Now, This Should Get Interesting: Bikers For Trump Take Action in Seattle

Just remember a good story. My Uncle Harry(not uncle but my dads best friend) and my mom, dad, Harry's wife left a movie late one night. The cops were all around and asked where they were walking. Harry said "home, after the movie". Cop said"we'll keep an eye on you,a couple of dial citizenz just robbed the guy at the liquor store at knife point".
Uncle Harry replied. You guys go find him. If I find him I'll shove the knife in the niggas ass. I was golden gloves Army in Korea. I can handle a cut or two.Cop said/how far you going ? Unc said, couple miles.Cop/Let me give y'all a quick ride. Harry, Nah....looking for some fun. Both laughed and went on their ways. Good cop, good unc. 1973 or so...
Wow. The Hells Angels are in Trump's corner? He's got quite the following, hasn't he?

Your side has Antifa, our side has the bikers. Somehow I don't think your side has the high moral ground here, I haven't seen pics or videos of bikers rioting and looting. But I have seen them doing their motorcade on the 4th, Memorial Day, and Veterans Day, with flags flying on their bikes. Given the choice I'd rather line up with them over Antifa.

I'm guessing the Seattle police will be arresting those bikers for disturbing the peace. The world has gone bonkers.

Indeed it has if you hold this false equivalence. You are trying to find out who has the higher moral ground between Anti Fascists and bikers? You've never seen photos or video of bikers rioting, looting and destroying property? What a bubble you live in. Does it reside on planet earth? Bikers interfering in this is just like sending mongooses in to take out the snakes. What happens when the mongooses settle in and become the invasive species?

Your false equivalence highlights more similarities between the two groups then differences.
It may be that Mr. and Mrs. America will begin to put more thought into the motivations, perspectives and life experiences behind what it is happening.

So, I guess we'll see how that turns out. I surely don't know.
It may be. Polling suggests otherwise, however. Poll: 57 percent have negative view of Black Lives Matter movement

The recent chaotic and dangerous BLM actions in places like Seattle, New York and Minneapolis won't win
them many new fans, or offset the people who have walked away disgusted by violence and anarchy.
This is about far more than BLM or rioters or any one group, and I suspect more people are seeing that now.
This should be less about BLM and more about those who control them and that would be Media Matters and George Soros.
Plenty of house-cleaning needed across the spectrum on this.
Indeed it has if you hold this false equivalence. You are trying to find out who has the higher moral ground between Anti Fascists and bikers? You've never seen photos or video of bikers rioting, looting and destroying property? What a bubble you live in. Does it reside on planet earth? Bikers interfering in this is just like sending mongooses in to take out the snakes. What happens when the mongooses settle in and become the invasive species?
In this specific instance bikers clearly hold the higher moral ground and despite their long
outlaw past bikers have participated in many charitable and philanthropic efforts.

An end to anarchy and lawlessness in Seattle is the main moral imperative.
If you are alleging that bikers would simply displace an anarchist warlord and step into his place
that's clearly nonsense.

For one thing the governor, mayor and city council would suddenly all grow a backbone and not allow that to happen. For another it's certain these California based gangs have no interest in tne PNW.

Your false equivalence highlights more similarities between the two groups then differences.
The only difference that matters is the matter of the CHAZ . There are no similarities there
at all.
Indeed it has if you hold this false equivalence. You are trying to find out who has the higher moral ground between Anti Fascists and bikers? You've never seen photos or video of bikers rioting, looting and destroying property? What a bubble you live in. Does it reside on planet earth? Bikers interfering in this is just like sending mongooses in to take out the snakes. What happens when the mongooses settle in and become the invasive species?
In this specific instance bikers clearly hold the higher moral ground and despite their long
outlaw past bikers have participated in many charitable and philanthropic efforts.

An end to anarchy and lawlessness in Seattle is the main moral imperative.
If you are alleging that bikers would simply displace an anarchist warlord and step into his place
that's clearly nonsense.

For one thing the governor, mayor and city council would suddenly all grow a backbone and not allow that to happen. For another it's certain these California based gangs have no interest in tne PNW.

Your false equivalence highlights more similarities between the two groups then differences.
The only difference that matters is the matter of the CHAZ . There are no similarities there
at all.

Yeah, well, I think you're wrong.
Not much effort required to disagree with your argument.
You proved that. A four year old could disagree with my argument but he would have a difficult time finding any way to intelligently and rationally counter it....just like you couldn't and didn't do.

Say hi to your friends at MENSA.
A loud mouthed Black demanding a fat Whitey suck his dick gets knocked the fuck out! Folks despite what the fake news and fake academia and fake Hollywood says reality is real. If Soros and the BLM Cult thinks they can make the USA another Haiti, there are sadly mistaken.

Most Black on White street fights are a half a dozen Blacks on one White so it is interesting to see the outcome mano y mano. :p

We need alot more of that. Knock out all these loud mouth good for nothing animals.
These soybois are about to find out they shouldn’t have shot their mouths off about bikers. I haven’t seen biker gangs rioting or stealing or taking over city blocks and forcing out police. This will be a massacre. CHAZ invited trouble and now it’s on it’s way.
A loud mouthed Black demanding a fat Whitey suck his dick gets knocked the fuck out! Folks despite what the fake news and fake academia and fake Hollywood says reality is real. If Soros and the BLM Cult thinks they can make the USA another Haiti, there are sadly mistaken.

Most Black on White street fights are a half a dozen Blacks on one White so it is interesting to see the outcome mano y mano. :p

We need alot more of that. Knock out all these loud mouth good for nothing animals.

Thing is, you knock a black guy out for acting like an aggressive asshole, and everybody will fall all over themselves to label you a racist. The fact that he was an aggressive asshole will be ignored.
I been dealing with this shit all my life.
Wow. The Hells Angels are in Trump's corner? He's got quite the following, hasn't he?

Your side has Antifa, our side has the bikers. Somehow I don't think your side has the high moral ground here, I haven't seen pics or videos of bikers rioting and looting. But I have seen them doing their motorcade on the 4th, Memorial Day, and Veterans Day, with flags flying on their bikes. Given the choice I'd rather line up with them over Antifa.

I'm guessing the Seattle police will be arresting those bikers for disturbing the peace. The world has gone bonkers.

The Hell's Angels are the largest, most violent criminal enterprise in the USA. They don't ride in the 4th of July parade, or Veterans Day. They're drug dealers. Of course they're in Trump's corner. They love a politician they can bribe.
Wow. The Hells Angels are in Trump's corner? He's got quite the following, hasn't he?

Your side has Antifa, our side has the bikers. Somehow I don't think your side has the high moral ground here, I haven't seen pics or videos of bikers rioting and looting. But I have seen them doing their motorcade on the 4th, Memorial Day, and Veterans Day, with flags flying on their bikes. Given the choice I'd rather line up with them over Antifa.

I'm guessing the Seattle police will be arresting those bikers for disturbing the peace. The world has gone bonkers.

The Hell's Angels are the largest, most violent criminal enterprise in the USA. They don't ride in the 4th of July parade, or Veterans Day. They're drug dealers. Of course they're in Trump's corner. They love a politician they can bribe.
Not even close.
You don't know much about criminal organizations, do you?
Wow. The Hells Angels are in Trump's corner? He's got quite the following, hasn't he?

Your side has Antifa, our side has the bikers. Somehow I don't think your side has the high moral ground here, I haven't seen pics or videos of bikers rioting and looting. But I have seen them doing their motorcade on the 4th, Memorial Day, and Veterans Day, with flags flying on their bikes. Given the choice I'd rather line up with them over Antifa.

I'm guessing the Seattle police will be arresting those bikers for disturbing the peace. The world has gone bonkers.

The Hell's Angels are the largest, most violent criminal enterprise in the USA. They don't ride in the 4th of July parade, or Veterans Day. They're drug dealers. Of course they're in Trump's corner. They love a politician they can bribe.
Not even close.
You don't know much about criminal organizations, do you?

"You don't know much about criminal organizations, do you?"

like the republican party?

as a member of that criminal organization I am sure you are quite familiar with their operations.
Wow. The Hells Angels are in Trump's corner? He's got quite the following, hasn't he?

Your side has Antifa, our side has the bikers. Somehow I don't think your side has the high moral ground here, I haven't seen pics or videos of bikers rioting and looting. But I have seen them doing their motorcade on the 4th, Memorial Day, and Veterans Day, with flags flying on their bikes. Given the choice I'd rather line up with them over Antifa.

I'm guessing the Seattle police will be arresting those bikers for disturbing the peace. The world has gone bonkers.

The Hell's Angels are the largest, most violent criminal enterprise in the USA. They don't ride in the 4th of July parade, or Veterans Day. They're drug dealers. Of course they're in Trump's corner. They love a politician they can bribe.
Not even close.
You don't know much about criminal organizations, do you?

I know about the Hell's Angels. Their clubhouse in Toronto was 3 blocks from my house. Police raided it, shut it down and boarded it up and the neighbours cheered.
I remember seeing biker goons in Washington D.C. during an anti Iraq war protest. They were elbowing young women off the sidewalks and ripping peace signs out of the hands of elderly women. Obese smelly biker trash punks is what they are.

My husband has been a member of the Patriot Guard Riders for years. Bikers of all sorts and clubs come together all over the country to support families of military, police, firemen and more at funerals.

We've never witnessed any behavior like you describe.

You lie.
Wow. The Hells Angels are in Trump's corner? He's got quite the following, hasn't he?

Your side has Antifa, our side has the bikers. Somehow I don't think your side has the high moral ground here, I haven't seen pics or videos of bikers rioting and looting. But I have seen them doing their motorcade on the 4th, Memorial Day, and Veterans Day, with flags flying on their bikes. Given the choice I'd rather line up with them over Antifa.

I'm guessing the Seattle police will be arresting those bikers for disturbing the peace. The world has gone bonkers.

The Hell's Angels are the largest, most violent criminal enterprise in the USA. They don't ride in the 4th of July parade, or Veterans Day. They're drug dealers. Of course they're in Trump's corner. They love a politician they can bribe.
Not even close.
You don't know much about criminal organizations, do you?

I know about the Hell's Angels. Their clubhouse in Toronto was 3 blocks from my house. Police raided it, shut it down and boarded it up and the neighbours cheered.
Is that right?
Did you ever go inside that clubhouse? Meet any of them? Have a beer and some conversation, maybe?

No, right?

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