NRA Panics in Seattle


Open letter from Washington Alliance for Gun Responsibility

We knew it was coming, but not this fast.

The ink was barely dry on Seattle’s bold new gun violence tax when the gun lobby – led by the NRA and the Second Amendment Foundation – filed suit against the city to stop it.

We’re winning here in Washington and the gun lobby is in a panic. They’re used to setting the agenda, not playing defense. Now, they’re running to the courts in a last-ditch effort to stop us.


Gun violence is out of control. If Congress and the Legislature fail to act, it’s up to cities, municipalities, and citizens to take action to support investments in public safety programs.

Seattle is standing firm and we’re backing the city all the way.


Let’s do this.

This strategy will be a model for other like minded cities. Cities and municipalities have the right to tax, I wonder what the NRA's strategy will be to stop a tax?


Why would anyone want to live in that fucked up state?

Given yours and other Republicans previous racist posts on this M/B I'd have thought you-----you of all people would love Seattle...

Whitest big county in the U.S.? It’s us

Gene Balk / FYI Guy
Originally published July 3, 2015 at 7:56 pm Updated July 6, 2015

Population of King County. Source: U.S. Census Bureau (Garland Potts / The Seattle Times)

King County is the whitest of the nation’s 20 most-populous counties.


Open letter from Washington Alliance for Gun Responsibility

We knew it was coming, but not this fast.

The ink was barely dry on Seattle’s bold new gun violence tax when the gun lobby – led by the NRA and the Second Amendment Foundation – filed suit against the city to stop it.

We’re winning here in Washington and the gun lobby is in a panic. They’re used to setting the agenda, not playing defense. Now, they’re running to the courts in a last-ditch effort to stop us.


Gun violence is out of control. If Congress and the Legislature fail to act, it’s up to cities, municipalities, and citizens to take action to support investments in public safety programs.

Seattle is standing firm and we’re backing the city all the way.


Let’s do this.

This strategy will be a model for other like minded cities. Cities and municipalities have the right to tax, I wonder what the NRA's strategy will be to stop a tax?


Why would anyone want to live in that fucked up state?

because, they don't have to think about anything. it's all done for them by their Guberment. next will be how much tissue paper they can use.

Probably true. Let's ship all liberals there and then build a wall around it.

sounds good to me. Now that I think about it. I'm all for them taxing the hell out of the people there. serves them right to go around beating their chest like apes over something as stupid as this
So the thread title is a lie. The NRA is not panicking. They are doing the sensible thing and bringing this dog crap to court, where it will be thrown out.
The law itself is illegal.
The idea is stupid as hell. Only total morons would believe that this will in any way reduce gun violence. T he real purpose is to "stick it" to gun owners.
Progressives will continue to try to disarm people until they're able to round up and execute the untermenschen and undesriables

Open letter from Washington Alliance for Gun Responsibility

We knew it was coming, but not this fast.

The ink was barely dry on Seattle’s bold new gun violence tax when the gun lobby – led by the NRA and the Second Amendment Foundation – filed suit against the city to stop it.

We’re winning here in Washington and the gun lobby is in a panic. They’re used to setting the agenda, not playing defense. Now, they’re running to the courts in a last-ditch effort to stop us.


Gun violence is out of control. If Congress and the Legislature fail to act, it’s up to cities, municipalities, and citizens to take action to support investments in public safety programs.

Seattle is standing firm and we’re backing the city all the way.


Let’s do this.

This strategy will be a model for other like minded cities. Cities and municipalities have the right to tax, I wonder what the NRA's strategy will be to stop a tax?


No, you can keep your loonbats and your taxes. This really isn't that surprising now that Seattle is electing communists.

Open letter from Washington Alliance for Gun Responsibility

We knew it was coming, but not this fast.

The ink was barely dry on Seattle’s bold new gun violence tax when the gun lobby – led by the NRA and the Second Amendment Foundation – filed suit against the city to stop it.

We’re winning here in Washington and the gun lobby is in a panic. They’re used to setting the agenda, not playing defense. Now, they’re running to the courts in a last-ditch effort to stop us.


Gun violence is out of control. If Congress and the Legislature fail to act, it’s up to cities, municipalities, and citizens to take action to support investments in public safety programs.

Seattle is standing firm and we’re backing the city all the way.


Let’s do this.

This strategy will be a model for other like minded cities. Cities and municipalities have the right to tax, I wonder what the NRA's strategy will be to stop a tax?


King County is the whitest of the nation’s 20 most-populous counties.
Funny that you ask how the NRA will react and then completely ignore every response to that effect.
I understand that you don;t understand any of those responses, but you could at least make it look like you tried.

Open letter from Washington Alliance for Gun Responsibility

We knew it was coming, but not this fast.

The ink was barely dry on Seattle’s bold new gun violence tax when the gun lobby – led by the NRA and the Second Amendment Foundation – filed suit against the city to stop it.

We’re winning here in Washington and the gun lobby is in a panic. They’re used to setting the agenda, not playing defense. Now, they’re running to the courts in a last-ditch effort to stop us.


Gun violence is out of control. If Congress and the Legislature fail to act, it’s up to cities, municipalities, and citizens to take action to support investments in public safety programs.

Seattle is standing firm and we’re backing the city all the way.


Let’s do this.

This strategy will be a model for other like minded cities. Cities and municipalities have the right to tax, I wonder what the NRA's strategy will be to stop a tax?


No…gun violence is not out of control…in fact it is going down, not up as more people own and carry guns in this country. And if they have a right to tax ammo and guns…then we also have a right to tax your ballot when you vote, and require a literacy test, have a property requirement to vote……so if one right can be infringed than the other rights can as well……..

How do you square your - "No…gun violence is not out of control…in fact it is going down, not up as more people own and carry guns in this country." quote with, our country is averaging more than one mass shooting per day now. Please provide link(s).

Our country is averaging more than one mass shooting per day now
byWalter Einenkel

Wed Aug 26, 2015


August 26 is the 238th day of the year. And with the fatal shooting in Virginia today -- in which a gunman shot himself after killing two reporters and wounding one more person -- plus the shooting of four during a Minneapolis home invasion, the number of mass shooting incidents has risen to 247 for the year.



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