Now this is funny! "Obama created more jobs in 2010 than Bush did in 8 years!"

Lets look at the numbers...

How many jobs did Bush create? Slightly over 1 million over eight years

What happened to the unemployment rate under Bush? It nearly doubled

How about GDP, how did that do? it was negative in five of the last six quarters

Stock Market, how was that? Over eight years it lost 2000 points

Why would we want to return to these Republican policies? Beats the hell out of me

Do you see the pattern?

This is the desperate talking point liberals have turned to. "Jobs created."

As IF that phony baloney is going to keep people from seeing the real unemployment numbers or noticing they don't have a job.

It's hilarious!

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Getting out of the way and creating the a situation are two OPPOSITE and CONTRARY things Einstein.

Which one did Bush do?

Don't bother to answer, I prefer not to see any more of your already did...he "got out the way."

Which means the OAF did NOTHING but stand to the side and look STEWPITT!!

Hence the economy finally nearly COLLAPSED and competent people had to figure out a way to avoid that from happening.

While I join you in heaping contempt of the Bush II legacy, I have to tell you that both parties were largely responsible for the meltdown, Marc.

The events leading up that meltdown were long in coming.

Bush II just happened to be in office when we went over that event horizon.
Fair enough, but the fact remains that The RepubiCON$ are the party that LEADS in the types of policies that caused the meltdown. Those Dems that did, just spinelessly followed.
lol, the only jobs THE MAGICAL BOYKING has created is for his Union buddies and more Guberment employees.

but hey if you don't mind being a slave to STATE. go for it.
This Asshat is simply WRONG...

What he would Assume is that (43) Inherited a Boom and Left a Bust.

40 Days after (43) took the Oath we went into a Recession. Jobs were already being Lost in Manufacturing during the 2000 Election Cycle.

Another thing happened in 2001... 9/11.

Even with being handed a Recession and a Terrorist Attack of that Magnitude, (43) Oversaw 5%ish Unemployment.

It went down from a 6.5% High from the Clinton Recession to 5's and basically stayed there until it went into the mid to high 4's...

Then the DemocRATS took over Congress... During their 1st Year of having 2/3's Power and the Purse Strings, the Unemployment rate began to Increase.

It went from 5% to 8% in the final year of Bush.

It has since gone from that 8% to 10% under Obama and now has come down a little to 9.5%.

No Honest Person can say that Barry Created More Jobs in 2010 than in all of (43)'s 8 Years.

It's simply Absurd and Defies Fact.

Obama's Recovery LOST 54,000 Jobs in August... AUGUST.

Get ready for the Traditionally SLOW Period to begin...

This is going to be Rough Winter...

I "Hope" you all have Prepared.

Spring is a LONG way away.


Jobs created during U.S. presidential terms - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

PREZ ....................... BEGIN ....... END ....... MILLIONS . AVG ANNUAL INCREASE
George W. Bush ....... 132,469 ... 132,453 ... +2.906 .... +2.222%
George W. Bush ....... 132,453 ... 133,549 ... +1.1 ........ +0.2%
Barack Obama ......... 133,549 ... 130,470 ... -3.1 ....... -1.5% (Jun. 2010)

One word: PAWNED!!!
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Getting out of the way and creating the a situation are two OPPOSITE and CONTRARY things Einstein.

Which one did Bush do?

Don't bother to answer, I prefer not to see any more of your already did...he "got out the way."

Which means the OAF did NOTHING but stand to the side and look STEWPITT!!

Hence the economy finally nearly COLLAPSED and competent people had to figure out a way to avoid that from happening.

While I join you in heaping contempt of the Bush II legacy, I have to tell you that both parties were largely responsible for the meltdown, Marc.

The events leading up that meltdown were long in coming.

Bush II just happened to be in office when we went over that event horizon.
Fair enough, but the fact remains that The RepubiCON$ are the party that LEADS in the types of policies that caused the meltdown. Those Dems that did, just spinelessly followed.

This is the talking point!


[ame=""]YouTube - Shocking Video Unearthed Democrats in their own words Covering up the Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac Scam that caused our Economic Crisis[/ame]

But liberals don't want you to notice this. They don't want you to notice who over Congress since 2007. They don't want you to notice who was president in 2009.

They just want you to blame Republicans for it all. Democrats had nothing to do with it . . . .:eusa_shhh::eusa_shhh::eusa_shhh:

Yeah right!

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Lets look at the numbers...

How many jobs did Bush create? Slightly over 1 million over eight years

What happened to the unemployment rate under Bush? It nearly doubled

How about GDP, how did that do? it was negative in five of the last six quarters

Stock Market, how was that? Over eight years it lost 2000 points

Why would we want to return to these Republican policies? Beats the hell out of me

Do you see the pattern?

This is the desperate talking point liberals have turned to. "Jobs created."

As IF that phony baloney is going to keep people from seeing the real unemployment numbers or noticing they don't have a job.

It's hilarious!


Phony baloney?

Did Bush create only 1 million jobs....yes
Did the unemployment rate increase from 3.8% to 7.8%?....yes
Did the GDP under Bush go negative in 5 of his last six quarters?....yes
Did the Stock market drop from 10750 in 2001 to 8150 when Bush left office....yes
Was the Bush economy losing 700,000 jobs a month when he left?.......yes
Lets look at the numbers...

How many jobs did Bush create? Slightly over 1 million over eight years

What happened to the unemployment rate under Bush? It nearly doubled

How about GDP, how did that do? it was negative in five of the last six quarters

Stock Market, how was that? Over eight years it lost 2000 points

Why would we want to return to these Republican policies? Beats the hell out of me

Do you see the pattern?

This is the desperate talking point liberals have turned to. "Jobs created."

As IF that phony baloney is going to keep people from seeing the real unemployment numbers or noticing they don't have a job.

It's hilarious!


Phony baloney?

Did Bush create only 1 million jobs....yes
Did the unemployment rate increase from 3.8% to 7.8%?....yes
Did the GDP under Bush go negative in 5 of his last six quarters?....yes
Did the Stock market drop from 10750 in 2001 to 8150 when Bush left office....yes
Was the Bush economy losing 700,000 jobs a month when he left?.......yes

Did Bush forsee this in 2003 and try to stop it, but the Democrats blocked it? YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

[ame=""]YouTube - Shocking Video Unearthed Democrats in their own words Covering up the Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac Scam that caused our Economic Crisis[/ame]
Did the Stock market drop from 10750 in 2001 to 8150 when Bush left office....yes
Was the Bush economy losing 700,000 jobs a month when he left?.......yes

Those last 2?

You might want to keep those quiet, since it happened BECAUSE of who was taking over as POTUS.
Phony baloney?

Did Bush create only 1 million jobs....yes

NO, not according to the figures I posted

Did the unemployment rate increase from 3.8% to 7.8%?....yes

NO, not according to Where can I find the unemployment rate for previous years?
2000 = 4.0 2008 = 5.8
And 2009? 9.3

Did the GDP under Bush go negative in 5 of his last six quarters?....yes

This is the first one you've gotten correct! Congrats!
Year GDP - real growth rate / Percent Change / Date of Information
2003 2.45 % 2002 est.
2004 3.10 % 26.53 % 2003 est.
2005 4.40 % 41.94 % 2004 est.
2006 3.20 % -27.27 % 2005 est.
2007 3.20 % 0.00 % 2006 est.
2008 2.00 % -37.50 % 2007 est.
2009 1.10 % 171 -45.00 % 2008 est.
2010 -2.40 % 150 -318.18 % 2009 est.

Not sure where you're getting your bogus info, but Google Is Your Friend...
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Did the Stock market drop from 10750 in 2001 to 8150 when Bush left office....yes
Was the Bush economy losing 700,000 jobs a month when he left?.......yes

Those last 2?

You might want to keep those quiet, since it happened BECAUSE of who was taking over as POTUS.

I see math was not your best subject........

The stock market had already dropped 5000 points BEFORE Obama was elected

The unemployment rate had been going negative for 15 months BEFORE Obama was elected
Did the Stock market drop from 10750 in 2001 to 8150 when Bush left office....yes
Was the Bush economy losing 700,000 jobs a month when he left?.......yes

Those last 2?

You might want to keep those quiet, since it happened BECAUSE of who was taking over as POTUS.

I see math was not your best subject........

The stock market had already dropped 5000 points BEFORE Obama was elected

The unemployment rate had been going negative for 15 months BEFORE Obama was elected

And please don't act as if it is ONLY the President that has influence, if you are arguing that economic status and activity are effected by government... do not forget we have a congress that is elbows deep in governmental economic policy... and please remember who was elbows deep as a party in congress during the downturn at the end of Bush's presidency
I see math was not your best subject........

The stock market had already dropped 5000 points BEFORE Obama was elected

The unemployment rate had been going negative for 15 months BEFORE Obama was elected

And I see that researching actual FACTS wasn't exactly YOUR best subject. :lol:

I didn't say it was because Obama won ~

I said it was because of who was taking over as POTUS.

There were TWO choices, and neither of them was any great shakes.
Governments don't create jobs, except in government, so it is quite possible that the man was being factually - if unintentionally - accurate.
President Asshat needs to go on vacation, that he can do, creating jobs, no way. I see confidence dropping out here and it is usually a leading indicator. Expensive and cheap vehicles are selling. Vehicles in the mid range are few. That tells me many people are afraid of losing their jobs still. A five year loan is viewed as too risky in this environment.
Declaring that the government plays no role in economic outcomes of private sector employment is a fairly good example of a Reductio ad absurdum agrumentative technique.

If the first place the government creates jobs outright when it hires people either directly or indirectly to implement policies

In the second place, it's trade, tax, and other fiscal policies encourage or discourage private sector job growth, as well.

Our continue adherence, for example, to FREE TRADE has probably cost the USA 30,000,000 private sector jobs in the last generation or so.

AFAIC, both parties have been about the business of discouraging job growth in the USA for the last 40 years.

Free trade has cost jobs???????????

Then explain why unemployment was so low under Clinton and Bush IN SPITE OF NAFTA???????


You think 5% unemployment (and about 15% underemployment) is good?

EVen during Clinton's halcyon bubble days the lower half of the working popuilation was losing ground.

And the effects of economic policies take a mighty long time to manifest.

The happy days under Clinton happened depite NAFTA, not because of it.

In part they happened because Bush I had balls enough to raise taxes, and partially because the fall of Soviet empire gave us breathing space not to have to spend so much on the military, and partially because of the low interest rates and the DOT,COM bubble, too.

The negative effects on the working classes of this nation, thanks to
FREE TRADE policies have been screwing those classes for decades.

Before Clinton, before Regan, before, Carter, these policies have been eroding the social contract.

What we're seeing now is how, once those events have played out, and thanks also in part with the other problems that happened as a secondary result of FREE TRADE, is how difficult is is to put it right.

FREE TRADE has been a foolish policy to adhere to since before (probably) you were born.
"Does anyone believe that one?"

Well...the answer is really simple.

How MANY jobs DID Bush create OP?

Please provide that number for us...will ya?

The private sector creates its own jobs. Neither Bush nor Obama can claim any of them as their creation.

But I agree....anyone who buys this line of crap knows absolutely nothing about economics.

Which means you DIDN'T READ THE OP!

That's the point. Presidents can't "create" jobs.

All they can do is GET OUT OF THE WAY OF THE PRIVATE SECTOR and allow them to create jobs.

So, Obama touting "creating" jobs is a joke!

Maybe Obama did "create" more jobs (in government!), but is that really the point???????


Bush simple got out of the way and let the private sector, the marketplace do it's job.

So, touting "creating" jobs in almost 10% unemployment? That's a sick joke where you don't know whether to laugh or cry.


Bush "got out of the way" and oversaw an 8-year period that created a grand total of NEGATIVE 670,000 private sector jobs.

But to his credit, public-sector employment sky-rocketed!
"Does anyone believe that one?"

Well...the answer is really simple.

How MANY jobs DID Bush create OP?

Please provide that number for us...will ya?

The private sector creates its own jobs. Neither Bush nor Obama can claim any of them as their creation.

But I agree....anyone who buys this line of crap knows absolutely nothing about economics.

You're offending all those Reagan fans who've been giving him credit for creating all those jobs in the 80's .
They'll be sad to hear that they are ignorant full-of-shit know nothings.

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