Now that Bidens bribes are common knowledge

Democrats only care about maintaining power and don't give a fuck about the American people.
It's why their constituents will not say a word about the fact that although promised he has not gone after the rich CORPORATIONS, YA DON'T BITE THE HAND THAT FEEDS YA. Ya promise it for the vote, but do nothing. It's why the blacks have made no real progress in the 60 year they have voted Democrat, they just changed the plantations to the inner city slums
I think their first response would be that you've shown no such thing. You've just traded spit with each other and whispered the same things to each other hoping that makes them real.

What evidence were you shown that Trump endangered national security, threw the world for a loop and tampered with an election when they impeached Trump for a phone call to Ukraine that 30 people were in on? At that point, Biden wasn't even the nominee for the democrats!

What evidence were you ever shown that Trump orchestrated and engineered an insurrection and attempt to overthrow the government during his second impeachment?

Republicans ought to just STFU and gather evidence and impeach the old cuss, THEN they can present all their stuff.
Where do we go from here?
Frankly I suspect nowhere
Libs have carved out a non reality, not factual mode of operation that is sinisterly effective. I think their response will be mostly So What, you are reading the words wrong, etc and we roll along with daily revelations immediately followed by another Trump indictment and some Covid mandate bullshit mixed in.

We don’t live in reality anymore. We live in the vengeful, fictitious spirit of Orange Man Bad.

The Democrat Politicians and the Democrat Media have constructed maybe the tightest Cult in History.

They simply have convinced their followers that their divine way is the only way.
It does settle things down nicely though that we all now can see and hear what an influence peddling asswipe Biden is and what a smarmy schmuck Hunter is.
With that debate fully resolved and revealed we can move onto how to deal with him.
No, that was YOUR party that kept making empty promises. Comer on the other hand has delivered irrefutable facts. No spin, no wild claims, just the facts that they have found.
I was told specifically that Devon Archer was going to blow the lid on this whole thing.

In fact, I was ridiculed for not believing it.

It didn’t happen.
I was told specifically that Devon Archer was going to blow the lid on this whole thing.

In fact, I was ridiculed for not believing it.

It didn’t happen.
It sure would have been great if he had said "i personally saw Joe take a bribe", but what he did do is expose Joe as a rampant repeated liar. He met with Hunters partners MANY times. He wouldnt be lying about that if the business was legit.
Show us some real evidence. You know, of the same quality as Jack Smith is going to schlong all over Little Donald and that you’re desperately trying to distract from.

There is a mountain of evidence. You just refuse to look. It is discussed all the time on here and all over different news sites.

You are kind of a dumb ass, arent you?
Where do we go from here?
Frankly I suspect nowhere
Libs have carved out a non reality, not factual mode of operation that is sinisterly effective. I think their response will be mostly So What, you are reading the words wrong, etc and we roll along with daily revelations immediately followed by another Trump indictment and some Covid mandate bullshit mixed in.

We don’t live in reality anymore. We live in the vengeful, fictitious spirit of Orange Man Bad.

The title of your thread says that Biden bribes are common knowledge. Where is your link? Where is your evidence of any such bribes?
He wouldnt be lying about that if the business was legit.
Trump lied about his campaign having connections with Russians.

They lied because the truth would be damaging regardless of its legitimacy.
Trump lied about his campaign having connections with Russians.

They lied because the truth would be damaging regardless of its legitimacy.
I dont have any idea what youre even talking about. If youre trying to revive the Russia collusion hoax, good fucking luck with that.
I dont have any idea what youre even talking about. If youre trying to revive the Russia collusion hoax, good fucking luck with that.
Sorry this is confusing to you.

In 2016, Trump denied that his campaign was having contact with Russia. The media found out that they did. A lot actually. Why did he lie? Because it would have looked bad regardless of whether that contact with legitimate or not.

Same is true for Biden. It would have looked bad regardless of whether the business was legitimate.
There is a mountain of evidence. You just refuse to look. It is discussed all the time on here and all over different news sites.

You are kind of a dumb ass, arent you?
Evidence leads to hard proof and we are going there next

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