nuclear fusion power : the answer to climate change?


Gold Member
Mar 8, 2018
Amsterdam, Netherlands
climate change is already pushing yearly temperature limits into the 110F-120F or 40C-50C range.

the only way to provide cooling, is to take carbon out of the air (for instance through reforesting efforts), and via airconditioning.

however, air conditioners take up a lot of energy, and we'd be foolish to the extreme to get that energy from burning even more fossil fuel.

so i want to bring to your attention a possible solution : government and private investment in the development of nuclear fusion power and reforesting programs.

climate change is already pushing yearly temperature limits into the 110F-120F or 40C-50C range.

the only way to provide cooling, is to take carbon out of the air (for instance through reforesting efforts), and via airconditioning.

however, air conditioners take up a lot of energy, and we'd be foolish to the extreme to get that energy from burning even more fossil fuel.

so i want to bring to your attention a possible solution : government and private investment in the development of nuclear fusion power and reforesting programs.

Fusion has been "just around the corner" for decades. I doubt it's coming any time soon.
Air-conditioning actually releases lots of heat. It's a contributor to climate change, not a solution.
climate change is already pushing yearly temperature limits into the 110F-120F or 40C-50C range.

the only way to provide cooling, is to take carbon out of the air (for instance through reforesting efforts), and via airconditioning.

however, air conditioners take up a lot of energy, and we'd be foolish to the extreme to get that energy from burning even more fossil fuel.

so i want to bring to your attention a possible solution : government and private investment in the development of nuclear fusion power and reforesting programs.

Fusion has been "just around the corner" for decades. I doubt it's coming any time soon.
Air-conditioning actually releases lots of heat. It's a contributor to climate change, not a solution.
Yeah there is still no viable containment mechanism for the massive temperature gradient ( 100,000,000 degrees C ) we're talking about. The French have made great strides with magnetic containment but should the containment fail I'm not really quite sure what would happen....even a gram of plasma at that temperature would cause a thermo-nuclear blast in's a winner but not yet.
climate change is already pushing yearly temperature limits into the 110F-120F or 40C-50C range.

the only way to provide cooling, is to take carbon out of the air (for instance through reforesting efforts), and via airconditioning.

however, air conditioners take up a lot of energy, and we'd be foolish to the extreme to get that energy from burning even more fossil fuel.

so i want to bring to your attention a possible solution : government and private investment in the development of nuclear fusion power and reforesting programs.

climate change is already pushing yearly temperature limits into the 110F-120F or 40C-50C range.

False ... temperatures have only gone up 2ºF in the past 100 years ... a trivial amount ... they're only expected to go up another 4ºF in the next 100 years ... again trivial ... places where temperatures got to 108ºF at the end of WWI would be seeing 110ºF today ... maybe, thermometers used aren't that accurate ... ± 1ºF per NOAA standards ... there's far bettere reasons to conserve fossil fuels, so why create falsehoods? ...

Looks like fusion power will be far more expensive than fission power ... we can believe fusion is safer, but what if it's not? ... what happens to Harrisburg, PA if TMI had blown? ...

You want to reforest the East China Plain, all of Europe and the eastern half of North America? ... what do the folks who live there have to eat then? ... maybe a big nuclear war, the radiation contamination is only bad for humans, as seen in Chernobyl, wildlife thrives where humans are forbidden ...

Hating everybody does help fight against racism ... thank you ...
climate change is already pushing yearly temperature limits into the 110F-120F or 40C-50C range.

the only way to provide cooling, is to take carbon out of the air (for instance through reforesting efforts), and via airconditioning.

however, air conditioners take up a lot of energy, and we'd be foolish to the extreme to get that energy from burning even more fossil fuel.

so i want to bring to your attention a possible solution : government and private investment in the development of nuclear fusion power and reforesting programs.

Climate change can not be stopped and it has been warming for 20000 years. Perhaps fusion power however is the key to waking up retards like you
climate change is already pushing yearly temperature limits into the 110F-120F or 40C-50C range.

the only way to provide cooling, is to take carbon out of the air (for instance through reforesting efforts), and via airconditioning.

however, air conditioners take up a lot of energy, and we'd be foolish to the extreme to get that energy from burning even more fossil fuel.

so i want to bring to your attention a possible solution : government and private investment in the development of nuclear fusion power and reforesting programs.

All left wing solutions are the same.

Raise taxes for that around the corner technology

It will be here really.....................Mwhahahaha

Yea, just pay your damn taxes and STFU!
Global Warming is a hoax, which is why you frauds use "climate change" now. Over 4.7 billion years, the only constant to the climate of earth is change.

Nuclear power has been the best option for 50 years, but the same piles of shit behind AGW told scary lies to block nuclear power.

Despite the lies from China, we are nowhere near Fusion, it takes more energy to create the fusion than is produced. Still, traditional fission reaction is still the cleanest energy source known to man.
Fusion has been "just around the corner" for decades. I doubt it's coming any time soon.
Air-conditioning actually releases lots of heat. It's a contributor to climate change, not a solution.

You gotta turn that air conditioner around so the cold air goes OUT the window to cool the earth, trap the CO2 inside the house.
Fusion has been "just around the corner" for decades. I doubt it's coming any time soon.
Air-conditioning actually releases lots of heat. It's a contributor to climate change, not a solution.

So air conditioning should be reserved for the elite!

I mean, what fun is it being a ruler if the dirty commoners get the same things you do?
climate change is already pushing yearly temperature limits into the 110F-120F or 40C-50C range.

the only way to provide cooling, is to take carbon out of the air (for instance through reforesting efforts), and via airconditioning.

however, air conditioners take up a lot of energy, and we'd be foolish to the extreme to get that energy from burning even more fossil fuel.

so i want to bring to your attention a possible solution : government and private investment in the development of nuclear fusion power and reforesting programs.

I just saw on the news tonight they have created successful fusion. Using less energy to create more energy. It might be a baby step but it's a step in the right direction. The fusion era is here whether we know it or not.
Fusion has been "just around the corner" for decades. I doubt it's coming any time soon.
Air-conditioning actually releases lots of heat. It's a contributor to climate change, not a solution.
You're wrong it's here and it's been done successfully now.
Global Warming is a hoax, which is why you frauds use "climate change" now. Over 4.7 billion years, the only constant to the climate of earth is change.

Nuclear power has been the best option for 50 years, but the same piles of shit behind AGW told scary lies to block nuclear power.

Despite the lies from China, we are nowhere near Fusion, it takes more energy to create the fusion than is produced. Still, traditional fission reaction is still the cleanest energy source known to man.
But but but Greta said climate change was a threat!
Climate change can not be stopped and it has been warming for 20000 years. Perhaps fusion power however is the key to waking up retards like you
We're not talking about natural climate change, we're talking about man-made climate change.
That's not how AC works.

Actually, that is exactly how it works.

There are a lot of fancy words that can be used, but it all essentially means the same thing. Conservation of Energy, Laws of Thermodynamics, or simply TANSTAAFL.

There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch.

Any form of "Air Conditioning" is essentially a heat pump. You are transferring heat from one side of a barrier to another. In the case of "Air Conditioners", you are moving it from inside of a house or room to the outside. And it is the exact same principle as a heat pump. Run it one way, the heat is taken from inside and pushed out, reverse it and the heat is taken from outside and pushed in.

I just saw on the news tonight they have created successful fusion. Using less energy to create more energy.

Which is no closer to they were before.

When talking about fusion, the main thing to look at is the Q factor, or the "fusion energy gain factor". And until now, the highest Q factor ever for a fusion reaction was 0.70. In other words, for every 1 unit of energy used to create the reaction, they got 0.70 of that same unit back in heat. If a reaction has indeed broken even, then they are at a Q factor of 1.0 or higher.

And the most striking thing about these reports, none are discussing the actual Q factor at all. And that to me is a red flag. Because the kinds of reports that should be taken serious always discuss that because it is a critical piece of information when judging how much energy was recovered.

Last year, the US Department of Energy’s National Ignition Facility set a different fusion record: it used laser technology to produce the highest recorded fusion power output relative to power in, a value called Q, where 1 would be generating as much power as is put in. The facility achieved a Q of 0.7 — a landmark for laser fusion that beat JET’s 1997 record. But the event was short-lived, producing just 1.3 megajoules over less than 4 billionths of a second.

JET’s latest experiment sustained a Q of 0.33 for 5 seconds, says Rimini. JET is a scaled-down version of ITER, at one-tenth of the volume — a bathtub compared to a swimming pool, says Proll. It loses heat more easily than ITER, so it was never expected to hit breakeven. If engineers applied the same conditions and physics approach to ITER as to JET, she says, it would probably reach its goal of a Q of 10, producing ten times the energy put in.

In the world of fusion reactors, you'll see a lot of talk about pushing Q as high as possible. The current fusion energy record, set in 2021 at the Joint European Torus in the UK, produced about 11 megawatts of power but only at a Q factor of 0.33.

And what is amazing, is that I am not the only one questioning this "announcement". In several places that allow comments on a report (Slashdot for example), a lot of others are questioning this announcement, and bringing up the fact that they have not announced a Q factor being akin to talking about how powerful an engine is, but without mentioning horsepower or any other figure to quantify the actual claims.

Oh, and even with a Q of 1 or fractionally above 1, that means nothing for the use as energy production. Most estimate that depending on the cost of the future power plant, the Q factor would have to be somewhere around 100 for it to actually be used to produce power.

And even Q is misleading, as about 9 years ago they redefined it. It used to be all energy used to initiate the fusion reaction. However, 9 years ago they redefined it to only cover the energy used at the point of greatest intensity. Which a lot of people question, as the newest definition is not really reflective of the energy spent.
Actually, that is exactly how it works.

There are a lot of fancy words that can be used, but it all essentially means the same thing. Conservation of Energy, Laws of Thermodynamics, or simply TANSTAAFL.

There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch.

Any form of "Air Conditioning" is essentially a heat pump. You are transferring heat from one side of a barrier to another. In the case of "Air Conditioners", you are moving it from inside of a house or room to the outside. And it is the exact same principle as a heat pump. Run it one way, the heat is taken from inside and pushed out, reverse it and the heat is taken from outside and pushed in.

And here all along I just thought it was the compressor getting the moisture out of the air to make it feel cooler, and the refrigerant actually did make it cooler. I know whenever I run the air conditioning it, it wreaks havoc on my houseplants. Fortunately, I rarely use it. The indoor house temperature has to get up into the '80s before I ever turn it on and then only for a limited time. I'm trying to be practical about it, if everyone did this, we would be a lot better off. All these automatic settings have made us lazy and more abusive to the environment. I work in a nursing home in the spring and fall, the air conditioning can be on in the daytime but when the night time temperatures drops below a certain temperature the heat comes on. It's a totally ridiculous situation and I told the maintenance guy that. But he says it's all automatic. He's too lazy to do anything about it.
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I just saw on the news tonight they have created successful fusion. Using less energy to create more energy. It might be a baby step but it's a step in the right direction. The fusion era is here whether we know it or not.
Yes, they finally saw a bit more energy output than input. It's a start.
climate change is already pushing yearly temperature limits into the 110F-120F or 40C-50C range.

False ... temperatures have only gone up 2ºF in the past 100 years ... a trivial amount ... they're only expected to go up another 4ºF in the next 100 years ... again trivial ... places where temperatures got to 108ºF at the end of WWI would be seeing 110ºF today ... maybe, thermometers used aren't that accurate ... ± 1ºF per NOAA standards ... there's far bettere reasons to conserve fossil fuels, so why create falsehoods? ...

Looks like fusion power will be far more expensive than fission power ... we can believe fusion is safer, but what if it's not? ... what happens to Harrisburg, PA if TMI had blown? ...

You want to reforest the East China Plain, all of Europe and the eastern half of North America? ... what do the folks who live there have to eat then? ... maybe a big nuclear war, the radiation contamination is only bad for humans, as seen in Chernobyl, wildlife thrives where humans are forbidden ...

Hating everybody does help fight against racism ... thank you ...

The temperature increase that you mentioned is most likely at a linear relationship with the progression of the Sun's life cycle towards the red giant stage. I can't help but notice how much effort goes into insisting over and over again that the Sun's energy output has not increased noticeably over the past thousand years. On the face of it that has to be pure malarkey. At a rate of some 600 million tons per second of hydrogen consumption The sun's progression is not quite as slow as some would like to make it. It will eventually reach energy output levels that will scorch all life off the face of this planet. This is not going to happen overnight... it will happen gradually over the course of the next tens of millions of years. The planet isn't going to wake up one morning and suddenly find the temperature 300° warmer than it was the day before. In short temperature increase is an unavoidable component of our scientifically and indisputably well-established future. There is no question that the sun will eventually destroy the Earth with heat
No matter what the CO2 PPM of our atmosphere is.

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