Now it's insensitive and racist to ask Muslim refugees not to poop everywhere


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
Now it's 'wrong' to suggest that refugees assimilate, even in small ways. If it's insensitive to teach them how to use modern toilets, then I suppose it's also rude to tell them they shouldn't treat women like objects. So, we should just let them carry on with their barbaric ways and learn to live with it.

I've traveled to different countries and I felt it was important to show respect for their culture. You don't go to Germany and bitch about their country flag flying and you don't go to Italy and demand that everyone speak English.

Yet, when Muslims migrate to other country's, they show contempt for their cultures and they make demands. Here, they have complained about American flags at apartment buildings and bacon signs and they claim they are so offended that we need to remove these things to accomodate them. They have demanded halal meats at food pantries. They have demanded the right to go against our laws by covering their faces for driver's license photos or for TSA to give them a pass going through security. If we refuse, they claim we are insensitive and discriminating. They always claim freedom of religion, but funny how Islam is the only "religion" that is also a form of government and they have no respect for any others. They have their own laws, which they believe should trump all others. It's not about freedom of religion, it's about spreading their government by insisting that their strict rules replace others. Islam is an oppressive form of government mascarading as a religion.

Shitting on the streets, or anywhere else they find convenient, is disgusting. They have no interest in changing their ways to assimilate to host countries. And it is insensitive on their part not to even try. Not only do women have to alter their routines and go out of their way to avoid being harassed by Muslim men, now everyone has to tolerate the refugees disgusting toilet habits.

Modern toilets aren't the only things that mystify them. Treating women like people is also a foreign concept that they want no part of.

"Many of the Muslim migrants and "refugees" are reportedly "mystified" by Western-style toilets, and have resorted to simply defecating outdoors, on the floors, in showers, standing on top of toilets, or basically anywhere else they feel like it.

That problem has actually become so widespread that some towns have responded by passing out leaflets pleading with the migrants to follow the rules, including in their use of the bathroom facilities.

Critics, however, have labeled such efforts as "racist" and "insensitive" toward Muslim culture."
This is where you just want to grab one of these idiotic critics and introduce him or her to a part of our culture called a knuckle sandwich.
I'm sick to death of these assholes.
Those kowtowing to these morons should be forced to go back to wherever they came from WITH them.
It's really simple, just arrest them for indecent exposure or disorderly conduct and let the other folks in the jail introduce them to the proper use of the facilities.
My God, many, many years ago a girl I dated in high school that had a cat that would poop in a toilet. They should do what people used to do with puppies and rub their noses in it.
Rubbing a dogs nose in its poop is ridiculous. They have no clue what that even means and they start to fear you. To break a dog from going in the house, they need to be able to reach outside and pick their poop spot. Do not clean it up with a pooper scooper. They will return to that area and do their business after a few mistakes of not connecting house equals yard poop area. Do you rub a babies nose in it's dirty diaper? No.
Been to Muslim nations. They have toilets there. Strangely enough, those toilets look exactly like ours.

This entire story smells like shit to be honest.
"Now it's insensitive and racist to ask Muslim refugees not to poop everywhere"

Most conservatives are such ridiculous children – which explains a lot.

Most obsess over non-issues and non-problems; try to contrive non-issues and non-problems in to 'controversies,' blowing everything out of proportion.

Everything's a 'crisis,' everything's an 'outrage,' everything and everybody is 'wrong' – most conservatives are truly a miserable lot.
Now it's 'wrong' to suggest that refugees assimilate, even in small ways. If it's insensitive to teach them how to use modern toilets, then I suppose it's also rude to tell them they shouldn't treat women like objects. So, we should just let them carry on with their barbaric ways and learn to live with it.

I've traveled to different countries and I felt it was important to show respect for their culture. You don't go to Germany and bitch about their country flag flying and you don't go to Italy and demand that everyone speak English.

Yet, when Muslims migrate to other country's, they show contempt for their cultures and they make demands. Here, they have complained about American flags at apartment buildings and bacon signs and they claim they are so offended that we need to remove these things to accomodate them. They have demanded halal meats at food pantries. They have demanded the right to go against our laws by covering their faces for driver's license photos or for TSA to give them a pass going through security. If we refuse, they claim we are insensitive and discriminating. They always claim freedom of religion, but funny how Islam is the only "religion" that is also a form of government and they have no respect for any others. They have their own laws, which they believe should trump all others. It's not about freedom of religion, it's about spreading their government by insisting that their strict rules replace others. Islam is an oppressive form of government mascarading as a religion.

Shitting on the streets, or anywhere else they find convenient, is disgusting. They have no interest in changing their ways to assimilate to host countries. And it is insensitive on their part not to even try. Not only do women have to alter their routines and go out of their way to avoid being harassed by Muslim men, now everyone has to tolerate the refugees disgusting toilet habits.

Modern toilets aren't the only things that mystify them. Treating women like people is also a foreign concept that they want no part of.

"Many of the Muslim migrants and "refugees" are reportedly "mystified" by Western-style toilets, and have resorted to simply defecating outdoors, on the floors, in showers, standing on top of toilets, or basically anywhere else they feel like it.

That problem has actually become so widespread that some towns have responded by passing out leaflets pleading with the migrants to follow the rules, including in their use of the bathroom facilities.

Critics, however, have labeled such efforts as "racist" and "insensitive" toward Muslim culture."

This is just another reason why they don't belong in our nations, they're not civilised on any level.
Why do nazis feel the need to make things up ?

Why are people so dumb that they fall for these made up urban myths ?

Perhaps it is because it feeds their own filthy prejudice.

Here is an example of how the OP is lying to you.

"Many of the Muslim migrants and "refugees" are reportedly "mystified" by Western-style toilets, and have resorted to simplydefecating outdoors, on the floors, in showers, standing on top of toilets, or basically anywhere else they feel like it.( no actual proof is offered to support this nonsense)

That problem has actually become so widespread that some towns have responded by passing out leaflets (the leaflets relate to other issues and the "pooping" is not mentioned) pleading with the migrants to follow the rules, including in their use of the bathroom facilities. (no they dont because it isnt an issue)

Critics, however, have labeled such efforts as "racist" and "insensitive" toward Muslim culture."( no critics have actually been quoted ,probably because its a false argument)

Its a sneaky, underhanded, disgusting piece of work which is designed to promote hatred. Shame on those of you who have fallen for it.
This is retarded. These people need to learn how to use a goddamn toilet and show some respect.

Civilization must be enforced by the law.

Kick em out of your country and send em back to whatever shithole they crawled out of where they can shit in the street all they want.
Been to Muslim nations. They have toilets there. Strangely enough, those toilets look exactly like ours.

This entire story smells like shit to be honest.
One only needs to look at the source to know that.

But the nutters don't care. One of the kooks writes something, and the rest of the herd blindly runs with it. Damn the facts!

And if you want to write for this dubious source, not a problem. Just apply here.

Write For Conservative Tribune - Conservative Tribune
Now it's 'wrong' to suggest that refugees assimilate, even in small ways. If it's insensitive to teach them how to use modern toilets, then I suppose it's also rude to tell them they shouldn't treat women like objects. So, we should just let them carry on with their barbaric ways and learn to live with it.

I've traveled to different countries and I felt it was important to show respect for their culture. You don't go to Germany and bitch about their country flag flying and you don't go to Italy and demand that everyone speak English.

Yet, when Muslims migrate to other country's, they show contempt for their cultures and they make demands. Here, they have complained about American flags at apartment buildings and bacon signs and they claim they are so offended that we need to remove these things to accomodate them. They have demanded halal meats at food pantries. They have demanded the right to go against our laws by covering their faces for driver's license photos or for TSA to give them a pass going through security. If we refuse, they claim we are insensitive and discriminating. They always claim freedom of religion, but funny how Islam is the only "religion" that is also a form of government and they have no respect for any others. They have their own laws, which they believe should trump all others. It's not about freedom of religion, it's about spreading their government by insisting that their strict rules replace others. Islam is an oppressive form of government mascarading as a religion.

Shitting on the streets, or anywhere else they find convenient, is disgusting. They have no interest in changing their ways to assimilate to host countries. And it is insensitive on their part not to even try. Not only do women have to alter their routines and go out of their way to avoid being harassed by Muslim men, now everyone has to tolerate the refugees disgusting toilet habits.

Modern toilets aren't the only things that mystify them. Treating women like people is also a foreign concept that they want no part of.

"Many of the Muslim migrants and "refugees" are reportedly "mystified" by Western-style toilets, and have resorted to simply defecating outdoors, on the floors, in showers, standing on top of toilets, or basically anywhere else they feel like it.

That problem has actually become so widespread that some towns have responded by passing out leaflets pleading with the migrants to follow the rules, including in their use of the bathroom facilities.

Critics, however, have labeled such efforts as "racist" and "insensitive" toward Muslim culture."
On the other hand it could provide jobs for legal citizens, as pooper let's say $15 per hour. Wait till Bernie get ahold of this idea..
Never shake hands(right hand) that's the one they whip with... No toilet paper.

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