Now with the Colorado ruling saying that religion can override public accommodation laws

Marxism never even remotely considered effecting private property, like homes.
If it is not cooperative or communal, then it is not at all communism.
If the workers are slaves, its not communism.
Families, primitive tribes, religious orders, etc., are communist, but are never dictatorships or slavery.
So obviously you are wrong.

The meaning of "a dictatorship of the proletariat" just means there is only one class, and therefore egalitarian.
Dictatorship of the proletariat is a Marxist concept that refers to a state in which the working class has control of political power123. It is a transitional phase between the abolition of capitalism and the establishment of communism, in which the previously dominant classes are repressed by the proletariat
Yes it absolutely does

Communism was never and is not about communal cooperative living; It is always abotu slavery and tyranny as desgined by marx himself

WHen the workers are all enslaved it IS COMMUNISM AND MARXISM

The meaning is tyranny and dictatorship. It is irrelebvant who makes up the ruling class rulers are RULERS

You are a liar
No, we are a Constitutional Republic.

The "Constitutional" part is fairly irrelevant.
If there were no Constitution, then it would have been harder to get the states to sign on, but not impossible.
You do not need a constitution, and not all republics have one.
The form could be fined later as legislation.
But you DO need democracy in order to pick representatives who reflect popular public opinion.
Since there was no real victim and no perpetrator, the case was deliberately fake and bogus.
Can't be used for any real example.
Nor would I ever accept such a ruling.
It would be time for pitchforks and torches.
The case was correct.

You can do nothing about it
There are lots of corrupt judges, but they could have likely won on appeals, because it sound like you clearly believe in discrimination.
The web designer lost every appeal. That's how it got to the Supreme Court.

I firmly believe that no artist should ever be forced to create anything against their will. No artist should ever be required to express an opinion with which they disagree. Artistic expression is sacred and sacrosanct.
The web designer lost every appeal. That's how it got to the Supreme Court.

I firmly believe that no artist should ever be forced to create anything against their will. No artist should ever be required to express an opinion with which they disagree. Artistic expression is sacred and sacrosanct.

Web sites are not remotely "art".
I whip them out all the time.
And again, she was not really a web designed, and there was no gay wedding.
Its all fake.
It got to the SCOTUS based on lies.
Web sites are not remotely "art".
I whip them out all the time.
And again, she was not really a web designed, and there was no gay wedding.
Its all fake.
It got to the SCOTUS based on lies.
Doesnt matter it is a real and correct ruling establishing justice
Web sites are not remotely "art".
I whip them out all the time.
And again, she was not really a web designed, and there was no gay wedding.
Its all fake.
It got to the SCOTUS based on lies.
Yet it got to SCOTUS and the law is enjoined.
Since there was no real victim and no perpetrator, the case was deliberately fake and bogus.
Can't be used for any real example.
Nor would I ever accept such a ruling.
It would be time for pitchforks and torches.

Tell us when you pull them out and head to the SCOTUS.

I'll be selling tickets.
Since there was no real victim and no perpetrator, the case was deliberately fake and bogus.
Can't be used for any real example.
Nor would I ever accept such a ruling.
It would be time for pitchforks and torches.

Legal scholars don't agree with you.

You can't seem to find anyone of substance who agrees with you.
Web sites are not remotely "art".
I whip them out all the time.
And again, she was not really a web designed, and there was no gay wedding.
Its all fake.
It got to the SCOTUS based on lies.
Have you ever designed a web site without a template?

Do you consider paint by number "art"?
How long will it be before some business refuses service to black people because they say it's against the owner's religion?

How long before an employer gets to refuse to hire a woman because the business owner's religious belief is that a woman should be at home serving her husband and raising children?

And how many other laws will get to be ignored on the basis of a religious claim?

That's not what the Ruling said.
Just don’t cry about it, when you’re called out for being assholes.
Since when has being called a derogatory name by a fabian socialist ever caused someone angst? I have found that those that lean towards a conservative bent to be completely impervious to the little, teeny, tiny daggers tossed at them by some limp-wristed socialist. It simply doesn't matter. Personally? I take a guilty pleasure in pissing one's so damn easy to do and the whine of a leftard is music to my ears.

Hope this helps!
Since when has being called a derogatory name by a fabian socialist ever caused someone angst? I have found that those that lean towards a conservative bent to be completely impervious to the little, teeny, tiny daggers tossed at them by some limp-wristed socialist. It simply doesn't matter. Personally? I take a guilty pleasure in pissing one's so damn easy to do and the whine of a leftard is music to my ears.

Hope this helps!
All I heard was you whining. Hope THAT helps. :cool-45:
YOU asked if YOU could claim religous beliefs as a basis for actions.

I simply pointed out that since you belong to a cult, you might have a case.
And I’m just pointing out that being called a cult member doesn’t mean much coming from a cult member.

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