Nunes' Dud Memo may have strengthened Mueller's Quest

Given the anti-climatic environment that this Nunes memo has caused, and given the rush by several high ranking republicans (Ryan, Gowdy, et al) to assure us that the Nunes' fiasco has NOTHING to do with impugning the Mueller investigation, this past couple of days may have actually helped cement the carrying on of this investigative quest.......

WH spokespeople (and AG Session himself) have confirmed that Rosenstein is FIRMLY in his position and Trump appointed FBI director, Wray is also not threatened..........One has to wonder if this Nunes' "nothing burger" was really worth all the hoopla that it caused.

No doubt, trump finds himself in a corner.....debating the "power" he has to fire folks at will.....BUT, being cautioned that exercising that "power" would be a death knell for his administration.
Are you on crack? How the hell does the primary source of the entire investigation being shown to be demorat and clinton fraud bolster the case?
lies half truths and omissions make up this memo being used to protect a putin loving drumph... repubs are shatting their pants with the good possibility of losing their jobs on election day

The Democrats have already revealed their intent to repeal tax reform as part of their campaign program for 2018.

That will be as popular as Cat Turd Au Vin.
So anti climatic every liberal news talk show on Sunday will be airing a segment...


I plan to watch, for once.
gaining an education into what republicans are really all about I hope
NOTHING in this memo is of legal consequence Looks like it was written by a first year law student

Edds, the FISA courts, FBI and the DOJ of the prior admin were used to find ANY kind of dirt on Trump while ignoring the crimes of Hillary and ignoring the Wikileaks revelations that were 1000 times more credible than the dossier of Christopher Steele who was paid for by the FBI, Fusion GPS (that was paid for by the Clinton Campaign) that has been totally debunked.

Take off the blinders, Edds......
Given the anti-climatic environment that this Nunes memo has caused, and given the rush by several high ranking republicans (Ryan, Gowdy, et al) to assure us that the Nunes' fiasco has NOTHING to do with impugning the Mueller investigation, this past couple of days may have actually helped cement the carrying on of this investigative quest.......

WH spokespeople (and AG Session himself) have confirmed that Rosenstein is FIRMLY in his position and Trump appointed FBI director, Wray is also not threatened..........One has to wonder if this Nunes' "nothing burger" was really worth all the hoopla that it caused.

No doubt, trump finds himself in a corner.....debating the "power" he has to fire folks at will.....BUT, being cautioned that exercising that "power" would be a death knell for his administration.
Are you on crack? How the hell does the primary source of the entire investigation being shown to be demorat and clinton fraud bolster the case?
lies half truths and omissions make up this memo being used to protect a putin loving drumph... repubs are shatting their pants with the good possibility of losing their jobs on election day

The Democrats have already revealed their intent to repeal tax reform as part of their campaign program for 2018.

That will be as popular as Cat Turd Au Vin.
can I disagree with that while still hating the vile POS in our WH ?
Given the anti-climatic environment that this Nunes memo has caused, and given the rush by several high ranking republicans (Ryan, Gowdy, et al) to assure us that the Nunes' fiasco has NOTHING to do with impugning the Mueller investigation, this past couple of days may have actually helped cement the carrying on of this investigative quest.......

WH spokespeople (and AG Session himself) have confirmed that Rosenstein is FIRMLY in his position and Trump appointed FBI director, Wray is also not threatened..........One has to wonder if this Nunes' "nothing burger" was really worth all the hoopla that it caused.

No doubt, trump finds himself in a corner.....debating the "power" he has to fire folks at will.....BUT, being cautioned that exercising that "power" would be a death knell for his administration.
Are you on crack? How the hell does the primary source of the entire investigation being shown to be demorat and clinton fraud bolster the case?
lies half truths and omissions make up this memo being used to protect a putin loving drumph... repubs are shatting their pants with the good possibility of losing their jobs on election day

The Democrats have already revealed their intent to repeal tax reform as part of their campaign program for 2018.

That will be as popular as Cat Turd Au Vin.
can I disagree with that while still hating the vile POS in our WH ?

How can you disagree with that? Who will support giving their gains back to the government?
So anti climatic every liberal news talk show on Sunday will be airing a segment...


I plan to watch, for once.
gaining an education into what republicans are really all about I hope

Nope. Laughing over my Sunday morning pancakes.
now you know how I feel watching the pervert in chief attacking our DOJ our FBI.....Where is your shame BK Where is your shame?
So anti climatic every liberal news talk show on Sunday will be airing a segment...


I plan to watch, for once.
gaining an education into what republicans are really all about I hope

Nope. Laughing over my Sunday morning pancakes.
now you know how I feel watching the pervert in chief attacking our DOJ our FBI.....Where is your shame BK Where is your shame?

Trump is living rent free in your head Eddie :itsok:
More information is going to be released. The memo and the 99 page release with redactions of names shows that the DOJ, FISA courts and the FBI were weaponized to keep the status quo of the deep state.

BTW, step lightly when you call someone that knows infinitely more than you an "idiot", punkinpuss.

Predictably, you got NOTHING

LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yeah, you are SOOOOO out of the loop.

Loop me in - give a SINGLE PREDICTION of what will come out of this "bigger than Watergate!!!" memo.

One thing.

Are you shitting me? This is ALREADY bigger than Watergate? Do you even have the slightest clue as to the significance of FISA warrants being given using a fake dossier paid for by the opposing party of a private citizen that is running for office? How fucking stupid are you???? Think, son....think! It will be a new and liberating experience. The corruption and the exposure of even more of it is forthcoming. The surface has barely been scratched.

lol idiot, I'm asking for a SPECIFIC, TESTABLE prediction.

If like you say FISA warrant was issued improperly then Page's constitutional rights were violated and he should have a slam dunk case against the government....RIGHT? So go ahead predict that one will be filed.

You have no clue as to how the FISA warrants can be issued and how it is based on being renewed every 90 days and all they had was Carter Page based on an investigation that was concluded in 2013 and then switched it to the defrocked Christopher Steele dossier funded by the Clinton campaign? How blind are you? Steele allegedly used Russian intel for the dossier to prove that Trump and Russian intel conspired to reveal the corruption of the DNC by hacking their server (lie, btw) and THEN passed those incriminating e-mails to Julian Assange? Get a clue, dude.

People are royally pissed about what was revealed may stay in your little "echo chamber" and sheltered from the reactions of the people but I have a good feel for the pulse of those that use social media.
Given the anti-climatic environment that this Nunes memo has caused, and given the rush by several high ranking republicans (Ryan, Gowdy, et al) to assure us that the Nunes' fiasco has NOTHING to do with impugning the Mueller investigation, this past couple of days may have actually helped cement the carrying on of this investigative quest.......

WH spokespeople (and AG Session himself) have confirmed that Rosenstein is FIRMLY in his position and Trump appointed FBI director, Wray is also not threatened..........One has to wonder if this Nunes' "nothing burger" was really worth all the hoopla that it caused.

No doubt, trump finds himself in a corner.....debating the "power" he has to fire folks at will.....BUT, being cautioned that exercising that "power" would be a death knell for his administration.

You can see that Trump and the GOP are throwing ANYTHING against the wall now to try to stop Mueller because they know SOMETHING is coming. And it isn't good.

Lying Donald and the GOP monkeys that support him seem to be stuck in this Fake Fox News bubble where they actually think most people watch Fox News. Fox has maybe 3+ million viewers a day if that, whereas each of the network news shows CBS, NBC, ABC, have about 7 million viewers EACH. Toss in CNN, MSNBC and any of the other legitimate news outlets and the Fake Fox News bubble is tiny. But it's all the orange turd and the McConnell/Ryan tapeworm have.
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So anti climatic every liberal news talk show on Sunday will be airing a segment...


I plan to watch, for once.
gaining an education into what republicans are really all about I hope

Nope. Laughing over my Sunday morning pancakes.
now you know how I feel watching the pervert in chief attacking our DOJ our FBI.....Where is your shame BK Where is your shame?

Trump is living rent free in your head Eddie :itsok:
sorry I have 10 tenants and they all pay rent......trump is garbage and I can't trust anyone who believes differently Tell me you like him better than Hillary but don't tell me he isn't vile garbage
So anti climatic every liberal news talk show on Sunday will be airing a segment...


I plan to watch, for once.
gaining an education into what republicans are really all about I hope

Nope. Laughing over my Sunday morning pancakes.
now you know how I feel watching the pervert in chief attacking our DOJ our FBI.....Where is your shame BK Where is your shame?

Logic and common sense have no shame.
the russians are attacking our democracy and republicans are aiding them.....plain and simple
You have no clue as to how the FISA warrants can be issued and how it is based on being renewed every 90 days and all they had was Carter Page based on an investigation that was concluded in 2013 and then switched it to the defrocked Christopher Steele dossier funded by the Clinton campaign? How blind are you? .

From someone who has seen the FISA warrant (Rep Jerry Nadler) the warrant was marked TS SIGINT from NSA. Meaning the probe on Carter Page was based in part on conversations he had with the Russians.

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