NY Times admits: Obamacare is principally a redistribution of wealth scheme


awww Joe Joe Joe.. You silly socialists dont have memories.. Remember back to the 70s and 80s when you and Noam Chomsky and all the other leftists were bitchin about how UNFAIR it was that the US only had 15% of the worlds population, but controlled 35% of the world's wealth? And that the only fix imaginable was to REDISTRIBUTE THAT WEALTH in a more equitable fashion??

You won that one Joe.. THAT'S re-distribution.. The stuff you CRAVE. China now has a Middle Class. Vietnam is no longer a craphole of poverty and subsistence. You don't LIKE being on the wrong side of re-distribution.. That's you're problem here.

But still you're drinking the Kool-Aid and blaming everyone but yourselves for the decline of the American standard of living. What did free traders TELL YOU 30 years about Globalization? That America could not survive making tube socks and basketballs anymore? That we would have to shift our game to the HARD STUFF, like robotics, and biotech, and materials and science?

Didn't happen.. Our bad.. We suck at listening..

I think you are a little confused here, guy. The US never had 15% of the world's population.

And, no, guy, the problem isn't that there was "redistribution". The problem was the wealthy took away good paying jobs from Americans and gave them to Chinese people who didn't make shit and still aren't making shit.

Of course, the thing was, we all went along with it when it wasn't the "Hard Stuff".

But now we type these messages on computers made in China and if we have a problem, we have to call up to Customer Service in India.

I had a problem with Google recently, and I had about six calls from some guy in India who simply DID NOT UNDERSTAND the problem I was explaining to him and why I cancelled his service after about a week.
Money either gets redistributed or its completely worthless.

Show me an economy were the speed of redistrubtion slows down and I will show you an economy in trouble.

Think you're going to need to find another word to describe what you think is the problem.

Redistribution is a values neutral term as it regards economics.

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