Numbers are out: DeSantis crushed Disney

Do you watch a lot of Disney?

Do you think The Five does?

I have seen how they fucked up the Star Wars franchise. I have Disney plus for my kids. There is a massive culture warrior agenda in many of the recent releases. They make no secret about it.

What is Five?
I have seen how they fucked up the Star Wars franchise. I have Disney plus for my kids. There is a massive culture warrior agenda in many of the recent releases. They make no secret about it.

What is Five?
The stock is UP 25% in 3 months.

What is Five?

You know that panel of idiots you watch on FOX?
Let’s review the timeline:

1. The left invents a nonexistent “don’t say gay bill”
2. Disney and ESPN support it and denounce DeSantis
3. The left lies about the bill and attempts to paint DeSantis as homophobic and transphobic, despite the bill being about not teaching 1st-3rd graders about sexual issues.
4. The leftist MSM trumpet the slander across most TV and internet media, defending the right of leftists to teach 1st-3rd graders about sexual issues.
5. DeSantis wins reelection in Florida at the highest rate in GOP history by 19 points
6. The Disney CEO who opposed Desantis and attacked him over the “don’t say gay” bill got fired

New CEO Bob Iger Announced:
- 7000 employees will be laid off
- Disney will Cut costs by 5.5 billion
- Disney has lost 9 billion in streaming on Disney+ and ESPN+

Mr. Frisky is happy people are losing their jobs because they don't hate gay people like he and Jesus do.

That's all manner of fucked up.

Of course, Disney is losing money because they aren't making good product. They spent all this money buying up Marvel and Star Wars, and have no idea what to do with them.
I have seen how they fucked up the Star Wars franchise. I have Disney plus for my kids. There is a massive culture warrior agenda in many of the recent releases. They make no secret about it.

I would agree, they "fucked up the Star Wars Franchise".

But... um.. Star Wars Fans have been a surly lot since "Return of the Jedi", pretty much.

They didn't like the Prequels.
They didn't like the Sequels.
They didn't like the Streaming shows.

The real problem with Star Wars is that the Original Trilogy was pretty much perfect, and anything else kind of detracts from it. You are just retelling the same story over and over again. Space Wizards vs. Space Nazis.
This new bill in Florida that has already passed the House is really going to screw Disney.

The bill says three things:

1. The Reedy Creek Development District will now be run by State appointees, not Disney employees. Among other things that means no more free ride on environmental and wetlands permits.

2. Disney is responsible for any debt past, present and future from Reedy Creek.

3. The State, County and Cities will now be able to tax Disney for any of their cost because of Disney's impact.

That last one is a biggy. Before it was that the government could only get Disney money through indirect taxation of the tourists. Now they can tax Disney directly and you can bet those Democrats running Orlando and Orange County will tap the keys to the Disney Treasury.

Go woke, go broke. Disney messed with the wrong people. Florida ain't Hollywood.
Are you denying that people under 18 are getting trans surgeries or infertile inducing hormone treatments??
Very rarely, and I gave you the numbers... that out of a million Trans teens, only a few thousand are getting hormone treatment, and very few are getting surgery.

re you denying schools have been busted hiding the changed gender identity/pronouns they promote from the parents of the child??

Um, yeah, if a kid tells you "Hey, I'm trans, but my parents are Christian bigots, so let's keep this under raps until I'm 18 and can get the fuck away from them." you really should respect his wishes.

And my favorite… you claim it’s not happening (it is).. but if it’s not happening, is that a good thing or a bad thing?

Oh, I think helping people understand their sexuality is definitely a good thing. Otherwise they might turn into religious homophobes, since it has been scientifically established that most homophobes are latent homosexuals.

Like that minister who hired the rent-boy to smoke crystal meth with, just like Jesus did.

Remember, if you say teaching kids about sexual identity, getting surgeries that cause permanent damage, and embracing suicide/depression-inducing gender identity changes.. if that’s all bad.. you’re a homophobic, transphobic bigot

Yes, you are a transphobic, homophobic bigot.
Few kids are getting surgery. Few adults are getting surgery.

But as long as you are whining about surgery, let's talk about all the face lifts, tummy tucks, boob jobs that straight people are getting, and no one says boo about them.
This new bill in Florida that has already passed the House is really going to screw Disney.

The bill says three things:

1. The Reedy Creek Development District will now be run by State appointees, not Disney employees. Among other things that means no more free ride on environmental and wetlands permits.

2. Disney is responsible for any debt past, present and future from Reedy Creek.

3. The State, County and Cities will now be able to tax Disney for any of their cost because of Disney's impact.

That last one is a biggy. Before it was that the government could only get Disney money through indirect taxation of the tourists. Now they can tax Disney directly and you can bet those Democrats running Orlando and Orange County will tap the keys to the Disney Treasury.

Go woke, go broke. Disney messed with the wrong people. Florida ain't Hollywood.

And what happens when Disney decides to just close down Disneyworld, because it's not making them any money to start with?
So, you know they are all special tax districts....the status they pretended they wanted to take away from Disney but now have said they will not
Can that law library purchase land and build a library, without getting zoning approval, pulling permits, having code enforcement inspect the building, etc etc.
And what happens when Disney decides to just close down Disneyworld, because it's not making them any money to start with?
Then all the goodamn Yankee shit will move out and Central Florida will return to paradise it was before the Disney turds fucked it up. The paradise I remember as a kid in the 1950s and 60s.
Can that law library purchase land and build a library, without getting zoning approval, pulling permits, having code enforcement inspect the building, etc etc.

They could if they were big enough. The same status that allows Disney too would allow them to as well.
Simply because there's nothing wrong with being gay or LGBT in general...Sure, you're ok to be heterosexual but that is a choice everyone has a right to make. Why isn't it ok?
No one is arguing about being LGBT. It’s the grooming of youth to be LGBT that people have a problem with. Is there grooming for people to be heterosexual?
This is why Disney is losing business.

Putting out hateful woke shit like this:

Very rarely, and I gave you the numbers... that out of a million Trans teens, only a few thousand are getting hormone treatment, and very few are getting surgery.

The answer you were looking for was no.
Um, yeah, if a kid tells you "Hey, I'm trans, but my parents are Christian bigots, so let's keep this under raps until I'm 18 and can get the fuck away from them." you really should respect his wishes.

No you really shouldnt. Everyone agrees that these "trans kids" are having serious mental issues correct? That's not even a controversial thing to say. They have a much higher instance of suicide, drug, and alcohol use/abuse, etc etc. And you think it's a good idea to keep the parents out of the loop because the TEENAGER says they dont get along with their parents? I dont give a shit what their issues the school has no business keeping it from the parents. If the school really thinks there is some form of abuse going on in the home there are agencies for that.

Oh, I think helping people understand their sexuality is definitely a good thing. Otherwise they might turn into religious homophobes, since it has been scientifically established that most homophobes are latent homosexuals.

Like that minister who hired the rent-boy to smoke crystal meth with, just like Jesus did.

Link to this "science".

Yes, you are a transphobic, homophobic bigot.
Few kids are getting surgery. Few adults are getting surgery.
That number is increasing, and we are giving kids hormones and hormone blockers earlier and earlier. Drugs that can and do cause irreparable damage to young bodies.

But as long as you are whining about surgery, let's talk about all the face lifts, tummy tucks, boob jobs that straight people are getting, and no one says boo about them.

? Gay people don't get these surgeries? I wasn't aware that facelifts, and tummy tucks were somehow associated with anything but vanity.
Yes they could. They have the exact same status as Disney.

Except they dont.

That's the law establishing the Law Library. There's nothing in there granting them anything close to what is granted in the Reedy Creek law.

It doesnt grant them their own Governmental authority. It lets them establish and manage a law library. They cant put up a roller coaster in the back of the courthouse. But Disney could establish a law library within the Reedy Creek boundaries without getting approval from anyone.
Disney is one of the most loved businesses in America.

Why the fuck would anyone want to pick a fight with Micky Mouse.

Explain THAT to your kids

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