Now they're killing fireman in California. What have you people done?

I dont know

california is like a beachhead

if the crazies arent defeated there they will take over your town someday
So, what? Kill 'em? That's still illegal.

And Washington is the same way. Hubby and I left Seattle when the insanity actually hit our street. Moved to a sweet little town about 70 miles away. Within two years, Seattle's nastiness followed right along behind us.

I escaped Washington and I no longer have any illusions about waaaaah-wah-wah what a beautiful state it was and how much I'll miss it and if it wasn't for the crazies and blah-blah-blah. Washington is a cankerous bitch that could have been wonderful if only somebody had stopped the crazies, but now she just needs to be excised from my life. Washington is a disease and the sooner it dies, the better for everyone involved.

And now I live in a tiny, dull, rural Midwest town where everybody is armed and looks like me.
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So, what? Kill 'em? That's still illegal.

And Washington is the same way. Hubby and I left Seattle when the insanity actually hit our street. Moved to a sweet little town about 70 miles away. Within two years, Seattle's nastiness followed right along behind us.

I escaped Washington and I no longer have any illusions about waaaaah-wah-wah what a beautiful state it was and how much I'll miss it and if it wasn't for the crazies and blah-blah-blah. Washington is a cankerous bitch than could have been wonderful if only somebody had stopped the crazies, but now she just needs to be excised from my life. Washington is a disease and the sooner it dies, the better for everyone involved.

And now I live in a tiny, dull, rural Midwest town where everybody is armed and looks like me.
I cant agree with or support your defeatism

sooner or later you will run out of places to retreat to
Someone hijacked her account?
Fuck her and the horse she rode out on.
And no..she won't see me except my backside.

She is a hypocrite too. Check the last quote on her sigline. Must be really bad to wish a bunch of people dead of the virus.......oh.....wait.
Really. Good to know how you really feel.
Meanwhile, I will just load up my dying husband in my beat up van, pick a few thousand bills from the tree out yonder and merrily head out to some other state I know nothing about. Meanwhile, what state do you live in? Should I say it should burn...or drown...or freeze everyone in it? And I mean EVERY SINGLE LIVING PERSON from babies to 100 year old seniors. All the animals too? Did i forget anything? I need to pack. :rolleyes:
I believe she lives in South Dakota... beautiful place. But so is northern Cali. Unfortunately it's subject to the state government.
Now you'll have to wait an hour after you call when your home is burning

As Psaki laughs..............

This is the first time in the history of the country a firefighter has ever been targeted. As such you are right to worry, I hope you stay hidden in your little fucking town where everyone looks just like you and do not infect the rest of the world with your racist stupidity.

This is the first time in the history of the country a firefighter has ever been targeted. As such you are right to worry, I hope you stay hidden in your little fucking town where everyone looks just like you and do not infect the rest of the world with your racist stupidity.
Calling someone a racist anymore means so little. I have found those that use it a lot very racist

Where is the racism in the thread. I don't know what color anyone is...lolol.Racism

Well with all the cop killings I thought a firefighter a good change of scenery

As far as my world, If I would have listened to libturds I'd be a 40 hr a week shop rat trapped in a miserable job and life. I never would have been able to call all my shots in life. I never would have made a living doing what I love and never working a day

The most important thing is my golfing more rounds than you could ever dream of not listening toshop rat libturds scraping for pennys

You mentioned my life so I told you

Which life would you have. A slave to an alarm clock and a miserable boss or what I lived

Be honest
Calling someone a racist anymore means so little. I have found those that use it a lot very racist

Where is the racism in the thread. I don't know what color anyone is...lolol.Racism

Well with all the cop killings I thought a firefighter a good change of scenery

As far as my world, If I would have listened to libturds I'd be a 40 hr a week shop rat trapped in a miserable job and life. I never would have been able to call all my shots in life. I never would have made a living doing what I love and never working a day

The most important thing is my golfing more rounds than you could ever dream of not listening toshop rat libturds scraping for pennys

You mentioned my life so I told you

Which life would you have. A slave to an alarm clock and a miserable boss or what I lived

Be honest

I apologize for the racist part of my response to you, it was to the wrong person. It was supposed to be to the person bragging about living in a town where everyone looks like him. That is what I get for posting before finishing my first cup of coffee.

I would not trade my life for that of anyone. I absolutely loved being a Marine and had I not been a Marine I would have never met my wife and we would not be about to hit 29 years of marriage.

And now I work from home full time, no longer have an office to go to. I set my own hours and as long as my projects are done my boss could not care less the number of hours I put in. The pennies I receive added to those my wife receives gives us more than enough money to pretty much do what we want and they add up to us being in the top 7% or so of earners in the country.

Sure, I only get to golf 2 or 3 times a week, but that is enough for me. Not sure I would want to do it any more than that. Heck by the end of the summer I am normally down to only once a week.

So, while I am sure you have a great life, you can keep yours, I love mine and would not trade it for all the money in the world.

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