NY Post Story on Hunter Biden quickly unraveling.

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see there you go lying again,,,,

in fact thats more of a projection of what youre doing,,,
No projection. You’re just transparently crawfishing.

Dump the Shokin business because that is not defensible. Go with some vague hand waving with China because no one can argue against something which no one can understand.
Kamala should start distancing herself from the Bidens saying, "I warned you he was a bad guy, but I had no idea how bad!"
Why would she say something bad about dutiful Joe who has his own private set of dirt FBI files on everyone who ever ran against him?
Oops. I know Hillary doesn't recall much about the FBI files she expropriated from her pals in the FBI, but who here believes her bleached computer didn't contain dirt files on everyone known to the justice department, which would show her forgetfulness was feigned to more than one grand jury sessions she was called on to testify through filegate, Whitewater gate, Bengazigate, etc.
"More than 50 former senior intelligence officials have signed on to a letter outlining their belief that the recent disclosure of emails allegedly belonging to Joe Biden’s son “has all the classic earmarks of a Russian information operation.”'

As I said the Hunter Biden story continues to unravel.
When your sigs start with John Brennan and Jim Clapper you have less that zero credibility, Stupid.

You just keep humiliating yourself in this thread. :iyfyus.jpg:
I am not such a moron as you guys are to believe a fraudster like Steve Bannon or a Russian useful idiot like Guiliani.

I do not have to laugh that you attack two of the fifty intelligence officials because you have nothing else.

Nothing else at all.

Just sad and pathetic.
Our CURRENT intel officials confirm it has nothing to do with Russia, so I don't give a rip what Brennan, Clapper, and their minions say.

The emails and pics speak for themselves. All you morons have is RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA!!!!!!!!!!!!

It's getting pathetic.
Brennan and Clapper tried to stage a coup against a lawfully elected President, and this moron is telling us to take their word for it?
The sheer volume of dumbassery that comes from Johnlaw is astounding, huh?

You post trash and get called out on it. Then you whine, cry and lie when you lose an argument. That is your MO.

Nostra, you are one pitiful excuse of a debater, and seriously dimwitted to boot.
You are the one who thinks John Brennan has any credibility, Moron.

your thread has blown up in your face from page one.
The letter I posted was signed by 50 intelligence officials. You haven’t laid a glove on this thread. You keep huffin’ and puffin’ and all you get is out of breath. Now go get some rest. LOL.
Who cares how many Dim hacks signed it?
Exactly. None of them know what is going on now since they are no longer employed by the Govt.

Lefty hacks sign a letter full of speculation, the moron Johnlaw thinks that means something. :cuckoo:
More obvious made up hooey. Do you brainwashed drones every provide a shred of proof for your claims?
I’ve not lied. Azog has lied. You’re just clueless.

I’ve not lied.

Sure you have. You claimed to have "overwhelming evidence" proving this story is false.

That is a blatant lie. You have not brought a thing to back up that lie. Nothing. You have been running from that lie like the pussy you are.
see there you go lying again,,,,

in fact thats more of a projection of what youre doing,,,
No projection. You’re just transparently crawfishing.

Dump the Shokin business because that is not defensible. Go with some vague hand waving with China because no one can argue against something which no one can understand.
you are a sad sorry lost soul,,,

but please continue,,,
Hey Johnlaw looks like your thread just unraveled.

”Sources say”????? ..and these unnamed ”sources” agree with the partisan hack DNI John Ratcliffe! LOL
Come Back when you have something more credible.

So basically, your position is, "If you want to know what's going on in the intelligence community, don't listen to the Director of National Intelligence, because he doesn't hate Trump! Listen to all these unemployed losers; they hate Trump, so that makes them reliable!!!"

Come back when your existence is more credible.
you are a sad sorry lost soul,,,

but please continue,,,
This is exactly what I mean. If you had a case to make, you’d be doing so. But you’re running away from the Shokin business and avoiding discussion of some supposed China corruption that no one really has any idea about.

Like Trump, you avoid specifics. Specifics are dangerous because they’re able to be disproven. Ambiguity is far more powerful.
Yeah yeah.....just ignore that Biden bragged on tape about it and that pesky money trail thing.....
Biden didn't brag about helping Burisma on tape. But you knew that already.
sure he did, in his own words, here you go for the umpteenth time. Still waiting for you to explain. says it in the headline of the video:
Biden Brags...……

More obvious made up hooey. Do you brainwashed drones every provide a shred of proof for your claims?
I’ve not lied. Azog has lied. You’re just clueless.

I’ve not lied.

Sure you have. You claimed to have "overwhelming evidence" proving this story is false.

That is a blatant lie. You have not brought a thing to back up that lie. Nothing. You have been running from that lie like the pussy you are.
LOL...You lie all the friggin time ya moron.
"More than 50 former senior intelligence officials have signed on to a letter outlining their belief that the recent disclosure of emails allegedly belonging to Joe Biden’s son “has all the classic earmarks of a Russian information operation.”'

As I said the Hunter Biden story continues to unravel.
When your sigs start with John Brennan and Jim Clapper you have less that zero credibility, Stupid.

You just keep humiliating yourself in this thread. :iyfyus.jpg:
I am not such a moron as you guys are to believe a fraudster like Steve Bannon or a Russian useful idiot like Guiliani.

I do not have to laugh that you attack two of the fifty intelligence officials because you have nothing else.

Nothing else at all.

Just sad and pathetic.
Our CURRENT intel officials confirm it has nothing to do with Russia, so I don't give a rip what Brennan, Clapper, and their minions say.

The emails and pics speak for themselves. All you morons have is RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA!!!!!!!!!!!!

It's getting pathetic.
Brennan and Clapper tried to stage a coup against a lawfully elected President, and this moron is telling us to take their word for it?
The sheer volume of dumbassery that comes from Johnlaw is astounding, huh?

You post trash and get called out on it. Then you whine, cry and lie when you lose an argument. That is your MO.

Nostra, you are one pitiful excuse of a debater, and seriously dimwitted to boot.

No, he posts truth, and you scream, "No, that's trash, because I don't like it!" Then he points out how it's the truth regardless of what you like, and you say, "I won the argument by asserting that nothing I like can be true, and you're whining by proving that I'm full of shit!" That is your MO.

You are one pitiful excuse for an organic lifeform, and lackwitted to boot.

I don't know if you believe wishing really hard makes reality because you're a leftist, or if you became a leftist because it was the only way you could continue believing wishing really hard makes reality.
More obvious made up hooey. Do you brainwashed drones every provide a shred of proof for your claims?
I’ve not lied. Azog has lied. You’re just clueless.

I’ve not lied.

Sure you have. You claimed to have "overwhelming evidence" proving this story is false.

That is a blatant lie. You have not brought a thing to back up that lie. Nothing. You have been running from that lie like the pussy you are.
LOL...You lie all the friggin time ya moron.

No, you SAY that he's lying all the time. What he says doesn't magically become a lie just because your crying ass says so.
More obvious made up hooey. Do you brainwashed drones every provide a shred of proof for your claims?
I’ve not lied. Azog has lied. You’re just clueless.

I’ve not lied.

Sure you have. You claimed to have "overwhelming evidence" proving this story is false.

That is a blatant lie. You have not brought a thing to back up that lie. Nothing. You have been running from that lie like the pussy you are.
LOL...You lie all the friggin time ya moron.
Funny how you can't produce a single lie by me, huh?
you are a sad sorry lost soul,,,

but please continue,,,
This is exactly what I mean. If you had a case to make, you’d be doing so. But you’re running away from the Shokin business and avoiding discussion of some supposed China corruption that no one really has any idea about.

Like Trump, you avoid specifics. Specifics are dangerous because they’re able to be disproven. Ambiguity is far more powerful.

I'm not a prosecutor,,,

and do try and keep your TDS in check when hes not being discussed,,,
More obvious made up hooey. Do you brainwashed drones every provide a shred of proof for your claims?
I’ve not lied. Azog has lied. You’re just clueless.

I’ve not lied.

Sure you have. You claimed to have "overwhelming evidence" proving this story is false.

That is a blatant lie. You have not brought a thing to back up that lie. Nothing. You have been running from that lie like the pussy you are.
All the written evidence at the zFBzI
It's sickening to see how many leftists support child molesters and mostly any crime as well.
If Hunter Biden did anything to kids, lock him up and throw away the key. The FBI is on it.

It’s sad that we spend the last two weeks before the election talking about someone not on the ballot.
We are discussing if Joe or Bug Guy turned a blind eye to this or if he knew and got kick backs. Either way the optics are bad. People aren’t voting for Biden. They are voting against Trump but if they see Biden as a corrupt politician they will just stay home
Actually, we have silent supporters who traditionally vote on voting day who love Donald Trump but are chary of Maxine Waters supporters who took blinding led lights, bricks and frozen canned goods to
inflict serious injuries, blindness, and death to thousands of police nationwide. They don't want to be killed for wearing MAGA hats and printed t-shirts or bearing Vote for Trump signs and stickers on their cars that Maxine's stalkers would destroy in the dead of night before election day. There are a lot of us who have family to protect from weaponized-to-harm-registered-Republicans stalker-Democrats who take to the streets to maim and kill any expression of support for President Trump. It's a national effort to get rid of our President and his supporters. What these lulus don't know is that the Democrats will use them and turn on them should they get caught.
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