Now that Obama has apologized ...

You do realize attacking family members is against forum rules, right?

Nice knowing ya...

For the record, my Dad fought in WWII, worked his whole life as a sheet metal worker, died at the age of 56 when the asbestos some corporate suit told him was perfectly safe gave him lung cancer... .

Just saying.
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You do realize attacking family members is against forum rules, right?

Nice knowing ya...

For the record, my Dad fought in WWII, worked his whole life as a sheet metal worker, died at the age of 56 when the asbestos some corporate suit told him was perfectly safe gave him lung cancer... .

Just saying.

Hit alert big boy.

It is question.

I think we see full well the answer too.
I think the law isn't well written, but it's a damn far better sight than what we had.

The fact that certain Republican Governors are penalizing poor people because they hate the Black Guy so much is just kind of sad.

The GOP governors are doing this to protect business from fines, at least until the issue is decided in court, poor people have nothing to do with it. The poor can enroll in Medicaid and they don't need a state run exchange to do that, in fact they could do that before the PPACA was the law so the PPACA didn't change anything in that regard.

I don't think the PPACA is a damn sight better than what we had. It is taking money out of the pockets of the very people we rely upon to keep our economy running by spending, now they can't. It doesn't do anything to address cost, in fact it raises costs. The mandate has no teeth right now and even in a few years when it allegedly will it's not realistic to expect that those fines can be collected. We've already seen employers adapting to the new reality and the news isn't good. What should have been done is a case for spreading risk for basic services across a pool of 330 million people being made with people free to buy any additional coverage they might want. Now we're locked into a system that won't work and people who were already adequately covered are being asked to pay even more. And why? To allegedly cover those who weren't covered even though those people could have been covered before the PPACA was enacted. This law is a disaster and we haven't even yet seen the annual rate increase requests from the insurance providers.
It was amusing listening to the Obama shills on the Sunday morning news shows saying that "Obama has apologized" as if that was reason to "get over it" and move on ... without them seeming at all interested in the specifics of what Obama supposedly apologized for and what he failed to acknowledge.

How can journalists care so little about being used as tools by someone who deliberately perpetrated fraud on the nation to push an agenda the American people would have objected to if they had been informed about it?

It remains incomprehensible.

Doesn't matter how much he lied, how voters were manipulated, how much his agenda costs, how many millions of people will remain uninsured, .... they still parrot whatever line he feeds them.

How can this mindset possibly be explained?

"How can this mindset possibly be explained?"

It's understandable on many fronts.

First...Any legal or illegal person surviving off the backs of existing taxpayers, is going to support Santa Claus, as they do not realize a prosperous America would actually help them stay on their programs. They do not conceive of an America, with no money and a printer that stopped working because there are no more funds to fix it. They won't allow themselves that reality.

Two....By admitting O to be a failure, traitor, liar or just an inept incompetent bumbler, would be admitting they, themselves, the ones who re-elected him to office, are no better. And they would be correct.
I think the law isn't well written, but it's a damn far better sight than what we had.

The fact that certain Republican Governors are penalizing poor people because they hate the Black Guy so much is just kind of sad.

The GOP governors are doing this to protect business from fines, at least until the issue is decided in court, poor people have nothing to do with it. The poor can enroll in Medicaid and they don't need a state run exchange to do that, in fact they could do that before the PPACA was the law so the PPACA didn't change anything in that regard.

I don't think the PPACA is a damn sight better than what we had. It is taking money out of the pockets of the very people we rely upon to keep our economy running by spending, now they can't. It doesn't do anything to address cost, in fact it raises costs. The mandate has no teeth right now and even in a few years when it allegedly will it's not realistic to expect that those fines can be collected. We've already seen employers adapting to the new reality and the news isn't good. What should have been done is a case for spreading risk for basic services across a pool of 330 million people being made with people free to buy any additional coverage they might want. Now we're locked into a system that won't work and people who were already adequately covered are being asked to pay even more. And why? To allegedly cover those who weren't covered even though those people could have been covered before the PPACA was enacted. This law is a disaster and we haven't even yet seen the annual rate increase requests from the insurance providers.

Okay, Chicken Little, you can cry the sky is falling all day, but at the end of the day, this is going to work and it will be very popular.
Your response is to call me Chicken Little? OK. One more I won't waste my time responding to anymore.
I think the law isn't well written, but it's a damn far better sight than what we had.

The fact that certain Republican Governors are penalizing poor people because they hate the Black Guy so much is just kind of sad.

The GOP governors are doing this to protect business from fines, at least until the issue is decided in court, poor people have nothing to do with it. The poor can enroll in Medicaid and they don't need a state run exchange to do that, in fact they could do that before the PPACA was the law so the PPACA didn't change anything in that regard.

I don't think the PPACA is a damn sight better than what we had. It is taking money out of the pockets of the very people we rely upon to keep our economy running by spending, now they can't. It doesn't do anything to address cost, in fact it raises costs. The mandate has no teeth right now and even in a few years when it allegedly will it's not realistic to expect that those fines can be collected. We've already seen employers adapting to the new reality and the news isn't good. What should have been done is a case for spreading risk for basic services across a pool of 330 million people being made with people free to buy any additional coverage they might want. Now we're locked into a system that won't work and people who were already adequately covered are being asked to pay even more. And why? To allegedly cover those who weren't covered even though those people could have been covered before the PPACA was enacted. This law is a disaster and we haven't even yet seen the annual rate increase requests from the insurance providers.

Okay, Chicken Little, you can cry the sky is falling all day, but at the end of the day, this is going to work and it will be very popular.

Of for sure, 50,000 enrollees and 4,200,000 have lost their coverage.

Yeah, I can see where you'd project success & popularity here...

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Of for sure, 50,000 enrollees and 4,200,000 have lost their coverage.

Yeah, I can see where you'd project success & popularity here...


Most of those people will have better coverage when all is said and done.

You do get this, right, that the policies that are being cancelled were so shitty they needed to be put out of their misery like Old Yeller?
It was amusing listening to the Obama shills on the Sunday morning news shows saying that "Obama has apologized" as if that was reason to "get over it" and move on ... without them seeming at all interested in the specifics of what Obama supposedly apologized for and what he failed to acknowledge.

How can journalists care so little about being used as tools by someone who deliberately perpetrated fraud on the nation to push an agenda the American people would have objected to if they had been informed about it?

It remains incomprehensible.

Doesn't matter how much he lied, how voters were manipulated, how much his agenda costs, how many millions of people will remain uninsured, .... they still parrot whatever line he feeds them.

How can this mindset possibly be explained?

Did he apologized or apologized, PERIOD. :eusa_whistle:
It was amusing listening to the Obama shills on the Sunday morning news shows saying that "Obama has apologized" as if that was reason to "get over it" and move on ... without them seeming at all interested in the specifics of what Obama supposedly apologized for and what he failed to acknowledge.

How can journalists care so little about being used as tools by someone who deliberately perpetrated fraud on the nation to push an agenda the American people would have objected to if they had been informed about it?

It remains incomprehensible.

Doesn't matter how much he lied, how voters were manipulated, how much his agenda costs, how many millions of people will remain uninsured, .... they still parrot whatever line he feeds them.

How can this mindset possibly be explained?

It was kind of a "stupid" apologize to placate people that can't be assuaged, ever.

They want him dead.

Obama should listen to Jayz's 99 problems.

[ame=]99 PROBLEMS - YouTube[/ame]

I got the rap patrol on the gat patrol
Foes that wanna make sure my casket's closed

Obama, ya listening?
Liberals being stupid scum believe ruining more people's lives in the name of helping a success.

A couple poor ghetto trash get taxpayer funded insurance so that justifies middle class white people in the 'burbs losing their employer supplied insurance or their private insurance then getting kicked into a more expensive exchange scam.

Of for sure, 50,000 enrollees and 4,200,000 have lost their coverage.

Yeah, I can see where you'd project success & popularity here...


Most of those people will have better coverage when all is said and done.

You do get this, right, that the policies that are being cancelled were so shitty they needed to be put out of their misery like Old Yeller?

You didn't have 4,200,000 people complaining about their coverage.

If that were the case you would now have more than 50,000 Obamacare enrolees
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Of for sure, 50,000 enrollees and 4,200,000 have lost their coverage.

Yeah, I can see where you'd project success & popularity here...


Most of those people will have better coverage when all is said and done.

You do get this, right, that the policies that are being cancelled were so shitty they needed to be put out of their misery like Old Yeller?

You didn't have 4,200,000 people complaining about their coverage.

If that were the case you would now have more than 50,000 Obamacare enrolees

Actually, you really did have that many people upset with the current system.

While Medicare, Medicaid and Employer Insurance only have 16-18% disatisfaction, the disatisfaction with personal plans ran up to 45%.


Because they pay more for it and get less.

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