NY Senator Hillary Clinton voted for war with Iraq, so is she guilty of warcrimes

Maybe the real dishonesty is in saying that those in Congress who voted yes didn't know what the results of the vote would be. Bush wasn't hiding his intentions. Congress knew and now they try and pretend to be innocent.

Time to get rid of all those who facilitated the war.
Freewill, seriously, is this "the electorate sends us to war" routine not at least a little silly?

I didn't say it, but apparently he who did doesn't know the definition of electorate or republic.

Of course, Bush sent our troops into Iraq. But to absolve those who voted in favor of doing so and pretending they didn't know seems disingenuous. We are finally rid of the Bushs, now lets do the same with the Clintons.
I'm not absolving anyone. But to equate a Senator's vote with the decisions of a Commander in Chief is transparently partisan and just not honest (sorry for the redundancy there).

Her vote gave Bush the green light.
May I ask...when the green light was given, did you favor the command given by the President? Actually, what I ask is...did you support Bush then while condemning Hillary now for helping provide the means?

As I said, I would have voted no had I been asked but I wasn't asked. BUT those who are supposed to be informed did vote for war, they knew what the vote meant no matter how they try and wiggle out now. So no, I didn't support Bush's decision, but once we went I supported the troops, the country, and the CIC.

Congress also supported the troops and the war with funding. Mrs. Tuzla Clinton being one of those who did.

I really think Bush did what HE thought was right, I can only assume that Congress did also.

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