NY Times admits: Obamacare is principally a redistribution of wealth scheme

The Obamacare success stories you haven't been hearing about

I wonder why? Not a good media narrative I guess. If it bleeds it leads. People's happiness and success stories just don't garner headlines. Shame...

The admininstration can't tout these success stories, because they are a net drain on the overall system, they need healthy people to pony up to cover the excess costs created by the unhealthy people signing up in droves, for both medicaid and Obamacare proper.

So what you will get is increased medicaid costs, a decrease in revenues because most people who will sucessfully sign up will get subsidies, and a huge bill 1-2 years from now that Obama will punt to future generations by borrowing shamelessly.

You must have labored under th impression that LOLberals understand economics. They dont. They understand what feels good. Nothing more.
Most Americans do not know that a subsidy paid for by government comes out of the pockets of working Americans.
They want more government and someone else to pay for it.
Fine with me, ACA as it is now will be gone in a few years as it is a massive fuck up from the start.
Democrats know nothing about the private sector.
The Obamacare success stories you haven't been hearing about

I wonder why? Not a good media narrative I guess. If it bleeds it leads. People's happiness and success stories just don't garner headlines. Shame...

The admininstration can't tout these success stories, because they are a net drain on the overall system, they need healthy people to pony up to cover the excess costs created by the unhealthy people signing up in droves, for both medicaid and Obamacare proper.

So what you will get is increased medicaid costs, a decrease in revenues because most people who will sucessfully sign up will get subsidies, and a huge bill 1-2 years from now that Obama will punt to future generations by borrowing shamelessly.

You must have labored under th impression that LOLberals understand economics. They dont. They understand what feels good. Nothing more.

thats exactly right, liberals are all about feeeeeeeeeeeeelings and emoooooootion. They think that if they want something it will just magically happen, they never think it through or deal with the realities of life.

Obamacare is a perfect example of liberal idiocy, "everyone should have free medical care" "its only fair"
The Obamacare success stories you haven't been hearing about

I wonder why? Not a good media narrative I guess. If it bleeds it leads. People's happiness and success stories just don't garner headlines. Shame...

Lying scum.

Lying scumbag motherfuckers.

Have you never heard of HIPAA?

Of course not, so I won't call you a lying scumbag. But your news source? Definitely lying scumbags.

Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA; Pub.L. 104–191, 110 Stat. 1936, enacted August 21, 1996) was enacted by the United States Congress and signed by President Bill Clinton in 1996. It has been known as the Kennedy–Kassebaum Act after two of its leading sponsors.[1] Title I of HIPAA protects health insurance coverage for workers and their families when they change or lose their jobs. Title II of HIPAA, known as the Administrative Simplification (AS) provisions, requires the establishment of national standards for electronic health care transactions and national identifiers for providers, health insurance plans, and employers.[2]
Now here's the thing.

We did EXACTLY what you Repukes wanted. We kept private insurance involved instead of just putting in a public option people could buy into.

....and that's exactly why ZERO Repukes voted for it....

where do you come up with this crap....?
You wonder why I call them the "DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM" ??



What is the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA)?
HIPAA is a federal law that:

Limits the ability of a new employer plan to exclude coverage for preexisting conditions;

Provides additional opportunities to enroll in a group health plan if you lose other coverage or experience certain life events;

Prohibits discrimination against employees and their dependent family members based on any health factors they may have, including prior medical conditions, previous claims experience, and genetic information; and

Guarantees that certain individuals will have access to, and can renew, individual health insurance policies.

HIPAA is complemented by state laws that, while similar to HIPAA, may offer more generous protections. You may want to contact your state insurance commissioner's office to ask about the law where you live. A good place to start is the Website of the National Association of Insurance Commissioners at naic.org.
One of the most important protections under HIPAA is that it helps those with preexisting conditions get health coverage. In the past, some employers' group health plans limited, or even denied, coverage if a new employee had such a condition before enrolling in the plan. Under HIPAA, that is not allowed. If the plan generally provides coverage but denies benefits to you because you had a condition before your coverage began, then HIPAA applies.
Now here's the thing.

We did EXACTLY what you Repukes wanted. We kept private insurance involved instead of just putting in a public option people could buy into.

....and that's exactly why ZERO Repukes voted for it....

where do you come up with this crap....?

I get so tired of the lies from dimocrap scum..... So tired of them

Let me reiterate this for the 100th time.....

I was a professional Insurance Agent for 25 years. And while I didn't delve much into the Health Insurance Market (that's the kiddie table of Insurance) I understood and was licensed in it.

You would be AMAZED how much I want a mandatory participation in Health Insurance for this Country.

I really and truly do. Always have. For at least the last 30 years.

Not for the same reasons that dimocrap scum want it, but I want it nonetheless.

I just don't want dimocrap scum designing or running it.

Because dimocrap scum are stupid, they lie, they're disgusting human beings and they would fuck up a one car funeral.

Had dimocrap scum tried to get Republicans on board, had the president not come out and told a BALD-FACED FUCKING LIE TO THE AMERICAN PEOPLE.....

This thing could have worked.

I WANT a mandatory participation in Health Insurance. And, as usual, I was right about letting dimocrap scum run it. They've fucked it up so bad that if this falls through (which it looks like it will) we may not have a decent program -- Ever.

So many good programs to copy from -- Switzerland's, Germanys or France would be better than this.... But leave it to dimocraps.

They'd fuck up a one car funeral. Always have, always will
Well, this is where me and republicans can part ways. There is nothing in the constitution that gives congress or the executive the authoirty to mandate participation in commerce. Hence the taxation that is Obamacare.

I dont want any mandates or any kind. Forcing people to do what YOU think is right is a LOLberal MO.
Liberals sold obamacare to a very gullible public who thought the rich would be paying for it. We are just asking the rich to pay a little bit more so that poor people can have health insurance. It just didn't turn out to be the rich paying for it. The rich pay out of pocket, they get concierge doctors, they can go out of the country if necessary. They can go into private hospitals.

Who is paying for the health care for the poor? People who work. They work and in order to pay for the health care of those who refuse to work they must sacrifice whatever small comforts they were able to enjoy as a result of their own labors. Dinner out, family movie night, that first vacation in five years, an extra haircut a month, this is what they are giving up so the lazy and slothful who have never worked and don't want to work can get their abortions covered, or their STD's treated.
And now you are all whelping and moaning that the insurance companies are STILL pulling the same shit they were pulling before ObamaCare.

So to put it simply obama care is a failure. There is nothing worse than a suck ass unless its a stupid suck ass.
The Obamacare success stories you haven't been hearing about

I wonder why? Not a good media narrative I guess. If it bleeds it leads. People's happiness and success stories just don't garner headlines. Shame...

Why should we sugar coat a pile of shit?
Millions of people lose their insurance and you guys want to wheel out a couple of "success" stories?


As for the 5 million others, tough shit, right? Fuckem. Let them eat cake. We want to look good here.

5 million is more than the population of 29 states. Montana only has half a million legal residents.
It takes money from producers and gives to moochers. What other than redistribution at the point of a gun by government could it ever be?
It takes money from producers and gives to moochers. What other than redistribution at the point of a gun by government could it ever be?

Yeah, because in your world Paris Hilton is a "producer" and the poor Mexican lady changing jizz-stained sheets in one of her hotels for minimum wage is a "moocher".
It takes money from producers and gives to moochers. What other than redistribution at the point of a gun by government could it ever be?

Yeah, because in your world Paris Hilton is a "producer" and the poor Mexican lady changing jizz-stained sheets in one of her hotels for minimum wage is a "moocher".

I have great respect for that Mexican woman working as she is not a moocher. She is educating herself as to what skills she can market and goes out and markets them. She raises her family with her husband unlike the moocher class that run off the individual father of the kids they have.
In what world is Paris Hilton, Tiger Woods, Alec Baldwin and the thousands of other entertainers in that they would not be producers?
The funny part is your support of ACA makes insurance companies rich beyond anyone's imagination. Risk management produces NOTHING and you support government control over it 100% in the health insurance market.
I knew that eventually the Right would get around to being honest about why they hate Obamacare.

Despite all the yakking and nitpicking about everything else in Obamacare, what really pisses the Right off is that Obamacare makes healthcare more affordable for many people of lower income.

Yes, that is a re-distribution of wealth. So is public education.

If you want to live in a country where you only get an education or healthcare if you have the money to pay the same price for it as everyone else,

you're probably out of place in America. Not to mention the rest of the civilized world.

The poor already had healthcare. It's called Medicaid. The middle class is once again under siege. My premiums are going up to pay for those who have chosen to be irresponsible and not have insurance. They might have to give up cable tv to pay for it. Once again for the clueless sheep. Healthcare and health insurance are not the same thing. Why should my husband and I pay more when we have sacrificed for years to make sure we always had insurance for our family to cover those who haven't? I am sick to death of liberals trying to justify giving more to the have nots. The poor are not effected by tax hikes. .they get everything free and the rich can pay for whatever they want
It is us in the middle people that are effected by rising gas,food and insurance prices to pay for the losers who won't work to better their situation.

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Of Course it is> It was never designed to save a family of 4 $2500.00 in premiums as promised by Obama.

It's direction was always intended to insure 30 million of the uninsured in this country. The way to do that was to eliminate the private sector individual plans as he has done--and move them into the Obamacare exchanges at double to triple to what they were paying for their now cancelled plans--and to get the 18 to 34 year olds to pay for their own dam insurance. Which means higher premiums than they would have got out of the private sector market place.

SOMEONE has got to pay for the 30 million that can't pay. Meaning it's the rest of you.

Without those accomplishments--Obamacare goes into the death spiral.

The Bush tax cuts already redistributed the wealth to the top 1%.

Now where are the jobs Republicans and Bush promised?
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The Bush tax cuts already redistributed the wealth to the top 1%.

Get a different line PLEASE. Never been in the top 1% but paid drastically less under Bush than with this POS. Our taxes have never been more and our disposable income less.

Sent from my VS980 4G using Tapatalk
It takes money from producers and gives to moochers. What other than redistribution at the point of a gun by government could it ever be?

Now let's get realistic here. Obama literally campaigned on medical insurance for everyone living in this country. He never talked about the cost of it--nor who would pay for it. To the average non-thinking Obamalong--health insurance was going to be FREE for everyone under Obama. That's how he campaigned and that's why they voted for him twice. After all who isn't going to vote for FREE stuff.

They're slowly waking up to the fact now--that the average American family--is going to be paying for the 30 million uninsured in this country--through higher premiums--forced coverage for maternity, mental health and drug abuse. There are NO choices under the Obamacare mandates--we all--regardless of age--race--or gender are required to carry this coverage--so it pays for the 30 million uninsured in this country that will be getting it for free.

Welcome to your "HOPE AND CHANGE"

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Was there ever any doubt that it was a wealth redistribution scheme?

Democrats will be lucky to be the minority party by 2016. People are already losing their employer group insurance. The Democrats have fucked this up real good. Not that anything less was expected from the "going on a feeling" crowd.

No, what's so offensive is that appeal to some people by lying your ass off saying it will save people money knowing full well it wouldn't.

That this president does not know much is irriatating.

That he lies about what he does know (or his people allow it to happen) is what is so truly disgusting.

Obamacare Promised $2500 Decrease in Cost for Families; Ends up as $3000 Increase | RedState

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