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Now We Know The Truth About Accusing the Right of Being Racists

The Daily Caller's "JournoList" expose has finally resolved the matter:

Based on Spencer Ackerman's tactic:

“If the right forces us all to either defend Wright or tear him down, no matter what we choose, we lose the game they’ve put upon us,” Ackerman wrote on the Journolist listserv in April 2008. “Instead, take one of them — Fred Barnes, Karl Rove, who cares — and call them racists.”

Conservatives Karl Rove and Fred Barnes respond to Journolist ‘racist’ post | The Daily Caller - Breaking News, Opinion, Research, and Entertainment

It's out in the open now. The Left uses the racist accusation against the Right, the Tea Party, Conservatives, the GOP... Anyone who critiques prominent lefties or their programs will be falsely attacked as a racist as a diversionary tactic.

More evidence is Sherrod's hateful comment regarding the GOP to Media Matters.

So here's the thing you lefties should understand: we're not falling for it.

It is certainly a mistake for the left (or even for liberals) to keep playing the race card.

MOST conservatives are not actually racists though many of them may say things that SOUND racist; "blacks don't work, blacks are all violent, blacks are all thieves, blacks want free handouts, send them back to africa".....

it is also true that most WHITE conservatives believe America is a WHITE EUROPEAN nation which can certainly be construed as "racist"

my problem with conservatives isn't that I think they are racists...

it's that they are OBVIOUSLY deranged and hatefilled scumbags who blame all the problem in America on "blacks, liberals, atheist, democrats, obama" and REFUSE to take any responsibliity for themselves or for republicans.

the left is terrible
the right is terrible
liberals are well intentioned but foolish
conservatives are mean and rotten

moderates are our only hope

which also

Re the bolded:
I don't know where you got that. I certainly don't think that way, and no one I know thinks that way.
I believe America is a melting pot of all. :)
The Daily Caller's "JournoList" expose has finally resolved the matter:

Based on Spencer Ackerman's tactic:

“If the right forces us all to either defend Wright or tear him down, no matter what we choose, we lose the game they’ve put upon us,” Ackerman wrote on the Journolist listserv in April 2008. “Instead, take one of them — Fred Barnes, Karl Rove, who cares — and call them racists.”

Conservatives Karl Rove and Fred Barnes respond to Journolist ‘racist’ post | The Daily Caller - Breaking News, Opinion, Research, and Entertainment

It's out in the open now. The Left uses the racist accusation against the Right, the Tea Party, Conservatives, the GOP... Anyone who critiques prominent lefties or their programs will be falsely attacked as a racist as a diversionary tactic.

More evidence is Sherrod's hateful comment regarding the GOP to Media Matters.

So here's the thing you lefties should understand: we're not falling for it.

It is certainly a mistake for the left (or even for liberals) to keep playing the race card.

MOST conservatives are not actually racists though many of them may say things that SOUND racist; "blacks don't work, blacks are all violent, blacks are all thieves, blacks want free handouts, send them back to africa".....

it is also true that most WHITE conservatives believe America is a WHITE EUROPEAN nation which can certainly be construed as "racist"

my problem with conservatives isn't that I think they are racists...

it's that they are OBVIOUSLY deranged and hatefilled scumbags who blame all the problem in America on "blacks, liberals, atheist, democrats, obama" and REFUSE to take any responsibliity for themselves or for republicans.

the left is terrible
the right is terrible
liberals are well intentioned but foolish
conservatives are mean and rotten

moderates are our only hope

which also

Re the bolded:
I don't know where you got that. I certainly don't think that way, and no one I know thinks that way.
I believe America is a melting pot of all. :)
it would be rather hard for me to think what he said
There's a whole separate thread about that now defunct organization and its alleged conspiracy which amazingly reappeared just when the right needed a BIG diversion. Imagine that. (From 2008, no less.)

You know what?

I'm sort of tired of just THINKING "Fuck you!"

NOW, I'm going to TYPE IT:


AND, as your Prez, I will NOT allow this sort of CRAP to go unchallenged!
So you know who editted the tape?

Please tell us. I'd love to know. I didn't realize you did. You said that you Sephard Smith had aggreed with you and he specifically said that no one knows who editted the tape.

I really want to know who editted the tape. There is still more to the story and I am confident that the identity of the edittor is the real story here.

Well since Andrew Briebart's "mission" is to destroy the liberals, the party, and the liberal press, my guess is that either he himself or someone within his organization doctored the tape. After the kerfuffle between the NAACP and the Tea Party the week before, which basically ended with both leaders of each agreeing to meet to discuss their differences, that probably pissed off those like Briebart who WANT to keep the racial fires smouldering.

Would you by any chance have a link to that part about the meeting?

I think that would be a great event.


I'm not sure anything has been arranged yet, but representatives from both feudal parties have been saying on various programs that they want to have a "summit" type meeting on race. Here's a transcript from last Friday's discussion on CNN's "John King's USA."

But we begin tonight with a dramatic twist in the raw debate over racism between the NAACP and the Tea Party movement. One of the movement's most visible spokesman, Tea Party Express Leader Mark Williams today pulled a blog posting that even many of his supporters considered counter productive, if not outright racist.

The posting was a satirical letter addressed to Abraham Lincoln from NAACP Chief Ben Jealous and in it Williams called Lincoln quote "the greatest racist ever" and referred to Jealous as quote "Tom's Nephew" and the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People's (INAUDIBLE) colored person (ph).

Today, Williams wrote that he removed the posting because Jealous had expressed a desire to cool the heated rhetoric of recent days and to open a dialogue with the Tea Party Movement's leader. Mark Williams joins us tonight live from Sacramento. Mark, I read this satirical posting over and over again. Satire is supposed to be funny. It wasn't funny. What were you thinking?

MARK WILLIAMS, TEA PARTY EXPRESS SPOKESMAN: Funny wasn't even in the room. I was making a very serious point about the hypocrisy that was involved in that whole NAACP thing. And I'm so very glad that Mr. Jealous has decided to put that behind us and move forward. And I sincerely hope he takes me up on my offer to come along on the Tea Party Express, as well as just to talk with us because he really does need to get out and come to some tea parties and see that we are working exactly for the ideals that the NAACP was allegedly founded to work for and that is --


WILLIAMS: -- individual rights and freedom for everybody.

KING: Let's talk about that. But first let's focus, you say you were trying to highlight what you consider to be their hypocrisy. You have every right. You have your belief and your opinion. You have every right to argue your point. But it's how we argue our point in politics that often get us in trouble. And reading the postings on your own Web site today, a lot of your own supporters didn't like it and they thought you set the movement back.

I want to read a couple of things in your original, again satirical letter. This is from you, but you're saying here that you're Ben Jealous. "Perhaps the most racist point of all in the tea parties is their demand that government stop raising our taxes. That is outrageous. How will we coloreds ever get a wide screen TV in every room if non-colored get to keep what they earn? Totally racist. The Tea Party expects coloreds to be productive members of society."

Here's one more, Mark. You also wrote this. "And the ridiculous idea of reducing the size and intrusiveness of government. What kind of massa would ever not want to control my life. As coloreds we must have somebody take care for us, otherwise, we would be on our own, have to think for ourselves and make decisions."

How could you ever possibly think using this language, trying satire is something that would clearly offend so many people would help you make your point?

WILLIAMS: Well again, the phrase colored people is not my language. And for whatever reason, I was taught it was racist. But for whatever reason, it's OK for other people to refer to themselves that way. And I have no idea even what color they are referring to. All I know is that we live in a country right now led by an administration that is doing its darnest to separate us by race, social status, by economic status, by geography. You name it, by social class, and that's what that sentence refers to. The division of social class.


WILLIAMS: I have no idea what is in somebody's head when they refer to a colored person. I know in my mind --

KING: But a lot of people, Mark, are trying --


KING: A lot of people are trying to understand what was in your head when you decided to go so far in responding. Again, you have your beliefs, but was it a mistake? Do you apologize for trying this tact? Read your own postings and your own blog. People who say Mark, thanks for everything you have done in the last few years. You've been so great for our cause. Some of them flat out say they think what you wrote was racist.

WILLIAMS: And when reasonable people -- or that could be construed as such -- when reasonable people soberly approach me and sat down and actually talked with me about it, I reread and re-thought some of it and I agreed with them that it was -- it could be misconstrued and probably inappropriate and more important to the point, getting in the way of discussion and dialogue, which is the reason why it was written in the first place, was to spark that.

As you can see, Mr. Jealous has responded appropriately. And I have responded in kind and in reciprocal gesture and very happily, happy to make that reciprocal gesture. Because I would have far preferred to be on stage at the NAACP Convention explaining to the assembled membership why it was so important for them to join with the Tea Party Movement rather than to stand there, listen to squeeds (ph) from race baiters about what racists we were because that was a complete lie.

And now that Mr. Jealous is willing to sit down and talk with us, I absolutely applaud that, so I pulled the piece. And if there are those to whom I did apologize because they made the very, very sincere arguments --


WILLIAMS: And the way I said it was getting in the way. And it was my intention, successful intention to get the dialogue going and to get this nonsense, the lies and the charges of racism behind us.

KING: We'll learn if it's successful or not. You have certainly generated some controversy, some would -- some say throw a log on the fire that people had hoped to be put out, but I want to read you -- one of our producers just had an e-mail exchange with Mr. Jealous. And here is what he just told us moments ago.

"I have not reached out to Mark Williams nor have we made any statements against the Tea Party. We have simply called on the leaders to repudiate racist elements in their ranks. If Mark Williams does so, I would be happy to sit down and talk to him."

WILLIAMS: Well, guess what? From the very beginning of the tea parties, we have been repudiating that very thing. And Mr. Jealous, I'm very glad that you are taking me up on my offer. My -- you have my contact information. You have my private telephone number, Mr. Jealous. You've got my e-mail. You know where to find me. And if for some reason you don't have that sitting it on your desk in front of you, you should. The producers at CNN I'm sure will be more than happy to give it to you. And I will buy the first round of beers at our summit.
CNN.com - Transcripts
I don't want to hear another word from lefties that think the media is unbiased or impartial.

This is explosive to some...but not to most. We knew this all along. It was (is) easy to spot. [Any wonder why cirulation and viewership has dwindled for them? Suprised that they attack FOX, Talk Radio, And the Internet Blogs?] This whole thing just puts their feet in the concrete. They will sink with this even further into irrelevance IMHO.

There is no real Journalism on the left. There hasn't been for decades.

I've been working on a project which involves pulling headlines from various news outlets regarding the same story. It's to show how bias permeates ALL media, mainstream and Internet. Please don't be so ignorant to believe there are none favoring the conservative point of view that aren't guilty as sin for embellishing their headlines and content.

It always seems to me that it is leftist that believe that the media that favors their own point of view can do no wrong.

I guess it is just the side of the table you are sitting on.


That's absolutely the point. And the folks who operate major newspapers and online news dotcoms are mighty tired of being accused of being biased to the left just by virtue of the newspaper's banner. We never hear of the identical bias by news operations like The Washington Times, The Washington Journal, etc.

Btw, this "project" is one of my free-lance jobs that I'll actually get paid for. If it's published, I'll get permission to post it here.
I've been working on a project which involves pulling headlines from various news outlets regarding the same story. It's to show how bias permeates ALL media, mainstream and Internet. Please don't be so ignorant to believe there are none favoring the conservative point of view that aren't guilty as sin for embellishing their headlines and content.

It always seems to me that it is leftist that believe that the media that favors their own point of view can do no wrong.

I guess it is just the side of the table you are sitting on.


It's just that some will manufacture anything to be divisive and that huge percentage is usually on the left side of the table...:lol:

And my research so far is proving you so wrong.
So you know who editted the tape?

Please tell us. I'd love to know. I didn't realize you did. You said that you Sephard Smith had aggreed with you and he specifically said that no one knows who editted the tape.

I really want to know who editted the tape. There is still more to the story and I am confident that the identity of the edittor is the real story here.

Well since Andrew Briebart's "mission" is to destroy the liberals, the party, and the liberal press, my guess is that either he himself or someone within his organization doctored the tape. After the kerfuffle between the NAACP and the Tea Party the week before, which basically ended with both leaders of each agreeing to meet to discuss their differences, that probably pissed off those like Briebart who WANT to keep the racial fires smouldering.

His 'Mission' is to expose those that are taking this nation down the primrose path into RUIN. And exposing the lies of the very same.

His "mission" is dirty politics. Pond scum, which you people soak up like sponges as truthful. Just a few screamers from Brietbart's website biggovernment.com, all debunked.

The "video evidence" of Shirley Sherrod's "racism" (NEW)

"Nationwide ACORN child prostitution investigation" (UPDATED)

Platform for anti-gay Jennings smears

Breitbart-promoted O'Keefe Census tape features selective editing (NEW)

Breitbart-promoted video falsely accuses Democrats of reconciliation hypocrisy (NEW)

Wild accusations over Gladney case

Breitbart's websites make baseless claim that NEA engaged in lawbreaking

Bertha Lewis' nonexistent White House visit

The Maoist Christmas tree ornaments

The ACORN "document dump"

False claims of community organizers "praying" to Obama
The Daily Caller's "JournoList" expose has finally resolved the matter:

Based on Spencer Ackerman's tactic:

“If the right forces us all to either defend Wright or tear him down, no matter what we choose, we lose the game they’ve put upon us,” Ackerman wrote on the Journolist listserv in April 2008. “Instead, take one of them — Fred Barnes, Karl Rove, who cares — and call them racists.”

Conservatives Karl Rove and Fred Barnes respond to Journolist ‘racist’ post | The Daily Caller - Breaking News, Opinion, Research, and Entertainment

It's out in the open now. The Left uses the racist accusation against the Right, the Tea Party, Conservatives, the GOP... Anyone who critiques prominent lefties or their programs will be falsely attacked as a racist as a diversionary tactic.

More evidence is Sherrod's hateful comment regarding the GOP to Media Matters.

So here's the thing you lefties should understand: we're not falling for it.

This reminds me of how they seem to be treating every individual tea party organization.
There's a whole separate thread about that now defunct organization and its alleged conspiracy which amazingly reappeared just when the right needed a BIG diversion. Imagine that. (From 2008, no less.)

You know what?

I'm sort of tired of just THINKING "Fuck you!"

NOW, I'm going to TYPE IT:


AND, as your Prez, I will NOT allow this sort of CRAP to go unchallenged!

Feel better? I sure do because apparently you got nuthin. Challenge away, dear, but I would rely on more current data if you expect to get my attention.
Amazingly, this has become the Right's new source of pride...

...We lied, but because some Democrats temporarily fell for it...

...We win!!!

Wow. You just TRULY don't "Get It," do you?

It wasn't "some dems" ~ it was the White House, putting pressure on her boss, and forcing HIM to do something about it, which I would imagine they Oh! SO helpfully suggested the remedy for.

Why can't you see that? ARE you that Partisan?

If you are?

You ain't gonna last long, pal. Not here, at least.

How funny. Everyone is supposed to trust YOUR opinion as being gospel and if they don't, they're partisan, which you won't allow. Hmm, looks like we have another self-appointed Lord of USMB. :lol:
Jarhead, you are needle dicked crackwhore with a pimplely face and a desire for skinflute in your mouth.

Now can you adress facts instread of thinking you are scaring old ladies with nasty talk.

That was uncalled for. Hardly anything "scares" this little old lady anymore. Plus Jarhead respectfully called me "Ma'am" which is always refreshing, no matter what someone's political persuasion is. I actually felt guilty because I referred to him as "soldier," when I know that jarheads are Marines and differentiate themselves from U.S. Army "soldiers."
Karl Rove is still around?

I thought... hoped... he had sailed off into the sunset in shame with the rest of the Bush Admin.


Oh yeah...

Republican strategists Karl Rove and Ed Gillespie have launched a new group that allows U.S. Republicans to give anonymously to discredit Democrats.

New GOP group allows anonymous donations - UPI.com

Not that I would even consider giving to such a group, but do you have a problem with anonymous giving?


Apparently the website was changed from being open and transparent to anonymous because the big name doners didn't like being identified. It must be embarrassing when major doners always contribute more to the expected winner, whether it's a Republican or Democrat, because it then becomes obvious they really don't care about anything other than the amount of influence they can have on a transititioning administration.
No ma'am. I am not. I am offering my own take on the film clip. I do not believe anyone else took it that way. Certainly no one reported it that way.
So please explain how I am regurgitating?

Because that part is exactly how pundits defending the Breitbart presentation of the tape are regurgitating.

Interesting. I realize you wont believe this, but my wife does not let me watch the "pundit" shows. She allows me to watch Fox news at 6PM and then she takes over the TV.

In the morning while having coffee, we watch the local NBC affiliate news.

My wife hates Oreilly, Hannity (so do I by the way) and she despoises Fox and Friends in the morning. And I respect her wishes as I love her more than life.

Sorry if you dont believe me, But it was my personal take. I have my own opinion.

Fair enough. Sorry to jump to conclusions, but you and your wife are like the unexpected roses blooming in a bed of dandelions.
Because that part is exactly how pundits defending the Breitbart presentation of the tape are regurgitating.

Interesting. I realize you wont believe this, but my wife does not let me watch the "pundit" shows. She allows me to watch Fox news at 6PM and then she takes over the TV.

In the morning while having coffee, we watch the local NBC affiliate news.

My wife hates Oreilly, Hannity (so do I by the way) and she despoises Fox and Friends in the morning. And I respect her wishes as I love her more than life.

Sorry if you dont believe me, But it was my personal take. I have my own opinion.

Fair enough. Sorry to jump to conclusions, but you and your wife are like the unexpected roses blooming in a bed of dandelions.
Putting aside the debate and the controversy...

It is not difficult to hear ANYONE refer to "one of his kind" to make the conclusion I made.

Regardless of race, that very much bothers me and when I hear it I make note of it.

So it may be a talking head topic for this situation, but even if it were not, it would be for me.

As for me and my wife? She saw how angry Oreilly would make me.,.....and she and I both do not like Hannity....and in the morning, we like to see the local forecast and traffic....

And as I said....I love my wife more than life itself.
Yep...can you believe she did that? I've never made a mistake in my life. Ok...maybe once but that was a long time ago.

Can I remind you (or quote) your satire the next time some verbal faux pas by Obama gets spread all over the Internet? We're STILL seeing "reminders" of the 57-state slipup, which occurred during the campaign. In fact, Crusader Frank has it in his signature.

And so what? Obama is full of faux-pas along with being full of himself being the malignant narcissist himself...and notice the left circling the wagons to defend the idiocy exhibited by Barry.

Boo-Hoo. Cry us a river.

I was simply responding to your satirical comment, Mr. T.

Interesting that you then go off on narcissism, which Mrs. Palin suffers tremendously from herself.
The Daily Caller's "JournoList" expose has finally resolved the matter:

Based on Spencer Ackerman's tactic:

“If the right forces us all to either defend Wright or tear him down, no matter what we choose, we lose the game they’ve put upon us,” Ackerman wrote on the Journolist listserv in April 2008. “Instead, take one of them — Fred Barnes, Karl Rove, who cares — and call them racists.”

Conservatives Karl Rove and Fred Barnes respond to Journolist ‘racist’ post | The Daily Caller - Breaking News, Opinion, Research, and Entertainment

It's out in the open now. The Left uses the racist accusation against the Right, the Tea Party, Conservatives, the GOP... Anyone who critiques prominent lefties or their programs will be falsely attacked as a racist as a diversionary tactic.

More evidence is Sherrod's hateful comment regarding the GOP to Media Matters.

So here's the thing you lefties should understand: we're not falling for it.
As we've learned in the past few days, the right wing media lies.

There is no reason to believe this article is factual.
More and more, I get to a point in these threads that I'm just, like,


Some of y'all just CANNOT think critically. You can't examine the EVIDENCE, and come to some sort of logical conclusion.

What scares me the MOST about this?

You DUMBASSES are sitting on JURIES, and influencing judges AND our system of laws,

and you couldn't call something WRONG, even if it cost your brother his life.

THAT's pretty sad, but it's folks like you that make me think that perhaps it WOULD be a Good Idea to LIMIT the ability of "just anyone" to vote.

Cripes! Didn't you go to SKOOL? :lol:

I went to a CATHOLIC university, and even THEY didn't do some crap like that to their students!!!

Then go away. There are plenty of topics where you can scream your head off, IN BIG FONT!!!

This is a fucking POLITICAL forum; if you don't like it, find somewhere else to park.
The Daily Caller's "JournoList" expose has finally resolved the matter:

Based on Spencer Ackerman's tactic:

“If the right forces us all to either defend Wright or tear him down, no matter what we choose, we lose the game they’ve put upon us,” Ackerman wrote on the Journolist listserv in April 2008. “Instead, take one of them — Fred Barnes, Karl Rove, who cares — and call them racists.”

Conservatives Karl Rove and Fred Barnes respond to Journolist ‘racist’ post | The Daily Caller - Breaking News, Opinion, Research, and Entertainment

It's out in the open now. The Left uses the racist accusation against the Right, the Tea Party, Conservatives, the GOP... Anyone who critiques prominent lefties or their programs will be falsely attacked as a racist as a diversionary tactic.

More evidence is Sherrod's hateful comment regarding the GOP to Media Matters.

So here's the thing you lefties should understand: we're not falling for it.

As a white european tea party conservative I am appalled that liberals keep calling us "racists"

I am NOT a racist!

I merely want blacks sent back to Africa where they belong and for America to be officially sanctioned as WHITE, CHRISTIAN and EUROPEAN

that does NOT make me a racist!

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