NYC braces for 'tens of thousands' of protesters set to march on Financial District

Does it look like this movement is waning?

I don't see Tea Partiers willing to endure discomfort, pepper spray, or beatings. So, which movement is likely to outlive the other?

The occupation at Zuccotti Park may be over, but wary city officials are bracing for trouble tomorrow when a mob of that could number in the “tens of thousands” is expected to answer Occupy Wall Street’s call to shut down the Financial District.

“Everything that we have seen and heard suggests that we may have tens of thousands of people tomorrow protesting.

The protesters are calling for a massive event aimed at disrupting major parts of the city,” Deputy Mayor Howard Wolfson told reporters this afternoon.

Read more: City braces for 'tens of thousands' of protesters set to march on Financial District -

City braces for 'tens of thousands' of protesters set to march on Financial District -

The ones that don't get beat up--thrown in jail--or pepper sprayed will be the movement that survives--:lol:
The police have a plan to deal with this. Wait unti the bridge is fully occupied, the close off both ends. Didn't they do that last time? If the protesters jump off the bridge it will be the first time those filthy bodies have touched water in months.
I don't see Tea Partiers willing to endure discomfort, pepper spray, or beatings.

That's because they overwhelmingly prefer to not make any personal sacrifices whatsoever in furtherance of a better nation. In fact -that's pretty much their platform.
Does it look like this movement is waning?

I don't see Tea Partiers willing to endure discomfort, pepper spray, or beatings. So, which movement is likely to outlive the other?

Yep.... your right.

Those silly Tea Partiers have jobs.... abide by the rules, and dont get beat down due to that RESPECT for the rule of law.

So by that metric..... guess you win.

Just the kinda people the socialist state loves - people who don't get a beat down because they respect the rule of law.
LMAO........I'll be down there tomorrow AM. Hoping to get some good glimpses of the inevitable slap downs of the Walking Dead from New Yorks Finest!!

Leave it to the far left assholes in our society. They always find a way to shoot themselves in the face and grab defeat from the jaws of victory.

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LMAO........I'll be down there tomorrow AM. Hoping to get some good glimpses of the inevitable slap downs of the Walking Dead from New Yorks Finest!!

Leave it to the far left assholes in our society. They always find a way to shoot themselves in the face and grab defeat from the jaws of victory.


Excellent. This dickhead wants to go down and witness Americans beating Americans. What a fucking Patriot!

And......Hilda seems to have spit out that last real tooth.
Does it look like this movement is waning?

I don't see Tea Partiers willing to endure discomfort, pepper spray, or beatings. So, which movement is likely to outlive the other?

The occupation at Zuccotti Park may be over, but wary city officials are bracing for trouble tomorrow when a mob of that could number in the “tens of thousands” is expected to answer Occupy Wall Street’s call to shut down the Financial District.

“Everything that we have seen and heard suggests that we may have tens of thousands of people tomorrow protesting.

The protesters are calling for a massive event aimed at disrupting major parts of the city,” Deputy Mayor Howard Wolfson told reporters this afternoon.

Read more: City braces for 'tens of thousands' of protesters set to march on Financial District -

City braces for 'tens of thousands' of protesters set to march on Financial District -
The Tea Party isn't a group who conducts themselves like low class morons......They get their message out without destruction, violence, and the breaking of laws.

There's a reason why overall support for the OWS morons is dropping like a rock, now below thirty percent......It's because of their behavior, disrespect of the rights of their fellow americans, and douchebags like the following:

Occupy Wall Street Protester Who Threatened 'Molotov Cocktail' Arrested -- Daily Intel

And lets not forget the lil' liberal scumsucker who wants to see 911 9-11's.....Or the rapes, beatings, shootings, and every other disgusting crimes that have gone on at so many of their garbage dump encampments across the country.
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I don't see Tea Partiers willing to endure discomfort, pepper spray, or beatings.

That's because they overwhelmingly prefer to not make any personal sacrifices whatsoever in furtherance of a better nation. In fact -that's pretty much their platform.

And you know this how? With your head so far up your ass, that is pretty amazing. ;)
Does it look like this movement is waning?

I don't see Tea Partiers willing to endure discomfort, pepper spray, or beatings. So, which movement is likely to outlive the other?

The occupation at Zuccotti Park may be over, but wary city officials are bracing for trouble tomorrow when a mob of that could number in the “tens of thousands” is expected to answer Occupy Wall Street’s call to shut down the Financial District.

“Everything that we have seen and heard suggests that we may have tens of thousands of people tomorrow protesting.

The protesters are calling for a massive event aimed at disrupting major parts of the city,” Deputy Mayor Howard Wolfson told reporters this afternoon.

Read more: City braces for 'tens of thousands' of protesters set to march on Financial District -

City braces for 'tens of thousands' of protesters set to march on Financial District -

The main difference between the Tea Party and OWS, was the Tea Party was mad that there might be mortgage bailouts (That's what the whole cnbc rant was about), they were upset with the election of the first black president and they abhorred the health care bill even though it was a conservative initiative.

The OWS movement is concerned about the gross income disparity, the massive layoffs, the offshoring of American jobs, the collusion of private industry and government to set policy and legislation.

In a nutshell, the Tea Party was mad at "other" Americans at the same or lower income bracket and OWS is mad at Americans at really high income brackets that are unfairly gaming the system.
LMAO........I'll be down there tomorrow AM. Hoping to get some good glimpses of the inevitable slap downs of the Walking Dead from New Yorks Finest!!

Leave it to the far left assholes in our society. They always find a way to shoot themselves in the face and grab defeat from the jaws of victory.


Excellent. This dickhead wants to go down and witness Americans beating Americans. What a fucking Patriot!

And......Hilda seems to have spit out that last real tooth.

Indeed........she spit it out laughing so hard!!! And yes.......Im hoping to get a glimpse of a punk getting his balls kicked in.:boobies::boobies::D
The main difference between the Tea Party and OWS, was the Tea Party was mad that there might be mortgage bailouts (That's what the whole cnbc rant was about), they were upset with the election of the first black president and they abhorred the health care bill even though it was a conservative initiative.

The OWS movement is concerned about the gross income disparity, the massive layoffs, the offshoring of American jobs, the collusion of private industry and government to set policy and legislation.

In a nutshell, the Tea Party was mad at "other" Americans at the same or lower income bracket and OWS is mad at Americans at really high income brackets that are unfairly gaming the system.

Here we go. yet another 'the Tea Party are all RACIST' rants. :rolleyes:
Does it look like this movement is waning?

I don't see Tea Partiers willing to endure discomfort, pepper spray, or beatings. So, which movement is likely to outlive the other?

The occupation at Zuccotti Park may be over, but wary city officials are bracing for trouble tomorrow when a mob of that could number in the “tens of thousands” is expected to answer Occupy Wall Street’s call to shut down the Financial District.

“Everything that we have seen and heard suggests that we may have tens of thousands of people tomorrow protesting.

The protesters are calling for a massive event aimed at disrupting major parts of the city,” Deputy Mayor Howard Wolfson told reporters this afternoon.

Read more: City braces for 'tens of thousands' of protesters set to march on Financial District -

City braces for 'tens of thousands' of protesters set to march on Financial District -

The main difference between the Tea Party and OWS, was the Tea Party was mad that there might be mortgage bailouts (That's what the whole cnbc rant was about), they were upset with the election of the first black president and they abhorred the health care bill even though it was a conservative initiative.

The OWS movement is concerned about the gross income disparity, the massive layoffs, the offshoring of American jobs, the collusion of private industry and government to set policy and legislation.

In a nutshell, the Tea Party was mad at "other" Americans at the same or lower income bracket and OWS is mad at Americans at really high income brackets that are unfairly gaming the system.


Sallow......I love ya but you always put it on the tee for me bro
The main difference between the Tea Party and OWS, was the Tea Party was mad that there might be mortgage bailouts (That's what the whole cnbc rant was about), they were upset with the election of the first black president and they abhorred the health care bill even though it was a conservative initiative.

The OWS movement is concerned about the gross income disparity, the massive layoffs, the offshoring of American jobs, the collusion of private industry and government to set policy and legislation.

In a nutshell, the Tea Party was mad at "other" Americans at the same or lower income bracket and OWS is mad at Americans at really high income brackets that are unfairly gaming the system.

Here we go. yet another 'the Tea Party are all RACIST' rants. :rolleyes:

Not all..but more then a few. And it wasn't "hard" racism either..

Tea Party supporters’ fierce animosity toward Washington, and the president in particular, is rooted in deep pessimism about the direction of the country and the conviction that the policies of the Obama administration are disproportionately directed at helping the poor rather than the middle class or the rich.

The overwhelming majority of supporters say Mr. Obama does not share the values most Americans live by and that he does not understand the problems of people like themselves. More than half say the policies of the administration favor the poor, and 25 percent think that the administration favors blacks over whites — compared with 11 percent of the general public.
Poll Finds Tea Party Backers Wealthier and More Educated -

It also looked at the views of Tea Party supporters on race issues. Asked if too much has been made of the problems facing African-Americans, 52 percent said yes.

That compares to 28 percent of Americans overall who say too much has been made of the problems facing blacks, and 23 percent of non-Tea Party whites who say as much.
Poll: Most Tea Partiers Believe Too Much Made of Problems Facing Blacks - - CBS News

This is what essentially started it..

[ame=]CNBC's Rick Santelli's Chicago Tea Party - YouTube[/ame]

And FOX promoted it.

[ame=]Biased FOX News promotes Tea Parties - YouTube[/ame]
Does it look like this movement is waning?

I don't see Tea Partiers willing to endure discomfort, pepper spray, or beatings. So, which movement is likely to outlive the other?

The main difference between the Tea Party and OWS, was the Tea Party was mad that there might be mortgage bailouts (That's what the whole cnbc rant was about), they were upset with the election of the first black president and they abhorred the health care bill even though it was a conservative initiative.

The OWS movement is concerned about the gross income disparity, the massive layoffs, the offshoring of American jobs, the collusion of private industry and government to set policy and legislation.

In a nutshell, the Tea Party was mad at "other" Americans at the same or lower income bracket and OWS is mad at Americans at really high income brackets that are unfairly gaming the system.


Sallow......I love ya but you always put it on the tee for me bro

:razz: Don't ever change, man.

The goal of the protests today is to prevent people from getting to work. That's what they want to do. I've been watching the coverage, and instead of tens of thousands, so far, the shitters in New York are only a few hundred. Maybe more people just want to get to work.

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