Now that Obama has apologized ...


Of for sure, 50,000 enrollees and 4,200,000 have lost their coverage.

Yeah, I can see where you'd project success & popularity here...


Most of those people will have better coverage when all is said and done.

You do get this, right, that the policies that are being cancelled were so shitty they needed to be put out of their misery like Old Yeller?
Tell us exactly how they were shitty.

Of for sure, 50,000 enrollees and 4,200,000 have lost their coverage.

Yeah, I can see where you'd project success & popularity here...


Most of those people will have better coverage when all is said and done.

You do get this, right, that the policies that are being cancelled were so shitty they needed to be put out of their misery like Old Yeller?
Tell us exactly how they were shitty.

High deductables, didn't cover doctor's visits, called just about everything a "pre-existing condition".

They were also shitty because they didn't cover maternity costs for 55-year old men, many of them had lower deductibles than many of the plans we're being pushed into, they didn't include subsidies to buy votes, and they didn't make much of the middle class and all up the upper middle class and upper class pay for others' benefits.


They were also shitty because they didn't cover maternity costs for 55-year old men, many of them had lower deductibles than many of the plans we're being pushed into, they didn't include subsidies to buy votes, and they didn't make much of the middle class and all up the upper middle class and upper class pay for others' benefits.


Guy, if you think that a 55 year old man can get a really generous individual plan, you are delusional.

Actually, the way to solve the problem of that 55 year old man was to let him get a MediCare Buy in, but the GOP and Joe LIeberman (I-Israel) shot that down.

We also could have taken care of most of those poor people by including a public option to compete with private insurance for that market, but that was shot down, too.

Shit, we could solve all these problems by merely doing what every other industrial democracy has done and go with a single payer, national system.

But, no, on, let's get all upset because rip-off policies aren't legal anymore, and some people are too dumb to use the exchanges and too stupid to realize they were being cheated.

They were also shitty because they didn't cover maternity costs for 55-year old men, many of them had lower deductibles than many of the plans we're being pushed into, they didn't include subsidies to buy votes, and they didn't make much of the middle class and all up the upper middle class and upper class pay for others' benefits.


Guy, if you think that a 55 year old man can get a really generous individual plan, you are delusional.

Actually, the way to solve the problem of that 55 year old man was to let him get a MediCare Buy in, but the GOP and Joe LIeberman (I-Israel) shot that down.

We also could have taken care of most of those poor people by including a public option to compete with private insurance for that market, but that was shot down, too.

Shit, we could solve all these problems by merely doing what every other industrial democracy has done and go with a single payer, national system.

But, no, on, let's get all upset because rip-off policies aren't legal anymore, and some people are too dumb to use the exchanges and too stupid to realize they were being cheated.

In other words, "tough shit", which is pretty much what I've been saying.

This notion that any policies not blessed by the ACA are "ripoffs" is simply untrue and dishonest. I realize that's all the apologists have, but it's a lie. Those crappy "mini-med" plans were a tiny fraction of the plans out there. I deal with individuals and businesses all day, and I've never seen one. Most of these plans, such as mine, were just fine. But, I know, tough shit, the government knows what is better for me and my family. As always. We must do what they say.

This is about some being able to flip the bird at those who earn more than they, and about giving more and more and more power to Our Great & Glorious Leaders In Central Planning Who Are Smarter Than Us No Matter How Much It Costs Those Who Have More Than Me.

Either way, you win, you're getting what you want.

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In other words, "tough shit", which is pretty much what I've been saying.

This notion that any policies not blessed by the ACA are "ripoffs" is simply untrue and dishonest. I realize that's all the apologists have, but it's a lie. Most of these plans, such as mine, were just fine. But, I know, tough shit, the government knows what is better for me and my family. As always.

This is about some being able to flip the bird at those who earn more than they, and about giving more and more and more power to Our Great & Glorious Leaders In Central Planning Who Are Smarter Than Us.

Either way, you win, you're getting what you want.


No, guy, I didn't get what I wanted.

I got what the Insurance Industry, which has WAAAAAYYYYY too much power, was willing to agree to, because now they can blame the government for dumping policyholders when they were probably going to do a lot of that themselves.

Reality is, every other country has single payer or some form of universal coverage.

They spend less.


They have lower infant mortality rates


They have longer life expectencies.


But, no, no, you really think that a 55 year old man is going to get a better deal from an insurance company than he would from the government, and gosh darn, they are just trying to make you pay for poor people... somehow.
now that obama has apologized, we now wait for Al Gore to apologize for making 500 million from lying to us about Global Warming while much of the world has seen the coldest winters in history over the last ten years.
Most of those people will have better coverage when all is said and done.

You do get this, right, that the policies that are being cancelled were so shitty they needed to be put out of their misery like Old Yeller?
Tell us exactly how they were shitty.

High deductables, didn't cover doctor's visits, called just about everything a "pre-existing condition".
If they were happy with those plans, why should you give a damn, and why should Obama give a damn? What Obama was REALLY saying was "If I like your plan you can keep it".
Tell us exactly how they were shitty.

High deductables, didn't cover doctor's visits, called just about everything a "pre-existing condition".
If they were happy with those plans, why should you give a damn, and why should Obama give a damn? What Obama was REALLY saying was "If I like your plan you can keep it".

First, people with BRAINS knew their policies were shit and didn't cover anything.

Now, yeah, some dumb Cleetuses probably thought they were getting a good deal with that insurance plan that didn't cover anything... until they got sick, and that's where all the insurance horror stories usually came in.
High deductables, didn't cover doctor's visits, called just about everything a "pre-existing condition".
If they were happy with those plans, why should you give a damn, and why should Obama give a damn? What Obama was REALLY saying was "If I like your plan you can keep it".

First, people with BRAINS knew their policies were shit and didn't cover anything.

Now, yeah, some dumb Cleetuses probably thought they were getting a good deal with that insurance plan that didn't cover anything... until they got sick, and that's where all the insurance horror stories usually came in.

A Stage-4 Gallblader Cancer Survivor Says: I Am One of ObamaCare's Losers -

Everyone now is clamoring about Affordable Care Act winners and losers. I am one of the losers.

My grievance is not political; all my energies are directed to enjoying life and staying alive, and I have no time for politics. For almost seven years I have fought and survived stage-4 gallbladder cancer, with a five-year survival rate of less than 2% after diagnosis. I am a determined fighter and extremely lucky. But this luck may have just run out: My affordable, lifesaving medical insurance policy has been canceled effective Dec. 31.

My choice is to get coverage through the government health exchange and lose access to my cancer doctors, or pay much more for insurance outside the exchange (the quotes average 40% to 50% more) for the privilege of starting over with an unfamiliar insurance company and impaired benefits.


Death by Obamacare: 'Reform' reams cancer patients | New York Post

ObamaCare is supposed to be a huge boon for anyone with a pre-existing condition. Count that another promise broken: It’s actually denying care because of pre-existing conditions.

Millions of Americans with cancer and other chronic illnesses will wind up paying more for lifesaving care, if they can get it all.

To keep costs down, the White House designed ObamaCare plans as cut-rate HMOs. The low profit margins have forced insurers to downsize the number of doctors and hospitals in their networks — and to slash what they cover for out-of-network treatment.

So most ObamaCare plans don’t include the vast majority of the best cancer doctors and cancer centers. That’s a huge problem for these patients. As Dr. Scott Gottlieb, a former Medicare official, writes: “Cancer patients often need the help of specialized doctors and cancer institutions that won’t make it into many of these cheapened networks.”

All across the country, leading cancer centers — including New York’s Memorial Sloan Kettering — are excluded by the largest plans. In Washington state, the largest exchange plans exclude world-class cancer care for kids such as the Seattle Cancer Care Alliance. California’s state-of-the-art Cedars-Sinai cancer center isn’t in any ObamaCare plan. Only a few plans include the Mayo Clinic.

And if you want a doctor outside such networks, you’ll generally have to pay the full cost of care.

Well, let's look at that.

Let's take the Gallbladder lady to start with.

Daily Kos: Edie Littlefield Sundby was kicked off her insurance plan last January - Wall Street Journal

I wish the Wall Street Journal had not used this poor woman as a pawn for their repeal Obamacare defeat. She was kicked off her insurance in California last January. We must realize that in the future people like her will not be used and abused by the insurance companies or the Wall Street Journal or Republicans. I pray and hope to God she makes a full recovery.

And then there is the company’s own justification for leaving. “The company’s plans reflect its concern that the first wave of newly insured customers under the law may be the costliest,” UHC Chief Executive Officer Stephen Helmsley told investors last October. “UnitedHealth will watch and see how the exchanges evolve and expects the first enrollees will have ‘a pent-up appetite’ for medical care. We are approaching them with some degree of caution because of that.”

Get that? The company packed its bags and dumped its beneficiaries because it wants its competitors to swallow the first wave of sicker enrollees only to re-enter the market later and profit from the healthy people who still haven’t signed up for coverage.
Well, let's look at that.

Let's take the Gallbladder lady to start with.

Daily Kos: Edie Littlefield Sundby was kicked off her insurance plan last January - Wall Street Journal

I wish the Wall Street Journal had not used this poor woman as a pawn for their repeal Obamacare defeat. She was kicked off her insurance in California last January. We must realize that in the future people like her will not be used and abused by the insurance companies or the Wall Street Journal or Republicans. I pray and hope to God she makes a full recovery.

And then there is the company’s own justification for leaving. “The company’s plans reflect its concern that the first wave of newly insured customers under the law may be the costliest,” UHC Chief Executive Officer Stephen Helmsley told investors last October. “UnitedHealth will watch and see how the exchanges evolve and expects the first enrollees will have ‘a pent-up appetite’ for medical care. We are approaching them with some degree of caution because of that.”

Get that? The company packed its bags and dumped its beneficiaries because it wants its competitors to swallow the first wave of sicker enrollees only to re-enter the market later and profit from the healthy people who still haven’t signed up for coverage.

Your point?

The woman had good insurance -- her company didn't kick her off because of cancer and they helped her get the best care possible. She didn't lose out until Obama threw the insurance market into confusion. Did he and his partners in fraud expect everyone to stick around and risk going under? To sacrifice their fiscal soundness to his impractical ideological imperatives?

To control costs insurance companies are now greatly reducing choice.

We know for a fact that Obama lied on at least some particulars. He is on record saying that he knew millions would lose their policies. Perhaps he was just stupid or shortsighted on other particulars. But anyway you slice it, he forced healthcare and jobs into disarray with a program which was so "great" that he had to deceive to get it passed.

This woman lost her good and generous insurance because of Obama.

Well, let's look at that.

Let's take the Gallbladder lady to start with.

Daily Kos: Edie Littlefield Sundby was kicked off her insurance plan last January - Wall Street Journal

I wish the Wall Street Journal had not used this poor woman as a pawn for their repeal Obamacare defeat. She was kicked off her insurance in California last January. We must realize that in the future people like her will not be used and abused by the insurance companies or the Wall Street Journal or Republicans. I pray and hope to God she makes a full recovery.

And then there is the company’s own justification for leaving. “The company’s plans reflect its concern that the first wave of newly insured customers under the law may be the costliest,” UHC Chief Executive Officer Stephen Helmsley told investors last October. “UnitedHealth will watch and see how the exchanges evolve and expects the first enrollees will have ‘a pent-up appetite’ for medical care. We are approaching them with some degree of caution because of that.”

Get that? The company packed its bags and dumped its beneficiaries because it wants its competitors to swallow the first wave of sicker enrollees only to re-enter the market later and profit from the healthy people who still haven’t signed up for coverage.

Your point?

The woman had good insurance -- her company didn't kick her off because of cancer and they helped her get the best care possible. She didn't lose out until Obama threw the insurance market into confusion. Did he and his partners in fraud expect everyone to stick around and risk going under? To sacrifice their fiscal soundness to his impractical ideological imperatives?

To control costs insurance companies are now greatly reducing choice.

We know for a fact that Obama lied on at least some particulars. He is on record saying that he knew millions would lose their policies. Perhaps he was just stupid or shortsighted on other particulars. But anyway you slice it, he forced healthcare and jobs into disarray with a program which was so "great" that he had to deceive to get it passed.

This woman lost her good and generous insurance because of Obama.


No, she lost it because insurance companies are run by greedy douchebags.

Are you really so delusional to believe that there wasn't a beancounter at United Health Care already looking for an excuse to dump this woman after she racked up a million dollars in bills? They dumped her in January, nearly a YEAR before ObamaCare took effect.

The problem is, Insurance Companies aren't "Good" or "Generous". They really don't want to insure sick people. They want to take money from the healthy, maybe pay out the bare minimum, and dump them the minute they get really sick.

Now for what Obama knew, yeah, the guy SHOULD have phrased it better. The guy should have said, "You can't keep your insurance now, because insurance policies change every year, and you all know it. This law will make it harder for your insurance company to cheat you by calling your gall-bladder cancer a "pre-existing" condition because you had acne as a teen."
It was amusing listening to the Obama shills on the Sunday morning news shows saying that "Obama has apologized" as if that was reason to "get over it" and move on ... without them seeming at all interested in the specifics of what Obama supposedly apologized for and what he failed to acknowledge.

How can journalists care so little about being used as tools by someone who deliberately perpetrated fraud on the nation to push an agenda the American people would have objected to if they had been informed about it?

It remains incomprehensible.

Doesn't matter how much he lied, how voters were manipulated, how much his agenda costs, how many millions of people will remain uninsured, .... they still parrot whatever line he feeds them.

How can this mindset possibly be explained?

Hey when.. 1,160 (85%) of the Senior executives, on-air personalities, producers, reporters, editors, writers and other self-identifying employees of ABC, CBS and NBC contributed more than $1 million to Democrats candidates and campaign committees in 2008, according to an analysis by The Examiner of data compiled by the Center for Responsive Politics.
An average contribution of $880.
By contrast, only 193 of the employees contributed to GOP candidates and campaign committees, for a total of $142,863.
An average Democrat contribution was $744.
Obama, Democrats got 88 percent of 2008 contributions by TV network execs, writers, reporters | The Daily Caller

Why wouldn't they protect their contributions by making sure their news output is biased?

The press has always leaned strongly left, and based on my career in that business I'd say the 85% figure may be a couple of ticks low.

It attracts people who want to change the world, ideological activists who really aren't interested in providing facts that may conflict with their world view. To varying degrees, they're on a mission. Objectivity is not a priority.

Fortunately -- and I have to thank Limbaugh for this -- they have been exposed and now most people know what's going on. Kind of like Political Correctness -- not coincidentally perpetrated by the same end of the spectrum -- which is now getting its much-overdo pushback.

And as for those who claim the press isn't clearly biased... well, when you're sitting on your own 5 yard line, someone who's on your 30 yard line looks like they could be at mid field.


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