Numbers don't lie.


Gold Member
Oct 22, 2015
Someone, a liberal who shall remain nameless, was recently complaining that a wall on our southern border could cost as much as 25 million per mile. So, let's crunch some numbers. A 2,000 mile wall, at 25 million per mile, would cost 50 billion dollars. Sounds like a lot of money, right? Well, compare that to the 100 billion a year that illegal aliens are costing us. That wall would be a bargain at twice the price. Tell me I'm wrong. I dare you.
Someone, a liberal who shall remain nameless, was recently complaining that a wall on our southern border could cost as much as 25 million per mile. So, let's crunch some numbers. A 2,000 mile wall, at 25 million per mile, would cost 50 billion dollars. Sounds like a lot of money, right? Well, compare that to the 100 billion a year that illegal aliens are costing us. That wall would be a bargain at twice the price. Tell me I'm wrong. I dare you.
Would you please explain how illegals are costing us 100 billion a year?
Of course, your 'figures' assume that building a wall will stop ALL illegal immigrants.
In fact, some 40% of 'illegals' are visa overstays, and the wall will do nothing to address this problem.
Ramos: 40% of undocumented immigrants come by air
But the wall is a silly idea for many other reasons:
Why President Trump's Border Wall Is An Example Of Bad Leadership

So what you are saying is the CBP at the airports aren't doing their jobs.

People OVERSTAY! Meaning when they come in they are legal. So the cbp has nothing to do!
Watched Jurassic Park yesterday, rethinking walls and frog DNA.

Someone, a liberal who shall remain nameless, was recently complaining that a wall on our southern border could cost as much as 25 million per mile. So, let's crunch some numbers. A 2,000 mile wall, at 25 million per mile, would cost 50 billion dollars. Sounds like a lot of money, right? Well, compare that to the 100 billion a year that illegal aliens are costing us. That wall would be a bargain at twice the price. Tell me I'm wrong. I dare you.
Would you please explain how illegals are costing us 100 billion a year?

jailing them, medical costs education costs and the like, probably on the low side.
Someone, a liberal who shall remain nameless, was recently complaining that a wall on our southern border could cost as much as 25 million per mile. So, let's crunch some numbers. A 2,000 mile wall, at 25 million per mile, would cost 50 billion dollars. Sounds like a lot of money, right? Well, compare that to the 100 billion a year that illegal aliens are costing us. That wall would be a bargain at twice the price. Tell me I'm wrong. I dare you.
Would you please explain how illegals are costing us 100 billion a year?

jailing them, medical costs education costs and the like, probably on the low side.
How bout the fact that illegals pay billions into social security and Medicare. Money they will never get back.
Someone, a liberal who shall remain nameless, was recently complaining that a wall on our southern border could cost as much as 25 million per mile. So, let's crunch some numbers. A 2,000 mile wall, at 25 million per mile, would cost 50 billion dollars. Sounds like a lot of money, right? Well, compare that to the 100 billion a year that illegal aliens are costing us. That wall would be a bargain at twice the price. Tell me I'm wrong. I dare you.
BS number...and AF1 costs 4 Billion until Trump says no it wont
Someone, a liberal who shall remain nameless, was recently complaining that a wall on our southern border could cost as much as 25 million per mile. So, let's crunch some numbers. A 2,000 mile wall, at 25 million per mile, would cost 50 billion dollars. Sounds like a lot of money, right? Well, compare that to the 100 billion a year that illegal aliens are costing us. That wall would be a bargain at twice the price. Tell me I'm wrong. I dare you.

You are wrong. Undocumented immigrants help fuel our economy. Learn. Then post.
Illegal immigration does have some undeniably negative economic effects. Similarly skilled native-born workers are faced with a choice of either accepting lower pay or not working in the field at all. Labor economists have concluded that undocumented workers have lowered the wages of U.S. adults without a high-school diploma — 25 million of them — by anywhere between 0.4 to 7.4 percent.

The impact on everyone else, though, is surprisingly positive. Giovanni Peri, an economist at the University of California, Davis, has written a series of influential papers comparing the labor markets in states with high immigration levels to those with low ones. He concluded that undocumented workers do not compete with skilled laborers — instead, they complement them. Economies, as Adam Smith argued in “Wealth of Nations,” work best when workers become specialized and divide up tasks among themselves. Pedro Chan’s ability to take care of routine tasks on a work site allows carpenters and electricians to focus on what they do best. In states with more undocumented immigrants, Peri said, skilled workers made more money and worked more hours; the economy’s productivity grew. From 1990 to 2007, undocumented workers increased legal workers’ pay in complementary jobs by up to 10 percent.

Do Illegal Immigrants Actually Hurt the U.S. Economy?
Illegals use up a LOT of taxpayer money. Most are on one form of welfare or another. Most have kids in schools. Many are incarcerated, and take up inordinate law enforcement resources.

The wall doesn't have to cover every single mile of the border. As with any major project, the wall will be built where it makes most sense to build it. Elsewhere there may be a fence or nothing at all. Check with the Israeli's. they have experience with a wall that has been very, very effective in stopping terrorist attacks.

Any government project is minimally "effective." Building the wall, like most government capital projects, will create short-term employment, which helps the economy as that money flows out. Just like a "bridge to nowhere," a Wall will have some benefits coming back, even if it doesn't stop a single bandit from crossing over. It's effect will also be psychological, telling our neighbors from the south (not only Mexico) that we are SERIOUS ABOUT OUR IMMIGRATION LAWS, unlike in the recent past.

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