Now The Government Wants to Regulate Knives!

Give a Fascist an inch.

University Of San Francisco Bans Sale Of Soda And Other Sugary Drinks On Campus…


Via Campus Reform:

Students at the University of California San Francisco will be forced to get their sugar fixes off campus beginning July 1.

Officials at the public university recently announced that on-campus vendors will no longer sell a variety of sugary beverages. The policy will eliminate sodas, energy drinks, and artificial fruit juice while zero-calorie options such as diet coke and all-natural juices will remain available. The university will continue to allow students to bring sugary drinks onto campus if they’ve been purchased elsewhere.

According to UCSF’s Associate Vice Chancellor of Campus Life Services Clare Shinnerl, the new policy directly relates to the school’s mission as a university “dedicated to defining health worldwide.”

all of it here:
University Of San Francisco Bans Sale Of Soda And Other Sugary Drinks On Campus Weasel Zippers
Drink Pepsi Or Die. the new New Hampshire slogan.
Maybe the people in the country will wake up before it's too late

and limit your farts to 12 a day to save the planet.

that could be a job created by these tyrants like Obama in this Government.

Fart monitors. they go around once a week and estimate how many farts your household has released into the air. if they deem it too many they will fine you for excess gas into the already GloBULL WARMING.

That's a fine job for the liberals since they are such Control freaks
well then, i will feel sorry for all of the italians that live in/near Manhattan.
Well, not content with gun control, we have this:

S. 1315, Knife Owners’ Protection Act of 2015 which you can read and follow @ Knife Owners Protection Act of 2015 S. 1315 -

And it will preempt any state laws on the subject. Another attempt by the feds to take away our freedoms. When will it stop? If you care about this, contact your senator – yoou will find a link at the original link.

Read more @ Prison Knife Regulation Arrives This Is The US Government Hard At Work

Longknife, I think that you have been in the military too long, and maybe not quite up to date in the civilian world. I was stopped by a cop who found a fishing knife in my glove compartment in Georgia, with a blade that was over 5 in. long, and was given a summons to appear in court for carrying an illegal concealed weapon. I had bought it in a hardware store.

That happened to me in 1960.

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