Nunes' Dud Memo may have strengthened Mueller's Quest

Only a blithering , braindead idiot would claim that the memo was "nothing". It's only the biggest exposure of corruption that makes Watergate pale in comparison and more is coming.

WOW....we have Smitty on here stating that this is BIGGER than

Standard comparison, bigger than watergate. More evil than Hitler. The usual superlatives. When they're used to discribe nothing, you can smell their desperation.
No, Carter Page was under investigation in 2013 and was approached by the FBI and was totally forthcoming about his trip to Russia. The dossier created by a discredited FBI source was the reason behind the tapping and surveillance of anyone that was connected to Trump as an "insurance policy" against a Hildebeast loss. It's not gonna work because President Trump is simply playing his role to take down the "deep state" by the white hats that planned this LONG before Trump was handpicked to be the face of it. The depth of corruption and thievery that is going to be revealed is going to blow that tiny little muscle in between your ears

.........what? No mention of Goldilocks in that cute post???
Or your deep state is actually the deep red state. Putin is a master at starting civil wars. Because where there is confusion, there is profit.

LMAO!!!!!!!! Dude, I don't even know where to start as to tell you how you have absolutely no clue.

Repoublicans are getting played. Explain why russians bots are posting the same talking points the republicans are. Chicken vs Egg. Horse vs Cart.
This trump is a sleezeball a lying pervert who makes a mockery of our presidency and our democracy ,,,And he runs like the coward he is trying to rid himself of all those who know of his obstruction and money laundering ,,,

The book Fire and Fury documents that Trump and associates didn't expect to win the election. Trump was lining up a Trump TV deal, and his other top aids interviewing for their next job. That's why nobody was worried about all their russian contacts, which wouldn't matter had Trump lost.

Trump is just the face of taking down the deep state that does the heavy lifting of the shadow government that has been the hidden power since the Federal Reserve Act of 1913. Trump did not ask for this. He was picked by high ranking military leaders to stop what was happening. Remember the big time purge of military leaders by the Barrypuppet in 2013?
gaining an education into what republicans are really all about I hope

Nope. Laughing over my Sunday morning pancakes.
now you know how I feel watching the pervert in chief attacking our DOJ our FBI.....Where is your shame BK Where is your shame?

Edds, the DOJ and the FBI has been weaponized as a deep state operative tool and it has been exposed. This goes back to the days of Ronald Reagan. The FBI has been used as the gatekeepers of black-ops and protecting the D.C elites and that is a fact.
is it not also a fact they alone are allowed to investigate the president? This trump is a sleezeball a lying pervert who makes a mockery of our presidency and our democracy ,,,And he runs like the coward he is trying to rid himself of all those who know of his obstruction and money laundering ,,,tell me you think hill is whatever that obama caused the recession but don't tell me you can't smell out that rotten pos in our wh

Edds, the head of the FBI (Comey) had already decided to exonerate the Hildebeast BEFORE the investigation ever started into her private server that would keep her out of the watchful eye of the Dot Gov ITs and prevent her from getting FOIA requests. She deleted e-mails, smashed her portable devices and her lemmings were allowed to crush their hard-drives. They were given immunity as well. The Wikileaks revelations show that the DNC was utterly corrupt to the core. How they conspired to steal the nomination from Sanders to showing utterly corrupt tactics to steal the national election.
dale fk politics Who do you like in the game tomorrow?
If it's a dud why did Democrats fight so hard to prevent it from being released? Why were they claiming releasing it would bring the Apocalypse?

Because, democrats did not know that Nunes was so fucking bad at writing fiction.....they thought he'd be better....He wasn't.
Are you on crack? How the hell does the primary source of the entire investigation being shown to be demorat and clinton fraud bolster the case?

Because you eternal moron, the FISA issue has NOTHING to do with Mueller's investigation.......Look up the letter that appoints Mueller to be the special prosecutor...ZERO mention of a dossier or FiISA or Page.........try
Trump is just the face of taking down the deep state that does the heavy lifting of the shadow government that has been the hidden power since the Federal Reserve Act of 1913. Trump did not ask for this. He was picked by high ranking military leaders to stop what was happening. Remember the big time purge of military leaders by the Barrypuppet in 2013?

American or Russian military leaders?
Trump is just the face

The Democrats have already revealed their intent to repeal tax reform as part of their campaign program for 2018.

Actually to switch the 80-20 percentage to the middle class from the GOP conglomerate donors....not the other way around.
Or your deep state is actually the deep red state. Putin is a master at starting civil wars. Because where there is confusion, there is profit.

LMAO!!!!!!!! Dude, I don't even know where to start as to tell you how you have absolutely no clue.

Repoublicans are getting played. Explain why russians bots are posting the same talking points the republicans are. Chicken vs Egg. Horse vs Cart.
Or your deep state is actually the deep red state. Putin is a master at starting civil wars. Because where there is confusion, there is profit.

LMAO!!!!!!!! Dude, I don't even know where to start as to tell you how you have absolutely no clue.

Repoublicans are getting played. Explain why russians bots are posting the same talking points the republicans are. Chicken vs Egg. Horse vs Cart.

Spare me, I have as much disdain for the neocons as I do the fabian socialists. I KNOW of what I speak. I was a former supporter of the Bush crime family because I didn't know any better and was stuck in the left versus right paradigm. The picture is crystal clear to me since I educated myself. You are blinded by an ideology that you swear to while being led off of the cliff.
Liberals lie so much they contradict themselves every 30 seconds. The memo will cause a constitutional crisis...the memo is a nothing burger

Ahhhhh. we finally agree on something,
Nope. Laughing over my Sunday morning pancakes.
now you know how I feel watching the pervert in chief attacking our DOJ our FBI.....Where is your shame BK Where is your shame?

Edds, the DOJ and the FBI has been weaponized as a deep state operative tool and it has been exposed. This goes back to the days of Ronald Reagan. The FBI has been used as the gatekeepers of black-ops and protecting the D.C elites and that is a fact.
is it not also a fact they alone are allowed to investigate the president? This trump is a sleezeball a lying pervert who makes a mockery of our presidency and our democracy ,,,And he runs like the coward he is trying to rid himself of all those who know of his obstruction and money laundering ,,,tell me you think hill is whatever that obama caused the recession but don't tell me you can't smell out that rotten pos in our wh

Edds, the head of the FBI (Comey) had already decided to exonerate the Hildebeast BEFORE the investigation ever started into her private server that would keep her out of the watchful eye of the Dot Gov ITs and prevent her from getting FOIA requests. She deleted e-mails, smashed her portable devices and her lemmings were allowed to crush their hard-drives. They were given immunity as well. The Wikileaks revelations show that the DNC was utterly corrupt to the core. How they conspired to steal the nomination from Sanders to showing utterly corrupt tactics to steal the national election.
dale fk politics Who do you like in the game tomorrow?

Edds, if the game was played fairly and on a level playing field? I would pick the Eagles....but the NFL isn't any different than the WWF. Money corrupts the Pats.
the DOJ and the FBI has been weaponized as a deep state operative tool

......and FOX news will be back after this short

It is fairly certain that along with a Hillary Clinton win in a couple of months, democrats will also hold a slight majority in the Senate and the SCOTUS will soon after return to some semblance of sanity.....

However, the House will remain in republican hands......and we should expect a long list of select House committees' investigations, witch hunts, obstruction of any major legislation, incessant posturing by uktra conservative representatives (pity Paul Ryan), and at least 2 years of do-nothing stagnation from this chamber of our legislature.

(But, for entertainment, we WILL be "blessed" in having the new Trump Cable Network rivaling and battling Fox for outrageous news coverage.)
Given the anti-climatic environment that this Nunes memo has caused, and given the rush by several high ranking republicans (Ryan, Gowdy, et al) to assure us that the Nunes' fiasco has NOTHING to do with impugning the Mueller investigation, this past couple of days may have actually helped cement the carrying on of this investigative quest.......

WH spokespeople (and AG Session himself) have confirmed that Rosenstein is FIRMLY in his position and Trump appointed FBI director, Wray is also not threatened..........One has to wonder if this Nunes' "nothing burger" was really worth all the hoopla that it caused.

No doubt, trump finds himself in a corner.....debating the "power" he has to fire folks at will.....BUT, being cautioned that exercising that "power" would be a death knell for his administration.

Yeah, DOJ asked to vacate Manaforts conviction cuz, nothing.

Yeah, DOJ asked to vacate Manaforts conviction cuz, nothing.

Manafort was ALREADY convicted, Frankie???? WOW the things you learn from right wing

Without doubt, Trump will win a few primaries which will send the ego-maniac into a frenzy of even more stupid and fascist statements; however, the GOP will never allow for him to be given the nomination prompting a 3rd party run by the acerbic comedian.

Bottom line: The easiest Democratic win next November in many, many years.

Says nat4900

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