NY AG identifies multple misleading statements in trump org financial records

If we found new trading partners and locked in new deals, what would we have to offer China if they came back to the table? Do you folks think beyond the moment? Agriculture products are fairly static and based on growing seasons. You can't just make more on demand.
Correct, I didn't mean to cut them off completely but having options could be a very good bargaining chip.
Pulling out of trans-pacific partnership was stupid.
China wasn't even involved, when Trump canceled it, China moved in and took a leading role in it, instead of the US.
Correct, I didn't mean to cut them off completely but having options could be a very good bargaining chip.
Pulling out of trans-pacific partnership was stupid.
China wasn't even involved, when Trump canceled it, China moved in and took a leading role in it, instead of the US.
Just one of many trump screw up when he was living at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.
Yeah, ok...lol. If "misleading statements" are the best the NY AG can come up with, then she might as well drop the case and go jerk off, or something.
Yes, cause trump is above the law, while the rest of us are not.
I already named a couple of them....
Ha Ha! You named a couple rich people. That is all you got. You think trump is King so he should walk free....like all you MAGA lunatics.
Ha Ha! You named a couple rich people. That is all you got. You think trump is King so he should walk free....like all you MAGA lunatics.

King? no....Where have I ever said he was "King"..... That's your snotty small minded lashing out at those that don't automatically agree with your hatred of the man....

What I think of Trump is that the ACTIONS he took as a President were conservative, and for that I support him...I wasn't a fan of all the sideshow fights and tweeting...

But, you will never accept that because that would take away an honest conversation with me, and it would take away yours, and other fellow travelers ability to denigrate your political opponents in favor of hiding behind the 'boogeyman' Trump and your hate....

You should be asking why Biden, the man you voted for is such a failure in all aspects of his Presidency to date.
King? no....Where have I ever said he was "King"..... That's your snotty small minded lashing out at those that don't automatically agree with your hatred of the man....

What I think of Trump is that the ACTIONS he took as a President were conservative, and for that I support him...I wasn't a fan of all the sideshow fights and tweeting...

But, you will never accept that because that would take away an honest conversation with me, and it would take away yours, and other fellow travelers ability to denigrate your political opponents in favor of hiding behind the 'boogeyman' Trump and your hate....

You should be asking why Biden, the man you voted for is such a failure in all aspects of his Presidency to date.
You named several wealthy people. Now tell me why they should be indicted....or shut up.
You named several wealthy people. Now tell me why they should be indicted....or shut up.
Well, Let's do the anal exam vendetta on them as well right? Then we'll see...I mean if we are now going to use the force of the law, and full force of the United States DoJ to go after someone who 'triggered' us, then turnabout is fair play....

And we will just keep devolving....Wonderful.
Well, Let's do the anal exam vendetta on them as well right? Then we'll see...I mean if we are now going to use the force of the law, and full force of the United States DoJ to go after someone who 'triggered' us, then turnabout is fair play....

And we will just keep devolving....Wonderful.
An AG investigation in NY is the "full force of the law?" REALLY? trump has been keeping two sets of books for years. Now he will pay.
An AG investigation in NY is the "full force of the law?" REALLY? trump has been keeping two sets of books for years. Now he will pay.
Great...Don't bitch when we go after Biden, or Hillary then...

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