Nuclear war is coming.

I'm just saying.

IMHO it will be far better to be vaporized in the initial blast.

You won't wanna live in a Mad Max world.

Or at least I wouldn't.

Seeing your loved ones rot, fighting for the basics, living like a dog.

At least for the first few years.

The EMP would cook nearly everything with circuitry...EVERYTHING, so there would be no plugging back in post explosion.

I mean, it would be horrific.

Water contaminated, soil contaminated,

But our stupid government is pushing that way.

The Russians are not gonna permit what the west want.
Is Putin suicidal? Or insane? He'd nuke, just for eastern Ukraine? How would nuking benefit him, or give him those territories back?

Sounds like a bluff to me......but who the heck really knows, with Putin's narcissistic disorder?
Is Putin suicidal? Or insane? He'd nuke, just for eastern Ukraine? How would nuking benefit him, or give him those territories back?

Sounds like a bluff to me......but who the heck really knows, with Putin's narcissistic disorder?


What part of this is so hard for Americans to understand?

Are Americans that brainwashed?

Have they destroyed critical thinking that much in the American school system?

Are you people fucking with me?

You can't see the root cause of this entire mess?
If Russia uses them, what do you suggest the USA do?
My suggestion is that we stay out of the Ukraine fight since we have no stake in that game.
I see the DC UNiparty has been ordered to push for war though so it might be inevitable.
If Russia nukes us we will have no choice but to retaliate.
MAD- (mutually assured destruction) is a real thing & claiming they only killed 1/2 of us while we killed all of them is a Pyrrhic victory.
This whole engineered crises is a game plan for psychopaths looking for depopulation & control
Get your affairs in order.

If you want to live, you better start collecting supplies.

You better find a place out of the cities.

I am not joking...we are very very close.

Russian political scientist Sergey Mikheyev used Russia's state-controlled TV to send a nuclear warning to the West. Speaking on Russia’s Channel 1, he threatened that the weapons that keep reaching Ukraine will see the war in Ukraine escalate into WW3. “The nuclear war is coming”, he added after warning “[the West] don’t understand what happens next”.

“They will most likely try to use them. A common man asks ‘What happens next?’. Next comes WW3. The nuclear war is coming, that’s all.

“There will be a nuclear war.”

This chicken little "The nukes are coming" bullshit is old, tire, and badly worn out.

Putin launches a single nuke and Russia ceases to exist as a nation and Putin loses everything and everyone he ever cared about.

He's a lot of things but he's neither insane nor stupid and the generals who would have to carry those orders out aren't either.
Don’t kid yourself. The Right is equally totalitarian as the left.
No, it is not. That's only true if you want to see the divide as a circle with following each side far enough leading to totalitarianism.
In reality, the divide is a straight line leading in opposite directions.
The political, economic & social philosophy of individual freedom from the right is the exact opposite of the collectivist totalitarianism from the left.
Just try it, Russia, just try it.

The only reason they haven't is because they know we'd wipe the floor with them.

Well remember, this was started by America. It's the reverse of the Cuban missile crisis. When America was threatening nuclear war because Russia was going to move nukes into Cuba right next to us and we couldn't do anything about it. Now America said we would move nukes to Ukraine right next to them.

Has nothing to do with America would wipe the floor with them.

What holds them back or holds anyone back is nuclear deterrent. Or mutually assured destruction. They fire a nuke and everyone else let's them fly as well and everyone dies.

But they won't nuke anyone. That isn't their game. They either are trying to out a group of people they don't want around, not all of Ukraine citizens. Or they want their resources. Or both. Nuking them defeats both of those purposes.

I'm not opposed to what russians are doing though. Ukraine is classified as a 3rd world country and a hot spot for crime and corruption. Honestly I think this was spurred by American threats of nukes in Ukraine and Putin wanting to knock out a shit hole of a country.

A line mechanic where I work named Ivan is from the Ukraine and he is the one who explained it to me.
Silliness. Stop watching MSM Q.
The question I have is if Putin is sane. If he is we probably don’t have to worry his launching a first strike on the U.S.

It might be possible that he will drop a tactical nuke on Ukraine to force it to surrender. If so things might go south real quick.

Putin might also beleive he can simply threaten to use nuclear weapons against NATO including the United States and we will just let him occupy any nation he wants.

With Trump in charge that would never work. Joe Biden might try to appease Putin which would be a big mistake. Keep in mind Joe Biden doesn’t seem fond of the responsibility involved with controlling nuclear weapons.

We do live in interesting times.

No, it is not. That's only true if you want to see the divide as a circle with following each side far enough leading to totalitarianism.
In reality, the divide is a straight line leading in opposite directions.
The political, economic & social philosophy of individual freedom from the right is the exact opposite of the collectivist totalitarianism from the left.

Nonsense. The Right is equally totalitarian. What freedoms have we lost since Biden was elected? Several States have banned Abortion. Not Leftwing States. So who is curtailing freedom?

The argument it is about Liberty or freedom is bullshit. You all on the right spend as much time working yourself into a state over what others are doing as the extreme left. Look at the wish list from the Right even now? Gay Marriage.

It was the Right who were criminalizing homosexuality through the ages and want it ended today.

Yeah. The problem is that the right thinks that the ideals they want to force upon society are good and proper and what America is all about. They don’t see it as curtailing freedom. They see it as defending their culture. Whatever that is.
There ya go man, need to bring that turtle back.

I'm old enough to remember the tail end of the nuke drills in the mid-eighties.

Under those stupid wooden desks or in the school hallways.

We kinda had the hybrid nuke/tornado drills in the Midwest.

Actually. You are an idiot.

You scream that we don’t understand Nuclear War and then mock the effort to reduce casualties.

Ok. Let’s discuss Nukes. They are not the glowing ball of death. They are predictable weapons with predictable results.

People close enough to Ground Zero will die. No question. But as you move out from ground zero you leave the effects behind. If you are 100 yards from ground zero you are dead. But further away you have left the initial fireball effects and are into shock and radiation. Still dying. But from different effects. A little further away and you are into the survivable ranges. There your greatest threat isn’t the fireball. It isn’t the radiation. Oh you may get sick but you probably won’t die. Especially if you can get some treatment.

From there your greatest threat is shrapnel from flying debris. There ducking under cover is exactly what you should do.

Getting away from flying glass. Don’t stand in front of windows when you see the Nuke Flash. Duck and get under cover.

Your odds of survival increase. And everything in life is about odds of survival.

Now do you understand nuclear war? I wonder because you are running around with urine soaking your panties about it.
Nonsense. The Right is equally totalitarian. What freedoms have we lost since Biden was elected? Several States have banned Abortion. Not Leftwing States. So who is curtailing freedom?

The argument it is about Liberty or freedom is bullshit. You all on the right spend as much time working yourself into a state over what others are doing as the extreme left. Look at the wish list from the Right even now? Gay Marriage.

It was the Right who were criminalizing homosexuality through the ages and want it ended today.

Yeah. The problem is that the right thinks that the ideals they want to force upon society are good and proper and what America is all about. They don’t see it as curtailing freedom. They see it as defending their culture. Whatever that is.
The right doesn't want to enforce anything on anybody. As long as you aren't stealing or hurting others, the right says you can pretty much do as you wish.
We all have a natural freedom of choice as long as we aren't causing harm to others.
Like I already said, the ideals of individual freedom on the right are incompatible with the collectivist totalitarianism from the left of the spectrum.
Claiming anything that pushes stifles personal choice is coming from the right is exactly the opposite of the truth. Just like claiming current Democrats are in any way liberals is the opposite of reality.
Keep thinking, maybe one day you'll get it
The right doesn't want to enforce anything on anybody. As long as you aren't stealing or hurting others, the right says you can pretty much do as you wish.
We all have a natural freedom of choice as long as we aren't causing harm to others.
Like I already said, the ideals of individual freedom on the right are incompatible with the collectivist totalitarianism from the left of the spectrum.
Claiming anything that pushes stifles personal choice is coming from the right is exactly the opposite of the truth. Just like claiming current Democrats are in any way liberals is the opposite of reality.
Keep thinking, maybe one day you'll get it

Yeah. So the Don’t Say Gay bill in Florida is all about freedom. Idiot.
I see we have some truly insane or totally ignorant posters on here.
Begging for a nuclear war with Russia is beyond next level stupidity.
You want tens or hundreds of millions of Americans to die so we can maybe wipe out Russia?
You are so f*ing dumb I'm surprised you can figure out how to get online to post your insane BS
Dumb is running and hiding in the basement because Putin has made another hollow threat.

Launch a nuke, Russia ceases to exist.

Putin isn't that stupid or crazy.
You take the Russians word on what they have. You do you. I'll tell you what WE have.

The U.S. Has the most Nukes, and the better nukes. Our Allies, such as England, France, and even Israel, have a shit ton of nukes. Russia would not dare launch one nuke, because the U.S. and the rest of the world will pounce. Russia is all talk, and no balls. I'm not afraid of their bully talk, and neither should you.

No one should lie down an let dictators say and do whatever they want. You stand up to bullies, not take their shit and hope they won't punch you.

So yes Russia. Just try us.
Actually Russia has a significantly large nuclear arsenal than we do.

It really doesn't matter though, Putin is neither crazy enough or stupid enough to start a nuclear war he cannot win.
It is linear. Max right is anarchy, max left dictatorship. In the beginning, you had 1 or the other. The systems eventually grew into more moderate versions of each other which allowed for growth. A right winger by nature is prone to disobedience/crime while left wingers are prone to conformity/fascism.

Being a right wing dictator would be like being pacific warmonger.

Pacifist maybe?

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