Numbers are out: DeSantis crushed Disney

Mr. Friscus

Diamond Member
Dec 28, 2020
Let’s review the timeline:

1. The left invents a nonexistent “don’t say gay bill”
2. Disney and ESPN support it and denounce DeSantis
3. The left lies about the bill and attempts to paint DeSantis as homophobic and transphobic, despite the bill being about not teaching 1st-3rd graders about sexual issues.
4. The leftist MSM trumpet the slander across most TV and internet media, defending the right of leftists to teach 1st-3rd graders about sexual issues.
5. DeSantis wins reelection in Florida at the highest rate in GOP history by 19 points
6. The Disney CEO who opposed Desantis and attacked him over the “don’t say gay” bill got fired

New CEO Bob Iger Announced:
- 7000 employees will be laid off
- Disney will Cut costs by 5.5 billion
- Disney has lost 9 billion in streaming on Disney+ and ESPN+

Wow, DeSantis absolutely crushed the woke here.
Tell me why exactly you think it is ok for a governor of a state should be able to destroy a private business. Like wtf?
I don’t know. Why don’t you ask all the governors who shut down the thousands of businesses during the pandemic that never reopened
Tell me why exactly you think it is ok for a governor of a state should be able to destroy a private business. Like wtf?

That's insignificant BS........

Tell us why exactly you think it is ok for a governor of a state should be able to destroy Constitutional RIGHTS. Like SUPER wtf?

Specifically...govenors of NewYork, California and Illinois.
Simply because there's nothing wrong with being gay or LGBT in general...Sure, you're ok to be heterosexual but that is a choice everyone has a right to make. Why isn't it ok?

Actually, I think heterosexual is Gods choice.
At least that's what the Bible says.

Some think being homosexual is a punishment. That it's a statistically rare condition that is vastly minority and seems to always require a painful and enduring struggle to overcome psychological issues. It is often remarked that gay people always seem to be a in some way mentally or otherwise.
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Actually, I think heterosexual is Gods choice.
At least that's what the Bible says.

Some think being homosexual is a punishment. That it's a statistically rare condition that is vastly minority and seems to always require a painful and enduring struggle to overcome psychological issues. It is often remarked that gay people always seem to be a in some way mentally or otherwise.
Do you have solid evidence for this god? If you don't then why exactly does such a god need to have any say over what is good or bad within our society?

I am a lesbian so I find what you're saying very inaccurate and said out of pure meanness. It is a sexual choice that one should be able to make.
Do you have solid evidence for this god? If you don't then why exactly does such a god need to have any say over what is good or bad within our society?

I am a lesbian so I find what you're saying very inaccurate and said out of pure meanness. It is a sexual choice that one should be able to make.
Without evidence I could state that an alien from planet shitsaw believes homosexuality is his choice!
Post hoc ergo propter hoc is alive and well I see.

Disney is gaining subscribers in the US. It is taking losses, however, overseas, particularly in India and Asia.
Simply because there's nothing wrong with being gay or LGBT in general...Sure, you're ok to be heterosexual but that is a choice everyone has a right to make. Why isn't it ok?
Have you asked those to nine year old boys sexually assaulted by their adopted peverted homosexual dads why it isn't okay.?
Have you asked those to nine year old boys sexually assaulted by their adopted homosexual dads why it isn't okay.?
One could point out heterosexuals that have done just the same. Why have a broad brush against homosexuals? Such people need to pay for their crime but there's millions of people that never done what you're accusing all of us as.
Nature has rendered homosexuality as a closed loop.
No reproduction for rump rangers and donut bumpers.
That being said, go ahead and gay out, if that's your thing.
Don't fuck up the minds of other people's kids with your closed loop mental instabilities, though.

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