NRA Meets With Trump- Gun Control Now Off the Table

I hope that none of the left who are advocating for gun control don't own any of the weapons they are railing against, that would be wrong.
If Republicans were sincere, they would pass a federal law that any citizen can carry any gun no matter how powerful and no one can say a damn thing about it. The fact that they don't tells me they are hypocrites. They have the power to do it but don't. Why?

So instead of me being able to carry a gun into a class, bank, mall or business, I have to go in like a sheep being led to slaughter and no way to defend myself.

Yeah ... Kind of like how President Obama had the White House, both Houses of Congress and didn't do a damn thing about gun control.


During the two years that Obama had control, he was dealing with the economic collapse, and passing health care.

Trump has had control for over a year and other than a massive tax cut for the wealthy, what has he done with it?

In no particular order:

Repeating net neutrality, cutting regulations, repealing the individual mandate, reinstating the Mexico City Policy, moving the American Embassy to Jerusalem, unemployment at a 16-year low, 31% growth in the stock market, pulling out of the Paris Climate Accords, pulling out of the Trans-Pacific Partnership, ISIS losing control of nearly all of its territory, getting 23 federal judges confirmed, 12 appellate judges confirmed, 10 district court judges confirmed - not to mention Justice Gorsuch.

But that's just off the top of my head.

Not so fast on the individual mandate. People have to pay the obama care fine this year. So that’s kind of chicken shit.

Mexican city policy? So what. Abortion is settled hash. Law of the land and all. Efforts would be better spent on abortion education. Maybe make school kids watch an abortion being performed or something. Funny how no one here who supports will post one being done. Cowards

Cut regulations? Meh.

Moving the embassy to Jerusalem ? Awesom, another American building for rag heads to park car bombs at! Still, meh.

Just like everyone has said before trump was elected, he was lying during the campaign. He did not repeal banner care. Folks are still getting robbed in its name. No deportations, yet amnesty for 2 million and finally, a sitting president calling for the confiscation of civilian owned firearms.

So while the trump gets mad props for all the heart burn he gives Hillary, it’s his willingness to lie to his supporters that puts me off. I guess it’s not as bad as the alternative.

I don't recall anyone saying, "What has he accomplished THAT I LIKED." The question was "What has he done with the last year?"
During the two years that Obama had control, he was dealing with the economic collapse, and passing health care.

That's what I posted ... He had a chance and didn't do shit about gun control.
He was too busy paying off banks and insurance companies ... You know those rich folks.

Thank goodness that the NRA was able to restore sense to Trump.

There is so much wrong with this sentence.

In order for the NRA to “restore sense” to Trump” one would first have to believe that Trump had ever had sense in the first place, and I’ve seen no indication of that. You’d also have to believe that the NRA’s position made sense, and they don’t. Not even for a minute.
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Thank goodness that the NRA was able to restore sense to Trump.

There is so much wrong with this sentence.

In order for the NRA to “restore sense” to Trump” one would first have to believe that Trump had ever had sense in the first place, and I’ve seen no indication of that. You’d also have to believe that the NRA’s position made sense, and they don’t. Not even for a minute.

I agree with you about Trump, but the NRA makes perfect sense to anyone who isn't autophobic and projecting.
Bottom line on raising age limit for rifle purchase. You must first raise the voting age limit but besides that, if the law was changed we would be denying those 18-20 years of age the civil right of self defense

like it ever was.

Time for me to send another donation to my NRA as once again, they stand for our Civil Rights


Washington (CNN)President Donald Trump and Vice President Mike Pence met with the executive director of the National Rifle Association's lobbying arm Thursday evening.

In a tweet, Chris Cox says the two "don't want gun control."
"I had a great meeting tonight with @realDonaldTrump & @VP. We all want safe schools, mental health reform and to keep guns away from dangerous people. POTUS & VPOTUS support the Second Amendment, support strong due process and don't want gun control. #NRA #MAGA," the tweet reads

I had a great meeting tonight with @realDonaldTrump & @VP. We all want safe schools, mental health reform and to keep guns away from dangerous people. POTUS & VPOTUS support the Second Amendment, support strong due process and don’t want gun control. #NRA #MAGA

Trump confirmed the meeting in a tweet of his own.
"Good (Great) meeting in the Oval Office tonight with the NRA!" he wrote.
Donald J. Trump


Good (Great) meeting in the Oval Office tonight with the NRA!

9:04 PM - Mar 1, 2018
White House press secretary Sarah Sanders declined to provide a readout on the meeting beyond Trump's tweet

Trump and Pence meet with NRA leader at White House - CNNPolitics

Yeah, God Bless Ameriku for the right to die in the classroom.
Agree. Thanks.
Ah,another wonderful Sunday looking toward the week ahead and the further butt hurt from the gun grabbers. Thanks to the NRA, normal order will be restored soon, if it hasn't already


Yep, another Trump con job. Lucy and the football again.

Haha yep. He did this to Feinstein on DACA too :)

Giddy old gullible bat.

View attachment 179959

Actually, she was just jollying him along, flattering his ego, pretending to believe him. Feinstein remembers all too well the results of the DACA meeting and how the president reneged on his promise to sign any clean bill put in front of him.

Nobody’s fooled by Trump’s bait and switch any more.

Nope. That's the reflexive pose, instinctual, at the thought of disarming the goy.

Yep, another Trump con job. Lucy and the football again.

Haha yep. He did this to Feinstein on DACA too :)

Giddy old gullible bat.

View attachment 179959

Actually, she was just jollying him along, flattering his ego, pretending to believe him. Feinstein remembers all too well the results of the DACA meeting and how the president reneged on his promise to sign any clean bill put in front of him.

Nobody’s fooled by Trump’s bait and switch any more.

Nope. That's the reflexive pose, instinctual, at the thought of disarming the goy.

View attachment 180465

And she knows what Trump doesn't: that once you put a stupid-ass idea out there in politics, it never, EVER dies or goes away.
like it ever was.

Time for me to send another donation to my NRA as once again, they stand for our Civil Rights


Washington (CNN)President Donald Trump and Vice President Mike Pence met with the executive director of the National Rifle Association's lobbying arm Thursday evening.

In a tweet, Chris Cox says the two "don't want gun control."
"I had a great meeting tonight with @realDonaldTrump & @VP. We all want safe schools, mental health reform and to keep guns away from dangerous people. POTUS & VPOTUS support the Second Amendment, support strong due process and don't want gun control. #NRA #MAGA," the tweet reads

I had a great meeting tonight with @realDonaldTrump & @VP. We all want safe schools, mental health reform and to keep guns away from dangerous people. POTUS & VPOTUS support the Second Amendment, support strong due process and don’t want gun control. #NRA #MAGA

Trump confirmed the meeting in a tweet of his own.
"Good (Great) meeting in the Oval Office tonight with the NRA!" he wrote.
Donald J. Trump


Good (Great) meeting in the Oval Office tonight with the NRA!

9:04 PM - Mar 1, 2018
White House press secretary Sarah Sanders declined to provide a readout on the meeting beyond Trump's tweet

Trump and Pence meet with NRA leader at White House - CNNPolitics


Excellent it is important that you keep your guns, it is your Constitutional right, tens of millions of Americans who own guns are law abiding but Leftists want to criminalise and punish the tens of millions instead of dealing with the underlining issues that cause these mass shootings by random maniacs, even if all guns were outlawed it would not prevent these mass shootings by random maniacs but it would violate the American Constitution.

The Leftists do not want gun reform, they want to outlaw guns completely.







"A Free State" Was Given a False Sense of Security

Even though Zimmerman was acquitted, the fact that he was even prosecuted means that the Second Amendment fires blanks. If people weren't afraid to shoot back, it would be obvious to everybody that the only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun or lethal force is a good guy with a gun.

In fact, even if that yellow cop had gone into the school, he might have been prosecuted if he shot the psycho without first telling him to drop his gun. So we have a bunch of deadly laws and procedures that protect criminals. The legislators hate the public and also want to distract us from overthrowing the ruling class.
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Yeah, God Bless Ameriku for the right to die in the classroom.

And movie theaters, open-air concerts, malls, etc.

That is why I carry a sidearm. I don't play victim very well


140 something US ARMED cops die in the line of duty every year. In the UK there are years with no deaths, and sometimes with one.

Yeah, guns are a magic shield.

LMAO. And just think how crappy Europe must be that Americans consider it acceptable risk to have firearms, or else they would move over there, or to another country that has oppressed its people


The UK is not Europa, the UK are Fucked and Cucked only criminals get guns there.

In my nation there are 5.6 million gun owners in a nation of 9 million peoples, I have three handguns and I also have shotguns and rifles and it's all legal, we have one of the most liberal gun laws on this Continent along with Switzerland, from the age of 18 years in age you can openly buy and own a gun shotguns, handguns, semi-automatics and you can give the reason you want a gun as being for sport or hunting or self defence.

For Category B guns these are handguns and semi automatic weapons you do have to get a Waffenbesitzkarte this a the gun permit and you have to pass a psychological exam from a doctor of the local police choosing, if you fail the psychological exam you will not get the Waffenbesitzkarte and without it you cannot get a gun.

For Category C guns which are ALL long guns, shotguns, rifles you need NO gun permit, you can literally go into a gun store and buy a shotgun or a rifle and ammo, there is though a three day wait for a background check but if you have a Category B permit and/or a hunting licence (Jagdkarte) you can buy the shotgun or a rifle that day and walk out with it. To carry the gun outside your home you need a Waffenpass which is a weapons permit certificate the easiest way to get one is to first get a Waffenbesitzkarte.

The Waffenbesitzkarte is below pictured:


The Waffenpass is below pictured below:


The Jagdkarte is below pictured also I add the right to hunt is in our Constitution, it states that hunting is inseperable from land ownership.


With ammo we can also do private deals, so if I wanted 40,000 rounds and someone I knew had that and we agree on a private sale I go home with that 40,000 rounds and me having that is completely legal.

You Americans think the whole of this Continent cannot get guns and of course you are not correct about that ONLY certain nations are disarmed, my nation is definately not disarmed and also all Eastern European nations are not disarmed.

Also my entire family including me are long standing members of the IWÖ this is our version of your NRA and we have been offering our support to the NRA during this their time when they are under attack, I have many friends in the NRA who when visiting have been shooting with us and when I have visited the American nation I have been shooting with them.

Our IWÖ insignia:


I also add that in May 2016 I was asked about our European Continent gun laws and ammo, so I responded to this I mainly of course discuss my nations gun and ammo situation but I think you should read what I write because I also mention other things and as I say Americans do not have the correct information about guns and ammo on my Continent or you would not make comments like we are disarmed, you would already know that ONLY certain nations are disarmed and that there are approx 15 European nations whos populations are NOT disarmed and that is enough because that is approx 25 MILLION to 35 MILLION Europeans who have guns and probably multiple guns so eg. if everyone just had only two guns each that would be approx 50 MILLION to 70 MILLION guns in European peoples hands plus plenty of available ammo because 90% of people stash ammo and have their own ammo dumps.

So here is a link to my post from May 2016 where I describe our gun and ammo situation, bizarro it was asked about our guns and ammo situation in the middle of my film thread:

Why don't people watch films?
Death Wish Referred to Letting Criminals Run Wild

What good is the right of possession if the thughugging restrictions on use make the right useless? We need somebody to pay a bounty to anyone who kills in self-defense.

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