NSA stole SIM information



Snowden leak NSA helped British steal cell phone codes The Times of Israel

WASHINGTON (AP) — Britain’s electronic spying agency, in cooperation with the US National Security Agency, hacked into the networks of a Dutch company to steal codes that allow both governments to seamlessly eavesdrop on mobile phones worldwide, according to the documents given to journalists by Edward Snowden

The targeted company, Netherlands-based Gemalto, makes “subscriber identity modules,” or SIM cards, used in mobile phones and credit cards. One of the company’s three global headquarters is in Austin, Texas. Its clients include AT&T, T-Mobile, Verizon and Sprint, The Intercept reported.

Tut tut, and America accuses China of this.
It is apparent the US gov is spying on everyone.

Yet nothing is done to stop it. The spying on Americans is clearly a violation of the Constitution, but has any politician of either party demanded it be stopped and prosecuted those responsible?

Snowden must be well protected or very smart, because I thought the US gov would have murdered him by now.

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