Now That The Election Is Over What Do You Want Done?

Now That The Election Is Over What Do You Want Done?

  • Tax Cuts

    Votes: 20 51.3%
  • Spending Cuts

    Votes: 32 82.1%
  • Bring The Troops Home

    Votes: 14 35.9%
  • Audit The Federal Reserve

    Votes: 16 41.0%
  • Secure The Borders

    Votes: 25 64.1%
  • Impeach Obama

    Votes: 3 7.7%
  • Something Else (I'll Explain In My Post)

    Votes: 2 5.1%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Close the borders and deport the illegals.

If Congress fails to do this, they should all be indicted for TREASON.

This is how we define treason. (It does not become more important by using capital letters).

Section 3. Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court. The Congress shall have power to declare the Punishment of Treason, but no Attainder of Treason shall work Corruption of Blood, or Forfeiture except during the Life of the Person attainted.

Please show me how not securing the borders and deporting illegals fits within that definition.

It would be great if people could call for charging people with treason when they have done something that actually fits within the definition. For example, Barbara Boxer (D) CA.

If they actually enforced that 80% of Dems would be in jail. And a few Repubs too.
The Republicans very first priority better be doing the most they can do to put people in this country back to work. That means they need to roll up their sleeves and do whatever they can to help small business grow. That's where the majority of the jobs are.
FACT: Obama has deported more illegals than any President before him. His deportee number DWARFS even Bush's.

The Job situation's expected to improve regardless. Thanks in a large part to Obama's policies and when they do begin to improve tremendously over the next year and half or so, he will not get the credit for it. The RepubliCON$ will squeel to the mountaintops how they improved it the minute they took power.
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What an amateurish-poll......100% prefer Secure The Borders....yet, there are still a few, left-over, to approve other-issues????

This has to be a 'Bagger-creation....allowing for 'Bagger-math.:rolleyes:
That's why I put in the "Something Else" option. Did you see that?
Let me explain, even you can understand.

Have you ever seen BOTH (that's only TWO) politicians get 100% approval, in the same Poll??

The Republicans very first priority better be doing the most they can do to put people in this country back to work. That means they need to roll up their sleeves and do whatever they can to help small business grow. That's where the majority of the jobs are.

That's a great priority, but what policies or laws can they pass that will make that happen in a timely fashion?

We just saw the American people punish the Dems for failing to keep unemployment down.

So this movement has about two years to seriously make things start working again.

AFter that?

Who knows?
I said bring the troops home and secure the boarders. It is absolutely ridiculous that after 9/11 we still haven't succeeded in locking down the ports and borders. I mean c'mon now!

If you bring home the troops, a fair number of budget problems would be eased overnight. We need to get out of countries we have no business being involved in.

At this time I can't support tax cuts. In Washington a tax cut means a borrowing increase as they almost never cut spending together with taxes. We've borrowed more than enough paying for Iraq, Afghanistan, the Medicare Prescription drug plan, and other stuff.

Instead I'd support having an itemized entry on everyone's paycheck, namely a tax directly tied to the current debt. If people knew what their share of the debt was, and what it is personally costing them to pay it down, people would line up to end the debt in a heartbeat.
What an amateurish-poll......100% prefer Secure The Borders....yet, there are still a few, left-over, to approve other-issues????

This has to be a 'Bagger-creation....allowing for 'Bagger-math.:rolleyes:
That's why I put in the "Something Else" option. Did you see that?
Let me explain, even you can understand.

Have you ever seen BOTH (that's only TWO) politicians get 100% approval, in the same Poll??

dipshit, its a function of the forum software to allow multiple choice polls
the percentage for any option is based of the total number of people that took part in and poll and the number that selected each option

you remain a fucking IDIOT
What an amateurish-poll......100% prefer Secure The Borders....yet, there are still a few, left-over, to approve other-issues????

This has to be a 'Bagger-creation....allowing for 'Bagger-math.:rolleyes:
That's why I put in the "Something Else" option. Did you see that?
Let me explain, even you can understand.

Have you ever seen BOTH (that's only TWO) politicians get 100% approval, in the same Poll??

This is a simple poll to see what issues USMB posters wanted attention paid to in the two years to come. Granted I should have put in "Repeal Obamacare" but it slipped my mind. Sorry.

As I said, there is an option for "something else" which gives you the opportunity to state that in a post. If you would like to argue with me about something call me out in the flame zone but in the meantime please do not try to derail this thread.

That's why I put in the "Something Else" option. Did you see that?
Let me explain, even you can understand.

Have you ever seen BOTH (that's only TWO) politicians get 100% approval, in the same Poll??

This is a simple poll to see what issues USMB posters wanted attention paid to in the two years to come. Granted I should have put in "Repeal Obamacare" but it slipped my mind. Sorry.

As I said, there is an option for "something else" which gives you the opportunity to state that in a post. If you would like to argue with me about something call me out in the flame zone but in the meantime please do not try to derail this thread.

he's not bitching about the options, but the numbers the poll software allow
he doesnt understand how they come to those numbers because he is a fucking idiot
Let's be realistic here. The GOP took the House. The Dems still control the Senate and the White House. Any bill passed must pass both houses and have the president sign it or allow it to become law. So radical things like "securing the border" (WTF does that mean anyway??) aren't going to happen.

They need to pass a budget that reins in entitlement spending and makes some pretense at moving towards balance. They need to eliminate earmarks. They need to post bills several days before they vote on them so everyone can read and analyze what's there. They need to extend the entire Bush tax cuts and permanently eliminate the death tax. They need to work on things that both parties sort of agree on. I'll get back to you on what those are.
1. Secure the border.
2. Audit the Federal Reserve.
3. Cut the Department of Homeland Security.
4. Cut defense spending.
5. Tort Reform.
6. Continue bush tax cuts.
7. Bring home the troops.
8. Close down bases overseas in areas where there has been no war in decades.

I'll be happy with this until Gary Johnson is president in 2012.
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FACT: Obama has deported more illegals than any President before him. His deportee number DWARFS even Bush's.

The Job situation's expected to improve regardless. Thanks in a large part to Obama's policies and when they do begin to improve tremendously over the next year and half or so, he will not get the credit for it. The RepubliCON$ will squeel to the mountaintops how they improved it the minute they took power.

You mean he's wasted even more money than any president before him by deporting illegals without securing the border? Thanks for pointing out the obvious.
Seventeen of you guys said "spending cuts" I said, "bring the troops home" that'll cut some damn spending won't it? Bring our troops home. Remember when that skank Pelosi ran on that platform? All demonRats are liars.
First step, a 5-8% across the board spending cut, no exemptions.

Then really start looking at cutting Departments and waste. Departments of Education and of Energy should be gone. Department of Agriculture and HUD, should be considered on the chopping block.

Don't repeal the Bush cuts, but do not add any more.
First - We need is a balanced budget amendment to the constitution.
Second thing is to repeal Obamacare. We cannot afford another massive welfare program.
Third - Term limits amendment. Give the power back to the people. No more lifetime Politicians.
Fourth - A flat tax. Simple and easy to enforce.
First - We need is a balanced budget amendment to the constitution.
Second thing is to repeal Obamacare. We cannot afford another massive welfare program.
Third - Term limits amendment. Give the power back to the people. No more lifetime Politicians.
Fourth - A flat tax. Simple and easy to enforce.

I'd liek to add an end to Gerrymandering.

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