Now that Obama has apologized ...

It was amusing listening to the Obama shills on the Sunday morning news shows saying that "Obama has apologized" as if that was reason to "get over it" and move on ... without them seeming at all interested in the specifics of what Obama supposedly apologized for and what he failed to acknowledge.

How can journalists care so little about being used as tools by someone who deliberately perpetrated fraud on the nation to push an agenda the American people would have objected to if they had been informed about it?

It remains incomprehensible.

Doesn't matter how much he lied, how voters were manipulated, how much his agenda costs, how many millions of people will remain uninsured, .... they still parrot whatever line he feeds them.

How can this mindset possibly be explained?

Still with the "lie" meme? Like with Romneycare, not many people will care in a few years. 'Move On' is more than just a dot org.
You are aware that the apology is meaningless aren't you?

I really don't know anyone apologizes for lying 32 times? But as we have seen over the last 6 years, only Obama gets away with it.The people we need to feel sorry for are the millions that have already seen their medical insurance premiums either sky-rocket and those 5 or so million currently, with millions more to come-- that have received letters that their insurance is dropping them, forcing them into much more expensive medical insurance policies.

But let's face it--this is the only administration in my 60 year memory that literally gets away with everything.

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There is no real apology that does not end with "I won't do that again". It's not an apology while the actions that made the apology necessary are still going on.
There is no real apology that does not end with "I won't do that again". It's not an apology while the actions that made the apology necessary are still going on.

There is no one alive today that can apologize for lying 32 times with the exception of Barack Obama. He's the only one that gets away with it, and he continues to do it today.
65- Not really, O is apologizing for Pubs and insurers screwing it up as well as HIS miscalculations of their a-holeness lol...NOT REPORTED ON CORPORATE MEDIA OR, of course, your total bs Pub propaganda machine......
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If you don't want single payer, maybe Pubs and insurers should STOP feqqing up what's ACTUALLY their gd plan...a-holes lol...NOT reported on corporate media...

Since you mentioned it...I do want single-payer but I don't think there's a snowball's chance in Hell now because the Progressives f*cked this up beyond belief and now the country equates single-payer with Marxism. And you defend those people. You'd be a useful idiot if you ever actually managed to influence anyone. Every single one of those Progressive sons of bitches whose sack you dangle from on a daily basis should be impeached, removed from office, and placed in stocks on the Mall.
LOL, ADD hater a year no one will remember the website problems or this lie bs...obstructionist pubs and insurers are responsible for these problems, and you WILL keep your doctor...zzzzzzzzzz
This certainly isn't hurting single payer chances...and it's pubs and insurers who SHOULD be for this plan, but they're blinded by hate, greed, and stupidity. You dupes will believe anthing they say, for days on end, brainwashed ones lol...
LOL, ADD hater a year no one will remember the website problems or this lie bs...obstructionist pubs and insurers are responsible for these problems, and you WILL keep your doctor...zzzzzzzzzz

Did it ever occur to you that the website "problems" help progressives? After all, if the site worked the way it's supposed to there would be a lot more pissed off people with sticker shock than there are now.
This certainly isn't hurting single payer chances...and it's pubs and insurers who SHOULD be for this plan, but they're blinded by hate, greed, and stupidity. You dupes will believe anthing they say, for days on end, brainwashed ones lol...

Yes, the PPACA killed any chance of single-payer in this country. Prog Dems are running for their lives right now, do you really think they're going to go for the whole enchilada now? They half-assed it and made things worse and now they're going to spend the rest of their careers trying to look reasonable.
LOL, ADD hater a year no one will remember the website problems or this lie bs...obstructionist pubs and insurers are responsible for these problems, and you WILL keep your doctor...zzzzzzzzzz

Did it ever occur to you that the website "problems" help progressives? After all, if the site worked the way it's supposed to there would be a lot more pissed off people with sticker shock than there are now.

Horse patoot- most people will save money, and it will become obvious that Pub states are the problem and that insurers could be cooperating and competing more....This is as bad as it gets lol...prepare to eat shytte lol....
Most people will save money? If that's true then why are Dems running from it? Because most people won't save money. I'm in the individual market...I got my cancellation notice...I'm not going to save money and I had to call my provider to find out what my new policy costs because the gov site was FUBAR. You're a tool.
LOL, ADD hater a year no one will remember the website problems or this lie bs...obstructionist pubs and insurers are responsible for these problems, and you WILL keep your doctor...zzzzzzzzzz

Did it ever occur to you that the website "problems" help progressives? After all, if the site worked the way it's supposed to there would be a lot more pissed off people with sticker shock than there are now.

Horse patoot- most people will save money, and it will become obvious that Pub states are the problem and that insurers could be cooperating and competing more....This is as bad as it gets lol...prepare to eat shytte lol....

Most people will save money? If that were true why are so many people seeking waivers? Why are congressional staffers exempt?
It was amusing listening to the Obama shills on the Sunday morning news shows saying that "Obama has apologized" as if that was reason to "get over it" and move on ... without them seeming at all interested in the specifics of what Obama supposedly apologized for and what he failed to acknowledge.

How can journalists care so little about being used as tools by someone who deliberately perpetrated fraud on the nation to push an agenda the American people would have objected to if they had been informed about it?

It remains incomprehensible.

Doesn't matter how much he lied, how voters were manipulated, how much his agenda costs, how many millions of people will remain uninsured, .... they still parrot whatever line he feeds them.

How can this mindset possibly be explained?

Probably because the truth is,

"If you are too dumb to know how badly your insurance company is ripping you off, and they won't be able to do that anymore, you will really be better off" doesn't sell as well.

Here's the problem. It's not just the 46 million who have no insurance that were the problem, it's the 25 million who have inadequate insurance.

Of that 25 million, about 4 million have insurance that is SO bad that it doesn't even meet the bare minimum standards that ObamaCare sets out.

It should also be pointed out a contributing part of the problem is the REFUSAL of REpublican governors to set up Health Care exchanges for their states.
Here's the problem. It's not just the 46 million who have no insurance that were the problem, it's the 25 million who have inadequate insurance.

Of that 25 million, about 4 million have insurance that is SO bad that it doesn't even meet the bare minimum standards that ObamaCare sets out.

Yes. Inadequate coverage. Elderly need maternity coverage required by Obamacare.

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