now they are beheading hostages...

Many Jews have lived there continuously from historical times. They are natives of the region. Others came later, but that isnt the main problem. Your concerned with outsiders? yet have nothing to say about the Outsider IRAN? who is a Persian country, not even Arab... and they will not allow Palestinians to ever make peace for themselves, they arm them and push them to fight because of what IRAN wants.
You have nothing to say about that outsider.
I know many jews have lived there as long as any Arab, that does not change the fact Israel is a self declared Jewish state, any jewish person can settle there, while Palestinians don't have the right of return, we have seen it before in Apartheid South Africa and we saw it in Rhodesia, many whites had lived there a long time but there were many settlers, one of them was a man i knew and worked with, he went to live in Rhodesia/Zimbabwe he had a good job and a black servant which i found nauseating, he had more rights than the Africans born there, that's what we see now in Israel.
I know many jews have lived there as long as any Arab, that does not change the fact Israel is a self declared Jewish state, any jewish person can settle there, while Palestinians don't have the right of return, we have seen it before in Apartheid South Africa and we saw it in Rhodesia, many whites had lived there a long time but there were many settlers, one of them was a man i knew and worked with, he went to live in Rhodesia/Zimbabwe he had a good job and a black servant which i found nauseating, he had more rights than the Africans born there, that's what we see now in Israel.

Not self declared. UN declared.
I am British and a Democratic socialist, and lunatic settlers protected by the Israeli army are stealing Palestinian land and even their homes, what planet are you on?
Did you invade Britan directly, or was it your parents from Pakistan, Mr. antisemite?
14 May 1948, the day on which the British Mandate of Palestine was to expire, Israel declared "the establishment of a Jewish state in Eretz Israel, to be known as the State of Israel"

Aaaaand.... continue. You're leaving out some bits.
There is an increase in such among those from places that practice consanguinity.

Intelligence drops and mental instability increases due to the inbreeding.
If it is British it makes sense. Poor genes always show themselves. My, and many other Americans ancestors were smart enough to leave England for good. Other's were not. The results show themselves to this day. The only mistake my ancestors made was allowing the redcoat bastards to board their ships and go home.
I know many jews have lived there as long as any Arab, that does not change the fact Israel is a self declared Jewish state, any jewish person can settle there, while Palestinians don't have the right of return, we have seen it before in Apartheid South Africa and we saw it in Rhodesia, many whites had lived there a long time but there were many settlers, one of them was a man i knew and worked with, he went to live in Rhodesia/Zimbabwe he had a good job and a black servant which i found nauseating, he had more rights than the Africans born there, that's what we see now in Israel.

And what would you have Israel do? open their gates and let Arabs in? when you know they are backed by Iran to destroy them? It's not a simple issue about land. Israelis can live with Arabs but Islamic fundamentalists will not Allow Jews to live should they open their gates. that is the problem.
take care of Iran and you have taken care of half the problem in the M.E. we failed to enforce sanctions on them and that is a lot of this problem now.
I am British and a Democratic socialist, and lunatic settlers protected by the Israeli army are stealing Palestinian land and even their homes, what planet are you on?

Its not the only place in the world that there are land disputes, and no where else would people like yourself try to make excuses for babies shot point blank in the head, women raped, people burned alive..
as if those were accepted rules of war even.

At least Israelis give warnings for civilians before they strike, they also offer medical treatment to enemy combatants or civilians with no qualms.
By beheading hostages, Hamas makes Israel the
good guys and justifies anything Israel does in return


When you deliberately slaughter a hundred kids at a
music festival, you've already lost the battle for hearts and minds.


So true...

Specially when you consider the fact that the 75-year-old israeli policy of putting a bullet in the head of any unarmed, peaceful palestinian peasant that approaches the fence of his ethnic corral is kept well hidden from all those western hearts and minds.
Its not the only place in the world that there are land disputes, and no where else would people like yourself try to make excuses for babies shot point blank in the head, women raped, people burned alive..
as if those were accepted rules of war even.

At least Israelis give warnings for civilians before they strike, they also offer medical treatment to enemy combatants or civilians with no qualms.
He makes excuses because he is antisemitic. Anyone who downplays what Jews or suffering now, being tortured and murdered - including elderly and babies - is biased by his animus toward Jews.

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