"Now is the time for the two parties to work together" said Trump

Oh yes now that we won the House and he has shit upon the Democrats with his vulgar words for the last 2 years, I do not think so. The last thing we need is a pansy Speaker of the House. Do not have a short memory and be taken in by this charlatan.

You know what they say about Karma.

When did Obama ever show interest in working with the Republicans prior to them winning back the Congress in 2010?
When did Republicans ever show interest in.... oh right you aren’t going to care about that one.
Lol did that treasonous dotard really say that? The possibility of going to prison must be starting to weigh on him.

All they control is the House. They can "investigate" all they want, but that is all they can do.

If they can investigate him. Remember he can investigate too: the leaks
You dumb fucking retard it’s been 2 years of total GOP control and you’re just now threatening to investigate leaks? Too stupid. Yes, they WILL investigate your dotard all they want.
How is that not a waste of time and effort, at least until they've got the facts from Mueller's investigation to fall back on. They are going to build their own wheel here? Why?
There is far more to investigate than just Trump’s possible treason.

  • President Trump’s tax returns
  • Trump family businesses — and whether they comply with the Constitution's emoluments clause, including the Chinese trademark grant to the Trump Organization
  • Trump's dealings with Russia, including the president's preparation for his meeting with Vladimir Putin
  • The payment to Stephanie Clifford — a.k.a. Stormy Daniels
  • James Comey's firing
  • Trump's firing of U.S. attorneys
  • Trump's proposed transgender ban for the military
  • Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin's business dealings
  • White House staff's personal email use
  • Cabinet secretary travel, office expenses, and other misused perks
  • Discussion of classified information at Mar-a-Lago
  • Jared Kushner's ethics law compliance
  • Dismissal of members of the EPA board of scientific counselors
  • The travel ban
  • Family separation policy
  • Hurricane response in Puerto Rico
  • Election security and hacking attempts
  • White House security clearances

Besides, what do you want them to do? Send legislation to the Senate and the dotard so they can laugh in our faces?
Send legislation to the Senate and the dotard
Yes, sir, I do want them to do exactly that, after they have worked with the Senate Republicans to come up with something acceptable. That is exactly what I want.
Lol okay good luck with that. Get used to the dotard and McConnell laughing hysterically at you.
Over the weekend, he told an interviewer that he regretted not having a softer tone.
CNN actually used the word "pivot" again this morning. LOL
I hope Democrats aren’t fool enough to try to work with him on anything.

Now that is silly. Most problems must be solved by working together. If he takes his usual bluster and bullshit tone then of course shovel it back. If he truly tries to work together then you have to listen. Country before party.
If he truly tries to work together, then it will be a complete 180 that he has never even once given a sign of being willing or even capable of doing. His base of inbreds will see it as a betrayal, and so he can’t. Not that he wants to at all.
I think he was perfectly willing to agree on that immigration bill and the rabid wing of the Republican party (Miller and Bannon) convinced him not to. Trump used to be a Democrat, remember. He's not really a conservative. If he is through listening to the hardliners only in the Republican party, we will see a change.
He just blasted in his press conference all the republicans who AREN’T hardliners. The “man” is a villain.
Okay. But I think you are a hardliner, too, BlackFlag. That is up to you, I just don't agree with that pugilistic approach.
I hope Democrats aren’t fool enough to try to work with him on anything.

Now that is silly. Most problems must be solved by working together. If he takes his usual bluster and bullshit tone then of course shovel it back. If he truly tries to work together then you have to listen. Country before party.
If he truly tries to work together, then it will be a complete 180 that he has never even once given a sign of being willing or even capable of doing. His base of inbreds will see it as a betrayal, and so he can’t. Not that he wants to at all.
I think he was perfectly willing to agree on that immigration bill and the rabid wing of the Republican party (Miller and Bannon) convinced him not to. Trump used to be a Democrat, remember. He's not really a conservative. If he is through listening to the hardliners only in the Republican party, we will see a change.
He just blasted in his press conference all the republicans who AREN’T hardliners. The “man” is a villain.
Okay. But I think you are a hardliner, too, BlackFlag. That is up to you, I just don't agree with that pugilistic approach.
Trump’s entire political existence depends on the total rejection of compromise. So good luck.
Oh yes now that we won the House and he has shit upon the Democrats with his vulgar words for the last 2 years, I do not think so. The last thing we need is a pansy Speaker of the House. Do not have a short memory and be taken in by this charlatan.

You know what they say about Karma.
He is right, but don’t think he means it. Dems would be best to get things done. They just attack trump and 2020 could be bad for them.
Pelosi said the same thing last night.

I am confused on why it’s bad.

I can still hear his words, about Democrats. Maybe we need a new speaker. If he had not lost the house, he'd be bragging and keeping on with is divisive words. Now he wants to play nice. We do not want the wall, and want the ACA and expanded Medicaid, and want SS and Medicare to stay the same. There are very huge differences.
There will be a new speaker of the house, remember, on the Republican side. No more Ryan. Perhaps if whoever that is has a better attitude about compromise, things can get done?

You mean minority leader, but I feel you working.
Oh yes now that we won the House and he has shit upon the Democrats with his vulgar words for the last 2 years, I do not think so. The last thing we need is a pansy Speaker of the House. Do not have a short memory and be taken in by this charlatan.

You know what they say about Karma.
And you are the epitome of why nothing will ever be done to make this nation what it used to be. You thrive on anger, hate and TDS. Congrats on showing again exactly what you are...and those happily slinging shit along with ya in this thread.

What is use to be, for the record I do not want to go backwards. I know Trump does, he came in hating and lying and fear mongering. I am no one, just one vote. He loves a fight, he said so, and his history only proves it.
Now that is silly. Most problems must be solved by working together. If he takes his usual bluster and bullshit tone then of course shovel it back. If he truly tries to work together then you have to listen. Country before party.
If he truly tries to work together, then it will be a complete 180 that he has never even once given a sign of being willing or even capable of doing. His base of inbreds will see it as a betrayal, and so he can’t. Not that he wants to at all.
I think he was perfectly willing to agree on that immigration bill and the rabid wing of the Republican party (Miller and Bannon) convinced him not to. Trump used to be a Democrat, remember. He's not really a conservative. If he is through listening to the hardliners only in the Republican party, we will see a change.
He just blasted in his press conference all the republicans who AREN’T hardliners. The “man” is a villain.
Okay. But I think you are a hardliner, too, BlackFlag. That is up to you, I just don't agree with that pugilistic approach.
Trump’s entire political existence depends on the total rejection of compromise. So good luck.

His total existence is total rejection of compromise, but you leave that door open but guarded. You just never know and can't squander the opportunity if it presents itself.
How is purging The House of 41 RINOs and Never Trumpers primarily due to retirements in The GOP, and replacing them with Trump friendly Dems, and GOP Congressmen, and having a Slim Majority even considered a victory for you guys?

Your Blue Wave resulted in the largest Senate majority in over 100 years and made Donald Trump the first President since JFK to gain seats in The Senate in a midterm.
51 is the largest Senate majority in over 100 years?

It's already at 53 Numb Nuts, and it could be 55 by the time this is all over.
Yet in 1935, the 74th Congress had 72 Democratic Senators.
I think that's larger than 53 or 55. And it was less than 100 years ago. Has the President been spouting "facts" again?
Oh yes now that we won the House and he has shit upon the Democrats with his vulgar words for the last 2 years, I do not think so. The last thing we need is a pansy Speaker of the House. Do not have a short memory and be taken in by this charlatan.

You know what they say about Karma.

The Dem's beatings will continue without interruption. Trump is already positioning the Dem House to take the blame if they get uppity.

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