Now, This Should Get Interesting: Bikers For Trump Take Action in Seattle

June 13, 2020

Finally! Someone with some muscle is going in and breaking down barriers.


The Bikers for Trump make it clear that the operation will avoid the use of force against the anarchists claiming the territory, instead dismantling the illegal barricades that the leftists set up to separate themselves from the United States.

Oh, them some brave white motherfuckers..... The population density in Seattle is 8152% higher than Washington. The median age in Seattle is 5% lower than Washington. In Seattle 69.17% of the population is White. In Seattle 7.10% of the population is Black or African American. In Seattle 14.15% of the population is Asian. LOLOLOL Kinda reminds me of Charolettesville, same cowards showed up there pop. 2%....LOLOLOLO

You want to show your ass for real real....come to Chicago or Atlanta or even D.C...but Seattle??? I'm so scared I can barely hold my milk shake and cotton candy. Cowardly mf's!!
A loud mouthed Black demanding a fat Whitey suck his dick gets knocked the fuck out! Folks despite what the fake news and fake academia and fake Hollywood says reality is real. If Soros and the BLM Cult thinks they can make the USA another Haiti, there are sadly mistaken.

Most Black on White street fights are a half a dozen Blacks on one White so it is interesting to see the outcome mano y mano. :p

LOLOLOLOL...he deserved that beat talk shit, be ready to back it up...and sadly the poor black kid can't call the cops on this one...he'd end up dead
A loud mouthed Black demanding a fat Whitey suck his dick gets knocked the fuck out! Folks despite what the fake news and fake academia and fake Hollywood says reality is real. If Soros and the BLM Cult thinks they can make the USA another Haiti, there are sadly mistaken.

Most Black on White street fights are a half a dozen Blacks on one White so it is interesting to see the outcome mano y mano. :p

Now why would this "Joe the groper Biden" voter, because he is black enough to vote for Joe, think he can fight with a white guy? This is the savage culture of the Liberals. Then when the proverbial can of whoop ass is opened, many times blacks get the shit beat of them, unless they are 10 to 1....
June 13, 2020

Finally! Someone with some muscle is going in and breaking down barriers.


The Bikers for Trump make it clear that the operation will avoid the use of force against the anarchists claiming the territory, instead dismantling the illegal barricades that the leftists set up to separate themselves from the United States.

Oh, them some brave white motherfuckers..... The population density in Seattle is 8152% higher than Washington. The median age in Seattle is 5% lower than Washington. In Seattle 69.17% of the population is White. In Seattle 7.10% of the population is Black or African American. In Seattle 14.15% of the population is Asian. LOLOLOL Kinda reminds me of Charolettesville, same cowards showed up there pop. 2%....LOLOLOLO

You want to show your ass for real real....come to Chicago or Atlanta or even D.C...but Seattle??? I'm so scared I can barely hold my milk shake and cotton candy. Cowardly mf's!!
Yet, Seattle and Washington State have both a Democrat Mayor and Democrat Governor. Why do shitstains like you always vote for the very people who wont do shit for your people?
A loud mouthed Black demanding a fat Whitey suck his dick gets knocked the fuck out! Folks despite what the fake news and fake academia and fake Hollywood says reality is real. If Soros and the BLM Cult thinks they can make the USA another Haiti, there are sadly mistaken.

Most Black on White street fights are a half a dozen Blacks on one White so it is interesting to see the outcome mano y mano. :p

LOLOLOLOL...he deserved that beat talk shit, be ready to back it up...and sadly the poor black kid can't call the cops on this one...he'd end up dead

And why cant the "poor" and i use that term in the financial way, black kid call the cops? Bwaaahahaaaaa.a..because idiots like you have chased them away. Liberals always "think" and i use that term loosely, that they know better but never "think" what their actions will cause later on in life. Stupid is as stupid votes, and they vote Demoncrap...
That would be so fine!

To see Pantifa soyboys against the Bikers... it would make my day! my week, month and year too! :biggrin::yes_text12:
Daniel 1:12-15 New American Bible (Revised Edition) (NABRE)
12 “Please test your servants for ten days. Let us be given vegetables to eat and water to drink. 13 Then see how we look in comparison with the other young men who eat from the royal table, and treat your servants according to what you see.” 14 He agreed to this request, and tested them for ten days; 15 after ten days they looked healthier and better fed than any of the young men who ate from the royal table
Bikers for tramp might not be all that healthy!!
I remember seeing biker goons in Washington D.C. during an anti Iraq war protest. They were elbowing young women off the sidewalks and ripping peace signs out of the hands of elderly women. Obese smelly biker trash punks is what they are.
I remember seeing biker goons in Washington D.C. during an anti Iraq war protest. They were elbowing young women off the sidewalks and ripping peace signs out of the hands of elderly women. Obese smelly biker trash punks is what they are.

Aw, did you get your sign taken? Poor guy....
I remember seeing biker goons in Washington D.C. during an anti Iraq war protest. They were elbowing young women off the sidewalks and ripping peace signs out of the hands of elderly women. Obese smelly biker trash punks is what they are.

Aw, did you get your sign taken? Poor guy....
I didn`t have a sign but I did take note that they only went after old ladies and young women. Cowards!
I remember seeing biker goons in Washington D.C. during an anti Iraq war protest. They were elbowing young women off the sidewalks and ripping peace signs out of the hands of elderly women. Obese smelly biker trash punks is what they are.

Aw, did you get your sign taken? Poor guy....
I didn`t have a sign but I did take note that they only went after old ladies and young women. Cowards!

So you say...I think you saw what you wanted to see.
June 13, 2020

Finally! Someone with some muscle is going in and breaking down barriers.


The Bikers for Trump make it clear that the operation will avoid the use of force against the anarchists claiming the territory, instead dismantling the illegal barricades that the leftists set up to separate themselves from the United States.

Who says the Bikers for tramp are not anarchist, oh I know, they are pro tramp. :laugh:
Better than being pro libtard.
June 13, 2020

Finally! Someone with some muscle is going in and breaking down barriers.


The Bikers for Trump make it clear that the operation will avoid the use of force against the anarchists claiming the territory, instead dismantling the illegal barricades that the leftists set up to separate themselves from the United States.

Who says the Bikers for tramp are not anarchist, oh I know, they are pro tramp. :laugh:
Better than being pro libtard.
Libtard? What are you, about 12 years old?
I remember seeing biker goons in Washington D.C. during an anti Iraq war protest. They were elbowing young women off the sidewalks and ripping peace signs out of the hands of elderly women. Obese smelly biker trash punks is what they are.

Aw, did you get your sign taken? Poor guy....
I didn`t have a sign but I did take note that they only went after old ladies and young women. Cowards!

So you say...I think you saw what you wanted to see.
The biker trash and their trashette biker bitches had signs claiming they were spit on when they came back from Vietnam. It was comical indeed.
I remember seeing biker goons in Washington D.C. during an anti Iraq war protest. They were elbowing young women off the sidewalks and ripping peace signs out of the hands of elderly women. Obese smelly biker trash punks is what they are.

Aw, did you get your sign taken? Poor guy....
I didn`t have a sign but I did take note that they only went after old ladies and young women. Cowards!

So you say...I think you saw what you wanted to see.
The biker trash and their trashette biker bitches had signs claiming they were spit on when they came back from Vietnam. It was comical indeed.

Well, we all know they were welcomed home from Nam with ticker tape parades weren't they?
I'd love to see this happen. Keep the footage for Democratic campaign commercials.
It would look nice in contrast to video of Antifa and BLM burning down cities, throwing moltov cocktails
and smashing out store windows and looting.

Is Mr. and Mrs. America going to be shocked and disgusted more by the people restoring order?
Or by those trying to burn down our cities? I'll bet even you have the answer to that riddle.
June 13, 2020

Finally! Someone with some muscle is going in and breaking down barriers.


The Bikers for Trump make it clear that the operation will avoid the use of force against the anarchists claiming the territory, instead dismantling the illegal barricades that the leftists set up to separate themselves from the United States.

Oh, them some brave white motherfuckers..... The population density in Seattle is 8152% higher than Washington. The median age in Seattle is 5% lower than Washington. In Seattle 69.17% of the population is White. In Seattle 7.10% of the population is Black or African American. In Seattle 14.15% of the population is Asian. LOLOLOL Kinda reminds me of Charolettesville, same cowards showed up there pop. 2%....LOLOLOLO

You want to show your ass for real real....come to Chicago or Atlanta or even D.C...but Seattle??? I'm so scared I can barely hold my milk shake and cotton candy. Cowardly mf's!!
You have had so many opportunities to end what you accuse of others of doing. And yet you can not close the deal. All of that piss and vinegar. and the same thing going on year after year, decade after decade with people taxed to the hilt. Mano mano fighting is a localized thing that is localized to that. I care not about the cities anymore. I care about the taxes to pay for them though.

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