Now Khan says about Trump, "Shame on him, Shame on his family" (his family?)

What has Trump sacrificied? Comrade Donald's words eat his guts daily.

Yo, What has Hillary Clinton sacrificed? I know what she should sacrifice? Her Political Life, and Her Freedom!!!

"Shame on his family?" For what? This guy is obviously a whackadoodle. Who else would use his son's death to promote a presidential candidate? He should be ashamed. He's definitely got that Sharia attitude.

Khan's latest attack on Trump:

"Running for president is not an entitlement to disrespect Gold Star families and [a] Gold Star mother not realizing her pain. Shame on him! Shame on his family!" Khizr Khan said, struggling to hold back his anger. "He is not worthy of our comments. He has no decency. He is void of decency, he has a dark heart."

YEAH -----the idea is his FAMILY IS DISHONORED----it is a very araby thing that islam carries with it wherever it goes.
Muslims need "HONOR" that is why they donate their daughters to allah by tying bombs to their asses and shoving
them in the direction of THE ENEMY. By that method the whole family gets "HONOR" One can insult a muslim and
THE WHOLE FAMILY----by simply saying "cous achtah"---that means----approximately ------uhm achtah means
'your sister" the "cous" word-----refers to the female
genitalia. Mr Khan is a pig
sounds primitive. Cursing his descendants.

I cannot discuss Islamic curses with you------doing so has gotten me in trouble in the past. I am waiting for Mr Khan to get into the really classical Arabic stuff. It revolves around mostly
female relatives----but it can include male relatives.
Shall we see if the fucking bleeding hearts have the same reaction to Sean Smiths mother? Or is hypocrisy all they know?

How is that even a comparison?

That loon came on national stage to talk about how Hillary needs to got to jail for killing her son.

Khan on the other hand was highlighting contribution and sacrifice by Muslim Americans for this country, something that gets lost in all the recent muslim bashing.

Khan's INTENTION was to SHIT ON TRUMP-----that is all---it was obvious as soon as he opened his filthy mouth. Comparing him and his filth to a mother angry over the death of her son------is silly. That mother truly believes that HILLARY's machinations created the situation that killed her
son. Khan has NOTHING on Trump so he "ACCUSED" him of ----not suffering enough....
Shall we see if the fucking bleeding hearts have the same reaction to Sean Smiths mother? Or is hypocrisy all they know?

How is that even a comparison?

That loon came on national stage to talk about how Hillary needs to got to jail for killing her son.

Khan on the other hand was highlighting contribution and sacrifice by Muslim Americans for this country, something that gets lost in all the recent muslim bashing.

Khan's INTENTION was to SHIT ON TRUMP-----that is all---it was obvious as soon as he opened his filthy mouth. Comparing him and his filth to a mother angry over the death of her son------is silly. That mother truly believes that HILLARY's machinations created the situation that killed her
son. Khan has NOTHING on Trump so he "ACCUSED" him of ----not suffering enough....
that's actually a very good point. How on earth is Trump responsible for the son's death? it's typical bogan leftist labelling.

redistribution of blame.
Why does Trump have to sacrifice?

He doesn't have to sacrifice, he just has to remember that some of the Muslims that he slapped in the face with his rhetoric have sacrificed for this country far more than him.

what rhetoric with which muslims were "slapped in the face"?
Is it illegal to speak words that offend this or that person? There have been lots of SLAPS going on.
My take on this subject is simple, but first let me disclose I am not affiliated to any party out of protest to the 2 party system control the major parties have, by selfishly manipulating and keeping away equal rights to other third parties.
That being said, I have no skin in this game. However, my observation is that Kahn came here to escape the manipulation of his own gov't, including over elections and then what does he do- he ends up being that which he escaped from. The manipulator, trying to falsely sway an election for his own selfish purposes. In my opinion it is he and the DNC and Clinton who is using their son's death for the very same sinister means which made him leave his country and come to America and help others flee PEOPLE LIKE HIMSELF who sabotage and manipulate freedom of choices. Epic fail, to become what you hate is hypocracy.
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"Shame on his family?" For what? This guy is obviously a whackadoodle. Who else would use his son's death to promote a presidential candidate? He should be ashamed. He's definitely got that Sharia attitude.

Khan's latest attack on Trump:

"Running for president is not an entitlement to disrespect Gold Star families and [a] Gold Star mother not realizing her pain. Shame on him! Shame on his family!" Khizr Khan said, struggling to hold back his anger. "He is not worthy of our comments. He has no decency. He is void of decency, he has a dark heart."

YEAH -----the idea is his FAMILY IS DISHONORED----it is a very araby thing that islam carries with it wherever it goes.
Muslims need "HONOR" that is why they donate their daughters to allah by tying bombs to their asses and shoving
them in the direction of THE ENEMY. By that method the whole family gets "HONOR" One can insult a muslim and
THE WHOLE FAMILY----by simply saying "cous achtah"---that means----approximately ------uhm achtah means
'your sister" the "cous" word-----refers to the female
genitalia. Mr Khan is a pig

A pig AND a liar. Did you see this? And Anderson Cooper let him lie. I put up a thread about it. My blood pressure went thru the roof!


How's this for a lie?

Khizr Khan: ‘There Is No Such Thing’ as Sharia Law

Khizr Khan: 'There Is No Such Thing' as Sharia Law - Breitbart
Trump told a vicious and malicious lie to demonize American Muslims when he told that awful lie about seeing thousands of Muslims celebrating in the streets of New Jersey on a TV broadcast.
Payback. An American Muslim bitch slapped Trump live on national TV and defended the patriotism of his hero son and lit the spark that is bringing down Trump. One lone Muslim guy with his wife standing next to him did what all the Republican competitors for the nomination couldn't do.
"Shame on his family?" For what? This guy is obviously a whackadoodle. Who else would use his son's death to promote a presidential candidate? He should be ashamed. He's definitely got that Sharia attitude.

Khan's latest attack on Trump:

"Running for president is not an entitlement to disrespect Gold Star families and [a] Gold Star mother not realizing her pain. Shame on him! Shame on his family!" Khizr Khan said, struggling to hold back his anger. "He is not worthy of our comments. He has no decency. He is void of decency, he has a dark heart."

YEAH -----the idea is his FAMILY IS DISHONORED----it is a very araby thing that islam carries with it wherever it goes.
Muslims need "HONOR" that is why they donate their daughters to allah by tying bombs to their asses and shoving
them in the direction of THE ENEMY. By that method the whole family gets "HONOR" One can insult a muslim and
THE WHOLE FAMILY----by simply saying "cous achtah"---that means----approximately ------uhm achtah means
'your sister" the "cous" word-----refers to the female
genitalia. Mr Khan is a pig

A pig AND a liar. Did you see this? And Anderson Cooper let him lie. I put up a thread about it. My blood pressure went thru the roof!


How's this for a lie?

Khizr Khan: ‘There Is No Such Thing’ as Sharia Law

Khizr Khan: 'There Is No Such Thing' as Sharia Law - Breitbart

Khizr was kinda sorta trying to say that laws in muslim countries are actually a mishmash of stuff from their respective pasts and not PURE ISLAM (which is actually a good thing but muslims kinda like to insist that Islamic law is
something DIVINE) Actual real classical shariah (which does exist on paper and in the minds of Islamic "scholars")
is not doable in the world today. In fact---as far as I have read about KHIZR---he is an advocate of the true filth of shariah and even a "scholar" thereof. <<<oxymoron.
The laws of Pakistan today include stuff left over from the British which makes it too damned CIVILIZED for lots of
muslims over there. The same is true of arab countries----and some of THEIR laws are left over from the OTTOMAN empire------too damned civilized too..
Trump told a vicious and malicious lie to demonize American Muslims when he told that awful lie about seeing thousands of Muslims celebrating in the streets of New Jersey on a TV broadcast.
Payback. An American Muslim bitch slapped Trump live on national TV and defended the patriotism of his hero son and lit the spark that is bringing down Trump. One lone Muslim guy with his wife standing next to him did what all the Republican competitors for the nomination couldn't do.

wrong People were on the streets in Jersey city celebrating----also in Paterson, New Jersey and on Atlantic Avenue in Brooklyn, NY------the "thousands" word is simply a very mild descent into hyperbole---he probably actually SAW maybe a hundred ----or a few score ------at a time.. Mr and Mrs Khan are disgusting animals------which is precisely the point that they demonstrated. I saw hundreds of people on Atlantic Avenue -----CELEBRATING-----not thousands---more like hundreds.
I once---LONG LONG ago---lived in Paterson, NJ-----and I know Jersey City well. Jersey City is the place from which the muslims who served allah in 1993 by bombing
the WORLD TRADE CENTER---car bombs in the underground parking lot----EMANATED It, presently, is so much a jihadist enclave-----that the NEW YORK POLICE did surveillance there
for a long time.
It's clear there was a big rift between the father and the son.

He is dishonouring his son by using his death to further his own clownish religious ambitions.
Trump told a vicious and malicious lie to demonize American Muslims when he told that awful lie about seeing thousands of Muslims celebrating in the streets of New Jersey on a TV broadcast.
Payback. An American Muslim bitch slapped Trump live on national TV and defended the patriotism of his hero son and lit the spark that is bringing down Trump. One lone Muslim guy with his wife standing next to him did what all the Republican competitors for the nomination couldn't do.

wrong People were on the streets in Jersey city celebrating----also in Paterson, New Jersey and on Atlantic Avenue in Brooklyn, NY------the "thousands" word is simply a very mild descent into hyperbole---he probably actually SAW maybe a hundred ----or a few score ------at a time.. Mr and Mrs Khan are disgusting animals------which is precisely the point that they demonstrated. I saw hundreds of people on Atlantic Avenue -----CELEBRATING-----not thousands---more like hundreds.
I once---LONG LONG ago---lived in Paterson, NJ-----and I know Jersey City well. Jersey City is the place from which the muslims who served allah in 1993 by bombing
the WORLD TRADE CENTER---car bombs in the underground parking lot----EMANATED It, presently, is so much a jihadist enclave-----that the NEW YORK POLICE did surveillance there
for a long time.
i met an arab who was celebrating the anniversary of 9 11. i told him off. That was before i had been enlightened on the path to national socialism.
It's clear there was a big rift between the father and the son.

He is dishonouring his son by using his death to further his own clownish religious ambitions.

we really do not know ----and probably never will know why
HUMAYUN joined up. Lots of kids join up to GET AWAY.
Of course not MY SON-----but lots---I know that from them ---when I was IN. Mr and Mrs Khan seem INTENT on USING
the death of their son-----kinda sickening
Trump told a vicious and malicious lie to demonize American Muslims when he told that awful lie about seeing thousands of Muslims celebrating in the streets of New Jersey on a TV broadcast.
Payback. An American Muslim bitch slapped Trump live on national TV and defended the patriotism of his hero son and lit the spark that is bringing down Trump. One lone Muslim guy with his wife standing next to him did what all the Republican competitors for the nomination couldn't do.

wrong People were on the streets in Jersey city celebrating----also in Paterson, New Jersey and on Atlantic Avenue in Brooklyn, NY------the "thousands" word is simply a very mild descent into hyperbole---he probably actually SAW maybe a hundred ----or a few score ------at a time.. Mr and Mrs Khan are disgusting animals------which is precisely the point that they demonstrated. I saw hundreds of people on Atlantic Avenue -----CELEBRATING-----not thousands---more like hundreds.
I once---LONG LONG ago---lived in Paterson, NJ-----and I know Jersey City well. Jersey City is the place from which the muslims who served allah in 1993 by bombing
the WORLD TRADE CENTER---car bombs in the underground parking lot----EMANATED It, presently, is so much a jihadist enclave-----that the NEW YORK POLICE did surveillance there
for a long time.
i met an arab who was celebrating the anniversary of 9 11. i told him off. That was before i had been enlightened on the path to national socialism.

can I say "DROP DEAD" ....?? it is ok??
Trump told a vicious and malicious lie to demonize American Muslims when he told that awful lie about seeing thousands of Muslims celebrating in the streets of New Jersey on a TV broadcast.
Payback. An American Muslim bitch slapped Trump live on national TV and defended the patriotism of his hero son and lit the spark that is bringing down Trump. One lone Muslim guy with his wife standing next to him did what all the Republican competitors for the nomination couldn't do.

wrong People were on the streets in Jersey city celebrating----also in Paterson, New Jersey and on Atlantic Avenue in Brooklyn, NY------the "thousands" word is simply a very mild descent into hyperbole---he probably actually SAW maybe a hundred ----or a few score ------at a time.. Mr and Mrs Khan are disgusting animals------which is precisely the point that they demonstrated. I saw hundreds of people on Atlantic Avenue -----CELEBRATING-----not thousands---more like hundreds.
I once---LONG LONG ago---lived in Paterson, NJ-----and I know Jersey City well. Jersey City is the place from which the muslims who served allah in 1993 by bombing
the WORLD TRADE CENTER---car bombs in the underground parking lot----EMANATED It, presently, is so much a jihadist enclave-----that the NEW YORK POLICE did surveillance there
for a long time.
i met an arab who was celebrating the anniversary of 9 11. i told him off. That was before i had been enlightened on the path to national socialism.

can I say "DROP DEAD" ....?? it is ok??
what about my family? are you cursing them too? :D

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