Now Khan says about Trump, "Shame on him, Shame on his family" (his family?)

We're discussing foreigners who aren't on U.S. soil. They have no Constitutional rights. None.

Not the premise of the thread...

That's the premise of Khan's attack on Trump, so yes it is.

Huh? The premise of Khan's attack on Trump is that they are foreigners on US soil? Er, no they're not.

The premise of his attack is that Trump's policy on Muslim immigration shames Khan's son.

You really are a special kind of dumbass, ya know it? Did you actually think pretending not to get the point is a winning argument?
The premise of his attack is that Trump's policy on Muslim immigration shames Khan's son.

You really are a special kind of dumbass, ya know it? Did you actually think pretending not to get the point is a winning argument?

No you dumbarse, it is about Trump's racist rant about Muslims in general. Not immigrants.
Those "Swiftboat assholes" were in the military and you denigrate them....
So was Kerry and McCain, yet you have no problem with them denigrating them up to and including telling baldfaced lies. I have no respect for Kerry's actions after he left Vietnam. As an officer and decorated war hero, he should have conducted himself like one, but that doesn't give anyone the right to lie or denigrate a person's factual service record.

If you are a vet, then you should know what I'm talking about whether you choose to admit it or not.

It was Kerry's word against their word. Tell me about those serious wounds that Kerry got purple hearts for. LOL
.....I've been surrounded by liberals in Northern California my whole life and never heard a one bad mouth serving members of the armed forces...for their service.
The new Liberal anti-military meme; hug the troops then hate the military. Cut their budgets, COLAs, everything you can to undermine those seeking to do their service. Got it. Thanks.

Link to liberals cutting their budget and COLA? Here's military spending per President:


Where are these huge and drastic cuts? Where is this "gutted" military?
AP FACT CHECK: Gutted? Disaster? GOP hyperbole on military

And cutting benefits for veterans? Who does that? Oh, yeah...Republicans.

Obama Stands Up For Veterans By Vowing To Veto GOP Bill That Cut Benefits For 70,000 Vets

Veterans, lawmakers decry proposed cuts to GI Bill

Happy Veterans Day? 5 Times Republicans in Congress Screwed Veterans
Americans really better wake up. This is how it all started in many Western European nations. The radicalization process began with extremist Muslims and Leftists labeling anyone who disagreed with them as 'Racists', 'Xenophobes', and so on.

This Kahn guy is more dangerous than most Americans think. England, France, Germany, Belgium, and others had too many just like him. They incite radicalization. Americans better pay closer attention. These folks are very dangerous.
You are simply a complete fucking idiot. I personally believe that scum who disparage the patriotism of military families should be shot in the face.

He's dangerous. It's exactly how the radicalization process began in Western Europe. It started with branding anyone who disagreed with extremist Muslims and Leftists, as 'Racists', 'Xenophobes', and so on. I hope Americans are paying close attention. This is how it begins.
How it began in Nazi Germany was by getting an unhinged narcissistic egomaniac leader who identified a group of people, based on their religion, as being the cause of their troubles and sought to ban them from his country.

Sounds eerily familiar, doesn't it?

It sure does. Those damned Jews were going around cutting Germans heads off, blowing themselves up in crowded malls and setting out IED's. They got what they deserved. Did I get that right?
I guess you haven't noticed, but Muslims here are not cutting anyone's heads off.

Here are two and I got tired of looking for more. Perhaps you are the one that hasn't noticed.

"A fired Oklahoma factory worker inflicted a brutal, ISIS-style punishment on colleagues he tried to convert to Islam — cutting one woman’s head off with a 10-inch fillet knife, law-enforcement sources said Friday."

Suspect in Oklahoma beheading tried converting co-workers to Islam | New York Post

"Muzzammil Syed Hassan, also known as Mo Steve Hassan, (born May 26, 1964) is a Pakistani-American, and former CEO of Bridges TV. Bridge TV was the first American Muslim television network broadcast inEnglish. He resigned from the position in February 2009.[6]

On February 7, 2011, Hassan was found guilty of second degree murder for beheading his wife of eight years,Aasiya Zubair."

Muzzammil Hassan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The level the left will stoop. Shame on this father for using his son as a political pawn. Yeah, I would call him an asshole to his face. I see through everything they are doing and he is not going to use the jedi mind trick on me.

I see exactly what he along with the democrats are doing. They are pigs. All of them. Especially the father. That is right. Especially the father.

You think for one second these pieces of left wing shit will be able to manipulate me with their tactics? Not for one half of one second.
I take it you feel the same for Patricia Smith who did the same with her son Sean at the RNC?

Trump didn't lie to Kahn, Hillary lied to Patricia Smith. See the difference?
Well except that Hillary didn't lie to Smith, you almost have a point.

Of course she did. Maybe Hillary was still suffering from PTSD from the sniper attack she talked about.
As Trump said, His son is a war hero, fighting and dying killing enemies of America, enemies like me his father....

If only the father learned from the wisdom of his son..,.

Khan is back peddling his story now, defending sharia and practicing taqiyya like the good Muslim brother Trump knew he was....
And the other TWO purple hearts? Suppose they were his fault too?
I strongly disagree with the Swiftboat "tactics" (i.e. lying and smearing). OTOH, I have no respect for Kerry's actions post-Vietnam. He was a commissioned officer and should have conducted himself like one even after he left the service. Throwing someone else's medals over a fence for the press? Testifying in uniform and alleging war crimes while dozens of his fellow service personnel were imprisoned in Hanoi and still being captured after being shot down put those Americans in further risk of danger and harm due to reprisals.

I expect more of a United States Naval officer.
And, as usual, you are peddling fucking lies. Khan brought up the point that his religion, and that of his son, is Muslim. And his son died defending the United States of America. And both he and his son obeyed the laws of this nation as good US citizens. Trump had and has no right to issue a blanket condemnation of all Muslims. That is not by our Constitution, nor by our laws.,
And, as usual, you are peddling fucking lies. Khan brought up the point that his religion, and that of his son, is Muslim. And his son died defending the United States of America. And both he and his son obeyed the laws of this nation as good US citizens. Trump had and has no right to issue a blanket condemnation of all Muslims. That is not by our Constitution, nor by our laws.,
I know the truth hurts you....
Link to liberals cutting their budget and COLA? Here's military spending per President:


Where are these huge and drastic cuts? Where is this "gutted" military?
AP FACT CHECK: Gutted? Disaster? GOP hyperbole on military

And cutting benefits for veterans? Who does that? Oh, yeah...Republicans.

Obama Stands Up For Veterans By Vowing To Veto GOP Bill That Cut Benefits For 70,000 Vets

Veterans, lawmakers decry proposed cuts to GI Bill

Happy Veterans Day? 5 Times Republicans in Congress Screwed Veterans
First, as you can see Clinton drastically cut the military budget even as he upped the operational tempo by sending our military personnel to hostile regions on "humanitarian" missions.

Your graph is the entire military budget, of which very little goes to veterans, much less the VA.

Granted the Republicans have fallen into focusing on their own political interests and away from the military and our vets, but that just makes them more like Democrats, not worse than Democrats.

All statements involving Veterans

Congressional spending cuts seem more across the board due to sequestration and a desire to reduce the deficit more than simply targeting the military for cuts and spending the money on welfare, "free college" proposals and like social programs.
The truth is that even the GOP is now backing away from Trump, and wondering how they ever got sucked into supporting anyone that is this obviously mentally unstable. The VFW, Gold Star Families, many GOP legislators and executives have publically renounced his attacks on the Khans.

The dumb fuck has spent the last two weeks attacking fellow Republicans, and otherwise alienating the very people he most needs right now. You wish to show that you are equally mentally unbalanced by supporting his idiocy, go right ahead.

See you 9Nov16.
This thread is anit-Khan so don't expect it to be open long.

But I do wonder why Khan didn't mention that his son honorably give his life in an illegal war? A war that Hillary voted in favor of and actually gave a rare Senate floor speech in favor. How he even connects Trump to his son's sacrifice is a stretch in logic. Trump said ONE thing before the war and that was 6 months before the war on the Howard Stern show, "yeah, I guess so." Compare that off handed remark with a floor speech, no comparison. And there is no thought that Trump could have changed his mind in the following 6 months. Since all his comments other than the first were anti-war then logic dictates he never really supported the war, as did Hillary.
It was Kerry's word against their word. Tell me about those serious wounds that Kerry got purple hearts for. LOL
Kerry didn't give himself those medals; the United States did.

Wounds received in combat, regardless if friendly fire or accidentally self-inflicted, qualify for the Purple Heart. Do you believe Army Ranger Cpl. Pat Tillman deserved the Purple Heart for being killed by friendly fire? The US Army thinks so and I agree with them. Same for Kerry.

Army Cpl. Patrick D. Tillman | Military Times

The bottom line is it's wrong for politicians, be they vets or not, to denigrate the US military for political purposes. In this case, out of political hatred of John Kerry, you are supporting a call to pull the medals of every veteran who was wounded or killed by friendly fire, even if that friendly fire was their own fault. "Jumped on a grenade to save your fellow Marines? Fuck you. You did it to yourself". No, that's wrong.

Jump on Kerry for all the bullshit he pulled stateside and for all his crap he did as a politician, but let's leave the military out of this, please.
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Link to liberals cutting their budget and COLA? Here's military spending per President:


Where are these huge and drastic cuts? Where is this "gutted" military?
AP FACT CHECK: Gutted? Disaster? GOP hyperbole on military

And cutting benefits for veterans? Who does that? Oh, yeah...Republicans.

Obama Stands Up For Veterans By Vowing To Veto GOP Bill That Cut Benefits For 70,000 Vets

Veterans, lawmakers decry proposed cuts to GI Bill

Happy Veterans Day? 5 Times Republicans in Congress Screwed Veterans
First, as you can see Clinton drastically cut the military budget even as he upped the operational tempo by sending our military personnel to hostile regions on "humanitarian" missions.

First off, I don't see those as "drastic" cuts. Secondly, who did it? Bill Clinton you say? Funny, Fact check says differently...

The active-duty military totaled 1.8-million at the start of his presidency in 1993 and declined to 1.4-million in 2000. They are also correct that the naval fleet shrank dramatically. The Navy had 454 ships in 1993, but as vessels were retired and not replaced, the fleet was down to 341 by 2000.

But they are selectively choosing numbers that make it appear that the military cuts were Clinton's alone. In fact, the cuts were prompted by the end of the Cold War during the presidency of President George H.W. Bush, a Republican.

During Bush's presidency, he and Congress agreed to a sharp drop in military personnel. Active-duty military declined from 2.2-million to 1.8-million. Total defense forces also shrank, from 3.3-million to 2.9-million.[...]

But contrary to the Republicans' claims, the post-Cold War shrinkage of the U.S. military was very much a bipartisan effort. It began under a Republican president and a Democratic Congress and continued under a Democratic president and a Republican Congress.

Your graph is the entire military budget, of which very little goes to veterans, much less the VA.

Granted the Republicans have fallen into focusing on their own political interests and away from the military and our vets, but that just makes them more like Democrats, not worse than Democrats.

All statements involving Veterans

Congressional spending cuts seem more across the board due to sequestration and a desire to reduce the deficit more than simply targeting the military for cuts and spending the money on welfare, "free college" proposals and like social programs.

Oh, now we're "granting" that Republicans aren't as "Rah, rah" military as they think they are?

I think we can stop now. Republicans are not more "pro military", they just think they are.
It is said that one must not respond to a Gold Star parent, because their child's sacrifice make them immune to such response.

The sacrifice is NOT theirs, it is their child's.

And just for curiosity: At what point does the Gold Star parent no longer has such immunity? Can a Gold Star parent spit in someone's face| Can he/she punch someone in the face? Can they rob someone? Can they kill someone?

At what point is it a bridge too far for what a Gold Star parent?
This thread is anit-Khan so don't expect it to be open long.

But I do wonder why Khan didn't mention that his son honorably give his life in an illegal war? A war that Hillary voted in favor of and actually gave a rare Senate floor speech in favor. How he even connects Trump to his son's sacrifice is a stretch in logic. Trump said ONE thing before the war and that was 6 months before the war on the Howard Stern show, "yeah, I guess so." Compare that off handed remark with a floor speech, no comparison. And there is no thought that Trump could have changed his mind in the following 6 months. Since all his comments other than the first were anti-war then logic dictates he never really supported the war, as did Hillary.
Hey, cocksuck, ever serve? My dd214 says Honorable. You do not make a judgement on the legality of the wars that you serve in, only on the orders that you receive. Captain Khan served honorably and with great courage, and made the ultimate sacrifice for this nation. And Trump stated that no one of his religion should be allowed in this nation. Of course the senior Khan was insulted. I would also be insulted were I Muslim.

And, as an American, Captain Khan's father had every right to say what he did. And, of course, Donald Trump had every right to say what he has said. And the majority of the rest of us have every right to judge Donald Trump to be a complete asshole for saying what he did. And are you going to call the VFW a den of liberals?

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