NY Times Propagandist declares China superior to USA

four times our population so we can't possibly win a war against them,

Why, they're gonna use human waves against us?

Through Mexico, sure -----

What, you don't think population MATTERS in war? It matters more than almost anything else. It's sure how we beat the Germans --------------------- twice.

I'd say as well as numbers of armed men available, also technology matters: and for every very smart software person we have, they have four of them.

Also money matters, resources. They own us now, so much for that. They can collapse our economy with a small shove, and our government knows it.

Also unity matters. They have it, we don't. What, you think we've got the unity to fight a war with China? Or with anyone, down to the Ugandans? No, I'd say we can't fight anyone except ourselves for the foreseeable future.

Watch. We'll do WHATEVER they say to do. They'll take Taiwan first, I suppose. Not that I care.

Through Mexico, sure -----

How many millions will they send through Mexico?
Will we see their troop carriers landing south of the border?

What, you don't think population MATTERS in war?

How did it work for Iran versus Iraq?

They own us now, so much for that.

Does this mean you can't tell me the percentage they own?

They can collapse our economy with a small shove, and our government knows it.

All because they kill anyone who deviates or complains.

I think a lot of this talk is just our propaganda. I read that the Chinese are highly united and patriotic. Not the Uighurs, maybe, but they are Muslims and I don't care about them either. The Chinese do have to keep them under control --- they knife-attack people on those fast trains constantly unless they are put in those infamous camps.
As to population, surely you realize that means little in an age of nuclear weapons and bio-war. All they would win is a burned-out toxic husk.

Are you saying the next war will be different? Cyberattacks against our electric and water supply and financial system ----- sure. And bio-attacks (I'm betting on smallpox, myself: it's the usual past bioweapon. And they could secretly vaccinate their own population, the parts they want to save. Add it to the COVID vaccination.) As for nukes, I wonder if they'd be used: we may have skipped over nukes. Toxic husk nothing: they'd populate the U.S. continent with Chinese, of course, if they won. That's what Hitler planned for everything east of Germany, after all --- Lebensraum. That's what we already did, took over this continent, and personally, I like it and am not sorry.

Mutual Assured Destruction has been the standard deterrent policy since 1962. If ever applied, neither side would win. and the ecological damage would finish the job globally.
One of the little Goebbels of the America hating New York Times has declared Communist China superior to America.

America hating hack Thomas Freidman joined America hating hack Chris Cuomo on Monday to again praise the Communist Chinese while defaming America.

The scumbag demagogue spewed;


You know, Chris, do you know that it takes four hours and 18 minutes to take the bullet train from Beijing to Shanghai? And it takes 21 hours to take the train from New York to Chicago. And they’re both about the same distance.

I can’t — I’ll tell you something they weren’t thinking about in China this week. They weren’t thinking about some knucklehead. They weren’t spending the week thinking about a knucklehead who claimed 9/11 didn’t happen. They weren’t thinking about some guy who is a Q-Anon shaman.


Dirtbag fascist Freidman is a proper representation of the sleazy tabloid, The New York Times. openly promoting propaganda from the brutal Communist regime.

They don't have labor unions, work rules or the EPA in China either

We used to build skyscrapers in under a year


Ones that stand to this day.
four times our population so we can't possibly win a war against them,

Why, they're gonna use human waves against us?

Through Mexico, sure -----

What, you don't think population MATTERS in war? It matters more than almost anything else. It's sure how we beat the Germans --------------------- twice.

I'd say as well as numbers of armed men available, also technology matters: and for every very smart software person we have, they have four of them.

Also money matters, resources. They own us now, so much for that. They can collapse our economy with a small shove, and our government knows it.

Also unity matters. They have it, we don't. What, you think we've got the unity to fight a war with China? Or with anyone, down to the Ugandans? No, I'd say we can't fight anyone except ourselves for the foreseeable future.

Watch. We'll do WHATEVER they say to do. They'll take Taiwan first, I suppose. Not that I care.

Through Mexico, sure -----

How many millions will they send through Mexico?
Will we see their troop carriers landing south of the border?

What, you don't think population MATTERS in war?

How did it work for Iran versus Iraq?

They own us now, so much for that.

Does this mean you can't tell me the percentage they own?

They can collapse our economy with a small shove, and our government knows it.


Leave their exports at the dock, and one-third of the Chinese economy vanishes.
One of the little Goebbels of the America hating New York Times has declared Communist China superior to America.

America hating hack Thomas Freidman joined America hating hack Chris Cuomo on Monday to again praise the Communist Chinese while defaming America.

The scumbag demagogue spewed;


You know, Chris, do you know that it takes four hours and 18 minutes to take the bullet train from Beijing to Shanghai? And it takes 21 hours to take the train from New York to Chicago. And they’re both about the same distance.

I can’t — I’ll tell you something they weren’t thinking about in China this week. They weren’t thinking about some knucklehead. They weren’t spending the week thinking about a knucklehead who claimed 9/11 didn’t happen. They weren’t thinking about some guy who is a Q-Anon shaman.


Dirtbag fascist Freidman is a proper representation of the sleazy tabloid, The New York Times. openly promoting propaganda from the brutal Communist regime.
Freidman and Cuomo are scumbags. You can't expect anything more from assholes like that.
four times our population so we can't possibly win a war against them,

Why, they're gonna use human waves against us?

Through Mexico, sure -----

What, you don't think population MATTERS in war? It matters more than almost anything else. It's sure how we beat the Germans --------------------- twice.

I'd say as well as numbers of armed men available, also technology matters: and for every very smart software person we have, they have four of them.

Also money matters, resources. They own us now, so much for that. They can collapse our economy with a small shove, and our government knows it.

Also unity matters. They have it, we don't. What, you think we've got the unity to fight a war with China? Or with anyone, down to the Ugandans? No, I'd say we can't fight anyone except ourselves for the foreseeable future.

Watch. We'll do WHATEVER they say to do. They'll take Taiwan first, I suppose. Not that I care.

Through Mexico, sure -----

How many millions will they send through Mexico?
Will we see their troop carriers landing south of the border?

What, you don't think population MATTERS in war?

How did it work for Iran versus Iraq?

They own us now, so much for that.

Does this mean you can't tell me the percentage they own?

They can collapse our economy with a small shove, and our government knows it.


Leave their exports at the dock, and one-third of the Chinese economy vanishes.
Those communist assholes owe us at least 100 trillion for the virus they attacked us with.
four times our population so we can't possibly win a war against them,

Why, they're gonna use human waves against us?

Through Mexico, sure -----

What, you don't think population MATTERS in war? It matters more than almost anything else. It's sure how we beat the Germans --------------------- twice.

I'd say as well as numbers of armed men available, also technology matters: and for every very smart software person we have, they have four of them.

Also money matters, resources. They own us now, so much for that. They can collapse our economy with a small shove, and our government knows it.

Also unity matters. They have it, we don't. What, you think we've got the unity to fight a war with China? Or with anyone, down to the Ugandans? No, I'd say we can't fight anyone except ourselves for the foreseeable future.

Watch. We'll do WHATEVER they say to do. They'll take Taiwan first, I suppose. Not that I care.

Put down your CCP pom-poms.
Mutual Assured Destruction has been the standard deterrent policy since 1962. If ever applied, neither side would win. and the ecological damage would finish the job globally.

True; I don't know that it still is the policy, however. Too many countries are nuked up now, it's a different situation.

I never thought I would consider that we might have skipped over use of nukes in warfare, since all, every weapon invented is ALWAYS used. Nukes are the first that haven't been, much. I suppose it's impossible they won't be used, at least by smaller countries ---- India-Pakistan, Iran-Israel, like that.

Small nuclear exchanges are not going to kill the world: Hiroshima was bigger and better than ever within 20 years. Larger ones? I don't know; I don't think it's as obvious as some people do.

But cyberwarfare first and biowarfare second, with major contribution from drones is what I expect from the next big war.
four times our population so we can't possibly win a war against them,

Why, they're gonna use human waves against us?

Through Mexico, sure -----

What, you don't think population MATTERS in war? It matters more than almost anything else. It's sure how we beat the Germans --------------------- twice.

I'd say as well as numbers of armed men available, also technology matters: and for every very smart software person we have, they have four of them.

Also money matters, resources. They own us now, so much for that. They can collapse our economy with a small shove, and our government knows it.

Also unity matters. They have it, we don't. What, you think we've got the unity to fight a war with China? Or with anyone, down to the Ugandans? No, I'd say we can't fight anyone except ourselves for the foreseeable future.

Watch. We'll do WHATEVER they say to do. They'll take Taiwan first, I suppose. Not that I care.

Through Mexico, sure -----

How many millions will they send through Mexico?
Will we see their troop carriers landing south of the border?

What, you don't think population MATTERS in war?

How did it work for Iran versus Iraq?

They own us now, so much for that.

Does this mean you can't tell me the percentage they own?

They can collapse our economy with a small shove, and our government knows it.


Leave their exports at the dock, and one-third of the Chinese economy vanishes.

We can hardly do that: they've cleverly arranged that essentially all consumer goods we use are Chinese. I read the labels because I'm interested in this Rise of China, and yep, pretty much everything. The rest are cheap clothes made in Fourth-World countries like Bangladesh or Indonesia.
Those communist assholes owe us at least 100 trillion for the virus they attacked us with.

I don't know if they let this thing out deliberately, or if it was a lab accident. The most interesting point I've heard about it is that they immediately locked up their own population but allowed travel out by plane to other countries for several weeks.

THAT was the mechanism for infecting the world. I am still worrying whether it was deliberate --- because this pandemic, though started in China, has put China on top of the world and every other government that can imitating their population control methods.

What, you don't think population MATTERS in war? It matters more than almost anything else. ....

You realize we aren't fighting with muskets anymore, marching in formation across and open field, right?
... They own us now, so much for that. They can collapse our economy with a small shove, and our government knows it.


Fundamental misunderstanding of economics. If our economy were to fall, theirs would be the first to do down with it. And, if we were at war we sure as hell wouldn't be making good on any calls on investment.

Also unity matters. They have it, we don't. .....

Don't be so sure. The "unity" of people who keep their mouths shut out of fear is tenuous at best. If a foreign power really threatened us, Americans would pull together very quickly.

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