Now Mexico wants a wall.... On its Southern border

Mexico wants to build a border wall with Central America

I would bet almost anything that Mexico told trump that they would do a wall on our border but they wanted one on their southern as well.

For whatever reason I am unable to post the article text. If someone could I would appreciate. Thank you .
Not really getting what a southern wall has to do with Drumpf? I thought Drumpf wanted the wall on the northern part of Mexico? Did they claim Drumpf would pay for it?

Please tell me your just trolling and not this dumb.
I'm not trolling and yes you are really stupid by associating Drumpf with some wall in southern Mexico. Why did you deflect instead of answering my question?

Questioning whether you can connect the dots between news stories isn't deflecting.... The fact that you can't is amusing. It's almost like you need someone to spell it out for you because you are too dumb to sort it out yourself.
The problem with that is you end up thinking 2+2=5 because you can't figure it out on your own.

I didn't associate him other than to show that this potentially clarifies his meeting with the Mexican president. This is an easy way for them to also support a wall on the north if he can show his people he isn't rolling over and it also shows that trump used the time to move an agenda forward making him look presidential.
Yeah that post wins the stupid award of the month. Obviously you are an imbecile that doesnt realize Mexico has been talking about this long before Drumpf ever became a candidate. How did he so thoroughly delude you into making an ass of yourself for his benefit?
Maybe they will help Trump build the wall IF Trump helps THEM build one as well?
I can see Trump and the Mexican prez hunkered together and plotting this. Can you? And would it be so bad if it did happen?
It seems Mexico agrees with Donald Trump's plans to build a wall to keep out illegal immigrants - but only on its southern border with Central America.

Mexicans are calling for the border wall to keep out Guatemalans, Salvadorans and Hondurans fleeing violence in their own countries.

They complain 'hordes' of immigrants pass through on their way to the United States -who are then simply deported back to Mexico rather than their home countries by the US.

Central American migrants are left stuck in border cities with Mexican officials unable to afford to send them back to their own countries, according to an article by one of the largest newspapers in the border state of Tamaulipas, El Mañana, titled: 'Yes to the Border Wall … but in Mexico's South.'

The real estate mogul sparked international outrage last year when he unveiled his idea for a giant wall on the US border with Mexico - which he claimed Mexico would pay for.

But while Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto has mocked Trump's plans, many Mexicans praised the concept of a border wall.

'Trump's idea of a border wall is a good one but it should be on the southern border with Central America in order to stop the flow of Central Americans from entering both countries,' the El Mañana board wrote in July.

The paper also called for proper immigration checkpoints on the southern border.

El Mañana even criticized Hillary Clinton for failing to raise the issue of border security.
The fact is North America shouldn't be subjected to Central Americans running across the borders.

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