Now That The Election Is Over What Do You Want Done?

Now That The Election Is Over What Do You Want Done?

  • Tax Cuts

    Votes: 20 51.3%
  • Spending Cuts

    Votes: 32 82.1%
  • Bring The Troops Home

    Votes: 14 35.9%
  • Audit The Federal Reserve

    Votes: 16 41.0%
  • Secure The Borders

    Votes: 25 64.1%
  • Impeach Obama

    Votes: 3 7.7%
  • Something Else (I'll Explain In My Post)

    Votes: 2 5.1%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Eliminate the Department of Edcuation.. and the EPA... and the Department of Energy... and ....................................
First - We need is a balanced budget amendment to the constitution.
Second thing is to repeal Obamacare. We cannot afford another massive welfare program.
Third - Term limits amendment. Give the power back to the people. No more lifetime Politicians.
Fourth - A flat tax. Simple and easy to enforce.

I'm as conservative as any, but a balanced budget amendment is not in the cards. Neither is any amendments. Think 60 votes is hard? Go for 67. In any case, economically just not feasible.
The Republicans won control of the House and made gains in the Senate. That's all fine and dandy but now they actually have to wield that power in a way that will benefit Americans. What do you want them to do? What are your priorities?

This poll is not public and will end in 7 days.

The "impeach Obama" option is most retarded.
Seventeen of you guys said "spending cuts" I said, "bring the troops home" that'll cut some damn spending won't it? Bring our troops home. Remember when that skank Pelosi ran on that platform? All demonRats are liars.

not all of them Willow....just the ones like Dean....
First - We need is a balanced budget amendment to the constitution.
Second thing is to repeal Obamacare. We cannot afford another massive welfare program.
Third - Term limits amendment. Give the power back to the people. No more lifetime Politicians.
Fourth - A flat tax. Simple and easy to enforce.

I'm as conservative as any, but a balanced budget amendment is not in the cards. Neither is any amendments. Think 60 votes is hard? Go for 67. In any case, economically just not feasible.

A balanced budget amendment to the constitution can and must be passed. It is really the only way to stop the deficit spending. The politicians do not have the discipline to do it by themselves. They need the law to force the issue.

Just because it is hard - does not meet it is impossible. It is time to start working on it.......Oh wait...Rand Paul says he will introduce it immediately once he is seated....
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The government needs to get the F out of the way and let industrious American get busy, without being taxed and regulated to death. Government needs to quit trying to centrally manage every F-ing detail of my life.
The Republicans won control of the House and made gains in the Senate. That's all fine and dandy but now they actually have to wield that power in a way that will benefit Americans. What do you want them to do? What are your priorities?

This poll is not public and will end in 7 days.

The "impeach Obama" option is most retarded.
notice only 2 people selected that
and too bad this isnt a public poll so we can see who it was
The Republicans won control of the House and made gains in the Senate. That's all fine and dandy but now they actually have to wield that power in a way that will benefit Americans. What do you want them to do? What are your priorities?

This poll is not public and will end in 7 days.

The "impeach Obama" option is most retarded.
notice only 2 people selected that
and too bad this isnt a public poll so we can see who it was

I'm one...was clicking along and got carried away...ooooops
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The Republicans won control of the House and made gains in the Senate. That's all fine and dandy but now they actually have to wield that power in a way that will benefit Americans. What do you want them to do? What are your priorities?

This poll is not public and will end in 7 days.

The republicans basically still have no power at all. Only through both parties compromising will anything happen in the next 2 years.

Expect a lot of Finger pointing and blame game about who is obstructing who.
Reform SS, Medicare/caid so that they will be sustainable and available for generations to come, and to make them more efficient for us all.

others then the 4 things on the list I picked :)
The Republicans won control of the House and made gains in the Senate. That's all fine and dandy but now they actually have to wield that power in a way that will benefit Americans. What do you want them to do? What are your priorities?

This poll is not public and will end in 7 days.

Hmm, first mistake is thinking republicans want to help Americans. It will be back to helping corporations & the elite.
First step, a 5-8% across the board spending cut, no exemptions.

Then really start looking at cutting Departments and waste. Departments of Education and of Energy should be gone. Department of Agriculture and HUD, should be considered on the chopping block.

Don't repeal the Bush cuts, but do not add any more.

and on the other side of the aisle or make that partisan divide, we have this:

Fed to Buy $600 Billion of Treasurys -

Fed to Buy $600 Billion of Treasurys


The Federal Reserve Wednesday unveiled a controversial new plan to buy U.S. Treasurys, hoping to spur growth in a disappointingly slow U.S. economy.

After two days of discussions, Fed officials decided to go ahead with a much anticipated program, saying they will buy $600 billion of U.S. government debt over the next eight months.

The Fed's policy-setting body said it stands ready to purchase more bonds if the economy's persistent weakness leads inflation to remain too low and unemployment too high.

The Fed's first $1.75 trillion bond-buying program, which ran from Dec. 2008 to March 2010, is credited with helping the economy when the U.S. was hit by a financial crisis and a deep recession. The latest move is more controversial because the economy is now growing -- albeit slowly -- and financial markets are no longer under severe stress.

By buying government bonds, the Fed aims to keep long-term interest rates low, hoping it will lead consumers to spend and companies to invest more, thus helping to propel the economy forward. Short-term interest rates were slashed close to zero in Dec. 2008, so the Fed no longer has its traditional weapon to boost the economy.

The Fed said it expects to buy between $850 billion to $900 billion Treasurys through the end of the second quarter of 2011. That's because in addition to the $600 billion, the Fed expects to buy about $35 billion a month to replace mortgage bonds in its portfolio that are being retired, a decision that was taken back in August.

The Federal Reserve Wednesday unveiled a controversial new plan to buy $600 Billion of Treasurys, hoping to spur growth in a disappointingly slow U.S. economy. David Wessel and Neal Lipschutz discuss the likelihood that the plan will work.

The Fed will "continue to monitor the economic outlook and financial developments and will employ its policy tools as necessary" to support the recovery...
I expect to see taxes on corporations to be reduced to zero.

We need even more Republicans subsidies to help companies move to China because the Chinese work for 51 cents an hour, work 60 to 70 hours a week, and don't expect nonsense like vacations and health care.

We need to bomb Iran, rebuild that country and replace the government with an even more radical, religious, hard right Islamic government like we did in Iraq.

We need to move the entire tax burden to those making under 200,000 a year where it belongs.

We need to make Christianity the "official" religion of the United States. Freedom of religion doesn't mean freedom FROM religion.

We need to subsidize oil companies to come here and drill where ever they want because they bring jobs we can't send to China.

We need to end education and leave it up to the parents. It's their kid, it should be their responsibility.

We need to end Social Security and Medicare. Old people should have planned when they were younger. It's not our job to take care of them now.

We need to end unemployment benefits. Just because you have an elitist PhD doesn't mean you can't work at McDonald's.

When I can think of a few more ways to "improve" America, I will post them.

And stop saying "create" jobs. Government doesn't create jobs.
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The Republicans won control of the House and made gains in the Senate. That's all fine and dandy but now they actually have to wield that power in a way that will benefit Americans. What do you want them to do? What are your priorities?

This poll is not public and will end in 7 days.

The republicans basically still have no power at all. Only through both parties compromising will anything happen in the next 2 years.

Expect a lot of Finger pointing and blame game about who is obstructing who.

Charles what would you want the Republicans to compromise on? Why should they compromise with the people who caused America to say no more? Instead of compromising they should do what they were sent to D.C. to do. If they compromize they will not be doing what they were sent to D.C.C TO FIX.
I expect to see taxes on corporations to be reduced to zero.

We need even more Republicans subsidies to help companies move to China because the Chinese work for 51 cents an hour, work 60 to 70 hours a week, and don't expect nonsense like vacations and health care.

We need to bomb Iran, rebuild that country and replace the government with an even more radical, religious, hard right Islamic government like we did in Iraq.

We need to move the entire tax burden to those making under 200,000 a year where it belongs.

We need to make Christianity the "official" religion of the United States. Freedom of religion doesn't mean freedom FROM religion.

We need to subsidize oil companies to come here and drill where ever they want because they bring jobs we can't send to China.

We need to end education and leave it up to the parents. It's their kid, it should be their responsibility.

We need to end Social Security and Medicare. Old people should have planned when they were younger. It's not our job to take care of them now.

We need to end unemployment benefits. Just because you have an elitist PhD doesn't mean you can't work at McDonald's.

When I can think of a few more ways to "improve" America, I will post them.

And stop saying "create" jobs. Government doesn't create jobs.

Companies should have every right to discriminate against whoever they want.

Children with one or more illegal alien parent should have their citizenship stripped.

Get rid of illegal aliens. Americans want to pick fruit, clean windows and garden.
I expect to see taxes on corporations to be reduced to zero.

We need even more Republicans subsidies to help companies move to China because the Chinese work for 51 cents an hour, work 60 to 70 hours a week, and don't expect nonsense like vacations and health care.

We need to bomb Iran, rebuild that country and replace the government with an even more radical, religious, hard right Islamic government like we did in Iraq.

We need to move the entire tax burden to those making under 200,000 a year where it belongs.

We need to make Christianity the "official" religion of the United States. Freedom of religion doesn't mean freedom FROM religion.

We need to subsidize oil companies to come here and drill where ever they want because they bring jobs we can't send to China.

We need to end education and leave it up to the parents. It's their kid, it should be their responsibility.

We need to end Social Security and Medicare. Old people should have planned when they were younger. It's not our job to take care of them now.

We need to end unemployment benefits. Just because you have an elitist PhD doesn't mean you can't work at McDonald's.

When I can think of a few more ways to "improve" America, I will post them.

And stop saying "create" jobs. Government doesn't create jobs.

Companies should have every right to discriminate against whoever they want.

Children with one or more illegal alien parent should have their citizenship stripped.

Get rid of illegal aliens. Americans want to pick fruit, clean windows and garden.

I think he is going to :blowup:
Reform SS, Medicare/caid so that they will be sustainable and available for generations to come, and to make them more efficient for us all.

How? Most of the incoming class has tried very hard over the past year to make slowing Medicare spending growth in future years a political loser. Not only that, their first order of business is to try and repeal a large number of reforms in Medicare and Medicaid designed to improve quality and lower costs in the programs in the long-run.
I expect to see taxes on corporations to be reduced to zero.

We need even more Republicans subsidies to help companies move to China because the Chinese work for 51 cents an hour, work 60 to 70 hours a week, and don't expect nonsense like vacations and health care.

We need to bomb Iran, rebuild that country and replace the government with an even more radical, religious, hard right Islamic government like we did in Iraq.

We need to move the entire tax burden to those making under 200,000 a year where it belongs.

We need to make Christianity the "official" religion of the United States. Freedom of religion doesn't mean freedom FROM religion.

We need to subsidize oil companies to come here and drill where ever they want because they bring jobs we can't send to China.

We need to end education and leave it up to the parents. It's their kid, it should be their responsibility.

We need to end Social Security and Medicare. Old people should have planned when they were younger. It's not our job to take care of them now.

We need to end unemployment benefits. Just because you have an elitist PhD doesn't mean you can't work at McDonald's.

When I can think of a few more ways to "improve" America, I will post them.

And stop saying "create" jobs. Government doesn't create jobs.

Companies should have every right to discriminate against whoever they want.

Children with one or more illegal alien parent should have their citizenship stripped.

Get rid of illegal aliens. Americans want to pick fruit, clean windows and garden.

Multiple personalities?

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