NY Times Propagandist declares China superior to USA

And how is China going to land enough troops in Mexico without our noticing? That's just stupid.

I don't see why it's stupid: the idea of Germany joining Mexico to invade the U.S. was what STARTED our declaration of war on Germany in 1917 --- the coded Zimmerman telegram to the Mexican government that was intercepted by the British, who realized they had just found the way to win WWI -- by getting us into it, finally. They were right, too. Americans were so furious, it was a 9/11-type event. We declared war within one week.

Mexico is the ONLY mustering point from which an invasion of the U.S. could be launched, surely? I know we kept an eye on the Aleutians in WWII and later, but IMO that's just silly. And Canada is implausible, I think. I suppose you could cook up a sci-fi scenario about Canada, but the government would have to be knocked out first (and ours too, substantially, for an invasion.) Of course we would notice!! Unless this country were disintegrated enough to not be able to defend itself as a whole, such as secessions happening, invasion couldn't happen. But that's how all the Red Dawn movies visualized an invasion, and they were right. It's the only way. March in, take over the place. Could happen.
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four times our population so we can't possibly win a war against them,

Why, they're gonna use human waves against us?

Through Mexico, sure -----

And how is China going to land enough troops in Mexico without our noticing? That's just stupid.
And how is China going to land enough troops in Mexico without our noticing? That's just stupid.

I don't see why it's stupid: the idea of Germany joining Mexico to invade the U.S. was what STARTED our declaration of war on Germany in 1917 --- ....

You don't notice anything different between 1917 and today?
You realize we aren't fighting with muskets anymore, marching in formation across and open field, right?

Napoleonic squares and lines were dispensed with as fast as gun technology got better: it was an awful tactic.

Size and speed of the army always matters in any tactics, however: The Fall of France in 1940, with the Germans madly rushing through the Argonne and to the sea with tanks, and the French running away so fast at the first glimpse of them that they choked the ditches all the way to Paris with thrown-away rifles and uniforms, to the point that the roads flooded.

Here's a size example: Germans had the speed again in 41 when they attacked Russia, but Russia had the size (as ever) and that won them the war.

If you want to protest that technology matters now, remember that for every smart software-savvy soldier we have, the Chinese have four. And they've already stolen most of our technology, so they don't have to reinvent the wheel, as people say.
One of the little Goebbels of the America hating New York Times has declared Communist China superior to America.

America hating hack Thomas Freidman joined America hating hack Chris Cuomo on Monday to again praise the Communist Chinese while defaming America.

The scumbag demagogue spewed;


You know, Chris, do you know that it takes four hours and 18 minutes to take the bullet train from Beijing to Shanghai? And it takes 21 hours to take the train from New York to Chicago. And they’re both about the same distance.

I can’t — I’ll tell you something they weren’t thinking about in China this week. They weren’t thinking about some knucklehead. They weren’t spending the week thinking about a knucklehead who claimed 9/11 didn’t happen. They weren’t thinking about some guy who is a Q-Anon shaman.


Dirtbag fascist Freidman is a proper representation of the sleazy tabloid, The New York Times. openly promoting propaganda from the brutal Communist regime.
Did he lie about the trains? Did he? Did he?
In the coming decades, a rapidly declining population will be one of China's biggest challenges.

Hopefully population will decline all over the Earth. But they are still starting out at four times our numbers, and will presumably end with a similar advantage.
One of the little Goebbels of the America hating New York Times has declared Communist China superior to America.

America hating hack Thomas Freidman joined America hating hack Chris Cuomo on Monday to again praise the Communist Chinese while defaming America.

The scumbag demagogue spewed;


You know, Chris, do you know that it takes four hours and 18 minutes to take the bullet train from Beijing to Shanghai? And it takes 21 hours to take the train from New York to Chicago. And they’re both about the same distance.

I can’t — I’ll tell you something they weren’t thinking about in China this week. They weren’t thinking about some knucklehead. They weren’t spending the week thinking about a knucklehead who claimed 9/11 didn’t happen. They weren’t thinking about some guy who is a Q-Anon shaman.


Dirtbag fascist Freidman is a proper representation of the sleazy tabloid, The New York Times. openly promoting propaganda from the brutal Communist regime.


Who takes trains anymore?
The Chinese do....maybe that's why the OP is going on about them being superior to the USA.
Don't be so sure. The "unity" of people who keep their mouths shut out of fear is tenuous at best. If a foreign power really threatened us, Americans would pull together very quickly.

That is your opinion. My opinion is that the "pulling together" thing had its last hurrah on 9/11, and that didn't last more than a week anyway. America is in the position of the Austria-Hungarian Empire in 1914, just waiting for a break-up. And any war would do it, same as happened to Austria-Hungary.

And I don't believe the Chinese are united only because of fear preventing protest. I think they are united, except for those Muslims, which are being dealt with. The Chinese learned a lot from the Boxer Rebellion, and they aren't planning to let that happen anymore. Governments all over are imitating them since the pandemic started. Or trying to and failing. In the case of America, it's too late. Can't put that genie back into the bottle --- we're terminally divided now. Homogeneity is necessary for a nationstate, and we ain't got it.

If you want to protest that technology matters now, remember that for every smart software-savvy soldier we have, the Chinese have four.....

Specious argument. Having people with engineering degrees does not automatically equate to a technological advantage on the battlefield. We are still many years ahead of China militarily, and they know it.
Don't be so sure. The "unity" of people who keep their mouths shut out of fear is tenuous at best. If a foreign power really threatened us, Americans would pull together very quickly.

That is your opinion. ...

Based on a comprehensive understanding of history. We are in no way comparable to the Austro-Hungarian Empire in 1914.
If our economy were to fall, theirs would be the first to do down with it. And, if we were at war we sure as hell wouldn't be making good on any calls on investment.

Maybe. . . . cyberattack on our financial system is what I am most expecting as a first step in the new kind of war. Nobody can get into their accounts, all the accounts messed up, banks collapsing. There are a hundred prepper novels on it, because a lot of people expect this. I agree that the next war will start with technology, at least. In the end it always comes back to taking the other guy's resources (land, usually, and control), and that takes an army.
.....And I don't believe the Chinese are united only because of fear preventing protest......

My comments on that matter are also based on a comprehensive understanding of history, as well as extensive personal experience with the people and nation of China.
Don't be so sure. The "unity" of people who keep their mouths shut out of fear is tenuous at best. If a foreign power really threatened us, Americans would pull together very quickly.

That is your opinion. ...

Based on a comprehensive understanding of history. We are in no way comparable to the Austro-Hungarian Empire in 1914.

Do you like the Soviet Union example better? They sprang apart into fragments in 1991, didn't even need a war. Huge landmasses cannot hold together politically for long: they never do. Rome started breaking up around 300 -- the move to Constantinople. We are a huge landmass. We are fatally disunited. So we'll disintegrate.
In the coming decades, a rapidly declining population will be one of China's biggest challenges.

Hopefully population will decline all over the Earth. But they are still starting out at four times our numbers, and will presumably end with a similar advantage.

Their decline will take place while we are still incrementally growing, and will result with China's larger population consisting more and more of increasingly elderly people.
Don't be so sure. The "unity" of people who keep their mouths shut out of fear is tenuous at best. If a foreign power really threatened us, Americans would pull together very quickly.

That is your opinion. ...

Based on a comprehensive understanding of history. We are in no way comparable to the Austro-Hungarian Empire in 1914.

Do you like the Soviet Union example better? They sprang apart into fragments in 1991, didn't even need a war. Huge landmasses cannot hold together politically for long: they never do. Rome started breaking up around 300 -- the move to Constantinople. We are a huge landmass. We are fatally disunited. So we'll disintegrate.

Rome didn't "move" to Constantinople, it divided into two empires.
... Homogeneity is necessary for a nationstate...

That is demonstrably false.
President Wilson didn't think so. He believed every ethnic/racial/national group should have its own nation state. And that nations weren't workable otherwise. I agree.

Wilson was a racist douche bag of just the sort democrats today would admire. America has continued to grow and prosper with greater diversity than almost any other nation long after the douche bag Wilson departed for hell.
Don't be so sure. The "unity" of people who keep their mouths shut out of fear is tenuous at best. If a foreign power really threatened us, Americans would pull together very quickly.

That is your opinion. ...

Based on a comprehensive understanding of history. We are in no way comparable to the Austro-Hungarian Empire in 1914.
That's your opinion. I see some similarities, especially in the fraught and hating nature of the divisions. They tried to have an army with people all speaking different languages and hating each other. Wow, that sure didn't work. A German general said Germany was "shackled to a corpse," and that's our condition now. Every war we get the EU into (our so-called "allies") -- we lose and bail out and they follow.

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