Now they're making students wear covid ankle bracelets

"There will be violence soon over this." Because the Right is made up of violent thugs.
So, when is violence against this type of tyranny justified?

At what point in the Nazi regime should the Jews and others have fought back before it was too late? Are we at that point yet?
Don't then. It's not mandatory. Homeschooling and private schooling has always been an option.

Way ahead of you. My boy is grown and through college now. I took him out of public school very early. When I noticed investigative math was replacing algorithms.

I'm annoyed that I'm still paying school taxes, btw.
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As it always has been. Let me'd rather DO nothing....but whine whine whine.
I didn't say it hasn't always been. I said "for now" meaning it may not be long before we no longer have the choice, thanks to you fucking Nazis/commies. You're a hybrid of tyrants.
So, when is violence against this type of tyranny justified?

At what point in the Nazi regime should the Jews and others have fought back before it was too late? Are we at that point yet?

Have you seen how the government in Austrailia is terrorizing the people there, Bootney?

It's a sad, sad state of affairs.

But the people in Australia allowed the government to gradually seize that power. As if they weren't ever going to use it. pft. Right...

Have you also noticed how often Australia is invoked as the example to be set by so many of our peers on here as to how we should govern?

It's always like, well, Australia does it this way or that way, so we should do what Australia does....

What they seem to want to do is gradually destroy the concept of 'just powers' in America as well.
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Have you seen how the government in Austrailia is terorizing the people there, Bootney?

It's a sad, sad state of affairs.

But the people in Austalia allowed the government to gradually seize that power.

Have you also noticed how often Australia is invoked as the example to be set by so many of our peers on here as to how we should govern?

It's always like, well, Australia does it this way or that way, so we should do what Australia does....

What they seem to want to do is gradually destroy the concept of 'just powers'
I look at Australia as a nation that was once free like America, and that is what we will become if we do not do something about this shit.

There are NO rights in Australia. They can just round you up and throw you in jail forever. It's very disturbing, and the people gave up their ability to stop that shit when they surrendered their guns.

Way ahead of you. My boy is grown and through college now. I took him out of public school very early. When I notice investigative math was replacing algorithms.

I'm annoyed that I'm still paying school taxes, btw.
Property taxes...complain to the Nation's founders for that one.
Again, when was it appropriate for the Jews to fight back against the Nazis? After millions of them had been exterminated?

When is it appropriate? Tell me.
NOT when you have the option to take your kids out of said school and either home school them or put them in a private school.

And comparing this to the NAZIs? :heehee: You're a violent thug looking for an excuse to do thuggish things. YOU are more like the NAZI brownshirts, sweetie.
I look at Australia as a nation that was once free like America, and that is what we will become if we do not do something about this shit.

There are NO rights in Australia. They can just round you up and throw you in jail forever. It's very disturbing, and the people gave up their ability to stop that shit when they surrendered their guns.

OK, Dread Pirate Roberts....:heehee:
If there is one way to fight back, it would be pulling kids out of schools.

There needs to be mass non-compliance.

Trump could put out the message, but he doesn’t….
Sadly taking kids out of school may be easier said than done or it would have been done way before now already.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. The only question left to ask is what will be thought of next?
There will be violence soon over this

We can't trust a libturd for anything. They are failures

There wont be any violence, none.

Violence over it would mean that the average american person will stand up for their freedoms and push back as much as needed. Fact is the average american citizen is a cuck bitch sitting on the couch watching tv while his wife gets fucked and doesnt say a thing. Were all pussies who wont even stand up to BLM as they cause years of mayhem, we wont stand up while blacks and everyone calls whites racists, we all just sit on our asses and suck on whatever were told to.

There might be a lot of bitching and complaining but at the end of the day real americans wont do jack shit.

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