Now Watergate does not bother me. Does your conscience bother you?

You see, once the hard evidence of Nixon's crimes became known, even his defenders had to concede he was guilty and they signaled they were going to impeach him.

The same would be true if there was evidence Obama "used the IRS against his political enemies". He would be impeached.

Apples and oranges.
The President broke the law. He was on tape ordering the obstruction of justice. After that, not even the Republicans could defend him any more and were going to join the impeachment bandwagon. The jig was up, and so he resigned to avoid the impeachment.

There was also other serious crimes committed by his cronies. They went to prison.

Apparently you missed that part of the 24/7/365 coverage you claim you remember like it was yesterday. How odd...

Like I said, Watergate only made into a big deal by the 24/7/365 LMSM Soviet Artillery Coverage Barrage
When the President and the men around him are acting like organized criminals, that's news. Did you want it swept under the rug?

And you can't hardly bitch about wall-to-wall coverage considering the hysterics Fox News and the Daily Pisser and the Washington Times have over Benghazi.

Serious crimes = LOLz

Watergate was a fucking joke, the "cover up" was a bigger joke

FDR Rounded up and interred Japanese Americans

FDR injected otherwise healthy black male with syphilis and withheld the cure.

What did Nixon do again?
I see. Now that you have been tackled behind the line of scrimmage for trying to equate Obama to Nixon, you are going to punt and compare Nixon to FDR. :crybaby::crybaby::crybaby:

Note first he tries to link FDR to the Tuskegee syphilis "study." ofay. Now I think FDR can be fairly tagged with Japanese internment, but the point of the "when the president does it" quote is the imperial power in war. Had Watergate been tied to that, I don't think you see the gop turning its back on Nixon, and certainly the remaining hawk dems like Scoop Jackson would have backed him.
Buy hey, let's move the goalposts now and talk about FDR and the Japs!

How about Bush and waterboarding? "Enhanced interrogation". Slapping me..."detainees" around.
Buy hey, let's move the goalposts now and talk about FDR and the Japs!

How about Bush and waterboarding?
Same thing. No impeachment for war time decisions. And remember the dems were actually terrified over Iran Contra because they though they might have no choice but to go after Reagan.
Buy hey, let's move the goalposts now and talk about FDR and the Japs!

How about Bush and waterboarding?
Same thing. No impeachment for war time decisions.

Really? Where the hell did you get the idea the President has carte blanche during wartime?

FDR could only get away with what he did because the Congress was behind him. The country was in a panic, just like it was after 9/11.

That is when times are most dangerous. When the President and the Congress and the justice system are all in harmony when atrocities are being committed.

Our country has admitted the illegality of FDR's act by passing reparations to the victims of the internment.

It will be some time before you hear the faux Right admitting waterboarding is torture.
#3- ^^You are out of your brainwashed little mind- Nixon was a criminal who ruined people's lives and subverted the constitution. Dems' consciences don't bother because we've done nothing wrong. Pubs' don't because they're idiotic, greedy, ignorant a-holes, dupes because they're on another planet.
You dishonest partisan hack. Nixon was a scoundrel and got what he deserved. But Obama makes Nixon look like a choir boy. Problem is, as alluded to in the initial post, Woodward and Bernstein are in on it with obama this time around. And you and your brainwashed, dishonest ilk buy it.
Hillary Haldeman, Eric John Mitchell Holder and don't forget those missing tapes -- I mean -- emails.
Buy hey, let's move the goalposts now and talk about FDR and the Japs!

How about Bush and waterboarding?
Same thing. No impeachment for war time decisions.

Really? Where the hell did you get the idea the President has carte blanche during wartime?

FDR could only get away with what he did because the Congress was behind him. The country was in a panic, just like it was after 9/11.

Our country has admitted the illegality of FDR's act by passing reparations to the victims of the internment.
The quote if the potus does it, went to decisions taken during war or natl security. Presidents have historically taken liberties (-: in war time. Lincoln and FDR both on habeas. Nixon was not punished for illegal spying. Bushii on lying about womd. Reagan and Irancontra. Neither party has ever wanted a peace (-L of that..

Reparations is a long way from impeachment. And, while we may not have recognized the illegality of the internment at the time (and I personally think we knew damn well and went ahead out of fear) FDR not only abused habeas but also his policies violated the neutrality act
I remember Watergate like it was yesterday. It was a constant 24/7/365 LMSM Soviet artillery barrage directed against Richard M. Nixon, himself a man with many Progressive tendencies. The NYTimes or WaPost would have some part of it on Page 1 right hand column everyday. That night the LMSM TV networks would parrot back whatever the NYT and WaPost had on the cover.

The charges were serious (LOL). There was a break-in to the hotel, some copies of the Communist Manifest and Rules for Radicals were missing! There was an investigation! There was a source inside the White House feeding information to the Washington Post.

The President of the United States had apparently LIED TO THE AMERICAN PEOPLE

At the same time, Nixon was killing Communists in Vietnam AND CAMBODIA!!! ZOMG!! Was that legal???

The US Senate was going to IMPEACH

So Nixon resigned (in disgrace -- whatever that means)

This was when I first saw the "American" Left in action. They attacked Nixon with a vigor not seen since their Soviet forefathers retook Stalingrad from their German forefathers. At the height of the "scandal" Lynard Skynard sang,

Now Watergate does not bother me. Does your conscience bother you?

And it turns out to be prophetic.

Even at the time I never thought much about the "Scandal". Nixon himself had no culpability, so what? Presidents lied?! Eeek! But that's what the Liberal "Intellectuals (you've met them here at USMB, are you impressed with their intellect?) told us was unacceptable from a sitting President

Look at Watergate compared to what Obama's done on a daily basis: he's used the IRS against his political enemies, he spies on EVERYONE, he's an accessory to the murder of Brian Terry, he's committed first degree murder with the use of drones against US Citizens overseas. I mean, Nixon lied!? Yeah?

Nixon's biggest mistake was not lying, but compared to how Obama operates today, Nixon's mistake was probably not having that rat fuck John Dean and Deep Throat iced.
The only act of Nixon's almost two terms was he got us out of Vietnam. Other than that, Nixon was progressive/statist type.
The President broke the law. He was on tape ordering the obstruction of justice. After that, not even the Republicans could defend him any more and were going to join the impeachment bandwagon. The jig was up, and so he resigned to avoid the impeachment.

There was also other serious crimes committed by his cronies. They went to prison.

Apparently you missed that part of the 24/7/365 coverage you claim you remember like it was yesterday. How odd...

Like I said, Watergate only made into a big deal by the 24/7/365 LMSM Soviet Artillery Coverage Barrage

And today, the 24/7/365 LMSM Soviet Iron Dome protects Obama by refusing to report on things such as the IRS destroying evidence.
Ipse dixit. No evidence exists for this assertion. At all.

You WISH this claim was true, so you BELIEVE it is true.

For Nixon, we actually have hard evidence he ordered justice to be obstructed.

Huge difference.
How many sets of Obama kneepads do you go through a day?

So Obama's IRS lied and obstructed justice in withholding her emails....but that's not criminal
You see, once the hard evidence of Nixon's crimes became known, even his defenders had to concede he was guilty and they signaled they were going to impeach him.

The same would be true if there was evidence Obama "used the IRS against his political enemies". He would be impeached.

Apples and oranges.

Lois Lerner's "Lost" email are an obstruction of Justice.

When will Obama resign?
The President broke the law. He was on tape ordering the obstruction of justice. After that, not even the Republicans could defend him any more and were going to join the impeachment bandwagon. The jig was up, and so he resigned to avoid the impeachment.

There was also other serious crimes committed by his cronies. They went to prison.

Apparently you missed that part of the 24/7/365 coverage you claim you remember like it was yesterday. How odd...

And as pointed out Obama has killed American citizens without due process and a 16 year old boy guilty of nothing more then having a crap father. And that we ignore?

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