Nuclear war is coming.

Russia is in better economic condition than we are so until that changes they will pass on starting ww3.....
Russia's economy is in the toilet. Most of their manufacturing is shut down for a lack of foreign made parts, 20% inflation and a huge chunk of their normal income has been shut off because they can't move out grain or fertilizer and even Europe is cutting off as much of their imported Russian Petroleum.

They'll be in the worst recession since the end of the Soviet Union in 90 days unless they withdraw from Ukraine.
Get your affairs in order.

If you want to live, you better start collecting supplies.

You better find a place out of the cities.

I am not joking...we are very very close.

Russian political scientist Sergey Mikheyev used Russia's state-controlled TV to send a nuclear warning to the West. Speaking on Russia’s Channel 1, he threatened that the weapons that keep reaching Ukraine will see the war in Ukraine escalate into WW3. “The nuclear war is coming”, he added after warning “[the West] don’t understand what happens next”.

“They will most likely try to use them. A common man asks ‘What happens next?’. Next comes WW3. The nuclear war is coming, that’s all.

“There will be a nuclear war.”

Unless Roscosmos sees multiple launch vehicles on their satellites, the generals won’t launch. Putin doesn’t control the nukes.
Russia's economy is in the toilet. Most of their manufacturing is shut down for a lack of foreign made parts, 20% inflation and a huge chunk of their normal income has been shut off because they can't move out grain or fertilizer and even Europe is cutting off as much of their imported Russian Petroleum.

They'll be in the worst recession since the end of the Soviet Union in 90 days unless they withdraw from Ukraine.
Better look again... they are selling barrels of oil to China and India we are begging OPEC for more oil.... Biden's strictest sanctions haven't even started to harm Russia...

Better look again... they are selling barrels of oil to China and India we are begging OPEC for more oil.... Biden's strictest sanctions haven't even started to harm Russia...
I don't have to look at anything. They don't have the capacity to get any significant quantities to China and India, they lack the infrastructure to do so.

Compared to their normal sales to Europe it's a drop in the bucket.

They will have 20% or better inflation by the end of the year and their manufacturing plants are shuttered. They can't even produce much needed new military equipment because they can't get the necessary components or even manufacture spare parts for their existing equipment.

The biggest chunks of their economy are exports of agricultural products, oil, and military equipment and he's killed the latter now that the world can see how ineffective it actually is confronting any sort of competent force.
Russia likes to rattle its saber. Its strategy right now is to threaten everyone around into staying back, so it can keep doing its invasion of Ukraine (and later, probably Moldova) without getting dogpiled. They have shown no hesitation in using their biggest weapon—nukes—to back up those threats. This seems like more of the same.

On the other hand, gambling with nuclear inferno is a pretty serious dice roll to throw. It doesn't necessarily mean the Cold War-era "The Day After" nightmare scenarios, either, but tactical deployment of some relatively-low-yield battlefield nukes. I wouldn't say there is NO chance of total nuclear annihilation within our lifetimes, but I wouldn't abandon civilization for a concrete bunker in northern Alberta just yet, either.
You assume the spectrum is a line. It isn’t. It is a circle. At the bottom is the moderate beliefs. As you move up it becomes more extreme. Extreme Left and Extreme Right.

Look at the world. Look at the nation. Conservatives crowing and passing laws to prohibit behavior they find objectionable. Don’t say Gay in Florida. Banning Abortions in several states. Hardly the act of Anarchists.

The more conservative they are the more demanding of total control they are.

The Left is no better. Running around getting outraged over religion and civil war statues.

There is no point where the left shifts from socialism to fascist. Fascist and socialism/communism are at the top of the circle. Perilously close to each other. But both have the goal of total control.

Remember Fascism wasn’t started in Germany. It was begun in Italy.

Mussolini coined the term in 1919 when Hitler was a pathetic wannabe spy who hadn’t even discovered the National Socialist.

So Fascism is on the right. Don’t let the Nazi name fool you. The first thing you learn about this sort of thing is that the name is always a lie.

Take the USSR as one example. They were not Unified. They were conquered. Controlled. Soviet was a made up term. To show they were bigger than just Russians. But Russians would always be in charge. Socialist was supposedly the transition to true Communism. Only it was never part of the whole five year plan. Republic? Pfui.

Our own name was a lie. United States of America? We were not United in any way shape or form. We are hardly United now.

People name things to hide weakness or cover up the truth. They always have. Always will.

If the right gets to power. They will form a dictatorship. You can claim they are really leftists. But it won’t matter. The dictatorship will exist anyway. And the first victims will be the leftists you claim they really sympathize or belong with.

It is why I’ve stopped voting. I won’t choose either evil. I won’t be a party to it.

So launch the Nukes. Bring it. It is the last hope for civilization. Otherwise in no more than ten years we are going to be under a dictatorship. I’m honestly surprised we aren’t fighting it out now.

No, it isn't. That is Fabian socialist propaganda. Just think for a minute, government can only run the gamut from no government, to total government.

All the other bullshit is immaterial. Anarchy through to totalitarianism.

That's the spectrum.
I don't have to look at anything. They don't have the capacity to get any significant quantities to China and India, they lack the infrastructure to do so.

Compared to their normal sales to Europe it's a drop in the bucket.

They will have 20% or better inflation by the end of the year and their manufacturing plants are shuttered. They can't even produce much needed new military equipment because they can't get the necessary components or even manufacture spare parts for their existing equipment.

The biggest chunks of their economy are exports of agricultural products, oil, and military equipment and he's killed the latter now that the world can see how ineffective it actually is confronting any sort of competent force.
Fine stay stupid dumb and blind I don't care... You said I was wrong... here is the evidence that its you that doesn't know shit....
The Russian stores are full they have baby formula and they have cheap fuel to ship their goods....
It is linear. Max right is anarchy, max left dictatorship. In the beginning, you had 1 or the other. The systems eventually grew into more moderate versions of each other which allowed for growth. A right winger by nature is prone to disobedience/crime while left wingers are prone to conformity/fascism.

Being a right wing dictator would be like being pacific warmonger.

The biggest chunks of their economy are exports of agricultural products, oil, and military equipment and he's killed the latter now that the world can see how ineffective it actually is confronting any sort of competent force.
:laugh:... you don't know what you are talking about... Iran and other despot nations are buying Russian weapons by the tons....
Russian weapons factories are turning out arms 24-7....
Fine stay stupid dumb and blind I don't care... You said I was wrong... here is the evidence that its you that doesn't know shit....
The Russian stores are full they have baby formula and they have cheap fuel to ship their goods....
I can't help it if you're an idiot.


Until the sanctions went into effect Europe was importing more petroleum each month from Russia than is on all the tankers outbound for China and India right now.

Their current inflation rate is over 17% and will head north of 20% by years end.

The lack of components needed for civilian and military manufacturing has their factories grinding to a halt.

They won't even be able to store all of their spring and summer wheat crops and can't export more than a fraction of it so they'll be swimming in rotting grain by October if they persist.
Well remember, this was started by America. It's the reverse of the Cuban missile crisis. When America was threatening nuclear war because Russia was going to move nukes into Cuba right next to us and we couldn't do anything about it. Now America said we would move nukes to Ukraine right next to them.

Has nothing to do with America would wipe the floor with them.

What holds them back or holds anyone back is nuclear deterrent. Or mutually assured destruction. They fire a nuke and everyone else let's them fly as well and everyone dies.

But they won't nuke anyone. That isn't their game. They either are trying to out a group of people they don't want around, not all of Ukraine citizens. Or they want their resources. Or both. Nuking them defeats both of those purposes.

I'm not opposed to what russians are doing though. Ukraine is classified as a 3rd world country and a hot spot for crime and corruption. Honestly I think this was spurred by American threats of nukes in Ukraine and Putin wanting to knock out a shit hole of a country.

A line mechanic where I work named Ivan is from the Ukraine and he is the one who explained it to me.

The Ukrainian people see it differently. They don't want to live under a Russian dictatorship.
Why are Americans so fucking stupid?

As a typical American idiot...can you speak for the rest?

Think about what you are typing.

It is beyond retarded.

Do you understand what a nuclear weapon is?

Do you understand MAD?

Do you understand how fucking serious nuclear war is?

Do you understand that 90% of the people on this Earth will be dead within one year?
Do you understand MAD?

I think after the long Cold War that Russia understands that quite clearly. That’s why you should take it for what it is. Unfortunate posturing from a country that bit off more than they can handle.

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