NSIDC Caught Tampering With Climate Records Watch Global Warmest Crew...DENY FACTS. Shocking!

Look, the ice refused to melt according to the AGW Models, clearly labeling it as a DENIER! So it got adjusted accordingly

"NSIDC’s latest attempt to breathe new life into the corpse of the alarmist narrative comprised a press release a few weeks ago claiming that 5+ year old sea ice is at its smallest level on record."
"But according to Steven Goddard of the Real Science website this claim needs to be taken with a huge pinch of salt."

the quotes above are the basis of this article Icegate: Now NSIDC Caught Tampering With Climate Records .......which in turn is the reason for this thread

A new Olympic record for retraction of a denier talking point
The gold medal goes to Steven Goddard of The Register. On Friday August 15, he published a scathing article, “Arctic ice refuses to melt as ordered: There’s something rotten north of Denmark attacking the National Snow and Ice Data Center [ NSIDC] plot of Arctic Sea Ice Extent (below) that I and pretty much everyone else on the planet use.

Based on some (mis)analysis too obscure for mortal men and women to follow, he concluded “The problem is that this graph does not appear to be correct”:

The Arctic did not experience the meltdowns forecast by NSIDC and the Norwegian Polar Year Secretariat. It didn’t even come close. Additionally, some current graphs and press releases from NSIDC seem less than conservative. There appears to be a consistent pattern of overstatement related to Arctic ice loss….

Unless you are a denier, you may not be surprised to learn the amateur denier was wrong and the country’s leading cryosphere scientists were right
. But you might be surprised that Goddard issued an unequivocal retraction within days at the site of the original article:

Steven Goddard writes: “Dr. Walt Meier at NSIDC has convinced me this week that their ice extent numbers are solid…. It is clear that the NSIDC graph is correct, and that 2008 Arctic ice is barely 10% above last year – just as NSIDC had stated.”
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I take it you continue to refuse to read the article I posted.

You never posted a link to the article before. You only copied the rant part from your murderous inbred cult leader Delingpole, leaving out any actual mention of the supposed "fraud".

Not at all surprising.

Agreed. It's normal for cultists to do something stupid, throw a fit when called on it, and then lie to cover it up.

As you know, Progressives are far less likely read information which does not support their view. Conservatives, on the other hand, are far more likely to read and consider opposing views.

If any science backed you up, you wouldn't have to constantly weep about how the liberals keep humiliating you with facts and data. Which is happening again now, to everyone's great amusement.

So, now that you've found a bit of courage and actually linked to your conspiracy cult claim (I only had to ask 3 times), let's look at your "evidence".

1. A chart was turned upside-down
--- Absolutely meaningless.

2. Sea ice charts were updated "secretly".
--- So secret, NSIDC openly announced it on the news portion of their web page on April 8. Clearly, nothing gets by arch-sleuth Goddard.

NSIDC DAAC Updates EASE-Grid Sea Ice Age Data Set | The Drift

A very detailed take down of Goddard's fraud is here.

“Steve Goddard” Busted | The Great White Con

Denier cultists won't look at that, of course, being how their cult orders them to shun any information presented by heretics.

The summary is that NSIDC very publicly improved the way they track how old ice is. As is typical, deniers were deeply offended by good science, so they went into yet another hysterical meltdown and started screaming everyone was a fraud. Boring, in how predictable it was.
I take it you continue to refuse to read the article I posted.

You never posted a link to the article before. You only copied the rant part from your murderous inbred cult leader Delingpole, leaving out any actual mention of the supposed "fraud".

Not at all surprising.

Agreed. It's normal for cultists to do something stupid, throw a fit when called on it, and then lie to cover it up.

As you know, Progressives are far less likely read information which does not support their view. Conservatives, on the other hand, are far more likely to read and consider opposing views.

If any science backed you up, you wouldn't have to constantly weep about how the liberals keep humiliating you with facts and data. Which is happening again now, to everyone's great amusement.

So, now that you've found a bit of courage and actually linked to your conspiracy cult claim (I only had to ask 3 times), let's look at your "evidence".

1. A chart was turned upside-down
--- Absolutely meaningless.

2. Sea ice charts were updated "secretly".
--- So secret, NSIDC openly announced it on the news portion of their web page on April 8. Clearly, nothing gets by arch-sleuth Goddard.

NSIDC DAAC Updates EASE-Grid Sea Ice Age Data Set | The Drift

A very detailed take down of Goddard's fraud is here.

“Steve Goddard” Busted | The Great White Con

Denier cultists won't look at that, of course, being how their cult orders them to shun any information presented by heretics.

The summary is that NSIDC very publicly improved the way they track how old ice is. As is typical, deniers were deeply offended by good science, so they went into yet another hysterical meltdown and started screaming everyone was a fraud. Boring, in how predictable it was.

Icegate: Now NSIDC Caught Tampering With Climate Records
Always got to wondering.........if the science is so settled, why must these organizations responsible for making the data public be rigging the data sets?:dunno:

I already tore apart the fraudulent claims of that propaganda piece in post #42.

And having no response, you just ignored it all, and instead simply reposted the link to the same debunked fraud.

Run away now. Good cultist. Good parrot. Your masters love you.

Again, if you want to be taken seriously, you'll need to describe, in your own words, exactly what the fraud supposedly was, and back it up with evidence. Nobody can force you, of course, but until you do so, you'll be considered a ghey fraud just like skook, capable only of gheyly parroting whatever propaganda links your liars' cult feeds you.
Curious people not obsessed with AGW need to realize.........when the committed religious global warming people in here ( there are about 3 or 4 ) post up a link disputing what clearly are facts ( the rigging of the data ), it is an article by an equally neurotic far left k00k who is going to confuse and distract the reader with science nonsense. We have a couple of links posted on this thread by AGW nutters that does exactly that. It is fact that the NSIDC has tampered with data here.........just as NASA and the NOAA have done. Make no mistake.......this whole global warming thing doesn't exist without data manipulation, plus, these people invariably present the most extreme measures on the window of the model. Using a baseball stats analogy, Mickey Mantle ended his career with a .299 batting average but had several years well into the .300's. The global warming religion would always say he was a lifetime .320 hitter!! Those who wouldn't check the actual stats would be duped.:2up: Its called creation of consensus reality......progressives are very fond of using it to create a narrative.:bye1:
Ps....to the curious.......look at post #46.........a committed k00k of the religion. Follow his posts....they are invariably angry, miserable rants that look very similar..........ranting about "cultists", "propaganda" and "fraud" from non-believers. But the guy rarely posts up a link........its always his opinion. And its always angry...........because these people's heads explode when their way of thinking is not 100% embraced. It is the way of the fascist progressive in 2016.
Skook, there's an easy way to demonstrate you're not a ghey fraud. Just explain to everyone, in your own words and pointing to original data sources (as opposed to loony opinion pieces), exactly what the supposed "fraud" is.

We'll wait.


Yes, yes, you'll keep crying that everyone has to accept your nutty conspiracy theories, even though you refuse to explain what they are or back them up in any way. And that's why most everyone ignores you. You're not crazy enough to be amusing. You're just pissy and boring. And ghey. Very, very ghey.

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