now the NRA is under the RUSSIA umbrella investigation

just when you thought we were capped out on stupid.

NRA, Russia and Trump: How 'dark money' is poisoning American democracy

the left really has zero shame and has lost any form of shit they ever had.
/----/ And yet nothing on Hildabeast and Obozo collusion with Russia.....

THAT RIGHT THERE tells you that all this focus on Trump, Russia and now the NRA is nothing more than another smoke-screen media scam trying to be pulled over the eyes of the American people.

Bullshit. The number of Russian trolls posting in this thread in an effort to deflect the discussion away from the relationship between the Kremlin and the NRA speaks volumes about how worried the troll farm is about the FBI investigation.
that just left you with absolutely no credibility, with that post. what a waste.
Last edited:
just when you thought we were capped out on stupid.

NRA, Russia and Trump: How 'dark money' is poisoning American democracy

the left really has zero shame and has lost any form of shit they ever had.
/----/ And yet nothing on Hildabeast and Obozo collusion with Russia.....

THAT RIGHT THERE tells you that all this focus on Trump, Russia and now the NRA is nothing more than another smoke-screen media scam trying to be pulled over the eyes of the American people.
when they apply their anger evenly and not directed at conservatives, i'll listen.

til then they can kindly fuck off.
I think that's it from now on. you know what leftists in here? the mere fact that not one russia thing from any demoloser has been considered in this entire witch hunt, your credibility is jack shit. And proves it isn't a russia thing and that it never was. I'm with ice, kiss my ass.
You Trump cultists may be idiots, but you ARE funny
which idiotic side is trying to link the NRA to RUSSIA!!! now?

oh yea. your idiotic side.
it's not new, it's been known to us for over a few months....or longer guys just do not read the news....thus ''the surprise''!
fk, cry me a fking river about russia and anyone in this great land of ours doing anything. you fks have lost your mther fking minds.
just when you thought we were capped out on stupid.

NRA, Russia and Trump: How 'dark money' is poisoning American democracy

the left really has zero shame and has lost any form of shit they ever had.
/----/ And yet nothing on Hildabeast and Obozo collusion with Russia.....

THAT RIGHT THERE tells you that all this focus on Trump, Russia and now the NRA is nothing more than another smoke-screen media scam trying to be pulled over the eyes of the American people.

Bullshit. The number of Russian trolls posting in this thread in an effort to deflect the discussion away from the relationship between the Kremlin and the NRA speaks volumes about how worried the troll farm is about the FBI investigation.


WHAT connection between the "Kremlin" and the NRA? Show it.

The only "bullshit" in this thread is that running out from between your ears in your willingness and desire to promote ANYTHING you can that is anti-Trump or anti-NRA no matter how BASELESS it is. Go take a flying leap off a short pier. Maybe it'll help massage some common sense into your brain.
just when you thought we were capped out on stupid.

NRA, Russia and Trump: How 'dark money' is poisoning American democracy

the left really has zero shame and has lost any form of shit they ever had.
/----/ And yet nothing on Hildabeast and Obozo collusion with Russia.....

THAT RIGHT THERE tells you that all this focus on Trump, Russia and now the NRA is nothing more than another smoke-screen media scam trying to be pulled over the eyes of the American people.

Bullshit. The number of Russian trolls posting in this thread in an effort to deflect the discussion away from the relationship between the Kremlin and the NRA speaks volumes about how worried the troll farm is about the FBI investigation.


WHAT connection between the "Kremlin" and the NRA? Show it.

The only "bullshit" in this thread is that running out from between your ears in your willingness and desire to promote ANYTHING you can that is anti-Trump or anti-NRA no matter how BASELESS it is. Go take a flying leap off a short pier. Maybe it'll help massage some common sense into your brain.
there is no way that will ever happen. Russia russia, they are so conscious of russia they must be russian. I mean it fking spews it's way in here every day 85% of the posts. and still they have no evidence of ANYTHING!!!! The dems call their enemy what they really are.
You Trump cultists may be idiots, but you ARE funny
which idiotic side is trying to link the NRA to RUSSIA!!! now?

oh yea. your idiotic side.
it's not new, it's been known to us for over a few months....or longer guys just do not read the news....thus ''the surprise''!
Here are a couple of links from last NOVEMBER/DEC 2017 on it.....
Operative Offered Trump Campaign ‘Kremlin Connection’ Using N.R.A. Ties

Trump Jr. met with Kremlin-connected banker at NRA convention

FBI investigates whether Russia banker used NRA to fund Trump campaign – report
You Trump cultists may be idiots, but you ARE funny
which idiotic side is trying to link the NRA to RUSSIA!!! now?

oh yea. your idiotic side.
it's not new, it's been known to us for over a few months....or longer guys just do not read the news....thus ''the surprise''!
Here are a couple of links from last NOVEMBER/DEC 2017 on it.....
Operative Offered Trump Campaign ‘Kremlin Connection’ Using N.R.A. Ties

Trump Jr. met with Kremlin-connected banker at NRA convention

FBI investigates whether Russia banker used NRA to fund Trump campaign – report
so fking what? what is different from that which clinton got in the dossier. please educate us.
just when you thought we were capped out on stupid.

NRA, Russia and Trump: How 'dark money' is poisoning American democracy

the left really has zero shame and has lost any form of shit they ever had.
/----/ And yet nothing on Hildabeast and Obozo collusion with Russia.....

THAT RIGHT THERE tells you that all this focus on Trump, Russia and now the NRA is nothing more than another smoke-screen media scam trying to be pulled over the eyes of the American people.
when they apply their anger evenly and not directed at conservatives, i'll listen.

til then they can kindly fuck off.
I think that's it from now on. you know what leftists in here? the mere fact that not one russia thing from any demoloser has been considered in this entire witch hunt, your credibility is jack shit. And proves it isn't a russia thing and that it never was. I'm with ice, kiss my ass.

PROOF AS ALWAYS that the hardcore Left-leaning democrats here who ALWAYS find fault with everything Trump, everything NRA or everything conservative, yet NEVER find even a smidgen of corruption in anything Obama, Hillary or the DNC are either:
And if the 2nd, then that makes them the VERY THING they relentlessly claim to be in fear of Trump (and now the NRA) for and supposedly fighting against!

You Trump cultists may be idiots, but you ARE funny
which idiotic side is trying to link the NRA to RUSSIA!!! now?

oh yea. your idiotic side.
it's not new, it's been known to us for over a few months....or longer guys just do not read the news....thus ''the surprise''!
nope. it is a bit on the aged side but i'd not seen it discussed in here yet. if i missed it my bad but it was not a surprise.
just when you thought we were capped out on stupid.

NRA, Russia and Trump: How 'dark money' is poisoning American democracy

the left really has zero shame and has lost any form of shit they ever had.

Ok, I will admit I am a bit confused why this is such a big deal to you? Is the NRA somehow above reproach? The power they wield cannot be disputed. They talked with the POUTS for one hour and he came out singing a very different song than he went in with.
he also talked with the kids. so it's not good to listen to both sides of an issue?

But only one of them was a private meeting and only one of them did the POTUS change his mind after 1 hour.
what's the difference? did he meet with them or not? Yes they did. after one he was ready to take rights away and then after the other he decided maybe that isn't a good idea. And?

So, you do not see any difference between an open public discussion and a closed door meeting in the Oval Office.

No wonder you are a Repub
You Trump cultists may be idiots, but you ARE funny
which idiotic side is trying to link the NRA to RUSSIA!!! now?

oh yea. your idiotic side.
it's not new, it's been known to us for over a few months....or longer guys just do not read the news....thus ''the surprise''!
Here are a couple of links from last NOVEMBER/DEC 2017 on it.....
Operative Offered Trump Campaign ‘Kremlin Connection’ Using N.R.A. Ties

Trump Jr. met with Kremlin-connected banker at NRA convention

FBI investigates whether Russia banker used NRA to fund Trump campaign – report
so fking what? what is different from that which clinton got in the dossier. please educate us.
Clinton/the DNC hired a firm to continue opposition research the firm had begun through other clients, on Donald Trump. The firm hired an ex British intelligence agent who had a decade or 2 of expertise on Russia, with established contacts the MI6 trusted.....Chris Steele.... nothing is illegal about that process, or concerning, or abnormal, or anything nefarious.

1)The Trump team could have been wittingly or unwittingly working with an enemy foreign government to influence the outcome of the election. Key word is government connections, which is illegal....but only illegal if done wittingly.

2)If the NRA took money from a foreign country or a foreign person, or a bank in a foreign country, to help finance ads supporting trump's election, Hillary's demise, or any election, that too is ILLEGAL and breaks the law. The Russians could have used their NRA connection to basically launder their money donated, for a campaign purpose.
just when you thought we were capped out on stupid.

NRA, Russia and Trump: How 'dark money' is poisoning American democracy

the left really has zero shame and has lost any form of shit they ever had.
/----/ And yet nothing on Hildabeast and Obozo collusion with Russia.....

THAT RIGHT THERE tells you that all this focus on Trump, Russia and now the NRA is nothing more than another smoke-screen media scam trying to be pulled over the eyes of the American people.

Bullshit. The number of Russian trolls posting in this thread in an effort to deflect the discussion away from the relationship between the Kremlin and the NRA speaks volumes about how worried the troll farm is about the FBI investigation.


WHAT connection between the "Kremlin" and the NRA? Show it.

The only "bullshit" in this thread is that running out from between your ears in your willingness and desire to promote ANYTHING you can that is anti-Trump or anti-NRA no matter how BASELESS it is. Go take a flying leap off a short pier. Maybe it'll help massage some common sense into your brain.
there is no way that will ever happen. Russia russia, they are so conscious of russia they must be russian. I mean it fking spews it's way in here every day 85% of the posts. and still they have no evidence of ANYTHING!!!! The dems call their enemy what they really are.

Until Trump won, it was Obama and the Democrats who were laughing at Russia even being a point of concern for ANYTHING.

You Trump cultists may be idiots, but you ARE funny
which idiotic side is trying to link the NRA to RUSSIA!!! now?

oh yea. your idiotic side.
it's not new, it's been known to us for over a few months....or longer guys just do not read the news....thus ''the surprise''!
nope. it is a bit on the aged side but i'd not seen it discussed in here yet. if i missed it my bad but it was not a surprise.
I think there might have been some mention, but nothing that took off....

I just want to make certain no one thinks this is something that happened after the Valentines Day School Massacre, as some sort of conspiracy against the NRA.....
/----/ And yet nothing on Hildabeast and Obozo collusion with Russia.....

THAT RIGHT THERE tells you that all this focus on Trump, Russia and now the NRA is nothing more than another smoke-screen media scam trying to be pulled over the eyes of the American people.

Bullshit. The number of Russian trolls posting in this thread in an effort to deflect the discussion away from the relationship between the Kremlin and the NRA speaks volumes about how worried the troll farm is about the FBI investigation.


WHAT connection between the "Kremlin" and the NRA? Show it.

The only "bullshit" in this thread is that running out from between your ears in your willingness and desire to promote ANYTHING you can that is anti-Trump or anti-NRA no matter how BASELESS it is. Go take a flying leap off a short pier. Maybe it'll help massage some common sense into your brain.
there is no way that will ever happen. Russia russia, they are so conscious of russia they must be russian. I mean it fking spews it's way in here every day 85% of the posts. and still they have no evidence of ANYTHING!!!! The dems call their enemy what they really are.

Until Trump won, it was Obama and the Democrats who were laughing at Russia even being a point of concern for ANYTHING.

yep, but even Obama found out real quick with his 'reset' that Russia and Putin could not be trusted!! :eek:
just when you thought we were capped out on stupid.

NRA, Russia and Trump: How 'dark money' is poisoning American democracy

the left really has zero shame and has lost any form of shit they ever had.
I belong to a facebook 2a group. In the past few days, their members have gone from 1000 to about 70,000 and they are FLOODED with leftist pigs posting about NRA/Russian collusion...and tripe about the NRA being anti-2a.

Seriously. Let's just go to war already. I'm sick of this shit.
just when you thought we were capped out on stupid.

NRA, Russia and Trump: How 'dark money' is poisoning American democracy

the left really has zero shame and has lost any form of shit they ever had.
/----/ And yet nothing on Hildabeast and Obozo collusion with Russia.....

THAT RIGHT THERE tells you that all this focus on Trump, Russia and now the NRA is nothing more than another smoke-screen media scam trying to be pulled over the eyes of the American people.

Bullshit. The number of Russian trolls posting in this thread in an effort to deflect the discussion away from the relationship between the Kremlin and the NRA speaks volumes about how worried the troll farm is about the FBI investigation.


WHAT connection between the "Kremlin" and the NRA? Show it.

The only "bullshit" in this thread is that running out from between your ears in your willingness and desire to promote ANYTHING you can that is anti-Trump or anti-NRA no matter how BASELESS it is. Go take a flying leap off a short pier. Maybe it'll help massage some common sense into your brain.
there is no way that will ever happen. Russia russia, they are so conscious of russia they must be russian. I mean it fking spews it's way in here every day 85% of the posts. and still they have no evidence of ANYTHING!!!! The dems call their enemy what they really are.

THE GOOD NEWS is that while the Left has been totally obsessed with their TDS-motivated talking points chasing after phantom Russia connections, Russian trolls, Stormy Daniels, the NRA, and some parking ticket Mueller got some minor shill to agree to, we are all moving on to win elections this fall and another presidential term in 2020. Let them keep barking up the wrong trees.
just when you thought we were capped out on stupid.

NRA, Russia and Trump: How 'dark money' is poisoning American democracy

the left really has zero shame and has lost any form of shit they ever had.

Ok, I will admit I am a bit confused why this is such a big deal to you? Is the NRA somehow above reproach? The power they wield cannot be disputed. They talked with the POUTS for one hour and he came out singing a very different song than he went in with.
he also talked with the kids. so it's not good to listen to both sides of an issue?

But only one of them was a private meeting and only one of them did the POTUS change his mind after 1 hour.
what's the difference? did he meet with them or not? Yes they did. after one he was ready to take rights away and then after the other he decided maybe that isn't a good idea. And?

So, you do not see any difference between an open public discussion and a closed door meeting in the Oval Office.

No wonder you are a Repub
How do you classify a secret tarmac meeting on a runway for a man meeting with the woman investigating his wife?
Last edited:
THE GOOD NEWS is that while the Left has been totally obsessed with their TDS-motivated talking points chasing after phantom Russia connections, Russian trolls, Stormy Daniels, the NRA, and some parking ticket Mueller got some minor shill to agree to, we are all moving on to win elections this fall and another presidential term in 2020. Let them keep barking up the wrong trees.

How is the view, down there?


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