Nunes' Dud Memo may have strengthened Mueller's Quest

Without doubt, Trump will win a few primaries which will send the ego-maniac into a frenzy of even more stupid and fascist statements; however, the GOP will never allow for him to be given the nomination prompting a 3rd party run by the acerbic comedian.

Bottom line: The easiest Democratic win next November in many, many years.

Without doubt, Trump will win a few primaries which will send the ego-maniac into a frenzy of even more stupid and fascist statements; however, the GOP will never allow for him to be given the nomination prompting a 3rd party run by the acerbic comedian.

Bottom line: The easiest Democratic win next November in many, many years.


Speaking of douche bags..........Clinton will still win......but not at the same landslide as previously thought.....So, only "pissed" at the treachery....not the end result.

Look, right wingers....I FULLY understand your desperation with just a few weeks before Clinton's win....At this point ANYTHING that can smear Clinton's reputation is like a life-line for your desperate grasp to cling toward.....

It isn't going to work.....Is Hillary not always a nice person??? Probably......She has aged in an environment of hatred toward her since the Arkansas days.........
But is Hillary much saner than Trump? You bet your genitals she is.

Predictably, you got NOTHING

LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yeah, you are SOOOOO out of the loop.

Loop me in - give a SINGLE PREDICTION of what will come out of this "bigger than Watergate!!!" memo.

One thing.

Are you shitting me? This is ALREADY bigger than Watergate? Do you even have the slightest clue as to the significance of FISA warrants being given using a fake dossier paid for by the opposing party of a private citizen that is running for office? How fucking stupid are you???? Think, son....think! It will be a new and liberating experience. The corruption and the exposure of even more of it is forthcoming. The surface has barely been scratched.

lol idiot, I'm asking for a SPECIFIC, TESTABLE prediction.

If like you say FISA warrant was issued improperly then Page's constitutional rights were violated and he should have a slam dunk case against the government....RIGHT? So go ahead predict that one will be filed.

You have no clue as to how the FISA warrants can be issued and how it is based on being renewed every 90 days and all they had was Carter Page based on an investigation that was concluded in 2013 and then switched it to the defrocked Christopher Steele dossier funded by the Clinton campaign? How blind are you? Steele allegedly used Russian intel for the dossier to prove that Trump and Russian intel conspired to reveal the corruption of the DNC by hacking their server (lie, btw) and THEN passed those incriminating e-mails to Julian Assange? Get a clue, dude.

People are royally pissed about what was revealed may stay in your little "echo chamber" and sheltered from the reactions of the people but I have a good feel for the pulse of those that use social media.

Isn’t it funny how you don’t have any confidence in the crap you type to make EVEN ONE testable prediction?

I’ve got one - NOTHING will come of this memo. Republicans blew their load, Democrats will turn in their memo and everyone will run back to their corner while Trump will be forced to have a chat with Mueller.

Steeley was getting paid for his research you DNC, but him going to FBI to report his findings is not evidence of corruption, it is evidence of doing the right thing.

Assertion that what he reported was the entirety of FISA warrant basis is BASELESS at this time, just like the piles of bullshit you post.
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I’ve got one - NOTHING will come of this memo. Republicans blew their load, Democrats will turn in their memo and everyone will run back to their corner while Trump will be forced to have a chat with Mueller..

I don't see Trump talking to Mueller. Trump is incapable of telling the truth, and his lies would be a felony he can't pardon his way out of.
I don't see Trump talking to Mueller. Trump is incapable of telling the truth, and his lies would be a felony he can't pardon his way out of.

I agree.....Trump's legal team is much smarter than he is (well, just about anybody is smarter than the buffoon).....and he cannot be allowed to testify (either under oath or not since even when not under oath, lying to FBI agents is a felony.)

Most likely, Mueller will present a lengthy report to Congress and let those dimwits decide what to do next.
LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yeah, you are SOOOOO out of the loop.

Loop me in - give a SINGLE PREDICTION of what will come out of this "bigger than Watergate!!!" memo.

One thing.

Are you shitting me? This is ALREADY bigger than Watergate? Do you even have the slightest clue as to the significance of FISA warrants being given using a fake dossier paid for by the opposing party of a private citizen that is running for office? How fucking stupid are you???? Think, son....think! It will be a new and liberating experience. The corruption and the exposure of even more of it is forthcoming. The surface has barely been scratched.

lol idiot, I'm asking for a SPECIFIC, TESTABLE prediction.

If like you say FISA warrant was issued improperly then Page's constitutional rights were violated and he should have a slam dunk case against the government....RIGHT? So go ahead predict that one will be filed.

You have no clue as to how the FISA warrants can be issued and how it is based on being renewed every 90 days and all they had was Carter Page based on an investigation that was concluded in 2013 and then switched it to the defrocked Christopher Steele dossier funded by the Clinton campaign? How blind are you? Steele allegedly used Russian intel for the dossier to prove that Trump and Russian intel conspired to reveal the corruption of the DNC by hacking their server (lie, btw) and THEN passed those incriminating e-mails to Julian Assange? Get a clue, dude.

People are royally pissed about what was revealed may stay in your little "echo chamber" and sheltered from the reactions of the people but I have a good feel for the pulse of those that use social media.

Isn’t it funny how you don’t have any confidence in the crap you type to make EVEN ONE testable prediction?

I’ve got one - NOTHING will come of this memo. Republicans blew their load, Democrats will turn in their memo and everyone will run back to their corner while Trump will be forced to have a chat with Mueller.

Steeley was getting paid for his research you DNC, but him going to FBI to report his findings is not evidence of corruption, it is evidence of doing the right thing.

Assertion that what he reported was the entirety of FISA warrant basis is BASELESS at this time, just like the piles of bullshit you post.

"Isn’t it funny how you don’t have any confidence in the crap you type to make EVEN ONE testable prediction?"

Sure I do........those involved in this coup like Comey, McCabe and others are going to be facing charges.

"I’ve got one - NOTHING will come of this memo. Republicans blew their load, Democrats will turn in their memo and everyone will run back to their corner while Trump will be forced to have a chat with Mueller"

Where is the one thing that the Dems can point to that can refute the fact that the FISA warrants were not based on a bogus dossier? It's total bullshit and it disgusts me to see how the NSA (just like I predicted would happen) would be weaponized to keep the status quo. You must be REALLY pissed that Admiral Mike Rogers had a secret meeting with Trump to let him know that he was being under constant surveillance. Does it piss you off? I bet it does.........

"Steeley was getting paid for his research you DNC, but him going to FBI to report his findings is not evidence of corruption, it is evidence of doing the right thing."

#1 His last name is "Steele" that has had his dossier debunked and he was paid by the FBI and the Clinton campaign. The accusation that President Trump paying a prostitute to piss on the bed that Barrypuppet slept in was a machination of something someone reported on 4chan that never happened.

#2 The dossier was financed by his political opponents and those that work within the deep state.

"Assertion that what he reported was the entirety of FISA warrant basis is BASELESS at this time, just like the piles of bullshit you post"

LOL! The FISA warrants were given per the debunked "dossier" paid for by the FBI and the Hilliary campaign and the FISA courts were never aware of the source. There is nothing there....nothing to be had. Trump and the white hats have worked your deep state pals like a crack whore while letting themselves prepare their own downfall. Wait and see.....this goes deeper than you could ever imagine. President Trump is going nowhere and the truth is going to be put out in the open. Major players in this failed coup have retained lawyers. Sucks to be you about right now........
the carter page FISA Warrant BEGAN the month AFTER HE LEFT the Trump campaign, and NOT while he was on the campaign team....

FOX is LYING TO YOU, the warrant was not to spy through surveillance on Carter...the Trump Campaign team, Carter Paige was no longer a part of it, he was forced to resign back in September....30 or so days earlier than the warrant

your god/president is lying too....

I'd like to know what he is working overtime on, to hide? Don't any of you Trumpettes want to know?
And was barely connected to the Trump campaign and never met trump in person.
Predictably, you got NOTHING

LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yeah, you are SOOOOO out of the loop.

Loop me in - give a SINGLE PREDICTION of what will come out of this "bigger than Watergate!!!" memo.

One thing.

Are you shitting me? This is ALREADY bigger than Watergate? Do you even have the slightest clue as to the significance of FISA warrants being given using a fake dossier paid for by the opposing party of a private citizen that is running for office? How fucking stupid are you???? Think, son....think! It will be a new and liberating experience. The corruption and the exposure of even more of it is forthcoming. The surface has barely been scratched.

lol idiot, I'm asking for a SPECIFIC, TESTABLE prediction.

If like you say FISA warrant was issued improperly then Page's constitutional rights were violated and he should have a slam dunk case against the government....RIGHT? So go ahead predict that one will be filed.

You have no clue as to how the FISA warrants can be issued and how it is based on being renewed every 90 days and all they had was Carter Page based on an investigation that was concluded in 2013 and then switched it to the defrocked Christopher Steele dossier funded by the Clinton campaign? How blind are you? Steele allegedly used Russian intel for the dossier to prove that Trump and Russian intel conspired to reveal the corruption of the DNC by hacking their server (lie, btw) and THEN passed those incriminating e-mails to Julian Assange? Get a clue, dude.

People are royally pissed about what was revealed may stay in your little "echo chamber" and sheltered from the reactions of the people but I have a good feel for the pulse of those that use social media.
No, Republicans are pissed. But they make crappy Americans anyway. Meanwhile, within 24 hours of the release of that memo, Nunes’ opponent for his seat is already using the memo to beat Nunes over the head in a campaign ad and has already had more than $100,000 pour in in support.
Only a blithering , braindead idiot would claim that the memo was "nothing". It's only the biggest exposure of corruption that makes Watergate pale in comparison and more is coming.

Ok idiot, lets put that to the test.

Make a testable prediction on what will happen as a result of this memo.

More information is going to be released. The memo and the 99 page release with redactions of names shows that the DOJ, FISA courts and the FBI were weaponized to keep the status quo of the deep state.

BTW, step lightly when you call someone that knows infinitely more than you an "idiot", punkinpuss.
Who is in the deep state?

Who heads the Deep state and for what end purpose?

Are they a bunch of people who don't even know each other or do they have secret society meetings off site to coordinate their actions to achieve their goal?

And again what is their goal? Do they get paid extra money by the deep state head, to clandestantly follow this head and do illegal things for them?

Who is behind the scenes controlling this Deep State's Mission? Are there different levels of authority within this deep state?

Do you REALLY want to know or are you simply trying to yank my chain? I know this stuff like the back of my hand and how it all works. I am not going to waste my time if you are just trying to "goof" on me.
I'm trying to understand how in the world this whole Deep State thing can work just doesn't even seem feasible to me, in any kind of logical way that I can see my mind even believing.... In general, I'm a very detailed oriented person, that relies on numbers and facts and organization and the desire for knowledge of how things work and am not able to even enjoy things if I don't see how, logically....step by step, they can be real....

I can't even enjoy a movie, that is science fiction, if I can't envision the things of the future in the movie or book, could happen some day....

like I enjoyed Star Wars... the whole series but the parts that just seemed silly and unfeasible, like on the first Star Wars movie or maybe it was the Empire Strikes back?...the Bar Scene with all the humanoid creepy animals in it....that was a scene that I wish was edited out.... yet I could logically accept RTD2 and 3po, and even their craft and warp speed etc....

So what I am looking for regarding this Deep State are things like, WHO, WHAT, WHERE, WHEN. WHY. and HOW, so I can understand and perhaps even accept that it is even feasible, which would be the first step, in me being able to believe, there actually IS or is not, a so called ''DEEP STATE''....

I am not trying to hurt you or put you down, I just do not have the capability to believe stuff I just can't logically see as possible.... except...

the exception is God.... I believe there is a God, even though I can't see it as something scientific or logical or there is any logistical way for this to even be true....but it is true, to me, no matter how I can break it down and even show in realistic terms it is impossible.... I still know, actually even beyond know, that God does exist....even though I know it seems crazy and is crazy to a degree, I still believe it to be true and there is nothing and no one, that can change this.... which is very weird for me, who usually can not believe, the unbelievable....
LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yeah, you are SOOOOO out of the loop.

Loop me in - give a SINGLE PREDICTION of what will come out of this "bigger than Watergate!!!" memo.

One thing.

Are you shitting me? This is ALREADY bigger than Watergate? Do you even have the slightest clue as to the significance of FISA warrants being given using a fake dossier paid for by the opposing party of a private citizen that is running for office? How fucking stupid are you???? Think, son....think! It will be a new and liberating experience. The corruption and the exposure of even more of it is forthcoming. The surface has barely been scratched.

lol idiot, I'm asking for a SPECIFIC, TESTABLE prediction.

If like you say FISA warrant was issued improperly then Page's constitutional rights were violated and he should have a slam dunk case against the government....RIGHT? So go ahead predict that one will be filed.

You have no clue as to how the FISA warrants can be issued and how it is based on being renewed every 90 days and all they had was Carter Page based on an investigation that was concluded in 2013 and then switched it to the defrocked Christopher Steele dossier funded by the Clinton campaign? How blind are you? Steele allegedly used Russian intel for the dossier to prove that Trump and Russian intel conspired to reveal the corruption of the DNC by hacking their server (lie, btw) and THEN passed those incriminating e-mails to Julian Assange? Get a clue, dude.

People are royally pissed about what was revealed may stay in your little "echo chamber" and sheltered from the reactions of the people but I have a good feel for the pulse of those that use social media.
No, Republicans are pissed. But they make crappy Americans anyway. Meanwhile, within 24 hours of the release of that memo, Nunes’ opponent for his seat is already using the memo to beat Nunes over the head in a campaign ad and has already had more than $100,000 pour in in support.
Only a blithering , braindead idiot would claim that the memo was "nothing". It's only the biggest exposure of corruption that makes Watergate pale in comparison and more is coming.

Ok idiot, lets put that to the test.

Make a testable prediction on what will happen as a result of this memo.

More information is going to be released. The memo and the 99 page release with redactions of names shows that the DOJ, FISA courts and the FBI were weaponized to keep the status quo of the deep state.

BTW, step lightly when you call someone that knows infinitely more than you an "idiot", punkinpuss.
Who is in the deep state?

Who heads the Deep state and for what end purpose?

Are they a bunch of people who don't even know each other or do they have secret society meetings off site to coordinate their actions to achieve their goal?

And again what is their goal? Do they get paid extra money by the deep state head, to clandestantly follow this head and do illegal things for them?

Who is behind the scenes controlling this Deep State's Mission? Are there different levels of authority within this deep state?

Do you REALLY want to know or are you simply trying to yank my chain? I know this stuff like the back of my hand and how it all works. I am not going to waste my time if you are just trying to "goof" on me.
I'm trying to understand how in the world this whole Deep State thing can work just doesn't even seem feasible to me, in any kind of logical way that I can see my mind even believing.... In general, I'm a very detailed oriented person, that relies on numbers and facts and organization and the desire for knowledge of how things work and am not able to even enjoy things if I don't see how, logically....step by step, they can be real....

I can't even enjoy a movie, that is science fiction, if I can't envision the things of the future in the movie or book, could happen some day....

like I enjoyed Star Wars... the whole series but the parts that just seemed silly and unfeasible, like on the first Star Wars movie or maybe it was the Empire Strikes back?...the Bar Scene with all the humanoid creepy animals in it....that was a scene that I wish was edited out.... yet I could logically accept RTD2 and 3po, and even their craft and warp speed etc....

So what I am looking for regarding this Deep State are things like, WHO, WHAT, WHERE, WHEN. WHY. and HOW, so I can understand and perhaps even accept that it is even feasible, which would be the first step, in me being able to believe, there actually IS or is not, a so called ''DEEP STATE''....

I am not trying to hurt you or put you down, I just do not have the capability to believe stuff I just can't logically see as possible.... except...

the exception is God.... I believe there is a God, even though I can't see it as something scientific or logical or there is any logistical way for this to even be true....but it is true, to me, no matter how I can break it down and even show in realistic terms it is impossible.... I still know, actually even beyond know, that God does exist....even though I know it seems crazy and is crazy to a degree, I still believe it to be true and there is nothing and no one, that can change this.... which is very weird for me, who usually can not believe, the unbelievable....

I believe that you have a good heart and you have every reason to be skeptical of the things that I have posted here. I have stated many times to not to take my word for it but to do your own due diligence. I state this when I do a podcast, radio interview or a talk at a public forum. The things that I know? I have attacked from every angle possible to make sure that it leads to the same destination. I have spent my own money and have dedicated thousands of hours of my personal time to find the truth. You see? I was once a "neocon" that backed George W Bush and the wars that followed the false flag event that was 9/11. I can never take enough showers to wash that stench off of me once I had my epiphany.

I dedicated myself to seeking the truth because of my past of backing a POS like Bush. I became a dogged reader and researcher. This journey has put me in contact with many whistleblowers that have risked their lives to tell us what was happening. Tyrone Hayes, Dane Wigington, Brigadier General Benton Partin, Cody Snogres, etc, etc. You want to take the red pill? Before I take you down this rabbit hole, watch "JFK To 9/11.....Everything Is A Rich Man's Trick". You can find it on youtube for free. If you have a heart, you will have tears in your eyes, lump in your throat and a burning anger like I did. Francis Richard Conolly, the man that produced this incredible documentary is a personal friend of mine. I will be a consultant on the sequel to this documentary that has been seen over a BILLION times. Invest three hours and watch this....then we can talk if you are ready to go on this journey. It's up to you..........but the "deep state" exists and works at the leisure of the shadow government that was created with the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 when our monetary system was turned over to international bankers.

LOL! Yeah, if the Nunes memo is a "dud," "contains no new information," "says nothing new," etc., etc., then why, why, why, why, why did the Dems fight like rabid dogs to try to keep it sealed?
LOL! Yeah, if the Nunes memo is a "dud," "contains no new information," "says nothing new," etc., etc., then why, why, why, why, why did the Dems fight like rabid dogs to try to keep it sealed?
because we knew folks like you would believe all the bullshit in the memo
I plan to watch, for once.
gaining an education into what republicans are really all about I hope

Nope. Laughing over my Sunday morning pancakes.
now you know how I feel watching the pervert in chief attacking our DOJ our FBI.....Where is your shame BK Where is your shame?

Trump is living rent free in your head Eddie :itsok:
sorry I have 10 tenants and they all pay rent......trump is garbage and I can't trust anyone who believes differently Tell me you like him better than Hillary but don't tell me he isn't vile garbage

You reap what you sow.
Given the anti-climatic environment that this Nunes memo has caused, and given the rush by several high ranking republicans (Ryan, Gowdy, et al) to assure us that the Nunes' fiasco has NOTHING to do with impugning the Mueller investigation, this past couple of days may have actually helped cement the carrying on of this investigative quest.......

WH spokespeople (and AG Session himself) have confirmed that Rosenstein is FIRMLY in his position and Trump appointed FBI director, Wray is also not threatened..........One has to wonder if this Nunes' "nothing burger" was really worth all the hoopla that it caused.

No doubt, trump finds himself in a corner.....debating the "power" he has to fire folks at will.....BUT, being cautioned that exercising that "power" would be a death knell for his administration.
Total fucking bullshit, of course

What is?

This memo got the nutters half excited, NO ONE ELSE.

Enough congressional Republicans still say that if Trump tries to go after Rosenstein they are ready to start impeachment proceedings.

All the Dims were in a panic before it was released. They were predicting "Armageddon." They're all still clucking about it.

Trump has no intention of firing Rosenstein . . . . . . . yet.

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