NY moves to allow illegal immigrants to teach in public schools

What is wrong with people of New York? they just let their government and other agencies walk all over them. are they drugging their water supply or what? sheesh

Great, let the filthy bean eating sluts come in and indoctrinate our children to think its perfectly acceptable for criminals to just come into the country.
Pretty sure these subhumans are going to try and brainwash the children into having compassion for their greasy asses.
How about this, since we know were these taco makers are hiding, how about we just round them up and ship them back to their third world countries so the can teach there.
Maybe if they educate their vile spawn they can turn their own shit hole into somewhere worth living instead of destroying our country.
Is teaching another job that americans won't do? Hell - i'd prefer hiring homeless americans to be teachers rather than these bean-sucking parasites that can't even speak english and hate america.
Is teaching another job that americans won't do? Hell - i'd prefer hiring homeless americans to be teachers rather than these bean-sucking parasites that can't even speak english and hate america.
They wont after the burrito bandits get the pay scale down to 3 bucks an hour.
This violates multiple federal laws but obozo simply refuses to enforce any of our immigration laws.

NY moves to allow illegal immigrants to teach in public schools | Fox News

feb 26 2016 New York education officials are defending a hotly debated plan to allow illegal immigrants to be certified as public school teachers.

Saying the district doesn’t want to “close the door on their dreams,” state Education Commissioner MaryEllen Elia explained those eligible for the teaching certification came to America as children.

But the decision doesn’t sit well with many who believe the policy violates federal law and prevents lawful citizens from getting jobs they are qualified for.

“It is bad public policy,” said Hans von Spakovsky, senior legal fellow at the Washington D.C.-based Heritage Foundation, and a former U.S. Justice Department attorney. “It is a violation of federal immigration law.”

Under federal law, all employers are required to check that anyone they are hiring is either a citizen of the United States or a here legally who has permission to work, Spakovsky noted.

Boo, hiss, that is just wrong.
First and foremost jobs should go to qualified citizens. teachers should speak perfect english, that is understandable to the students. They should have a teaching degree from the US, preferably from the state where they will teach, as standards vary. Teachers should face a peer review every couple of years and can be fired for poor performance, like just "passing" failing students to fill some quota.

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