NSA, destroying America


Oct 22, 2013
Land of the "So called free."
As a very proud patriot to the United States of America, I am absolutely disgusted with how the so called "greatest nation on earth" treats it's citizens. A small point being Obamas absolutely despicable attempt of the destruction of the 2nd amendment. Yes it would still be there but not as the founding fathers intended it to be, and that is the only thing that matters, but Americas stupidity continues.

The internet was created to benefit our lives, the NSA has completely and utterly destroyed our freedom with their immature behavior of denying every single citizens in the United States their constitutional rights, so much for the "greatest nation on earth." Obviously the government wants us to ignorant if they are going to shove that absolute lie down our throats. China has better privacy that America, that's disgusting. The NSA's use of monitoring certain words and ease dropping on conversations in unconstitutional, immoral, and proven to be ineffective. Just because I send an email or text that contains the world "government" or "illegal" doesn't mean I should have to put up with all my future information being monitored, with every method that the NSA's childish minds can come up with.

The American government has brought its citizens to a world of fear, the use of monitoring or tracking people makes people second guess what they are going to say when typing because we now live in fear, that has destroyed the first amendment which promises freedom of speech. How much more signs do we need America, we re-elected (assuming there was no tampering) a president that was supported by the communist party of America, which does actually exist, google it.

I type this completely aware that they can see this even before I send it to anyone, or print it. They could even know it was coming days beforehand because they can illegally listen to you even of your phone it turned off, and if you remove the battery they can remotely turn on a secondary power source without your knowledge, now if you don't think America is a fear driven society I don't know what will convince you. After all, all that is monitored is your phone conversations, contacts, location, nearest cell phone tower, email, webcam, texts, audio when phones turned off, everything ever posted on your social media sites, friends, built in computer cameras, and every tiny piece of illegally gathered information they can get in their stupid heads, or should I say the data base which is supposed to be secured even though there have already been information leaks, yeah that database.

We where never supposed to know about the true extent of privacy violations going on In America, it was supposed to be secret and was never known until Edward Snowden revealed what was going on, and was charged with the leaks about the illegal information storing. He was looked at as a criminal, a threat, but any mature and moral patriot will forever consider him to be a true American hero, defending our freedoms protected by the constitution, with witch the government, NSA, PRISM, etc. so blatantly ignore, or interpret so far out of context that they are an absolute disgrace to our founding fathers and everything they intended this country to be. If any part of the government is created to operate in complete secrecy, it's doing something wrong, something the citizens would never approve of, and that's why secrecy is necessary for its survival. Apparently Edward Snowden is an enemy to America, but in the governments eyes, every single American citizen is threat to their existence, because we have rights, and those rights have been denied. It may take decades to fix the damage done to privacy, but once obamas out of office we need a president that will actually serve the citizens, and not their wallets, we can only hope and pray someone moral comes along, who will throw this data collecting of the average citizen, this illegal and disturbing denial of human rights, away from our country, or we will cease to be the country our founding fathers wished us to be.
It's only going to get worse, the Declaration of Independence forecasts this:

Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed.
None of the politicians, elected to represent the people, seem particularly upset by it all.
The NSA has already been proven to be ineffective, spying on the people that keep this country going, good law abiding citizens, without a warrant is completely absurd and the fact it was intended to be secret makes it even more despicable, no member of any part of the government should ever have to hide things from their own people, especially a democratic one that should only do things that represent the people. The NSA hates the media, the constitution and the rights it provides for every single American, which the NSA doesn't even reference considering a warrant and probable cause is required for ANY form of searching, yet they store everything, on everyone. Unnecessary and Un-American, a disgrace to our founding fathers and to the constitution.
I do not want to live in a world where everything I say and do is recorded. That is something I am not willing to support or live under

-Edward Snowden, an American hero, a defendant of the constitution and our rights.

Edward Snowden is a commie lover. Don't kid yourself.
None of the politicians, elected to represent the people, seem particularly upset by it all.

A couple are bothered by it, but most love it. The Right was A-okay with all of it when Bush invented the Department of Homeland Security, but they didn't think ahead to the day the baton would be passed to a Democrat. Now they have suddenly discovered the Constitution! :lol:

You can make their heads ass-plode by asking them if they still believe waterboarding is not torture.
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"A government big enough to give you everything you want is big enough to take everything you have."--T. Jefferson

Yes, Big Brother now has the power to giveth...and taketh away. The American People have grown too dependent on Government. Now is the time for Constitutional Conservatism. It's the only logical way forward. It's the only way this country can be saved.
Santa Claus knows who's been naughty and who's been nice. Comrade Barack needs the same info, too, but only who's been naughty and who's been nice to him. In the near future, on Christmas morning, those who have been bad to Barack will receive a DHS Agent at the door holding a one way ticket to a Barry designated Gulag instead of a simple lump of coal in their stocking. And if you thought the f#@k ups in the O-Care website were bad wait till you get a glimpse of the f#@k ups existing in the waiting Gulag's accommodations. Watery cabbage soup and some stale and moldy black bread will seem like dining at some Food Networks Iron Chef's restaurant in comparison.

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