Numbers are out: DeSantis crushed Disney

Nice misinformation bro. Companies who ideologically attack their state, while receiving massive privileges from said state, start throwing temper tantrums when they’re not longer treated like special snowflakes but instead like everyone else… and you call it “crushing” them?

Dude, it is your thread. Your title called it crushing them. Are you too drunk to recall what you posted?

Maybe it is a tad early to be this drunk?
Disney now is paying taxes on land that they never have before.


Florida is GAINING tax revenues that they HAVE NEVER RECEIVED BEFORE. IN 50 YEARS!

What part of ZERO, to paying, do you not understand?

And the state will spend more taking over all the services that Disney provided that land than they will ever make in taxes.

Disney did not pay those taxes because they provided everything that the state would normally have provided.

Now the state is on the hook to provide it all, to care for it all, to upkeep it all.

This will cost Florida billions over the next few years.
And the state will spend more taking over all the services that Disney provided that land than they will ever make in taxes.

Disney did not pay those taxes because they provided everything that the state would normally have provided.

Now the state is on the hook to provide it all, to care for it all, to upkeep it all.

This will cost Florida billions over the next few years.

No, they won't. The services are already there. They merely need to add enough to cover Disney, which isn't hard.

Florida makes out like a bandit, and Disney FINALLY pays their fair share which is all you clods bleat about.

Why you defending a corporation that hasn't paid ANYTHING for decades?

Hypocrite much?
Large corporations go through layoffs and restructuring all the time.

Disney stock has been hammered.

52wk High

52wk Low

That is a huge fall….of course it must be addressed. To blame DeSantis for a 50% stock drop on a company with $80 billion in annual revenue is pretty dumb.
Its currently 108. Explains the new (old) CEO.
No, they won't. The services are already there. They merely need to add enough to cover Disney, which isn't hard.

Yes, the services are there and Disney has paid for them all for 50 years. Now the State will have to pay for them all.

Florida makes out like a bandit, and Disney FINALLY pays their fair share which is all you clods bleat about.

Nope, every study shows Florida will lose money on this.

Why you defending a corporation that hasn't paid ANYTHING for decades?

Because it simply is not true. Disney World paid more than $780 million in state and county taxes in FY2021.

And they did that while providing their own road maintenance, wastewater treatment and collection, water reclamation, electric generation and distribution, solid waste disposal, potable water, natural gas distribution, and law enforcement.

Now the state and counties get to pay for all those things.

All so DeSantis could gain a few votes
Yes, the services are there and Disney has paid for them all for 50 years. Now the State will have to pay for them all.

Nope, every study shows Florida will lose money on this.

Because it simply is not true. Disney World paid more than $780 million in state and county taxes in FY2021.

And they did that while providing their own road maintenance, wastewater treatment and collection, water reclamation, electric generation and distribution, solid waste disposal, potable water, natural gas distribution, and law enforcement.

Now the state and counties get to pay for all those things.

All so DeSantis could gain a few votes

Links to your so called studies.
No, they won't. The services are already there. They merely need to add enough to cover Disney, which isn't hard.

Florida makes out like a bandit, and Disney FINALLY pays their fair share which is all you clods bleat about.

Why you defending a corporation that hasn't paid ANYTHING for decades?

Hypocrite much?
Isnt it incredible? The cult whines about corporations not paying their “FAIR SHARE“…then when one does….the cult cries about it.

Its fucking ridiculous.
Dude, it is your thread. Your title called it crushing them. Are you too drunk to recall what you posted?

Maybe it is a tad early to be this drunk?
He “crushed” their attempts sway/indoctrinate the public, and was obviously historically supported for it. The lefts attempts to smear Desantis and prop up Disney as the good guy clearly failed. It was “crushed” metaphorically.

He didn’t literally “crush” a private business in some state authoritarian manner as you attempted to portray. Disney is just as free as ever to participate in the open market, they simply backed the wrong horse, doubled down on woke, and now they’re paying for it. It goes to show that while so much of the media, entertainment, and HR departments try to portray woke issues as massively prevalent and universally supported.. they aren’t. This is merely a small group of influential powerful people/institutions attempting to social engineer society, and many dupes on the left bought it, and are simply shocked that woke activism is failing because they stay in their CNN, NYT, MSNBC, late night “comedy”, college safe space, Tik Tok, instagram woke bubble.
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Let’s review the timeline:

1. The left invents a nonexistent “don’t say gay bill”
2. Disney and ESPN support it and denounce DeSantis
3. The left lies about the bill and attempts to paint DeSantis as homophobic and transphobic, despite the bill being about not teaching 1st-3rd graders about sexual issues.
4. The leftist MSM trumpet the slander across most TV and internet media, defending the right of leftists to teach 1st-3rd graders about sexual issues.
5. DeSantis wins reelection in Florida at the highest rate in GOP history by 19 points
6. The Disney CEO who opposed Desantis and attacked him over the “don’t say gay” bill got fired

New CEO Bob Iger Announced:
- 7000 employees will be laid off
- Disney will Cut costs by 5.5 billion
- Disney has lost 9 billion in streaming on Disney+ and ESPN+

Wow, DeSantis absolutely crushed the woke here.

ESPN is owned by Disney.
The world and we as humans would be better off if the number dropped off about 6 billion. We made it through 95% of our history as a species with less then a billion people. Imagine a world where we can be free and not have to be packed together!
The world is NOT crowded except in cities. There are places n the western US that have zero population.
Got to love it when pretend Conservatives cheer about the Government crushing private companies.

Well, at least you have dropped the charade of being conservatives

Is taking away special status from a private business crushing them or treating them like everyone else?
They attacked a law by lying about it. The law is to prevent the grooming of children in schools.

Disney lied about that. That is considered fraud.

However, there were no criminal charges leveled against Disney, so your gaslight attempt fails big time.

Disney DID lose their special power to be their own government, as they should because "everyone needs to pay their fair share"


Or are you just another moronic hypocrite?

So DeSatan and the state of Florida are bringing Disney up on fraud charges for this now correct. If not, why not? If they have evidence of a crime and do not disclose it to the courts then THEY are breaking the law. Why do you back those lawbreakers in the Florida government?

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