Now We Have Proof Dr. Fauci Is Full of Crap and Can't Be Trusted


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2018
There is a reason why President Trump wants this guy to leave, he is a growing joke.

Pj Media

Now We Have Proof Dr. Fauci Is Full of Crap and Can't Be Trusted


According to a recent poll, two-thirds of voters trust Dr. Anthony Fauci, not President Trump, when it comes to information on the coronavirus.

Well, if you think you can trust Dr. Fauci, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, you now have every reason to question his judgment. In an interview with PBS NewsHour, Dr. Fauci, the trusted expert, actually lauded New York’s response to the coronavirus.

“We know that, when you do it properly, you bring down those cases. We have done it. We have done it in New York,” he told PBS’s Judy Woodruff. “New York got hit worse than any place in the world. And they did it correctly.”

I used to have faith in Dr. Fauci’s judgement, but that faith has waned over the past few months, and is now completely gone. How exactly does anyone look at what happened in New York and say that’s a model example for fighting the coronavirus?

Let’s look at the evidence.

New York’s lockdown came late



DR. Fauci has been all over the map and stupidly wrong:

Dr. Anthony Fauci’s 15 Totally Wrong Predictions and Contradictions

There is a reason why President Trump wants this guy to leave, he is a growing joke.

Pj Media

Now We Have Proof Dr. Fauci Is Full of Crap and Can't Be Trusted


According to a recent poll, two-thirds of voters trust Dr. Anthony Fauci, not President Trump, when it comes to information on the coronavirus.

Well, if you think you can trust Dr. Fauci, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, you now have every reason to question his judgment. In an interview with PBS NewsHour, Dr. Fauci, the trusted expert, actually lauded New York’s response to the coronavirus.

“We know that, when you do it properly, you bring down those cases. We have done it. We have done it in New York,” he told PBS’s Judy Woodruff. “New York got hit worse than any place in the world. And they did it correctly.”

I used to have faith in Dr. Fauci’s judgement, but that faith has waned over the past few months, and is now completely gone. How exactly does anyone look at what happened in New York and say that’s a model example for fighting the coronavirus?

Let’s look at the evidence.

New York’s lockdown came late



DR. Fauci has been all over the map and stupidly wrong:

Dr. Anthony Fauci’s 15 Totally Wrong Predictions and Contradictions



Once you undertand the understand the moves
There is a reason why President Trump wants this guy to leave, he is a growing joke.

Pj Media

Now We Have Proof Dr. Fauci Is Full of Crap and Can't Be Trusted


According to a recent poll, two-thirds of voters trust Dr. Anthony Fauci, not President Trump, when it comes to information on the coronavirus.

Well, if you think you can trust Dr. Fauci, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, you now have every reason to question his judgment. In an interview with PBS NewsHour, Dr. Fauci, the trusted expert, actually lauded New York’s response to the coronavirus.

“We know that, when you do it properly, you bring down those cases. We have done it. We have done it in New York,” he told PBS’s Judy Woodruff. “New York got hit worse than any place in the world. And they did it correctly.”

I used to have faith in Dr. Fauci’s judgement, but that faith has waned over the past few months, and is now completely gone. How exactly does anyone look at what happened in New York and say that’s a model example for fighting the coronavirus?

Let’s look at the evidence.

New York’s lockdown came late



DR. Fauci has been all over the map and stupidly wrong:

Dr. Anthony Fauci’s 15 Totally Wrong Predictions and Contradictions

First of all, The author of this Tripe is a right wing Trump ass kisser


PJ Media has a Right media bias.

AllSides changed PJ Media bias rating from Lean Right to Right following an independent review in July 2020.

Alongside its News & Politics section, PJ Media's site prominently features Homeland Security and Faith sections on its home page — issues generally seen as important to conservatives. Its writers are openly critical of Democrats and left-wing policies. Many of PJ Media's news articles read like opinion pieces, inserting plentiful subjective value judgements alongside facts.

Lastly Fouci is right about NY. They have it under control

There is a reason why President Trump wants this guy to leave, he is a growing joke.

Pj Media

Now We Have Proof Dr. Fauci Is Full of Crap and Can't Be Trusted


According to a recent poll, two-thirds of voters trust Dr. Anthony Fauci, not President Trump, when it comes to information on the coronavirus.

Well, if you think you can trust Dr. Fauci, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, you now have every reason to question his judgment. In an interview with PBS NewsHour, Dr. Fauci, the trusted expert, actually lauded New York’s response to the coronavirus.

“We know that, when you do it properly, you bring down those cases. We have done it. We have done it in New York,” he told PBS’s Judy Woodruff. “New York got hit worse than any place in the world. And they did it correctly.”

I used to have faith in Dr. Fauci’s judgement, but that faith has waned over the past few months, and is now completely gone. How exactly does anyone look at what happened in New York and say that’s a model example for fighting the coronavirus?

Let’s look at the evidence.

New York’s lockdown came late



DR. Fauci has been all over the map and stupidly wrong:

Dr. Anthony Fauci’s 15 Totally Wrong Predictions and Contradictions

First of all, The author of this Tripe is a right wing Trump ass kisser


PJ Media has a Right media bias.

AllSides changed PJ Media bias rating from Lean Right to Right following an independent review in July 2020.

Alongside its News & Politics section, PJ Media's site prominently features Homeland Security and Faith sections on its home page — issues generally seen as important to conservatives. Its writers are openly critical of Democrats and left-wing policies. Many of PJ Media's news articles read like opinion pieces, inserting plentiful subjective value judgements alongside facts.

Lastly Fouci is right about NY. They have it under control


I can't address the post one article discussion, therefore attack the person and the source, that way I did something, even when I don't know what it was.

It is clear you never read the article since Fauci is WRONG about NY, painfully wrong.

The article remains unchallenged.
There is a reason why President Trump wants this guy to leave, he is a growing joke.

Pj Media

Now We Have Proof Dr. Fauci Is Full of Crap and Can't Be Trusted


According to a recent poll, two-thirds of voters trust Dr. Anthony Fauci, not President Trump, when it comes to information on the coronavirus.

Well, if you think you can trust Dr. Fauci, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, you now have every reason to question his judgment. In an interview with PBS NewsHour, Dr. Fauci, the trusted expert, actually lauded New York’s response to the coronavirus.

“We know that, when you do it properly, you bring down those cases. We have done it. We have done it in New York,” he told PBS’s Judy Woodruff. “New York got hit worse than any place in the world. And they did it correctly.”

I used to have faith in Dr. Fauci’s judgement, but that faith has waned over the past few months, and is now completely gone. How exactly does anyone look at what happened in New York and say that’s a model example for fighting the coronavirus?

Let’s look at the evidence.

New York’s lockdown came late



DR. Fauci has been all over the map and stupidly wrong:

Dr. Anthony Fauci’s 15 Totally Wrong Predictions and Contradictions

First of all, The author of this Tripe is a right wing Trump ass kisser


PJ Media has a Right media bias.

AllSides changed PJ Media bias rating from Lean Right to Right following an independent review in July 2020.

Alongside its News & Politics section, PJ Media's site prominently features Homeland Security and Faith sections on its home page — issues generally seen as important to conservatives. Its writers are openly critical of Democrats and left-wing policies. Many of PJ Media's news articles read like opinion pieces, inserting plentiful subjective value judgements alongside facts.

Lastly Fouci is right about NY. They have it under control


I can't address the post one article discussion, therefore attack the person and the source, that way I did something, even when I don't know what it was.

It is clear you never read the article since Fauci is WRONG about NY, painfully wrong.

The article remains unchallenged.
In see the game that you want to play. The issue that you raised to discredit Fauci was about NY. There is nothing here that supports your claim about NY. Instead you dredge up all sorts of other matters. What we have here are Four logical fallacies which are the last refuge of those who do not have an actual argument, and need to obfuscate the real issue

1 It's a "moving the goal posts logical fallacy. All of a sudden it becomes about something else

2. It is a straw man argument. You are asking me to respond to arguments that I never made while ignoring the one that I did make

3. It's a Red Herring Fallacy intended to deflect away from the real issue and never return to it

4. But my favorite one is the Gish Gallop argument;


I will add that Fauci, like the rest of us has faced a steep learning curve on this. His inconstancies can be attributed to the fact that he is learning as he goes, as well as the fact that he is trying to me diplomatic and survive a toxic political environment
Last edited:
There is a reason why President Trump wants this guy to leave, he is a growing joke.

Pj Media

Now We Have Proof Dr. Fauci Is Full of Crap and Can't Be Trusted


According to a recent poll, two-thirds of voters trust Dr. Anthony Fauci, not President Trump, when it comes to information on the coronavirus.

Well, if you think you can trust Dr. Fauci, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, you now have every reason to question his judgment. In an interview with PBS NewsHour, Dr. Fauci, the trusted expert, actually lauded New York’s response to the coronavirus.

“We know that, when you do it properly, you bring down those cases. We have done it. We have done it in New York,” he told PBS’s Judy Woodruff. “New York got hit worse than any place in the world. And they did it correctly.”

I used to have faith in Dr. Fauci’s judgement, but that faith has waned over the past few months, and is now completely gone. How exactly does anyone look at what happened in New York and say that’s a model example for fighting the coronavirus?

Let’s look at the evidence.

New York’s lockdown came late



DR. Fauci has been all over the map and stupidly wrong:

Dr. Anthony Fauci’s 15 Totally Wrong Predictions and Contradictions

First of all, The author of this Tripe is a right wing Trump ass kisser


PJ Media has a Right media bias.

AllSides changed PJ Media bias rating from Lean Right to Right following an independent review in July 2020.

Alongside its News & Politics section, PJ Media's site prominently features Homeland Security and Faith sections on its home page — issues generally seen as important to conservatives. Its writers are openly critical of Democrats and left-wing policies. Many of PJ Media's news articles read like opinion pieces, inserting plentiful subjective value judgements alongside facts.

Lastly Fouci is right about NY. They have it under control


I can't address the post one article discussion, therefore attack the person and the source, that way I did something, even when I don't know what it was.

It is clear you never read the article since Fauci is WRONG about NY, painfully wrong.

The article remains unchallenged.
In see the game that you want to play. The issue that you raised to discredit Fauci was about NY. There is nothing here that supports your claim about NY. Instead you dredge up all sorts of other matters. What we have here are Four logical fallacies which are the last refuge of those who do not have an actual argument, and need to obfuscate the real issue

1 It's a "moving the goal posts logical fallacy. All of a sudden it becomes about something else

2. It is a straw man argument. You are asking me to respond to arguments that I never made while ignoring the one that I did make

3. It's a Red Herring Fallacy intended to deflect away from the real issue and never return to it

4. But my favorite one is the Gish Gallop argument;

View attachment 365068View attachment 365069

I will add that Fauci, like the rest of us has faced a steep learning curve on this. His inconstancies can be attributed to the fact that he is learning as he goes, as well as the fact that he is trying to me diplomatic and survive a toxic political environment

Oh dear you are another one who pretends you know what is going on, since you STILL haven't challenged the articles statements, and no indication you actually read them, I will bring some if it of you:

First Fauci is on record is saying this:

Well, if you think you can trust Dr. Fauci, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, you now have every reason to question his judgment. In an interview with PBS NewsHour, Dr. Fauci, the trusted expert, actually lauded New York’s response to the coronavirus.

“We know that, when you do it properly, you bring down those cases. We have done it. We have done it in New York,” he told PBS’s Judy Woodruff. “New York got hit worse than any place in the world. And they did it correctly.”


Yeah riiiiight, only after leading the
WORLD in deaths per capita for most of the summer.... , New Jersey finally surpassed it." As of Saturday evening, New York has had 411,006 cases and 32,167 COVID-19 deaths."

The second state on the list New Jersey, has about half the number of deaths, oh yeah Cuomo sure knows how handle this problem....

In my
state of Washington there are less than 1500 deaths total. How come The Democrat Governor not getting praise for for one of the lower number of deaths by states in the Country, MISTER Fauci?


Now we go to this section showing how horrible a Governor Cuomo is, and how Fauci is stupid as hell for praising this idiot.

"Cuomo sent thousands of nursing home residents to their deaths
On March 25, New York state ordered nursing homes to accept patients regardless of their coronavirus status—a deadly mistake. Even then, it was known that the elderly were more vulnerable to the virus, so having patients who tested positive for the coronavirus in nursing homes allowed the virus to spread rapidly, killing thousands.

Cuomo nevertheless defended the policy, insisting that nursing homes didn’t have a right to object. “That is the rule and that is the regulation and they have to comply with that,” he said.

Soon after Cuomo’s mandate was announced, a national association of nursing home doctors protested the policy, saying it posed “a clear and present danger to all of the residents of a nursing home.” A patient advocacy group called The Committee to Reduce Infection Deaths also urged Cuomo to change the policy.

He did not.
He repeatedly defended the policy, as did Howard Zucker, New York State’s health commissioner. As the death toll rose, Cuomo quietly changed the policy so that nursing home patients who died in a hospital were not counted as nursing home deaths, possibly to cover up the devastating impact of his policy.

It wasn’t until May 11 that he finally rescinded the order, but the damage had been done. Nursing home patients represent a mere 0.46 percent of the United States population but account for at least 43 percent of all coronavirus deaths."

bolding and large size mine

It is clear Fauci is supporting an idiot who caused a lot of extra deaths due to his stupid decisions to put sick people into nursing homes. Yeah New York was a successful state at killing their patients, a far greater rate than ALL the rest of the world except recently New Jersey.

I have done enough to show you have NOT read the article since you don't challenge it at all. Here is how STUPID you are:

You write in reply to post one article:
1 It's a "moving the goal posts logical fallacy. All of a sudden it becomes about something else.

How can this be a moving the goal post fallacy when it is post ONE, you replied to? :laugh:

You write in reply, to my first reply to you:
2. It is a straw man argument. You are asking me to respond to arguments that I never made while ignoring the one that I did make

How can it be a strawman fallacy, when I showed that YOU attacked the following, The author, source and designation of an ideology.

This what YOU called a Strawman fallacy:

"Translation: I can't address the post one article discussion, therefore attack the person and the source, that way I did something, even when I don't know what it was.

It is clear you never read the article since Fauci is WRONG about NY, painfully wrong.

The article remains unchallenged. "

That's not a strawman fallacy you moron!



Read the Definition of Strawman Fallacy:

A strawman is a fallacious argument that distorts an opposing stance in order to make it easier to attack. Essentially, the person using the strawman pretends to attack their opponent’s stance, while in reality they are actually attacking a distorted version of that stance, which their opponent doesn’t necessarily support."


I attacked YOU for NOT addressing post one article, since all you did was post a series of attacks on the author, the website, while completely avoiding the articles content itself. I call it DUCKING the topic.

Which means, the Article remains unchallenged, you have yet to show why the article is wrong, you haven't even gotten started!

I gave you QUOTED examples on why Fauci is not a reliable man, who idiotically praises a state that did such a horrible job dealing with the China Virus.

You are pathetic.
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The problem is that arguing that the cases are going down, when they aren't is not playing well with the regular folks.

In fact, you look a little like Frank Drebbin of Police Squad.

Fauci said masks don’t help and then months later said everyone needs to wear a mask.
Fauci implored the comprehensive lockdown while rational people challenged that only the vulnerable need to be protected while everyone else go about their business so as to not destroy the economy. Months later, after the economy was destroyed, Fauci said we need to be selective in our lockdowns.
There is a reason why President Trump wants this guy to leave, he is a growing joke.

Pj Media

Now We Have Proof Dr. Fauci Is Full of Crap and Can't Be Trusted


According to a recent poll, two-thirds of voters trust Dr. Anthony Fauci, not President Trump, when it comes to information on the coronavirus.

Well, if you think you can trust Dr. Fauci, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, you now have every reason to question his judgment. In an interview with PBS NewsHour, Dr. Fauci, the trusted expert, actually lauded New York’s response to the coronavirus.

“We know that, when you do it properly, you bring down those cases. We have done it. We have done it in New York,” he told PBS’s Judy Woodruff. “New York got hit worse than any place in the world. And they did it correctly.”

I used to have faith in Dr. Fauci’s judgement, but that faith has waned over the past few months, and is now completely gone. How exactly does anyone look at what happened in New York and say that’s a model example for fighting the coronavirus?

Let’s look at the evidence.

New York’s lockdown came late



DR. Fauci has been all over the map and stupidly wrong:

Dr. Anthony Fauci’s 15 Totally Wrong Predictions and Contradictions

First of all, The author of this Tripe is a right wing Trump ass kisser


PJ Media has a Right media bias.

AllSides changed PJ Media bias rating from Lean Right to Right following an independent review in July 2020.

Alongside its News & Politics section, PJ Media's site prominently features Homeland Security and Faith sections on its home page — issues generally seen as important to conservatives. Its writers are openly critical of Democrats and left-wing policies. Many of PJ Media's news articles read like opinion pieces, inserting plentiful subjective value judgements alongside facts.

Lastly Fouci is right about NY. They have it under control


I can't address the post one article discussion, therefore attack the person and the source, that way I did something, even when I don't know what it was.

It is clear you never read the article since Fauci is WRONG about NY, painfully wrong.

The article remains unchallenged.
In see the game that you want to play. The issue that you raised to discredit Fauci was about NY. There is nothing here that supports your claim about NY. Instead you dredge up all sorts of other matters. What we have here are Four logical fallacies which are the last refuge of those who do not have an actual argument, and need to obfuscate the real issue

1 It's a "moving the goal posts logical fallacy. All of a sudden it becomes about something else

2. It is a straw man argument. You are asking me to respond to arguments that I never made while ignoring the one that I did make

3. It's a Red Herring Fallacy intended to deflect away from the real issue and never return to it

4. But my favorite one is the Gish Gallop argument;

View attachment 365068View attachment 365069

I will add that Fauci, like the rest of us has faced a steep learning curve on this. His inconstancies can be attributed to the fact that he is learning as he goes, as well as the fact that he is trying to me diplomatic and survive a toxic political environment
I particularly love this part...

"I will add that Fauci, like the rest of us has faced a steep learning curve on this. His inconstancies can be attributed to the fact that he is learning as he goes, as well as the fact that he is trying to me diplomatic and survive a toxic political environment"...

Apparently, you misunderstood what "practicing medicine" means...
There is a reason why President Trump wants this guy to leave, he is a growing joke.

Pj Media

Now We Have Proof Dr. Fauci Is Full of Crap and Can't Be Trusted


According to a recent poll, two-thirds of voters trust Dr. Anthony Fauci, not President Trump, when it comes to information on the coronavirus.

Well, if you think you can trust Dr. Fauci, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, you now have every reason to question his judgment. In an interview with PBS NewsHour, Dr. Fauci, the trusted expert, actually lauded New York’s response to the coronavirus.

“We know that, when you do it properly, you bring down those cases. We have done it. We have done it in New York,” he told PBS’s Judy Woodruff. “New York got hit worse than any place in the world. And they did it correctly.”

I used to have faith in Dr. Fauci’s judgement, but that faith has waned over the past few months, and is now completely gone. How exactly does anyone look at what happened in New York and say that’s a model example for fighting the coronavirus?

Let’s look at the evidence.

New York’s lockdown came late



DR. Fauci has been all over the map and stupidly wrong:

Dr. Anthony Fauci’s 15 Totally Wrong Predictions and Contradictions

First of all, The author of this Tripe is a right wing Trump ass kisser


PJ Media has a Right media bias.

AllSides changed PJ Media bias rating from Lean Right to Right following an independent review in July 2020.

Alongside its News & Politics section, PJ Media's site prominently features Homeland Security and Faith sections on its home page — issues generally seen as important to conservatives. Its writers are openly critical of Democrats and left-wing policies. Many of PJ Media's news articles read like opinion pieces, inserting plentiful subjective value judgements alongside facts.

Lastly Fouci is right about NY. They have it under control


I can't address the post one article discussion, therefore attack the person and the source, that way I did something, even when I don't know what it was.

It is clear you never read the article since Fauci is WRONG about NY, painfully wrong.

The article remains unchallenged.
In see the game that you want to play. The issue that you raised to discredit Fauci was about NY. There is nothing here that supports your claim about NY. Instead you dredge up all sorts of other matters. What we have here are Four logical fallacies which are the last refuge of those who do not have an actual argument, and need to obfuscate the real issue

1 It's a "moving the goal posts logical fallacy. All of a sudden it becomes about something else

2. It is a straw man argument. You are asking me to respond to arguments that I never made while ignoring the one that I did make

3. It's a Red Herring Fallacy intended to deflect away from the real issue and never return to it

4. But my favorite one is the Gish Gallop argument;

View attachment 365068View attachment 365069

I will add that Fauci, like the rest of us has faced a steep learning curve on this. His inconstancies can be attributed to the fact that he is learning as he goes, as well as the fact that he is trying to me diplomatic and survive a toxic political environment
I particularly love this part...

"I will add that Fauci, like the rest of us has faced a steep learning curve on this. His inconstancies can be attributed to the fact that he is learning as he goes, as well as the fact that he is trying to me diplomatic and survive a toxic political environment"...

Apparently, you misunderstood what "practicing medicine" means...
Is that really all that you have to say? Really?
There is a reason why President Trump wants this guy to leave, he is a growing joke.

Pj Media

Now We Have Proof Dr. Fauci Is Full of Crap and Can't Be Trusted


According to a recent poll, two-thirds of voters trust Dr. Anthony Fauci, not President Trump, when it comes to information on the coronavirus.

Well, if you think you can trust Dr. Fauci, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, you now have every reason to question his judgment. In an interview with PBS NewsHour, Dr. Fauci, the trusted expert, actually lauded New York’s response to the coronavirus.

“We know that, when you do it properly, you bring down those cases. We have done it. We have done it in New York,” he told PBS’s Judy Woodruff. “New York got hit worse than any place in the world. And they did it correctly.”

I used to have faith in Dr. Fauci’s judgement, but that faith has waned over the past few months, and is now completely gone. How exactly does anyone look at what happened in New York and say that’s a model example for fighting the coronavirus?

Let’s look at the evidence.

New York’s lockdown came late



DR. Fauci has been all over the map and stupidly wrong:

Dr. Anthony Fauci’s 15 Totally Wrong Predictions and Contradictions

That is one of the most pathetic arguments I’ve heard in a long time. You think proof that Fauci can’t be trusted comes from the fact that he pointed to NY as an example of how we brought down COVID cases? Are you insane?
He's a liar. Check out this clip. He claims that he runs with a mask on (which anyone with half a brain knows is a bad idea) and this is the same person who takes off his mask as soon as he thinks the cameras are off.

I love stupid people... you try and diss Fauci by saying he takes his mask off when the cameras are off in the same post where you reference a video of him literally sitting in front of a camera with his mask off. Are you at least smart enough to see the irony?
He's a liar. Check out this clip. He claims that he runs with a mask on (which anyone with half a brain knows is a bad idea) and this is the same person who takes off his mask as soon as he thinks the cameras are off.

I love stupid people... you try and diss Fauci by saying he takes his mask off when the cameras are off in the same post where you reference a video of him literally sitting in front of a camera with his mask off. Are you at least smart enough to see the irony?

Talk about missing the point. I never claimed he wears a mask 24/7, just that there have been times he had a mask on and then took it off when he thought the cameras were off. If you believe what he says in that clip, I have a bridge to sell you. Your comment was what was painfully stupid.
He's a liar. Check out this clip. He claims that he runs with a mask on (which anyone with half a brain knows is a bad idea) and this is the same person who takes off his mask as soon as he thinks the cameras are off.

I love stupid people... you try and diss Fauci by saying he takes his mask off when the cameras are off in the same post where you reference a video of him literally sitting in front of a camera with his mask off. Are you at least smart enough to see the irony?

Talk about missing the point. I never claimed he wears a mask 24/7, just that there have been times he had a mask on and then took it off when he thought the cameras were off. If you believe what he says in that clip, I have a bridge to sell you. Your comment was what was painfully stupid.

Everybody takes off the mask of when they don’t need to wear it. Sometimes people wear one even when they don’t need to so they can set an example on the public stage. I’m sorry if you don’t understand that and I’m sorry if I hurt you feelings by calling out the irony of your post. I don’t think you have a strong enough argument to legitimately discredit Fauci... perhaps move to a different topic

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