s willing to do something that’s good for the American middle-class and the American people then great, that’s what we want.
Oh yes now that we won the House and he has shit upon the Democrats with his vulgar words for the last 2 years, I do not think so. The last thing we need is a pansy Speaker of the House. Do not have a short memory and be taken in by this charlatan.

You know what they say about Karma.
Lol did that treasonous dotard really say that? The possibility of going to prison must be starting to weigh on him.

All they control is the House. They can "investigate" all they want, but that is all they can do.

If they can investigate him. Remember he can investigate too: the leaks
You dumb fucking retard it’s been 2 years of total GOP control and you’re just now threatening to investigate leaks? Too stupid. Yes, they WILL investigate your dotard all they want.

They have had GOP control for what 4 years, and Obama only had complete control for 4 months in his first presidency.

When Obama Had "Total Control of Congress"

O had control of Senate for four years and two years in house. GOP didn't have complete control ever during this period.

Yet they used the nuclear option on the SC and tried for the ACA.

(also O only had house maj for 2 years, not the Senate maj)

from article:
The truth....then....is this: Democrats had “total control” of the House of Representatives from 2009-2011, 2 full years. Democrats, and therefore, Obama, had “total control” of the Senate from September 24, 2009 until February 4, 2010. A grand total of 4 months.
Oh yes now that we won the House and he has shit upon the Democrats with his vulgar words for the last 2 years, I do not think so. The last thing we need is a pansy Speaker of the House. Do not have a short memory and be taken in by this charlatan.

You know what they say about Karma.
If he’s willing to do something that’s good for the American middle-class and the American people then great, that’s what we want.

Like what, he already gave the super rich a tax cut, and now he wants to make them permanent. He also introduce the skimpy health plans, and took away the mandate. If the House had stayed in GOP hands, the congress would of appealed the SS tax mandate, raised the retirement years, and cut benefits to medicare, and Medicaid would be very hard to get , like in the GOP states. Do not be fooled.
Trump just told a black reporter that her questions were racist.
Oh yes now that we won the House and he has shit upon the Democrats with his vulgar words for the last 2 years, I do not think so. The last thing we need is a pansy Speaker of the House. Do not have a short memory and be taken in by this charlatan.

You know what they say about Karma.

The Dem's beatings will continue without interruption. Trump is already positioning the Dem House to take the blame if they get uppity.
A scorpion, being a very poor swimmer, asked a turtle to carry him on his back across a river. “Are you


mad?” exclaimed the turtle. “You’ll sting me while I’m swimming and I’ll drown.”

“My dear turtle,” laughed the scorpion, “if I were to sting you, you would drown and I would go down with you. Now where is the logic in that?”

“You’re right!” cried the turtle. “Hop on!” The scorpion climbed aboard and halfway across the river gave the turtle a mighty sting. As they both sank to the bottom, the turtle resignedly said:

“Do you mind if I ask you something? You said there’d be no logic in your stinging me. Why did you do it?”

“It has nothing to do with logic,” the drowning scorpion sadly replied. “It’s just my character.”

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